Why do democrats want open borders? let's face facts

The Constitution says a count of all “persons” not “citizens”

Illegals to not vote so you do not have to worry.
Some states are looking at allowing noncitizens (legal) to vote in things like school board elections
Another loophole you Lying assholes use
Biden two weeks ago asked you to send a border deal to his desk and Trump led congress refused...

This boarder deal was passed by Senate GOP and Border Patrol union...

Trump and Maga Mike are stopping action on the border because Trump doesn't want to give a win to Biden.

Biden asked for it and GOP Congress refused...
the democrat 'border deal' is illegitimate
Per the Constitution

Hence the Dem / Socialist open borders and flooding Dem / Socialist "sanctuary cities" with illegals while pushing for a "pathway to citizenship".

It's importing a subservient welfare class that wil vote Dem / Socialist while Americans die from your criminal illegals and the middle class gets taxed into poverty.
Hence the Dem / Socialist open borders and flooding Dem / Socialist "sanctuary cities" with illegals while pushing for a "pathway to citizenship".

It's importing a subservient welfare class that wil vote Dem / Socialist while Americans die from your criminal illegals and the middle class gets taxed into poverty.
Do you oppose our Constitution?

Illegals don’t vote, why haven’t you figured that out?
Do you oppose our Constitution?

Illegals don’t vote, why haven’t you figured that out?

You approve of the Dems / Socialists ignoring the Constitution by ignoring a basic tenet of governance, that the government is to protect and serve the governed.

Why do you oppose the Constitution?

Illegals do vote. Haven't you figured that out? They vote in local elections.
You approve of the Dems / Socialists ignoring the Constitution by ignoring a basic tenet of governance, that the government is to protect and serve the governed.

Why do you oppose the Constitution?

Illegals do vote. Haven't you figured that out? They vote in local elections.
You are changing the subject

Illegals don’t vote….PERIOD
bullshit. watch a news channel that actually reports what is really happening. CNN and MSNBC are lying to you, Biden is lying to you, Mayorkas is lying to you. KJP is lying to you. Wake up before the US becomes Haiti.
if this is aa crisis why doesn't trump allow us to fix it? i can only assume this is just more bull shit from america's monday morning quarterback, creating another problem that he can pretend to fix.

come back to us when you are ready to help fix it.
Because it is against the law, as Trump found out when he tried to do it. The Senate bill would have given Biden legal cover and he said he would do it but the GOP and Trump prefer a campaign issue over national security.
There is no such thing as sealing the border. The issue is the Dem / Socialist refusal to enforce existing immigration laws and their willful import of criminal illegals and terrorists.
You approve of the Dems / Socialists ignoring the Constitution by ignoring a basic tenet of governance, that the government is to protect and serve the governed.

Why do you oppose the Constitution?

Illegals do vote. Haven't you figured that out? They vote in local elections.
does the constitution call for a partisan has been to kill a deal because he needs an issue to run on?
OK, please read all the way before responding

congressional districts are determined by population counts from the census, illegals are counted in the census. So the more illegals allowed in the country the more congressional districts are created. The dems think that the majority of illegals will vote dem because dem policies allowed them to illegally enter our country. The whole open border bullshit is being done to create more democrat congressional districts and allow democrats to control the house of representatives. That is all this has ever been about. Dems are not worried about the plight of illegals or their welfare. They are only concerned with increasing their power to dictate their socialist woke agenda to the entire country. They are willing to let american citizens be raped and murdered in order to increase their power. They must be stopped and right now voting for Trump is the only way to stop them.
Democrats will tell you that they are not for open borders, as they are holding the door open.
Republicans should also fix the counting of illegals as it applies to districts. Illegals also shouldn't be allowed to vote in ANY form of government federal/state/district.
You can't fix either, without Constitutional amendments, is my understanding....which is likely not to happen!

The constitution dictates counting every person with residence (under their jurisdiction)(with exceptions mentioned) and does NOT say only citizen residents, to determine how many Representative districts.....

The constitution also gave States control of their own elections....so that can't be federally dictated to them either. Though state citizens can have voice through their own representatives picked, if their majority is against it, within the state.

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