Why do conservatives "know" so much that just isn't so?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
They "know" the former USSR was a legitimate threat and had an intelligence apparatus operating within the US, despite the fact that the only proof they've ever been able to give for their little James Bond-inspired conspiracy theory has been a few vague Soviet records and the mad ravings of the thoroughly discredited Joseph McCarthy. Of course, that didn't stop them from ruining the lives of many totally innocent and patriotic Americans such as Alger Hiss or the Rosenbergs in the name of their anti-Communist bigotry.

They "know" Islamic extremism is a threat to the US now, despite the real threat clearly being Christianity. They like to go on and on about their little "ISIS" project and how scary they want us to think their big bad totally-not-made-up "al-Qaeda" boogyman is but they shut up real quick when you ask them about the Hutaree militia or Christian Dominionist radical Timothy McVeigh.

They "know" gender is biological, despite the fact that it's quite clearly a social construct. You're not a boy because you have a penis or a girl because you have a vagina. You're a male or female only because you think you are.

They "know" that the questions of what life is and when it begins are biological rather than sociological, despite these questions being entirely philosophical rather than scientific in any way. They just can't understand that it's up to every person to determine a personal answer to these deeply philosophical questions for him or herself.

They "know" that people have an inherent "right to life", completely ignoring that there exists nothing of the sort, either in US law or international law. If people really had a right not to be killed then conservatives wouldn't be promoting business interests or trying to go after welfare abusers.

Relatedly, they "know" a fetus is a person, despite the fact that personhood is a legally defined concept and our legal system's definition of it specifically excluding fetuses. Yes. Evidently they really stupid enough to use a word for something it's defined not to mean.

They "know" Planned Parenthood sells aborted biological material, despite the fact that the only proof they've ever been able to give for their little terrorist conspiracy theory has been a series of debunked fake hoax videos, Cecile Richards' apology for the tone of the actress playing Nucatola, and... well, that's about it. Every reasonable person, almost every media corporation, Planned Parenthood, and even the fucking president of the United States has stated multiple times in no uncertain terms that they are a hoax and have been debunked as a hoax because they're fake and stupid and a hoax. Of course, that doesn't dissuade them from encouraging the lying terrorist scumbags responsible to breaking the court order to stop releasing them.

They think identity politics is bad and divisive, despite the fact that it's literally just voting according to the personal interests of yourself and people who look like you. It doesn't make sense not to be for it. Technically even they do it.

I'm sure I can think of plenty of other instances of them doing this. The question is why they do it. Why do they persist in trying to live in their little reality when they could live in the enlightened liberal one?
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Why do they want to cut infrastructure, science, r&d, education and the safetynet so bad? They want to weaken this country and they don't seem to care.
I've called you on this bullshit, and asked you to prove it with a link.

You ignore me, and now you spout off the same bullshit again.

You are a partisan troll.
The left in a nutshell

Why do hardcore partisan ideologues only see one side of every issue?
It goes beyond that. The OP is so poorly informed and claims so much that isnt so he lacks any credibility. It is simply fact that the USSR had a spying operation in this country from the 1930s on. There is no room for opinoon on the matter at all.
It goes beyond that. The OP is so poorly informed and claims so much that isnt so he lacks any credibility. It is simply fact that the USSR had a spying operation in this country from the 1930s on. There is no room for opinoon on the matter at all.
It's commonly understood by everyone outside of the conservative bubble that there was no Soviet espionage presence in this country. I'd say I hate to break it to you but I really don't. And, even if they did, it was their right as a sovereign nation to do so. What, you think America is the only country allowed to spy on other nations? You think we should have kept sole ownership of nuclear technology?
Why do hardcore partisan ideologues only see one side of every issue?
It goes beyond that. The OP is so poorly informed and claims so much that isnt so he lacks any credibility. It is simply fact that the USSR had a spying operation in this country from the 1930s on. There is no room for opinoon on the matter at all.

I know I thought WTF??????

When I seen a picture of the Soviet Union Braun space shuttle

Uhmmmm it looked identical to ours.
It goes beyond that. The OP is so poorly informed and claims so much that isnt so he lacks any credibility. It is simply fact that the USSR had a spying operation in this country from the 1930s on. There is no room for opinoon on the matter at all.
It's commonly understood by everyone outside of the conservative bubble that there was no Soviet espionage presence in this country. I'd say I hate to break it to you but I really don't. And, even if they did, it was their right as a sovereign nation to do so. What, you think America is the only country allowed to spy on other nations? You think we should have kept sole ownership of nuclear technology?

Quit posting like a 10 year old ignorant child

US soldier sentenced to 16 years for selling secrets to 'Russian spy'

Navy spy gets 20-year prison sentence for selling secrets to Russia

Transcript of "60 Minutes", 23 May 1982
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Done with you child smoke some more crack and go huff some more gold paint
They "know" the former USSR was a legitimate threat and had an intelligence apparatus operating within the US, despite the fact that the only proof they've ever been able to give for their little James Bond-inspired conspiracy theory has been a few vague Soviet records and the mad ravings of the thoroughly discredited Joseph McCarthy. Of course, that didn't stop them from ruining the lives of many totally innocent and patriotic Americans such as Alger Hiss or the Rosenbergs in the name of their anti-Communist bigotry.

They "know" Islamic extremism is a threat to the US now, despite the real threat clearly being Christianity. They like to go on and on about their little "ISIS" project and how scary they want us to think their big bad totally-not-made-up "al-Qaeda" boogyman is but they shut up real quick when you ask them about the Hutaree militia or Christian Dominionist radical Timothy McVeigh.

They "know" gender is biological, despite the fact that it's quite clearly a social construct. You're not a boy because you have a penis or a girl because you have a vagina. You're a male or female only because you think you are.

They "know" that the questions of what life is and when it begins are biological rather than sociological, despite these questions being entirely philosophical rather than scientific in any way. They just can't understand that it's up to every person to determine a personal answer to these deeply philosophical questions for him or herself.

They "know" that people have an inherent "right to life", completely ignoring that there exists nothing of the sort, either in US law or international law. If people really had a right not to be killed then conservatives wouldn't be promoting business interests or trying to go after welfare abusers.

Relatedly, they "know" a fetus is a person, despite the fact that personhood is a legally defined concept and our legal system's definition of it specifically excluding fetuses. Yes. Evidently they really stupid enough to use a word for something it's defined not to mean.

They "know" Planned Parenthood sells aborted biological material, despite the fact that the only proof they've ever been able to give for their little terrorist conspiracy theory has been a series of debunked fake hoax videos, Cecile Richards' apology for the tone of the actress playing Nucatola, and... well, that's about it. Every reasonable person, almost every media corporation, Planned Parenthood, and even the fucking president of the United States has stated multiple times in no uncertain terms that they are a hoax and have been debunked as a hoax because they're fake and stupid and a hoax. Of course, that doesn't dissuade them from encouraging the lying terrorist scumbags responsible to breaking the court order to stop releasing them.

They think identity politics is bad and divisive, despite the fact that it's literally just voting according to the personal interests of yourself and people who look like you. It doesn't make sense not to be for it. Technically even they do it.

I'm sure I can think of plenty of other instances of them doing this. The question is why they do it. Why do they persist in trying to live in their little reality when they could live in the enlightened liberal one?

What I find is weird is people who come on forums like this, they seem to want to talk about stuff, but they're not willing to prove, even to themselves, that what they're saying is true or not. They can't even be bothered to back it up.
They "know" the former USSR was a legitimate threat and had an intelligence apparatus operating within the US, despite the fact that the only proof they've ever been able to give for their little James Bond-inspired conspiracy theory has been a few vague Soviet records and the mad ravings of the thoroughly discredited Joseph McCarthy. Of course, that didn't stop them from ruining the lives of many totally innocent and patriotic Americans such as Alger Hiss or the Rosenbergs in the name of their anti-Communist bigotry.

They "know" Islamic extremism is a threat to the US now, despite the real threat clearly being Christianity. They like to go on and on about their little "ISIS" project and how scary they want us to think their big bad totally-not-made-up "al-Qaeda" boogyman is but they shut up real quick when you ask them about the Hutaree militia or Christian Dominionist radical Timothy McVeigh.

They "know" gender is biological, despite the fact that it's quite clearly a social construct. You're not a boy because you have a penis or a girl because you have a vagina. You're a male or female only because you think you are.

They "know" that the questions of what life is and when it begins are biological rather than sociological, despite these questions being entirely philosophical rather than scientific in any way. They just can't understand that it's up to every person to determine a personal answer to these deeply philosophical questions for him or herself.

They "know" that people have an inherent "right to life", completely ignoring that there exists nothing of the sort, either in US law or international law. If people really had a right not to be killed then conservatives wouldn't be promoting business interests or trying to go after welfare abusers.

Relatedly, they "know" a fetus is a person, despite the fact that personhood is a legally defined concept and our legal system's definition of it specifically excluding fetuses. Yes. Evidently they really stupid enough to use a word for something it's defined not to mean.

They "know" Planned Parenthood sells aborted biological material, despite the fact that the only proof they've ever been able to give for their little terrorist conspiracy theory has been a series of debunked fake hoax videos, Cecile Richards' apology for the tone of the actress playing Nucatola, and... well, that's about it. Every reasonable person, almost every media corporation, Planned Parenthood, and even the fucking president of the United States has stated multiple times in no uncertain terms that they are a hoax and have been debunked as a hoax because they're fake and stupid and a hoax. Of course, that doesn't dissuade them from encouraging the lying terrorist scumbags responsible to breaking the court order to stop releasing them.

They think identity politics is bad and divisive, despite the fact that it's literally just voting according to the personal interests of yourself and people who look like you. It doesn't make sense not to be for it. Technically even they do it.

I'm sure I can think of plenty of other instances of them doing this. The question is why they do it. Why do they persist in trying to live in their little reality when they could live in the enlightened liberal one?

What I find is weird is people who come on forums like this, they seem to want to talk about stuff, but they're not willing to prove, even to themselves, that what they're saying is true or not. They can't even be bothered to back it up.
Exactly. They know they can't prove any of it. They just "know" it.
It goes beyond that. The OP is so poorly informed and claims so much that isnt so he lacks any credibility. It is simply fact that the USSR had a spying operation in this country from the 1930s on. There is no room for opinoon on the matter at all.
It's commonly understood by everyone outside of the conservative bubble that there was no Soviet espionage presence in this country. I'd say I hate to break it to you but I really don't. And, even if they did, it was their right as a sovereign nation to do so. What, you think America is the only country allowed to spy on other nations? You think we should have kept sole ownership of nuclear technology?
You are on in over your head with all the bullshit you've been cranking out. And again, no link to back up anything you are saying.

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