Why Do Fans Excuse the Patriots’ Cheating Past?

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Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2014
"... you see, the Patriots’ coach, Bill Belichick, is a mastermind, quarterback Tom Brady is superhuman and the entire organization is viewed as a model of professional football perfection.

Outside New England, there’s far more skepticism. The Patriots are considered unrepentant cheaters, caught (and punished) more than once for their football crimes. Yet they keep winning, with a roster full of retreads and spare parts. Could they be skirting the rules even today, in new or undetected ways? Many football fans — nearly all of them outside New England — would not be surprised.

David DeSteno has a special vantage point for observing public response to the Patriots. He is a professor of psychology in Patriots country, at Northeastern University, in Boston, and he was a co-author of the study mentioned above. DeSteno is not a football fan, but he is an expert on the psychology of emotion, hypocrisy and moral judgment. He said you can’t really blame the Patriots faithful for believing their team can do no wrong, and has done no wrong, even though it was caught cheating by the N.F.L.

Just being a part of a group, any group, is enough to excuse moral transgressions because in some way, you’re benefiting from it. Your moral compass shifts.”


Some say jealousy, some say they never cheated, some do not care.

The fact is Tom Brady who agreed to the latest CBA gave full authority for the NFL to investigate him ,judge him and levy a penalty if they found he warranted a punishment. He did and was suspended. The Patriots have been caught cheating yet they are vaunted as a super heroic team.

The NFL puts out a product every year to make it the most appealing to the widest range of audience.

The statement "Your moral compass shifts" is most telling and in some ways hilarious. Most people, if not all, were aghast when I asked them if they would trust or respect a co-worker or significant other who lied, cheated or destroyed evidence but when I place Tom Brady's name or the Patriots they do their best to rationalize the behavior.
Better question is WHY do they ignore that he is not even one of the top 20 best modern day quarterbacks in the superbowl era let alone the best of all time?:haha:

what backs it up that he is not even one of the top 20 best of all time in the superbowl era is they ignore in the era of montana and bradshaw the only two legit quarterbacks that have won four superbowls,is that in that day and age players could pretty much mug the receivers where now you cant even hardly touch them PLUS they were allowed to throw you around like a rag doll back in those days,now they got skirts on them,they get a 15 yard penalty for the slighest hit on them. :rolleyes: Brady would be a baby in that era.:biggrin:

Matter of fact thew NFL even came up with more rules to protect the quarterback after Brady went and whined to Roger Goodel about getting hit in the knee and taken out for a whole season.Just like the crybaby he is,he goes and whines to goodel and since goodel has his head up Krafts ass,he bowed down to Bradys wishs.what a wuss.

montana and bradshaw could play in ANY era of the NFL where Brady would never have lasted more than a couple of years in the NFL yet he is somehow the greatest?:lmao::haha:

they always dismiss that fact.No surprise its not getting any relies since the truth hurts.:rofl:

they just want to kiss the ass of a thread made by WRONGwinger that props him up as the greatest and ignores these pesky facts.lol
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Better question is WHY do they ignore that he is not even one of the top 20 best modern day quarterbacks in the superbowl era let alone the best of all time?:haha:

what backs it up that he is not even one of the top 20 best of all time in the superbowl era is they ignore in the era of montana and bradshaw the only two legit quarterbacks that have won four superbowls,is that in that day and age players could pretty much mug the receivers where now you cant even hardly touch them PLUS they were allowed to throw you around like a rag doll back in those days,now they got skirts on them,they get a 15 yard penalty for the slighest hit on them. :rolleyes: Brady would be a baby in that era.:biggrin:

Matter of fact thew NFL even came up with more rules to protect the quarterback after Brady went and whined to Roger Goodel about getting hit in the knee and taken out for a whole season.Just like the crybaby he is,he goes and whines to goodel and since goodel has his head up Krafts ass,he bowed down to Bradys wishs.what a wuss.

montana and bradshaw could play in ANY era of the NFL where Brady would never have lasted more than a couple of years in the NFL yet he is somehow the greatest?:lmao::haha:

they always dismiss that fact.No surprise its not getting any relies since the truth hurts.:rofl:

they just want to kiss the ass of a thread made by WRONGwinger that props him up as the greatest and ignores these pesky facts.lol

LA RAM FAN: "Better question is WHY do they ignore..."

^^ ^
That is the question for the ages.

Why do they ignore. No where else do the facts get rationalized, contorted and reformed but in the NFL to make what would be wrong in reality seem commonplace and acceptable. I look at Pete Rose and if he were in the NFL he would be emblazoned across the air waves and the "best evah".

I spoke with my producer who thought it would be a good idea to put together a segment on Sports and Ethics. This thread will be part of it.
Better question is WHY do they ignore that he is not even one of the top 20 best modern day quarterbacks in the superbowl era let alone the best of all time?:haha:

what backs it up that he is not even one of the top 20 best of all time in the superbowl era is they ignore in the era of montana and bradshaw the only two legit quarterbacks that have won four superbowls,is that in that day and age players could pretty much mug the receivers where now you cant even hardly touch them PLUS they were allowed to throw you around like a rag doll back in those days,now they got skirts on them,they get a 15 yard penalty for the slighest hit on them. :rolleyes: Brady would be a baby in that era.:biggrin:

Matter of fact thew NFL even came up with more rules to protect the quarterback after Brady went and whined to Roger Goodel about getting hit in the knee and taken out for a whole season.Just like the crybaby he is,he goes and whines to goodel and since goodel has his head up Krafts ass,he bowed down to Bradys wishs.what a wuss.

montana and bradshaw could play in ANY era of the NFL where Brady would never have lasted more than a couple of years in the NFL yet he is somehow the greatest?:lmao::haha:

they always dismiss that fact.No surprise its not getting any relies since the truth hurts.:rofl:

they just want to kiss the ass of a thread made by WRONGwinger that props him up as the greatest and ignores these pesky facts.lol

LA RAM FAN: "Better question is WHY do they ignore..."

^^ ^
That is the question for the ages.

Why do they ignore. No where else do the facts get rationalized, contorted and reformed but in the NFL to make what would be wrong in reality seem commonplace and acceptable. I look at Pete Rose and if he were in the NFL he would be emblazoned across the air waves and the "best evah".

I spoke with my producer who thought it would be a good idea to put together a segment on Sports and Ethics. This thread will be part of it.

oh yeah you aint kidding if Rose played in the NFL he would be looked at as a god by all of USMB instead of looked down being compared to hitler.fred roggin brought up a great point once that if rose was banned for cheating then how come tom brady and bill belicheck are not banned.roggin is the only mainstream media source out there who is objective about these things,about the only one you can trust.
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Better question is WHY do they ignore that he is not even one of the top 20 best modern day quarterbacks in the superbowl era let alone the best of all time?:haha:

what backs it up that he is not even one of the top 20 best of all time in the superbowl era is they ignore in the era of montana and bradshaw the only two legit quarterbacks that have won four superbowls,is that in that day and age players could pretty much mug the receivers where now you cant even hardly touch them PLUS they were allowed to throw you around like a rag doll back in those days,now they got skirts on them,they get a 15 yard penalty for the slighest hit on them. :rolleyes: Brady would be a baby in that era.:biggrin:

Matter of fact thew NFL even came up with more rules to protect the quarterback after Brady went and whined to Roger Goodel about getting hit in the knee and taken out for a whole season.Just like the crybaby he is,he goes and whines to goodel and since goodel has his head up Krafts ass,he bowed down to Bradys wishs.what a wuss.

montana and bradshaw could play in ANY era of the NFL where Brady would never have lasted more than a couple of years in the NFL yet he is somehow the greatest?:lmao::haha:

they always dismiss that fact.No surprise its not getting any relies since the truth hurts.:rofl:

they just want to kiss the ass of a thread made by WRONGwinger that props him up as the greatest and ignores these pesky facts.lol

LA RAM FAN: "Better question is WHY do they ignore..."

^^ ^
That is the question for the ages.

Why do they ignore. No where else do the facts get rationalized, contorted and reformed but in the NFL to make what would be wrong in reality seem commonplace and acceptable. I look at Pete Rose and if he were in the NFL he would be emblazoned across the air waves and the "best evah".

I spoke with my producer who thought it would be a good idea to put together a segment on Sports and Ethics. This thread will be part of it.

oh yeah you aint kidding if Rose played in the NFL he would be looked at as a god by all of USMB instead of looked down being compared to hitler.fred roggin brought up a great point once that if rose was banned for cheating then how come tom brady and bill belicheck are not banned.roggin is the only mainstream media source out there who is objective about these things,about the only one you can trust.
"if rose was banned for cheating then how come tom brady and bill belicheck are not banned"

I agree with Roggin....and MSM feeds off the hopes of getting NFL revenue. The people I talk with only get very honest off air.
Better question is WHY do they ignore that he is not even one of the top 20 best modern day quarterbacks in the superbowl era let alone the best of all time?:haha:

what backs it up that he is not even one of the top 20 best of all time in the superbowl era is they ignore in the era of montana and bradshaw the only two legit quarterbacks that have won four superbowls,is that in that day and age players could pretty much mug the receivers where now you cant even hardly touch them PLUS they were allowed to throw you around like a rag doll back in those days,now they got skirts on them,they get a 15 yard penalty for the slighest hit on them. :rolleyes: Brady would be a baby in that era.:biggrin:

Matter of fact thew NFL even came up with more rules to protect the quarterback after Brady went and whined to Roger Goodel about getting hit in the knee and taken out for a whole season.Just like the crybaby he is,he goes and whines to goodel and since goodel has his head up Krafts ass,he bowed down to Bradys wishs.what a wuss.

montana and bradshaw could play in ANY era of the NFL where Brady would never have lasted more than a couple of years in the NFL yet he is somehow the greatest?:lmao::haha:

they always dismiss that fact.No surprise its not getting any relies since the truth hurts.:rofl:

they just want to kiss the ass of a thread made by WRONGwinger that props him up as the greatest and ignores these pesky facts.lol

LA RAM FAN: "Better question is WHY do they ignore..."

^^ ^
That is the question for the ages.

Why do they ignore. No where else do the facts get rationalized, contorted and reformed but in the NFL to make what would be wrong in reality seem commonplace and acceptable. I look at Pete Rose and if he were in the NFL he would be emblazoned across the air waves and the "best evah".

I spoke with my producer who thought it would be a good idea to put together a segment on Sports and Ethics. This thread will be part of it.

oh yeah you aint kidding if Rose played in the NFL he would be looked at as a god by all of USMB instead of looked down being compared to hitler.fred roggin brought up a great point once that if rose was banned for cheating then how come tom brady and bill belicheck are not banned.roggin is the only mainstream media source out there who is objective about these things,about the only one you can trust.
"if rose was banned for cheating then how come tom brady and bill belicheck are not banned"

I agree with Roggin....and MSM feeds off the hopes of getting NFL revenue. The people I talk with only get very honest off air.

thats why i laugh my ass off over the logic from brady ass kissers such as OFS who go and say because terry bradshaw says he is great he must be.:biggrin: OFS is too much of a moron to understand and get it that terry bradshaw HAS to kiss Bradys ass,that if he comes out and tells the truth what he REALLY believes,that he is really not that good,then CBS will terminate his contract and give some kind of fake reason for firing him,that is why you only hear from FORMER NFL players say he is a cheater like montana and jim kelly for example because they are not under contract.Logic and common sense like that of course does not register with the cheatriot apologists.

That thing of how Bradshaw will lose his job if he speaks the truth is so true,you remember me talking over on wrongwingers thread how here in kc when rich gannon was playing for the chiefs as a backup to elvis grbec callers called in and said that gannon should be the starter and the announcers of course came back with reasons why they believed grbec should be the starter and that was when my buddy wrote down on paper some reasons why gannon should be the starter and asked the to read it on air which they were nice enough to do so.after they did they then of course came up with reasons of their own why he was not correct and grbec needed to be the starter.:biggrin:

well here is where it gets interesting. after the radio talk show was over.my friend went over to them and said-" thanks for reading that on the air,i know you guys dont agree with me on that but i just wanted to thank you for reading it anyways." well guess what?

i told you this was where it gets interesting,those two sports announcers then did an about face and said to my buddy then-oh actually we agree with you. they then explained that they agreed with my friend that gannon was better but they just could not say that on the air because it was not politically correct with their bosses to do so cause it would have been putting the organization down where they are hired to say nothing but GOOD things about the organization,they could not come out and speak the truth that the chiefs were being stupid not allowing gannon to be their starter.:biggrin:

had marty shottenheimer kept gannon as their starter that year,they would have gone on and won the superbowl against the packers that year,they were clearly the best team in the NFL when gannon was their QB. another reason why its so obvious these games are as fixed and rigged as pro wrestling. former coachs like jimmy johnson ,don shula,and bill parcells they were all saying if they were the coach,they would start gannon. Gannon tore up the league on offense for the chiefs that year where with grbec,they struggled on offense,come on its so obvious marty shottenheimer was paid off to start grbec in that playoff loss to the broncos in 97.:rolleyes:
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Who cares it's a meaningless game
uh because it is the greatest scandal in sports history since the black sox and they go unpunished for it year after year with scandal after scandal.the NFL used to not be corrupt like it is now.till all these wins are taken away from brady and belicheat,the game will always be corrupt.If lance armstrong was stripped of his titles,then the same rules should apply to brady and belicheat.
Who cares it's a meaningless game
uh because it is the greatest scandal in sports history since the black sox and they go unpunished for it year after year with scandal after scandal.the NFL used to not be corrupt like it is now.till all these wins are taken away from brady and belicheat,the game will always be corrupt.If lance armstrong was stripped of his titles,then the same rules should apply to brady and belicheat.
OMFG a sports scandal

and how exactly did it have any impact on your life?
Who cares it's a meaningless game
uh because it is the greatest scandal in sports history since the black sox and they go unpunished for it year after year with scandal after scandal.the NFL used to not be corrupt like it is now.till all these wins are taken away from brady and belicheat,the game will always be corrupt.If lance armstrong was stripped of his titles,then the same rules should apply to brady and belicheat.
OMFG a sports scandal

and how exactly did it have any impact on your life?

It doesnt but the game USED to be fun to watch when the game was not corrupt like it is now.if you cant have fun in life,well than whats the point in living? surely you cant deny that point?

thats why so many here at this site are so much in denial these games are as fixed and as scripted as pro wrestling. I stopped watching playoff games last year when i finally became awake to how phony and scripted these games really are when pete carrol obviously took a payoff to throw that game against the pats.

there are so many idiots here that cannot see the obvious he was paid off to throw that game though that even a CHILD could see cause they cant deal with it that a game that is near and dear to them is tainted.:rolleyes: I can understand that though cause I did not want to believe it either at first.

I did not watch this game because there was never a doubt in my mind the NFL had it all planned for them to come back and win in the second half.My buddy called me up and told me the news how they were getting blown out and i said-yeah but its been fixed for them to come back and win,you just watch. ever since i became awake to how these games are fixed,its no fun watching them when you know what the outcome is since its all planned weeks in advance.

dont get me wrong,I wish we could reform our government FIRST,but along the way while doing so it would be nice if they reformed the NFL along the way as well.

these days I just watch old NFL games from yesteryear when the game was NOT corrupt as it is now.
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Better question is WHY do they ignore that he is not even one of the top 20 best modern day quarterbacks in the superbowl era let alone the best of all time?:haha:

what backs it up that he is not even one of the top 20 best of all time in the superbowl era is they ignore in the era of montana and bradshaw the only two legit quarterbacks that have won four superbowls,is that in that day and age players could pretty much mug the receivers where now you cant even hardly touch them PLUS they were allowed to throw you around like a rag doll back in those days,now they got skirts on them,they get a 15 yard penalty for the slighest hit on them. :rolleyes: Brady would be a baby in that era.:biggrin:

Matter of fact thew NFL even came up with more rules to protect the quarterback after Brady went and whined to Roger Goodel about getting hit in the knee and taken out for a whole season.Just like the crybaby he is,he goes and whines to goodel and since goodel has his head up Krafts ass,he bowed down to Bradys wishs.what a wuss.

montana and bradshaw could play in ANY era of the NFL where Brady would never have lasted more than a couple of years in the NFL yet he is somehow the greatest?:lmao::haha:

they always dismiss that fact.No surprise its not getting any relies since the truth hurts.:rofl:

they just want to kiss the ass of a thread made by WRONGwinger that props him up as the greatest and ignores these pesky facts.lol

LA RAM FAN: "Better question is WHY do they ignore..."

^^ ^
That is the question for the ages.

Why do they ignore. No where else do the facts get rationalized, contorted and reformed but in the NFL to make what would be wrong in reality seem commonplace and acceptable. I look at Pete Rose and if he were in the NFL he would be emblazoned across the air waves and the "best evah".

I spoke with my producer who thought it would be a good idea to put together a segment on Sports and Ethics. This thread will be part of it.

oh yeah you aint kidding if Rose played in the NFL he would be looked at as a god by all of USMB instead of looked down being compared to hitler.fred roggin brought up a great point once that if rose was banned for cheating then how come tom brady and bill belicheck are not banned.roggin is the only mainstream media source out there who is objective about these things,about the only one you can trust.
"if rose was banned for cheating then how come tom brady and bill belicheck are not banned"

I agree with Roggin....and MSM feeds off the hopes of getting NFL revenue. The people I talk with only get very honest off air.

thats why i laugh my ass off over the logic from brady ass kissers such as OFS who go and say because terry bradshaw says he is great he must be.:biggrin: OFS is too much of a moron to understand and get it that terry bradshaw HAS to kiss Bradys ass,that if he comes out and tells the truth what he REALLY believes,that he is really not that good,then CBS will terminate his contract and give some kind of fake reason for firing him,that is why you only hear from FORMER NFL players say he is a cheater like montana and jim kelly for example because they are not under contract.Logic and common sense like that of course does not register with the cheatriot apologists.

That thing of how Bradshaw will lose his job if he speaks the truth is so true,you remember me talking over on wrongwingers thread how here in kc when rich gannon was playing for the chiefs as a backup to elvis grbec callers called in and said that gannon should be the starter and the announcers of course came back with reasons why they believed grbec should be the starter and that was when my buddy wrote down on paper some reasons why gannon should be the starter and asked the to read it on air which they were nice enough to do so.after they did they then of course came up with reasons of their own why he was not correct and grbec needed to be the starter.:biggrin:

well here is where it gets interesting. after the radio talk show was over.my friend went over to them and said-" thanks for reading that on the air,i know you guys dont agree with me on that but i just wanted to thank you for reading it anyways." well guess what?

i told you this was where it gets interesting,those two sports announcers then did an about face and said to my buddy then-oh actually we agree with you. they then explained that they agreed with my friend that gannon was better but they just could not say that on the air because it was not politically correct with their bosses to do so cause it would have been putting the organization down where they are hired to say nothing but GOOD things about the organization,they could not come out and speak the truth that the chiefs were being stupid not allowing gannon to be their starter.:biggrin:

had marty shottenheimer kept gannon as their starter that year,they would have gone on and won the superbowl against the packers that year,they were clearly the best team in the NFL when gannon was their QB. another reason why its so obvious these games are as fixed and rigged as pro wrestling. former coachs like jimmy johnson ,don shula,and bill parcells they were all saying if they were the coach,they would start gannon. Gannon tore up the league on offense for the chiefs that year where with grbec,they struggled on offense,come on its so obvious marty shottenheimer was paid off to start grbec in that playoff loss to the broncos in 97.:rolleyes:
"OFS is too much of a moron to understand and get it that terry bradshaw HAS to kiss Bradys ass"

OFS has a great many problems and the way he expresses his love for all thigs Brady is just a way for him to vent.

Your example of Bradshaw is spot on....these guys piss off the NFL they will find themselves looking for work or getting shitty assignments.

Again, the NFL is a cash cow and the only game in town for these guys to get paid.
Better question is WHY do they ignore that he is not even one of the top 20 best modern day quarterbacks in the superbowl era let alone the best of all time?:haha:

what backs it up that he is not even one of the top 20 best of all time in the superbowl era is they ignore in the era of montana and bradshaw the only two legit quarterbacks that have won four superbowls,is that in that day and age players could pretty much mug the receivers where now you cant even hardly touch them PLUS they were allowed to throw you around like a rag doll back in those days,now they got skirts on them,they get a 15 yard penalty for the slighest hit on them. :rolleyes: Brady would be a baby in that era.:biggrin:

Matter of fact thew NFL even came up with more rules to protect the quarterback after Brady went and whined to Roger Goodel about getting hit in the knee and taken out for a whole season.Just like the crybaby he is,he goes and whines to goodel and since goodel has his head up Krafts ass,he bowed down to Bradys wishs.what a wuss.

montana and bradshaw could play in ANY era of the NFL where Brady would never have lasted more than a couple of years in the NFL yet he is somehow the greatest?:lmao::haha:

they always dismiss that fact.No surprise its not getting any relies since the truth hurts.:rofl:

they just want to kiss the ass of a thread made by WRONGwinger that props him up as the greatest and ignores these pesky facts.lol

LA RAM FAN: "Better question is WHY do they ignore..."

^^ ^
That is the question for the ages.

Why do they ignore. No where else do the facts get rationalized, contorted and reformed but in the NFL to make what would be wrong in reality seem commonplace and acceptable. I look at Pete Rose and if he were in the NFL he would be emblazoned across the air waves and the "best evah".

I spoke with my producer who thought it would be a good idea to put together a segment on Sports and Ethics. This thread will be part of it.

oh yeah you aint kidding if Rose played in the NFL he would be looked at as a god by all of USMB instead of looked down being compared to hitler.fred roggin brought up a great point once that if rose was banned for cheating then how come tom brady and bill belicheck are not banned.roggin is the only mainstream media source out there who is objective about these things,about the only one you can trust.
"if rose was banned for cheating then how come tom brady and bill belicheck are not banned"

I agree with Roggin....and MSM feeds off the hopes of getting NFL revenue. The people I talk with only get very honest off air.

thats why i laugh my ass off over the logic from brady ass kissers such as OFS who go and say because terry bradshaw says he is great he must be.:biggrin: OFS is too much of a moron to understand and get it that terry bradshaw HAS to kiss Bradys ass,that if he comes out and tells the truth what he REALLY believes,that he is really not that good,then CBS will terminate his contract and give some kind of fake reason for firing him,that is why you only hear from FORMER NFL players say he is a cheater like montana and jim kelly for example because they are not under contract.Logic and common sense like that of course does not register with the cheatriot apologists.

That thing of how Bradshaw will lose his job if he speaks the truth is so true,you remember me talking over on wrongwingers thread how here in kc when rich gannon was playing for the chiefs as a backup to elvis grbec callers called in and said that gannon should be the starter and the announcers of course came back with reasons why they believed grbec should be the starter and that was when my buddy wrote down on paper some reasons why gannon should be the starter and asked the to read it on air which they were nice enough to do so.after they did they then of course came up with reasons of their own why he was not correct and grbec needed to be the starter.:biggrin:

well here is where it gets interesting. after the radio talk show was over.my friend went over to them and said-" thanks for reading that on the air,i know you guys dont agree with me on that but i just wanted to thank you for reading it anyways." well guess what?

i told you this was where it gets interesting,those two sports announcers then did an about face and said to my buddy then-oh actually we agree with you. they then explained that they agreed with my friend that gannon was better but they just could not say that on the air because it was not politically correct with their bosses to do so cause it would have been putting the organization down where they are hired to say nothing but GOOD things about the organization,they could not come out and speak the truth that the chiefs were being stupid not allowing gannon to be their starter.:biggrin:

had marty shottenheimer kept gannon as their starter that year,they would have gone on and won the superbowl against the packers that year,they were clearly the best team in the NFL when gannon was their QB. another reason why its so obvious these games are as fixed and rigged as pro wrestling. former coachs like jimmy johnson ,don shula,and bill parcells they were all saying if they were the coach,they would start gannon. Gannon tore up the league on offense for the chiefs that year where with grbec,they struggled on offense,come on its so obvious marty shottenheimer was paid off to start grbec in that playoff loss to the broncos in 97.:rolleyes:
"OFS is too much of a moron to understand and get it that terry bradshaw HAS to kiss Bradys ass"

OFS has a great many problems and the way he expresses his love for all thigs Brady is just a way for him to vent.

Your example of Bradshaw is spot on....these guys piss off the NFL they will find themselves looking for work or getting shitty assignments.

Again, the NFL is a cash cow and the only game in town for these guys to get paid.

these internet posters so much nailed it in their posts.:thup: for anyone to say the game is not rigged stll after these posts,they are so much in denial.

I watched the very end of the Superbowl with about 20 people in the room. As Brady was making his drive to the win, but BEFORE the final touchdown, something to the effect of Patriots Win Superbowl flashed at the bottom of the screen. Only one other person noticed it before it disappeared. But we both saw it. People suggested it was due to time delay, but that makes no sense since it wasn't a split screen or anything. The words were superimposed on the screen. Did anyone else see it?

Areuim Gaming5 days ago

EmceeShreds5 days ago
kaliyuga2758 it said something along the lines of patriots to win with a touch in overtime

John Davis5 days ago
After the 3rd quarter I knew what was going to happen fuck the Patriots Tom Brady's whole career is a joke and rigged if people really remember the Patriots before 911 they was the laughing stock of the NFL they only went to two Superbowls in the history of there franchise before 911 and constantly won 5 to 7 games a season after 911 they have won there division 16 years in a row no team in the history of NFL has won there division that many times such a joke the NFL is Tom Brady is gay anyway.

that last poster was dead on about brady being gay as you proved in that one pic of him you posted on that thread of WRONGwingers.lol
LA RAM FAN: "Better question is WHY do they ignore..."

^^ ^
That is the question for the ages.

Why do they ignore. No where else do the facts get rationalized, contorted and reformed but in the NFL to make what would be wrong in reality seem commonplace and acceptable. I look at Pete Rose and if he were in the NFL he would be emblazoned across the air waves and the "best evah".

I spoke with my producer who thought it would be a good idea to put together a segment on Sports and Ethics. This thread will be part of it.

oh yeah you aint kidding if Rose played in the NFL he would be looked at as a god by all of USMB instead of looked down being compared to hitler.fred roggin brought up a great point once that if rose was banned for cheating then how come tom brady and bill belicheck are not banned.roggin is the only mainstream media source out there who is objective about these things,about the only one you can trust.
"if rose was banned for cheating then how come tom brady and bill belicheck are not banned"

I agree with Roggin....and MSM feeds off the hopes of getting NFL revenue. The people I talk with only get very honest off air.

thats why i laugh my ass off over the logic from brady ass kissers such as OFS who go and say because terry bradshaw says he is great he must be.:biggrin: OFS is too much of a moron to understand and get it that terry bradshaw HAS to kiss Bradys ass,that if he comes out and tells the truth what he REALLY believes,that he is really not that good,then CBS will terminate his contract and give some kind of fake reason for firing him,that is why you only hear from FORMER NFL players say he is a cheater like montana and jim kelly for example because they are not under contract.Logic and common sense like that of course does not register with the cheatriot apologists.

That thing of how Bradshaw will lose his job if he speaks the truth is so true,you remember me talking over on wrongwingers thread how here in kc when rich gannon was playing for the chiefs as a backup to elvis grbec callers called in and said that gannon should be the starter and the announcers of course came back with reasons why they believed grbec should be the starter and that was when my buddy wrote down on paper some reasons why gannon should be the starter and asked the to read it on air which they were nice enough to do so.after they did they then of course came up with reasons of their own why he was not correct and grbec needed to be the starter.:biggrin:

well here is where it gets interesting. after the radio talk show was over.my friend went over to them and said-" thanks for reading that on the air,i know you guys dont agree with me on that but i just wanted to thank you for reading it anyways." well guess what?

i told you this was where it gets interesting,those two sports announcers then did an about face and said to my buddy then-oh actually we agree with you. they then explained that they agreed with my friend that gannon was better but they just could not say that on the air because it was not politically correct with their bosses to do so cause it would have been putting the organization down where they are hired to say nothing but GOOD things about the organization,they could not come out and speak the truth that the chiefs were being stupid not allowing gannon to be their starter.:biggrin:

had marty shottenheimer kept gannon as their starter that year,they would have gone on and won the superbowl against the packers that year,they were clearly the best team in the NFL when gannon was their QB. another reason why its so obvious these games are as fixed and rigged as pro wrestling. former coachs like jimmy johnson ,don shula,and bill parcells they were all saying if they were the coach,they would start gannon. Gannon tore up the league on offense for the chiefs that year where with grbec,they struggled on offense,come on its so obvious marty shottenheimer was paid off to start grbec in that playoff loss to the broncos in 97.:rolleyes:
"OFS is too much of a moron to understand and get it that terry bradshaw HAS to kiss Bradys ass"

OFS has a great many problems and the way he expresses his love for all thigs Brady is just a way for him to vent.

Your example of Bradshaw is spot on....these guys piss off the NFL they will find themselves looking for work or getting shitty assignments.

Again, the NFL is a cash cow and the only game in town for these guys to get paid.

these internet posters so much nailed it in their posts.:thup: for anyone to say the game is not rigged stll after these posts,they are so much in denial.

I watched the very end of the Superbowl with about 20 people in the room. As Brady was making his drive to the win, but BEFORE the final touchdown, something to the effect of Patriots Win Superbowl flashed at the bottom of the screen. Only one other person noticed it before it disappeared. But we both saw it. People suggested it was due to time delay, but that makes no sense since it wasn't a split screen or anything. The words were superimposed on the screen. Did anyone else see it?

Areuim Gaming5 days ago

EmceeShreds5 days ago
kaliyuga2758 it said something along the lines of patriots to win with a touch in overtime

John Davis5 days ago
After the 3rd quarter I knew what was going to happen fuck the Patriots Tom Brady's whole career is a joke and rigged if people really remember the Patriots before 911 they was the laughing stock of the NFL they only went to two Superbowls in the history of there franchise before 911 and constantly won 5 to 7 games a season after 911 they have won there division 16 years in a row no team in the history of NFL has won there division that many times such a joke the NFL is Tom Brady is gay anyway.

that last poster was dead on about brady being gay as you proved in that one pic of him you posted on that thread of WRONGwingers.lol
LOL if the patriots lost then not so much fun, but they did "win" and now it is time to talk about how the NFL manages it affairs, We are the consumers of what they put out.

If it even resembles anything fair it should have a better handle on what is accepted and who participates.
"... you see, the Patriots’ coach, Bill Belichick, is a mastermind, quarterback Tom Brady is superhuman and the entire organization is viewed as a model of professional football perfection.

Outside New England, there’s far more skepticism. The Patriots are considered unrepentant cheaters, caught (and punished) more than once for their football crimes. Yet they keep winning, with a roster full of retreads and spare parts. Could they be skirting the rules even today, in new or undetected ways? Many football fans — nearly all of them outside New England — would not be surprised.

David DeSteno has a special vantage point for observing public response to the Patriots. He is a professor of psychology in Patriots country, at Northeastern University, in Boston, and he was a co-author of the study mentioned above. DeSteno is not a football fan, but he is an expert on the psychology of emotion, hypocrisy and moral judgment. He said you can’t really blame the Patriots faithful for believing their team can do no wrong, and has done no wrong, even though it was caught cheating by the N.F.L.

Just being a part of a group, any group, is enough to excuse moral transgressions because in some way, you’re benefiting from it. Your moral compass shifts.”


Some say jealousy, some say they never cheated, some do not care.

The fact is Tom Brady who agreed to the latest CBA gave full authority for the NFL to investigate him ,judge him and levy a penalty if they found he warranted a punishment. He did and was suspended. The Patriots have been caught cheating yet they are vaunted as a super heroic team.

The NFL puts out a product every year to make it the most appealing to the widest range of audience.

The statement "Your moral compass shifts" is most telling and in some ways hilarious. Most people, if not all, were aghast when I asked them if they would trust or respect a co-worker or significant other who lied, cheated or destroyed evidence but when I place Tom Brady's name or the Patriots they do their best to rationalize the behavior.
Better question is WHY do they ignore that he is not even one of the top 20 best modern day quarterbacks in the superbowl era let alone the best of all time?:haha:

what backs it up that he is not even one of the top 20 best of all time in the superbowl era is they ignore in the era of montana and bradshaw the only two legit quarterbacks that have won four superbowls,is that in that day and age players could pretty much mug the receivers where now you cant even hardly touch them PLUS they were allowed to throw you around like a rag doll back in those days,now they got skirts on them,they get a 15 yard penalty for the slighest hit on them. :rolleyes: Brady would be a baby in that era.:biggrin:

Matter of fact thew NFL even came up with more rules to protect the quarterback after Brady went and whined to Roger Goodel about getting hit in the knee and taken out for a whole season.Just like the crybaby he is,he goes and whines to goodel and since goodel has his head up Krafts ass,he bowed down to Bradys wishs.what a wuss.

montana and bradshaw could play in ANY era of the NFL where Brady would never have lasted more than a couple of years in the NFL yet he is somehow the greatest?:lmao::haha:

they always dismiss that fact.No surprise its not getting any relies since the truth hurts.:rofl:

they just want to kiss the ass of a thread made by WRONGwinger that props him up as the greatest and ignores these pesky facts.lol
"... you see, the Patriots’ coach, Bill Belichick, is a mastermind, quarterback Tom Brady is superhuman and the entire organization is viewed as a model of professional football perfection.

Outside New England, there’s far more skepticism. The Patriots are considered unrepentant cheaters, caught (and punished) more than once for their football crimes. Yet they keep winning, with a roster full of retreads and spare parts. Could they be skirting the rules even today, in new or undetected ways? Many football fans — nearly all of them outside New England — would not be surprised.

David DeSteno has a special vantage point for observing public response to the Patriots. He is a professor of psychology in Patriots country, at Northeastern University, in Boston, and he was a co-author of the study mentioned above. DeSteno is not a football fan, but he is an expert on the psychology of emotion, hypocrisy and moral judgment. He said you can’t really blame the Patriots faithful for believing their team can do no wrong, and has done no wrong, even though it was caught cheating by the N.F.L.

Just being a part of a group, any group, is enough to excuse moral transgressions because in some way, you’re benefiting from it. Your moral compass shifts.”


Some say jealousy, some say they never cheated, some do not care.

The fact is Tom Brady who agreed to the latest CBA gave full authority for the NFL to investigate him ,judge him and levy a penalty if they found he warranted a punishment. He did and was suspended. The Patriots have been caught cheating yet they are vaunted as a super heroic team.

The NFL puts out a product every year to make it the most appealing to the widest range of audience.

The statement "Your moral compass shifts" is most telling and in some ways hilarious. Most people, if not all, were aghast when I asked them if they would trust or respect a co-worker or significant other who lied, cheated or destroyed evidence but when I place Tom Brady's name or the Patriots they do their best to rationalize the behavior.

Urban Dictionary: Unkotare

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