Why Do Democrats Give So Little to Charity to Help Those in Need?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

Leadership of the Democratic Party:​

Biden gave average of $369 to charity a year - ABC News

Joe Biden, Harris donated less than others in income bracket

Conservatives are more giving than liberals | The Seattle Times

Who Gives and Who Doesn't? - ABC News

I’ll tell you why. Democrats always expect someone else to be bothered to help those in need. Very rarely themselves.
Democrats are too busy making living unaffordable for everyone.

They want us all eating out of garbage cans like they do in Socialist utopias like Venezuela, North Korea, and Detroit.
Democrats are the type of people that raid the food pantries and charity organizations ( even when they don’t need help).

They aren’t the type that donate to them.
In the mind of a Leftists, poor folk should have abortions, so when the insist on having babies, they get what they get.

Naturally this means targeting minorities, like we see over 80% of abortion centers located in minority neighborhoods.
In the mind of a Leftists, poor folk should have abortions, so when the insist on having babies, they get what they get.

Naturally this means targeting minorities, like we see over 80% of abortion centers located in minority neighborhoods.
Plus they just think they are owed free stuff because they breathe air.

Leadership of the Democratic Party:​

Biden gave average of $369 to charity a year - ABC News

Joe Biden, Harris donated less than others in income bracket

Conservatives are more giving than liberals | The Seattle Times

Who Gives and Who Doesn't? - ABC News

I’ll tell you why. Democrats always expect someone else to be bothered to help those in need. Very rarely themselves.
Charity aint going to fix our societies problems. Government is the referee. They make a nice society or a shitty one. You either have good leaders and good policies or you have a shit hole.

Look at Russia, Iran, England, Canada, Germany. They all have governments. Some good, some not so good. You republicans think in black and white. Government bad. No stupid. Government doesn't have to be bad. It doesn't have to serve the rich. You let that shit happen. It doesn't have to deny global warming. You believed that shit. It doesn't have to rape social security. It could provide national insurance to anyone who doesn't have private insurance.

I don't give to charity because they are a rip off. Did you give to Trump's charity? It was a scam. You paid for an expensive picture of Trump so he can look good. Idiot!
Charity aint going to fix our societies problems. Government is the referee. They make a nice society or a shitty one. You either have good leaders and good policies or you have a shit hole.

Look at Russia, Iran, England, Canada, Germany. They all have governments. Some good, some not so good. You republicans think in black and white. Government bad. No stupid. Government doesn't have to be bad. It doesn't have to serve the rich. You let that shit happen. It doesn't have to deny global warming. You believed that shit. It doesn't have to rape social security. It could provide national insurance to anyone who doesn't have private insurance.

I don't give to charity because they are a rip off. Did you give to Trump's charity? It was a scam. You paid for an expensive picture of Trump so he can look good. Idiot!

How's government doing fixing things like poverty in places like Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and New York City?

Progressives hate charities because if they don't produce results, most people stop giving to them. With government, results aren't the concern, it's just how much money you can pump into the problem (and how many bureaucrats you can pay via taxes to make sure the money keeps pumping).
How's government doing fixing things like poverty in places like Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and New York City?

Progressives hate charities because if they don't produce results, most people stop giving to them. With government, results aren't the concern, it's just how much money you can pump into the problem (and how many bureaucrats you can pay via taxes to make sure the money keeps pumping).
Exactly. There is no bigger fraud or scam than the government.
How's government doing fixing things like poverty in places like Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and New York City?

Progressives hate charities because if they don't produce results, most people stop giving to them. With government, results aren't the concern, it's just how much money you can pump into the problem (and how many bureaucrats you can pay via taxes to make sure the money keeps pumping).
Nonsense. Look at where the highest paid blacks are in America. Around the DC area. Government jobs.

You won't let government fix Portland or Detroit. If they did, the only companies who would get tax breaks would be located in Portland, Seattle, Chicago and NY.

And we would legislate out of control CEO pay. My brother is just a VP of HR of a fortune 500 company. He makes $1 million dollars a year. If he was a woman or black VP of HR, make that $2 million.

Are VP's really that valuable? Then cut their pay in half and give that other half million to the workers. Then you won't have poverty, stupid.

Today, anyone who's not working is hopeless. Don't blame government for their hopelessness. Unless you want to blame Republican policies.
Nonsense. Look at where the highest paid blacks are in America. Around the DC area. Government jobs.

You won't let government fix Portland or Detroit. If they did, the only companies who would get tax breaks would be located in Portland, Seattle, Chicago and NY.

And we would legislate out of control CEO pay. My brother is just a VP of HR of a fortune 500 company. He makes $1 million dollars a year. If he was a woman or black VP of HR, make that $2 million.

Are VP's really that valuable? Then cut their pay in half and give that other half million to the workers. Then you won't have poverty, stupid.

Today, anyone who's not working is hopeless. Don't blame government for their hopelessness. Unless you want to blame Republican policies.

All those places have dumped hundreds of millions of dollars into the issues over the past decades, and have shit to show for it. Why are you bringing up Companies and CEO's?

All those camping druggies in Portland and Seattle would benefit from the jobs they don't have getting an extra $20 a week in their imaginary paychecks?
Leftists are now the top 1%.

In fact, the DNC has outspent the GOP in this coming election by double.

The goal is to destroy the Middle Class like Marx said had to happen.
Yes, the goal is the destroy the middle class.....they want a more Chinese style, of Fascism.

Leadership of the Democratic Party:​

Biden gave average of $369 to charity a year - ABC News

Joe Biden, Harris donated less than others in income bracket

Conservatives are more giving than liberals | The Seattle Times

Who Gives and Who Doesn't? - ABC News

I’ll tell you why. Democrats always expect someone else to be bothered to help those in need. Very rarely themselves.
They want to rob you and then give your money to charity, just not theirs.
Nonsense. Look at where the highest paid blacks are in America. Around the DC area. Government jobs.

You won't let government fix Portland or Detroit. If they did, the only companies who would get tax breaks would be located in Portland, Seattle, Chicago and NY.

And we would legislate out of control CEO pay. My brother is just a VP of HR of a fortune 500 company. He makes $1 million dollars a year. If he was a woman or black VP of HR, make that $2 million.

Are VP's really that valuable? Then cut their pay in half and give that other half million to the workers. Then you won't have poverty, stupid.

Today, anyone who's not working is hopeless. Don't blame government for their hopelessness. Unless you want to blame Republican policies.
The fact that the richest places in America are around DC, is the problem. Your dependance on other people's work is the problem, and that is what Govt is. Govt exist only because someone pays, people pay with money from what they earn from work.

With that said, back to the topic of the thread...this article is a good piece: The Season Of Not-Giving: Liberals Less Charitable Than Conservatives - Young America's Foundation

“When I started doing research on charity,” Brooks wrote in his book, “I expected to find that political liberals — who, I believed, genuinely cared more about others than conservatives did — would turn out to be the most privately charitable people. So when my early findings led me to the opposite conclusion, I assumed I had made some sort of technical error. I re-ran analyses. I got new data. Nothing worked. In the end, I had no option but to change my views.
I have NO idea what the OP is talking about - not giving to charity?!

Democrats give hundreds of BILLIONS ... over a TRILLION dollars to 'charities' and 'causes' all the time.

Hell, the Democrats just have over $1 TRILLION to doctors, lawyers, and upper class Americans drowning in student loan debt they signed up for and promised to pay back.

They give HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars to help drug Cartels, human/ child/ sex traffickers to prosper ... to pay for welcoming, sheltering, 'in-processing, illegally transporting (buses, trains, planes), dumping, er 'relocating' illegals across state lines and all over the country, for housing (luxury hotel rooms), medical treatment, education, food, phones, jobs, and other benefits...

One thing the OP might not understand is the Democrat Party believes ALL of your money is THEIR money. What you get to keep and spend is THEIR money they ALLOW you to have. About a decade ago

Democrats actually discussed dictating a monetary limit on Americans - how much of your money THEY were going to ALLOW you to have, & everything else would go to the govt. Of course it failed....then.

So, understanding that YOUR money is actually THEIR money, they give to 'charities' and 'causes' all the time, especially to those 'charities' who can help them stay in office.

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