Why do black people fight with the police so often?


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2008
Most of you probably havent seen this yet, but im guessing it will make national news soon enough. A cop stops 2 jaywalking girls, they get into an arguement with him and they escalate it by resisting arrest and attacking the police officer, at which piint he clocks this 17 year old chick squarely in the face. Its pretty hilarious actually.

If these two had just listened to the officer and not made a scene, it would have never come to this, but innevitably it seems, young black people have this problem with disobeying authority figures to the point of becoming verbally and physically abusive with said authority figure.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9w9AfptGGQ]YouTube - Seattle Police Confrontation - komonews.com[/ame]

Lesson to be learned? Dont fuck with the police if you dont want to get bitch slapped, unless of course someone is around to film it, because then ill want to see the aftermath for myself. :lol:
Before anyone starts any campaign to feel sorry for these girls, i should point out that they both have arrest records and one of them has already been arrested for assaulting a King County police officer in the past.
Might be an over generalization, don't you think?

It might be more fair to say that blacks seem to do this more than other races (except hispanics in some areas). My guess is that it is sub-cultural rather than racial.

Without a doubt, its NOT a racial thing. The color of a persons skin is not going to make that person predisposed to acting like this. Its all about their culture and how they were raised.
Why do white people blindly defend cops?

This started because this girl was jaywalking. That's right, she was crossing the street the wrong way, and he slams her into a car hood because she doesn't sign the stupid ticket. This cop should have more self control that to physically assault two girls who don't want to listen to him.
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Why do white people blindly defend cops?

This started because this girl was jaywalking. That's right, she was crossing the street the wrong way, and he slams her into a car hood because she doesn't sign the stupid ticket. this cop should have more self control that to physically assault tow girls who don't want to listen to him.

Why would you think he slammed her head into the car for simply not signing a ticket? Thats kind of a stupid thing to say, wouldnt you agree? It seems like you are trying to inject dishonesty into this in an effort to be purposely unfair against the police officer because hes white. If this girl is innocent, then why do you need to twist the facts in order to have a reasonable defense for her? Lets just keep it real, ok? Dishonesty doesnt help anyone.

The fact is, he was already lecturing some other guy about jaywalking on this busy 4 lane street when these 2 did the exact same thing, so he called them over as well. He just wanted to lecture them about how dangerous it is to themselves and the drivers on the road when they jaywalk, but they refused his orders and they became disrespectful and aggresive.

It is not ok to fight with the police under any circumstances. If you do, then no one should be angry about for the repurcussions of that combative behavior.
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The cop appeared to be completely justified in everything that he did, with the exception of punching the woman square in the face.

Everything that the girls did was wrong.

Actually, by law the police officer is allowed, if not encouraged, to escalte use of force in this way in these situations. From everyhting ive read, it appears this police officer will face no charges at all. In fact the police officers guild said they were relieved that someone actually had a video of it, because it proves the police officer did nothing wrong.
Why do white people blindly defend cops?

This started because this girl was jaywalking. That's right, she was crossing the street the wrong way, and he slams her into a car hood because she doesn't sign the stupid ticket. this cop should have more self control that to physically assault tow girls who don't want to listen to him.

Why would you think he slammed her head into the car for simply not signing a ticket? Thats kind of a stupid thing to say, wouldnt you agree? It seems like you are trying to inject dishonesty into this in an effort to be purposely unfair against the police officer because hes white. If this girl is innocent, then why do you need to twist the facts in order to have a reasonable defense for her? Lets just keep it real, ok? Dishonesty doesnt help anyone.

The fact is, he was already lecturing some other guy about jaywalking on this busy 4 lane street when these 2 did the exact same thing, so he called them over as well. He just wanted to lecture them about how dangerous it is to themselves and the drivers on the road when they jaywalk, but they refused his orders and they became disrespectful and aggresive.

It is not ok to fight with the police under any circumstances. If you do, then no one should be angry about for the repurcussions of that combative behavior.

Because that is what the witnesses said, and the police acknowledge that this started over a jaywalking ticket. Did he find out she had a dead body ion her purse, and slam her head into the car for that?

Also, since you want to point out that the girls had criminal records, can I also point out that SPD has a documented history of beating jaywalking suspects?

Injustice In Seattle: Excessive Force Complaint Sustained In Mark Hays Case -Updated

Blind Justice by Jonah Spangenthal-Lee - News - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper

Jaywalkers smarting after rude encounter with cops

Hell, the cops even admit it.

Recent Police Auditor's Report Says That Jaywalking Stops Often Lead to "Take-Downs" - Seattle News - The Daily Weekly

It is not OK, ever, under any circumstances, for a cop to use force for a jaywalking offense. Until SPD gets that message I will always believe they are wrong in any altercation with a jaywalker that results in force being used, and disregard anything the police have to say on the matter.

Keep trying though, it is entertaining watching you paint yourself into a corner. Resisting cops is my right as an American citizen, whether they believe it or not.
Resisting cops is my right as an American citizen, whether they believe it or not.

I think you only have the right to resist an unlawful arrest. But you are correct in your observations. The cop is a straight gaywad or a gay fuckwad for punching the teenage girl in the face.
If you're really interested, then I suggest:



We, as whites, really cannot imagine what its like to be black, and I'm certainly not saying that every opinion given in this book is valid: I'm saying that it gives you a glipse into the POV of ONE black that may explain why blacks may resist arrest more than whites.

Frankly, I think the incarceration rate (60% of the prison population is black) speaks for itself. For one reason or another, they are more likely to be jailed, even though they only comprise about 15% of the population. Regardless of all attempts to integrate society, most cops are white, most lawyers are white, most legislatures are white, and most judges are white.

Imagine if you could, living in a nation where cops, lawyers, legislatures, and judges are black.

Prisons, are filled with whites.

It could make you a tad paranoid.
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The only people who attack cops here are white meth heads.. So one should probably not generalize.
The only people who attack cops here are white meth heads.. So one should probably not generalize.

Since the proportion of Black enprisoned in the USA is so far out of proportion to any other race's population, then its pretty easy for me to imagine that their instance of resisting arrest is also wacked out of proportion.

I suppose I could research it, and drag forth some linky so it could be attacked for its validity, but I'm gonna just go with common sense here.
The only people who attack cops here are white meth heads.. So one should probably not generalize.

Since the proportion of Black enprisoned in the USA is so far out of proportion to any other race's population, then its pretty easy for me to imagine that their instance of resisting arrest is also wacked out of proportion.

I suppose I could research it, and drag forth some linky so it could be attacked for its validity, but I'm gonna just go with common sense here.

There is hardly any black people who live here. ;)

We still have a terrible crime rate for the size we are, and most of the crime is done by white meth heads or white oxy cotin freaks.. Last year we had the worst problem per capita for pharmacies being robbed of oxy cotin, and it the by far the majority of the robberies was done by white people.
And as for black people population in jails, you might want to look into the fact until a few months ago possesion of crack got you a longer jail sentence than coke, along with how many black people are in jail are in for non violent drug crimes.
I can't remember the dealer name, but one black guy in LA got something like 15 years in prison for selling coke. He was selling coke brought in by the CIA during the Iran Contra incident. How many of those men went to prison?
The only people who attack cops here are white meth heads.. So one should probably not generalize.

Since the proportion of Black enprisoned in the USA is so far out of proportion to any other race's population, then its pretty easy for me to imagine that their instance of resisting arrest is also wacked out of proportion.

I suppose I could research it, and drag forth some linky so it could be attacked for its validity, but I'm gonna just go with common sense here.

There is hardly any black people who live here. ;)

We still have a terrible crime rate for the size we are, and most of the crime is done by white meth heads or white oxy cotin freaks.. Last year we had the worst problem per capita for pharmacies being robbed of oxy cotin, and it the by far the majority of the robberies was done by white people.
And as for black people population in jails, you might want to look into the fact until a few months ago possesion of crack got you a longer jail sentence than coke, along with how many black people are in jail are in for non violent drug crimes.
I can't remember the dealer name, but one black guy in LA got something like 15 years in prison for selling coke. He was selling coke brought in by the CIA during the Iran Contra incident. How many of those men went to prison?

Well, I assumed that the Thread addressed a NATIONAL phenomena, not one within a 20 mile radius of where you live.

But, you make a good point: crack, the cheaper form of cocain, is a drug of choice among the poor and black, and whites have made it illegal, and whites have made longer sentences for possession of even the smallest volumes, and whites enforce this law.

Anyone beginning to see why blacks might be paranoid?

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