Why do democrats want more people on foodstamps and welfare

Having taxpayers support their workers is coddling employers

That's why we should not be supporting them. It has nothing to do with who pays what. Businesses didn't create welfare requirements--Democrats did, so put the blame where it rightfully belongs.
The taxpayer feeds, houses and provides healthcare to those who make them a profit.

That is coddling employers at the taxpayers expense
To make it worse.......employers now have to pay half the taxes that they used to pay to support their workers

Then the solution if for taxpayers to no longer pay them. It has nothing to do with what a business pays their workers. There is no obligation that we pay lowlifes who made bad decisions in life or only want to work 20 hours a week.

Why do conservatives vilify the working poor? They’re WORKING -FULL TIME. Many are working two or three jobs to make ends meet. If you were a young person now, you’d be one of them.

With almost full employment, the bald fact is there are no jobs for these people to “move up to”. The “good jobs” that someone with a high school education could get in manufacturing are gone and they’re not coming back. The jobs that supported my father and our family are gone along with the unions that negotiated their wages and benefits.

When companies that brag about high profits aren’t paying their workers enough to keep a roof over their heads, and they expect taxpayers to subsidize wages for their workers, these companies and their shareholders are parasites.

Companies don't expect anything from our government. If government wants to pay these people to sit home, then it's not a companies business. They don't care.

Lying doesn't work with something this obvious. Companies are not responsible for handing out government goodies--Democrats are. Don't place the blame of Democrats on industry because industry is not at fault--Democrats are.

Many are working two or three jobs? Great. Post your evidence of this claim.

7.8 million people, Ray.

More Americans need a 2nd job to make ends meet — and it's sending a troubling message about the economy

The job juggle is real. Many Americans are balancing two, even three gigs

States where the most people work two jobs
Having more people on the Welfare Rolls is good for the Democrats because the are the Party of Free Shit. Free Shit means votes.

Its very bad for America, but Democrats don't give a rats ass about whats good for America...they care only about the Party.

Just like Russia's old Bolsheviks
And Trump does give a rats ass about what is good for America?
The fawning left wing media actually praised Barry Hussein for his part in increasing the usage of food stamps and the same media is virtually silent about unemployment at almost a 20 year low under President Trump. What the hell is going on?
Obama did not increase the food stamp rolls. They increase in the early years of his term as the result of the aftermath of the GWB presidential fuck up. The same with unemployment which was low by the time Obama left office. Stop lying!
Obama did not increase the food stamp rolls. They increase in the early years of his term as the result of the aftermath of the GWB presidential fuck up. The same with unemployment which was low by the time Obama left office. Stop lying!

From one of your very own: the Communist News Network.

It's true that the food stamp rolls have swelled more under Obama's tenure than under his recent predecessors. Also, his 2009 Recovery Act allowed even more people to sign up.

The number of people in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program has soared to an average 44.7 million in fiscal 2011, up 33% from fiscal 2009. Obama's stimulus act made it easier for childless, jobless adults to qualify for the program and increased the monthly benefit by about 15% through 2013.

Is Obama the 'food stamp president?'
That's why we should not be supporting them. It has nothing to do with who pays what. Businesses didn't create welfare requirements--Democrats did, so put the blame where it rightfully belongs.
The taxpayer feeds, houses and provides healthcare to those who make them a profit.

That is coddling employers at the taxpayers expense
To make it worse.......employers now have to pay half the taxes that they used to pay to support their workers

Then the solution if for taxpayers to no longer pay them. It has nothing to do with what a business pays their workers. There is no obligation that we pay lowlifes who made bad decisions in life or only want to work 20 hours a week.

Why do conservatives vilify the working poor? They’re WORKING -FULL TIME. Many are working two or three jobs to make ends meet. If you were a young person now, you’d be one of them.

With almost full employment, the bald fact is there are no jobs for these people to “move up to”. The “good jobs” that someone with a high school education could get in manufacturing are gone and they’re not coming back. The jobs that supported my father and our family are gone along with the unions that negotiated their wages and benefits.

When companies that brag about high profits aren’t paying their workers enough to keep a roof over their heads, and they expect taxpayers to subsidize wages for their workers, these companies and their shareholders are parasites.

Companies don't expect anything from our government. If government wants to pay these people to sit home, then it's not a companies business. They don't care.

Lying doesn't work with something this obvious. Companies are not responsible for handing out government goodies--Democrats are. Don't place the blame of Democrats on industry because industry is not at fault--Democrats are.

Many are working two or three jobs? Great. Post your evidence of this claim.

7.8 million people, Ray.

More Americans need a 2nd job to make ends meet — and it's sending a troubling message about the economy

The job juggle is real. Many Americans are balancing two, even three gigs

States where the most people work two jobs

This is fine and dandy. Maybe I'm just speed reading too fasts, but I fail to see where any of these people working two or three jobs are on social programs.
It is a government of the people, by the people and FOR the people

So says Abe Lincoln

Did he say anything about coddling the people or cradle to grave government?

Giving people a fair wage is “coddling” them? What about the notion of protecting people from exploitation?

Why should the middle class be required to subsidize low wage workers for the most profitable corporations in the world?

If you can’t afford to pay your workers a living wage, you shouldn’t be in business. Period.

Businesses don't start for the reason to pay people a living wage. Businesses start to create a product or service for a profit.

Until there is a law that states a business cannot exist unless they pay a living wage (whatever that is) then anybody has the right to start or own a business paying what they desire.

Yes, government forcing industry to pay wages they demand is coddling people. It's not up to government to make businesses pay you more than you are worth, it's up to you to make yourself worth more to business.
If a business pays their employees so little they qualify for federal aid then the federal government should get reimbursed from that company.

Now that's a good plan. Shut down all these companies because that's all forcing them to pay government would do. More stuff from China, that's what we need for employment in the US.
who said shut down?
Obama did not increase the food stamp rolls. They increase in the early years of his term as the result of the aftermath of the GWB presidential fuck up. The same with unemployment which was low by the time Obama left office. Stop lying!

From one of your very own: the Communist News Network.

It's true that the food stamp rolls have swelled more under Obama's tenure than under his recent predecessors. Also, his 2009 Recovery Act allowed even more people to sign up.

The number of people in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program has soared to an average 44.7 million in fiscal 2011, up 33% from fiscal 2009. Obama's stimulus act made it easier for childless, jobless adults to qualify for the program and increased the monthly benefit by about 15% through 2013.

Is Obama the 'food stamp president?'
did that refute that the GREAT RECESSION caused the need for more people needing food stamps?

oh and why not give us how many food stamp recipients dropped in numbers in 2014, and 2015 and 2016?
Why do Republicans want to take food stamps and welfare away from people who need it?

They don't.

How do we get people off of food stamps and welfare?
We get them good paying jobs where they can support themselves

Republicans realize they cannot deliver good pay since they have sold out to the employers and want to provide them a low cost workforce

So their next option is to just kick people off of welfare who need it
Why do Republicans want to take food stamps and welfare away from people who need it?

They don't.

Yes they do. They believe assistance fosters dependence. That the poor are to blame for their poverty. They’re lazy. They won’t quit smoking pot so they can pass a drug test. They don’t want to work so many hours that they’ll lose their benefits.

Ray nails every rightwing talking point about the poor every single thread. Every lie that Republicans tell the taxpayers about how the poor are living the high life on their tax dollars.
Why do Republicans want to take food stamps and welfare away from people who need it?

They don't.

Yes they do. They believe assistance fosters dependence. That the poor are to blame for their poverty. They’re lazy. They won’t quit smoking pot so they can pass a drug test. They don’t want to work so many hours that they’ll lose their benefits.

Ray nails every rightwing talking point about the poor every single thread. Every lie that Republicans tell the taxpayers about how the poor are living the high life on their tax dollars.
The lie is in the term, "who need it". The Republican goal is to help only those who truly need help, and to get even those to the point where they no longer need help. That's the difference between the democrat and the Republican approach. The democrat approach apparently is to get as many people dependent on government assistance as possible, because they continually find new things they think the government should provide.
Why do Republicans want to take food stamps and welfare away from people who need it?

They don't.

Yes they do. They believe assistance fosters dependence. That the poor are to blame for their poverty. They’re lazy. They won’t quit smoking pot so they can pass a drug test. They don’t want to work so many hours that they’ll lose their benefits.

Ray nails every rightwing talking point about the poor every single thread. Every lie that Republicans tell the taxpayers about how the poor are living the high life on their tax dollars.
The lie is in the term, "who need it". The Republican goal is to help only those who truly need help, and to get even those to the point where they no longer need help. That's the difference between the democrat and the Republican approach. The democrat approach apparently is to get as many people dependent on government assistance as possible, because they continually find new things they think the government should provide.

I love when Republicans attack the poor for receiving a few benefits that republicans think they really don't "need" You don't need a color TV, you don't need air conditioning, you don't need access to the internet

Meanwhile, they extend a $1.5 trillion tax cut to billionaires
Where is the "need"??
Why do Republicans want to take food stamps and welfare away from people who need it?

They don't.

Yes they do. They believe assistance fosters dependence. That the poor are to blame for their poverty. They’re lazy. They won’t quit smoking pot so they can pass a drug test. They don’t want to work so many hours that they’ll lose their benefits.

Ray nails every rightwing talking point about the poor every single thread. Every lie that Republicans tell the taxpayers about how the poor are living the high life on their tax dollars.
The lie is in the term, "who need it". The Republican goal is to help only those who truly need help, and to get even those to the point where they no longer need help. That's the difference between the democrat and the Republican approach. The democrat approach apparently is to get as many people dependent on government assistance as possible, because they continually find new things they think the government should provide.

I love when Republicans attack the poor for receiving a few benefits that republicans think they really don't "need" You don't need a color TV, you don't need air conditioning, you don't need access to the internet

Meanwhile, they extend a $1.5 trillion tax cut to billionaires
Where is the "need"??
Keeping money you have already earned is not a welfare benefit. Nice little false equivalency there. And, like so many other times, you completely ignored what I wrote. I said nothing about what was needed, but rather focused on those who truly could not provide for themselves vs those who could, but choose not to.

You got it completely wrong.

I am not surprised.
Why do Republicans want to take food stamps and welfare away from people who need it?

They don't.

Yes they do. They believe assistance fosters dependence. That the poor are to blame for their poverty. They’re lazy. They won’t quit smoking pot so they can pass a drug test. They don’t want to work so many hours that they’ll lose their benefits.

Ray nails every rightwing talking point about the poor every single thread. Every lie that Republicans tell the taxpayers about how the poor are living the high life on their tax dollars.
The lie is in the term, "who need it". The Republican goal is to help only those who truly need help, and to get even those to the point where they no longer need help. That's the difference between the democrat and the Republican approach. The democrat approach apparently is to get as many people dependent on government assistance as possible, because they continually find new things they think the government should provide.

I love when Republicans attack the poor for receiving a few benefits that republicans think they really don't "need" You don't need a color TV, you don't need air conditioning, you don't need access to the internet

Meanwhile, they extend a $1.5 trillion tax cut to billionaires
Where is the "need"??
Keeping money you have already earned is not a welfare benefit. Nice little false equivalency there. And, like so many other times, you completely ignored what I wrote. I said nothing about what was needed, but rather focused on those who truly could not provide for themselves vs those who could, but choose not to.

You got it completely wrong.

I am not surprised.


But a little over 200 years ago, We the People created a more perfect union

In that union we determined how revenue would be raised and that involved taxes on your profit.

Republicans decided it was more important to borrow $1.5 trillion and give it to the rich while they bitch about people having healthcare

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