Why do Democrats love their illegals so much? Refresh my memory.

Democrats once controlled congress for 40 years, their plan...import millions of illegals to cancel out the votes of American citizens. Bring them in, give them amnesty and the vote, and keep them voting Dem with government handouts.

This is why Dem's are opposed to immigration reform that prohibits illegals from voting. Amnesty has been offered to illegals but with the stipulation illegals cannot vote for 20-25 years and the Dem's want nothing to do with it. That tells you all you need to know about their motives.
they demand the same per hour pay as real humans do,
You're a worthless, despicable piece of dog shit. I'd gladly deport a sit-on-your-ass, do-nothing-all-day vile piece of dog shit like you before deporting these hardworking people.
I am willing to put good money on me working more hours per week than you do in two weeks.
So take your sit on your ass accusations to someone that you might be right about, like maybe one of your illegals, of course, good chance that you are illegal with the attitude that you have.
Have they ever sat down and wrote out the ever so elementary "pros" vs. "cons" list?
I just can't wrap my head around how and why they are so driven to keep the flood rolling in from the far south. It has to be for nothing more than future DNC and voter support....RIGHT?

Try Compassion. With the knowledge of the types of squalor that many if not most people exist in compassion answers quite well.

Deep, super noble philosophy. Makes for a great storyline in movies and novels.
With that in mind, and while we're being all warm and fuzzy why stop with neighboring countries? If we're able (says Libby's) and can save and fund the world why not fly giant airplanes around to jungles all over the world collecting those dying and in desperate need? Why not drop them in the laps of hard working American's to fund?
Anybody? Anybody?
To talk about it with compassion makes people feel really good inside...but wait, now there's real world logistics and economics to consider...most Liberals won't think that far in...right?
It's the old; "we'll worry about that later" bullshit you get from shortsighted, uneducated, self proclaimed tolerant looons.
Have they ever sat down and wrote out the ever so elementary "pros" vs. "cons" list?
I just can't wrap my head around how and why they are so driven to keep the flood rolling in from the far south. It has to be for nothing more than future DNC and voter support....RIGHT?

Try Compassion. With the knowledge of the types of squalor that many if not most people exist in compassion answers quite well.

Deep, super noble philosophy. Makes for a great storyline in movies and novels.
With that in mind, and while we're being all warm and fuzzy why stop with neighboring countries? If we're able (says Libby's) and can save and fund the world why not fly giant airplanes around to jungles all over the world collecting those dying and in desperate need? Why not drop them in the laps of hard working American's to fund?
Anybody? Anybody?
To talk about it with compassion makes people feel really good inside...but wait, now there's real world logistics and economics to consider...most Liberals won't think that far in...right?
It's the old; "we'll worry about that later" bullshit you get from shortsighted, uneducated, self proclaimed tolerant looons.

You ignored the rest of my reply. I said both sides were right. But you ignored that and climbed up on the soapbox to proclaim your superiority. Pfui. Only intellectually dishonest people would do that.
The drones are programmed to love the illegals, the sociopaths could care less. If illegals voted for anyone but democrooks, Schumer would be taking photo ops at the Trump Wall groundbreaking ceremony and insisting he fought the rest of the GOP to get Trump's wall funded properly.

thats proof of one of two things.
You are lying, (most likely)
or, those california farmers are liberal to start with.
Why do I say this you ask?
Trump basically ran on the platform of getting rid of the scum, certainly the farmers had to know that the scum was the illegals picking their fruit. Why would someone vote for a guy that said he would get rid of your workers, then act upset when he started to sign orders to get rid of those workers.
Really does not make much sense now does it?
Have they ever sat down and wrote out the ever so elementary "pros" vs. "cons" list?
I just can't wrap my head around how and why they are so driven to keep the flood rolling in from the far south. It has to be for nothing more than future DNC and voter support....RIGHT?

Because they don't want to pick their own tomatoes?
What do the The Democrat scum love more: illegal aliens or abortions?
Have they ever sat down and wrote out the ever so elementary "pros" vs. "cons" list?
I just can't wrap my head around how and why they are so driven to keep the flood rolling in from the far south. It has to be for nothing more than future DNC and voter support....RIGHT?

Try Compassion. With the knowledge of the types of squalor that many if not most people exist in compassion answers quite well.

Deep, super noble philosophy. Makes for a great storyline in movies and novels.
With that in mind, and while we're being all warm and fuzzy why stop with neighboring countries? If we're able (says Libby's) and can save and fund the world why not fly giant airplanes around to jungles all over the world collecting those dying and in desperate need? Why not drop them in the laps of hard working American's to fund?
Anybody? Anybody?
To talk about it with compassion makes people feel really good inside...but wait, now there's real world logistics and economics to consider...most Liberals won't think that far in...right?
It's the old; "we'll worry about that later" bullshit you get from shortsighted, uneducated, self proclaimed tolerant looons.

You ignored the rest of my reply. I said both sides were right. But you ignored that and climbed up on the soapbox to proclaim your superiority. Pfui. Only intellectually dishonest people would do that.

thats proof of one of two things.
You are lying, (most likely)
or, those california farmers are liberal to start with.
Why do I say this you ask?
Trump basically ran on the platform of getting rid of the scum, certainly the farmers had to know that the scum was the illegals picking their fruit. Why would someone vote for a guy that said he would get rid of your workers, then act upset when he started to sign orders to get rid of those workers.
Really does not make much sense now does it?

I think it goes back to the Bible and what the Old Testament says about being kind to immigrants and it didn't differentiate between legal and non-legal.

Patriot----->if the left doesn't like the law, why don't they DEMAND that THEIR politicians in THEIR districts draft a change of the law in congress! I mean really lefties.......why do YOU people DEMAND that WE agree to break our own laws with you? Why don't YOU fight to change the law!

How many of YOU lefties would have demanded a Trump impeachment if he went AGAINST the law after the court told him to cease and desist? But, you people are sooooo smart, you demand all Americans go against their own laws because it is nice and kind in your opinions, and yet you REFUSE to pressure your politicians to even attempt to change the law so Americans can be law abiding when doing your bidding.

Do you realize how DISGUSTING your position is! YOU are attempting to create a CONSPIRACY with us involved, so YOU can have your way. You haven't a leg to stand on, because instead of bitching at US, you should be bitching at the Democrats in congress who not only blew the whole thing off when they had total control, but won't even tender a bill in congress with ALL of their signatures to show what it is they want.

Do you know why that is? I do, and if you don't, you are political illiterate. That just shows you what is most important to Democratic politicians, doesn't it!:Boom2:
Have they ever sat down and wrote out the ever so elementary "pros" vs. "cons" list?
I just can't wrap my head around how and why they are so driven to keep the flood rolling in from the far south. It has to be for nothing more than future DNC and voter support....RIGHT?

Try Compassion. With the knowledge of the types of squalor that many if not most people exist in compassion answers quite well.

Deep, super noble philosophy. Makes for a great storyline in movies and novels.
With that in mind, and while we're being all warm and fuzzy why stop with neighboring countries? If we're able (says Libby's) and can save and fund the world why not fly giant airplanes around to jungles all over the world collecting those dying and in desperate need? Why not drop them in the laps of hard working American's to fund?
Anybody? Anybody?
To talk about it with compassion makes people feel really good inside...but wait, now there's real world logistics and economics to consider...most Liberals won't think that far in...right?
It's the old; "we'll worry about that later" bullshit you get from shortsighted, uneducated, self proclaimed tolerant looons.

You ignored the rest of my reply. I said both sides were right. But you ignored that and climbed up on the soapbox to proclaim your superiority. Pfui. Only intellectually dishonest people would do that.

You said what you meant. You tried to cleverly toe the line and agree with both sides...I get it.
Be as noble as you want to be with your own check book...let me decide what to do with mine....SIMPLE!
They work cheap, do a good job, and don't whine
not sure where you get the work cheap part, they demand the same per hour pay as real humans do, its just that they also demand to work under the table which saves the business owners money.
I think putting business owners in jail for hiring the unsanitary sub humans would go a long way in getting them to stop hiring, once the jobs dry up, our border will no longer be violated at the rate it is today.

Do you work at being an asshole or does it come natural?
Same can be said about the ones with green cards you know the people who don't break our laws.
Have they ever sat down and wrote out the ever so elementary "pros" vs. "cons" list?
I just can't wrap my head around how and why they are so driven to keep the flood rolling in from the far south. It has to be for nothing more than future DNC and voter support....RIGHT?
The rank and file Democrats have been hoodwinked by the elite in their party into believing its all about compassion. For the powers that be it's all about the votes. .
Make no mistake: The Left wants to make it impossible to deport illegals. The protests are all planned to make deportations look horrible.

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