Why do democrats lie to blacks about racism?


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019
Im so sick of black victims,, makes me so angry! YOU HAVE TO ANSWER FOR YOUR ACTIONS! You want to raise hell! Act a fool, be disrespectful, listen to democrats at the end of the day you might have to answer for it.. DONT BLAME ME! I’m tired of it!

Enjoy this, this woman is an absolute patriot

Heather Mac Donald

Im so sick of black victims,, makes me so angry! YOU HAVE TO ANSWER FOR YOUR ACTIONS! You want to raise hell! Act a fool, be disrespectful, listen to democrats at the end of the day you might have to answer for it.. DONT BLAME ME! I’m tired of it!

Enjoy this, this woman is an absolute patriot

Heather Mac Donald

This is just more bullshit from a documented cave chimp.
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An arrest should not come with a death penalty.
But why grandstand when you know more whites get killed by cops than blacks do? You come out to divide not to heal, you want blacks to commit crime.. 48 blacks shot in Chicago last weekend.. you said nothing.. you’re the racist
An arrest should not come with a death penalty.
But why grandstand when you know more whites get killed by cops than blacks do? You come out to divide not to heal, you want blacks to commit crime.. 48 blacks shot in Chicago last weekend.. you said nothing.. you’re the racist

Moonglow Said:
An arrest should come with a death penalty
. Now show me the bias of a race or a color of a human in my statement.
They think they get votes out of it....but how many years have the dems been promising a change?....how many lies have they sold the African American community?....I think many intelligent minorities are finally waking up...the democrat party uses them like extra kitchen help for a Sunday gathering.....
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An arrest should not come with a death penalty.
But why grandstand when you know more whites get killed by cops than blacks do? You come out to divide not to heal, you want blacks to commit crime.. 48 blacks shot in Chicago last weekend.. you said nothing.. you’re the racist

Moonglow Said:
No arrest should come with a death penalty
. Now show me the bias of a race or a color of human in my statement.
Where did I say that death was ok?
An arrest should not come with a death penalty.
But why grandstand when you know more whites get killed by cops than blacks do? You come out to divide not to heal, you want blacks to commit crime.. 48 blacks shot in Chicago last weekend.. you said nothing.. you’re the racist

Moonglow Said:
No arrest should come with a death penalty
. Now show me the bias of a race or a color of human in my statement.
Where did I say that death was ok?
Come on, “nothing” will get you nothing. Try again. -King Lear...
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An arrest should not come with a death penalty.
But why grandstand when you know more whites get killed by cops than blacks do? You come out to divide not to heal, you want blacks to commit crime.. 48 blacks shot in Chicago last weekend.. you said nothing.. you’re the racist

Moonglow Said:
No arrest should come with a death penalty
. Now show me the bias of a race or a color of human in my statement.
Where did I say that death was ok?
Come on, “nothing” will get you nothing. Try again. -King Lear...
An arrest should not come with a death penalty.
But why grandstand when you know more whites get killed by cops than blacks do? You come out to divide not to heal, you want blacks to commit crime.. 48 blacks shot in Chicago last weekend.. you said nothing.. you’re the racist

Moonglow Said:
No arrest should come with a death penalty
. Now show me the bias of a race or a color of human in my statement.
Where did I say that death was ok?
Come on, “nothing” will get you nothing. Try again. -King Lear...
Tell us something we dont already know about you.
If you think black folk can't recognize a lie about racism, you're an idiot.
An arrest should not come with a death penalty.

Except when a white cop is killed, you mean; then it's great, according to leftist dogma.

If these thugs don't like being arrested, then don't do the crimes. It's a pretty simple choice. If you believe blacks really are inferior, then keep on encouraging them in their moronic 'Gang Culture' dystopia, just so you can pat yourself on the back for babbling platitudes and being PC Licious like the other Burb Brats who fantasize about 'revolution n stuff'.
An arrest should not come with a death penalty.

Except when a white cop is killed, you mean; then it's great, according to leftist dogma.

If these thugs don't like being arrested, then don't do the crimes. It's a pretty simple choice. If you believe blacks really are inferior, then keep on encouraging them in their moronic 'Gang Culture' dystopia, just so you can pat yourself on the back for babbling platitudes and being PC Licious like the other Burb Brats who fantasize about 'revolution n stuff'.

I didn't see much gang activity in that video of cops killing that man.
..the MSM lies about race everyday ...and blacks/idiots/ soak it up like little hitlerites
..the MSM lies about race everyday ...and blacks/idiots/ soak it up like little hitlerites

So now blacks are Hitlerites as well as being stupid and lazy? I can't imagine why they don't want to join up with you and your political party. You keep telling them what you have been telling them. I'm sure they will all come around to your way of thinking eventually.
What is happening is very, very, very sad.

That is why I think that we should NOT give so much honor and respect to the Founding Fathers of this nation.

Those "gentlemen" allowed and abetted the practice of forcing people from another continent to come here to work for free.

Those "gentlemen" (who were supposedly so intelligent) must have realized that down the road, there would be a price to pay.

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