Why Do Conservatives Dislike, Even Hate, Bill And Hillary Clinton?

I've given this considerable thought, and have concluded what I think is the root cause. First of all, President Clinton gave America 8 years of prosperity and relative peace following President George H.W. Bush's 1st Gulf War in Iraq. President Clinton maintained the northern and southern no-fly zones established in that war. President Clinton was forced to confront numerous international conflicts - but according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) only one person in uniform died as a result of hostilities and another 75 died as a result of terrorist attacks. Plus, President Clinton left office with the highest approval rating of any president since WWII (66%).

So, aside from the usual political differences - I have concluded the following: Conservatives pursued the Clintons with a vengeance because they believe President Clinton robbed President George H.W. Bush of a 2nd term.

They have been spoonfed their hate of the Clinton's over the last 20 years by Reich wing talk show hosts. Who fill their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of Reich wing hyperbole, half truths, misconceptions, conspiracy theories and sometimes 100% lies. They are the equivalent of a Tabloid magazine, only in radio or some of the political entertainment programs on FOX News.

These same are also responsible for Shattering the Republican party into pieces, by continually violating Reagan's 11th commandment--"Thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican." All for political entertainment, ratings and those obscene profit breaks.

Frankly I hope all these talk show hosts and the Tea Party in this country, that nominated this FRAUD go down the toilet with them after this election disaster.


You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

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I don't get the bitter hatred for Hillary either. Both her and Bill seem like charming people. But her character and integrity are irrelevant to me. I disagree, pretty much completely, with her entire political agenda. Even if she was a saint, I wouldn't vote for her.

I think part of the reason Republicans demonize Hillary personally is that if they focused only on her policies, many of them would vote for her. Especially over Trump.
It is obvious that Slick Willy has AIDS. Just look at him. He has all the obvious symptoms. I suspect after the election (win or lose) Willy will come out of the closet and admit he has been infected.
I don't get the bitter hatred for Hillary either. Both her and Bill seem like charming people. But her character and integrity are irrelevant to me. I disagree, pretty much completely, with her entire political agenda. Even if she was a saint, I wouldn't vote for her.

I think part of the reason Republicans demonize Hillary personally is that if they focused only on her policies, many of them would vote for her. Especially over Trump.

It's clear by the DNC convention speakers they know that Republicans are looking very hard at Hillary Clinton. All night long they were speaking to Republicans. And she's going to get millions of them.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Republicans for Hillary? - CNNPolitics.com
Republican women organize to support Hillary Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

I believe she has Republicans endorsing her on the platform tonight.

It's clear by the DNC convention speakers they know that Republicans are looking very hard at Hillary Clinton. All night long they were speaking to Republicans. And she's going to get millions of them.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Republicans for Hillary? - CNNPolitics.com
Republican women organize to support Hillary Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

You are delusional Moon Bat. Republicans hate Crooked Hillary.

Nope--not all Republicans listen to Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwd-d or are attached at the hip to FOX news, in fact the majority don't listen to or watch political entertainment. You are the minority of the party, and you're going to finally figure that out on election night. And it's going to be very PAINFUL.

The overwhelming majority of Republicans are moderates, and you gave them a Psychopath nominee they won't vote for.
Trump Is Losing to Hillary Among One Crucial Group of White Voters


Jeb Bush supporters now Hillary Clinton Voters
Marco Rubio supporters now Hillary Clinton Voters
Carly Fiorina Supporters, now organizing for Hillary Clinton
John Kasich supporters, now Hillary Clinton voters
Chris Christie supporters, now Hillary Clinton voters.
Lindsey Graham supporters, now Hillary Clinton voters

Ted Cruz supporters--they may hold their nose and vote for Trump--but then again they may not.

Trump will get
Mike Huckabee supporters and votes
Ben Carson supporters and votes
Rick Santorum supporters and votes
Bobby Jindal supporters and votes

Rand Paul supporters will go libertarian or no vote

So this is your ODDS of Trump actually winning the White House--LOL Remember you did it, now you OWN it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator


Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
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It's clear by the DNC convention speakers they know that Republicans are looking very hard at Hillary Clinton. All night long they were speaking to Republicans. And she's going to get millions of them.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Republicans for Hillary? - CNNPolitics.com
Republican women organize to support Hillary Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

You are delusional Moon Bat. Republicans hate Crooked Hillary.

Nope--not all Republicans listen to Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwd-d or are attached at the hip to FOX news, in fact the majority don't listen to or watch political entertainment. You are the minority of the party, and you're going to finally figure that out on election night. And it's going to be very PAINFUL.

The overwhelming majority of Republicans are moderates, and you gave them a Psychopath nominee they won't vote for.
Trump Is Losing to Hillary Among One Crucial Group of White Voters


Jeb Bush supporters now Hillary Clinton Voters
Marco Rubio supporters now Hillary Clinton Voters
Carly Fiorina Supporters, now organizing for Hillary Clinton
John Kasich supporters, now Hillary Clinton voters
Chris Christie supporters, now definitely Hillary Clinton voters.

Ted Cruz supporters--they may hold their nose and vote for Trump--but again they may not.

You are delusional. I mean really delusional. Crooked Hillary is hated outside the hardcore Moon Bat circles. She is distrusted by 70% of Americans. Nobody thinks she will do a good job. Some assholes will vote for her because they think she will give them a bigger welfare check. Others because they are Gruberidiots that will believe anything the lying Democrats tell them.

There will be more blue collar Democrats that jump ship for Trump than there will be Republicans that vote for that stupid corrupt dishonest bitch.
Crooked Hillary has a lot to worry about.

70% of Americans knows that she is dishonest bitch.

The Commie Bernie nutcases are pissed at her and the DNC for screwing them.

The Negroes will vote for her in a high percentage because of the welfare thingy but they won't turn out in anywhere near the numbers that turned out for Obama.

Blue collar Democrats are turning to Trump.

Crooked Hillary will have a hellva time turning out the 65 million dumbass voters that the shithead Obama conned into voting for him.
Hard to like people when they are as phony as a $3 bill.

After Bill stood at the DNC convention and lied his ass off to try and help his corrupt wife get in the WH, Dick Morris came forth to explain the truth. Spoiler alert, the truth isn't anything like what Bill claimed. Morris knows the Clintons better than anyone.

Powerful stuff Clem. Would love for all undecided voters to see it.
I really don't know of any Presidential nominee in the history of this nation, that was endorsed by Russia--do you?


They haven't endorsed anyone. Funny that for decades, it was the left who admired Russia. That only stopped when Putin made Obama look like a wimpy little kid. Just because people point it out doesn't mean they like Putin. I find it sad that our own leader looks lame compared to a freaking commie.

Since you're worried about who is supporting candidates, why aren't you upset about all the foreign money Hillary accepted from some radical leaders? That is some serious shit and you guys have your panties in a wad over a stupid joke that Trump told.
I really don't know of any Presidential nominee in the history of this nation, that was endorsed by Russia--do you?


They haven't endorsed anyone. Funny that for decades, it was the left who admired Russia. That only stopped when Putin made Obama look like a wimpy little kid. Just because people point it out doesn't mean they like Putin. I find it sad that our own leader looks lame compared to a freaking commie.

Since you're worried about who is supporting candidates, why aren't you upset about all the foreign money Hillary accepted from some radical leaders? That is some serious shit and you guys have your panties in a wad over a stupid joke that Trump told.

Your walls are tumbling in. Tonight at the DNC convention lifelong Republicans were endorsing Hillary Clinton.

This one--Doug Elmets a close friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan had this to say about Donald Trump.


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