Why Do Atheist's Hate The Ground Zero Cross ?

ground zero cross: Court presses atheist group to explain why artifact is 'offensive' | fox news

ground zero cross: Court presses atheist group to explain why artifact is 'offensive'

a federal appeals court said this week that an atheist group trying to keep the so-called ground zero cross out of the national september 11 memorial museum must better explain how displaying the artifact is “offensive” and violates members’ constitutional rights.

The 17-foot-tall, steel beam “cross” was found in the rubble of the world trade center twin towers in new york that fell during the sept. 11 terror attacks.

The cross became a sort of shrine or place of comfort for first responders who often prayed there and left messages or flowers. It was moved away from the debris a few weeks later and became a tourist attraction through several years of reconstruction.

american atheists filed the suit in 2011, which was thrown out last year by a federal judge in the southern district of new york.

See ? Just like their comrades in hate, the libercrats, these people never give up, they keep chipping away at our rights, their constant, incessant whining and crying will eventually get what they want thru political channels thru a sympathetic libercrat congress critter who will introduce a bill, it may not pass the first up, but you can bet your ass they will keep at it until that very tiny minority of a few hundred people over rule the wishes and common sense of 300,000,000 citizens.......,

take our second amendment vs gun control.., need i say more ?


us atheists believe religion keeps society down. It keeps people ignorant. Just stay up late one sunday or wake up in the middle of the night and see those televanglists praying on the weak minded.

And this is not a nation of christians. If it is, then it is a nation of retarded people who believe anything they are told.

There is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

The bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those others, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. Its florid prose and fanciful content do not legitimise it nor distinguish it from other ancient works of literature.

The bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

If you are a christian please keep that shit to yourselves. :eusa_pray:

........................ Prove there is no god ..................

or your ramblings are pure bullshit......,


For people who claim there is no God, atheists sure do talk about God a lot.

We're on a fucking message board cock sucker. Where else are we going to talk about it. If you try to talk about it to people in person they freak out so we are forced to come here to try to wake up an entire society that is brainwashed to think an invisible man is watching them 24/7. Fuckin weirdo's. :cuckoo:

Why there is no god

i presume you are a libernut ??
I see the far left will stop at nothing to squash the rights of others that they disagree with.

After all Clinton had 5 years to get Bin Laden...

I lost 5 former classmates on 9-11 at the WTC 3 of them non Christians. The people who died in that Islamic faith base murder that day were from all and no religions. But true to form the rightwing christer vermin tried to Christianize the event. I remember the months after 9-11 near ground zero when hoards of christer fundys descended on the area from out of state trying to proselytize to people in lower Manhattan, some of who lost their relatives. That didn't last long as they were told get the fuck out.
hummmmm..., what i find so very interesting is on that day, September 11, 2001AD and for many days after there were prayer vigils held all over this great land of the faithful, THE United States of America, and many people of faith were helped thru a very trying time for America, there were even some atheists attended those vigils and even acted decent, now why was that ?
Ground Zero Cross: Court presses atheist group to explain why artifact is 'offensive' | Fox News

Ground Zero Cross: Court presses atheist group to explain why artifact is 'offensive'

A federal appeals court said this week that an atheist group trying to keep the so-called Ground Zero Cross out of the National September 11 Memorial Museum must better explain how displaying the artifact is “offensive” and violates members’ constitutional rights.

The 17-foot-tall, steel beam “cross” was found in the rubble of the World Trade Center twin towers in New York that fell during the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

The cross became a sort of shrine or place of comfort for first responders who often prayed there and left messages or flowers. It was moved away from the debris a few weeks later and became a tourist attraction through several years of reconstruction.

American Atheists filed the suit in 2011, which was thrown out last year by a federal judge in the Southern District of New York.

see ? just like their comrades in hate, the libercRATS, these people never give up, they keep chipping away at our rights, their constant, incessant whining and crying will eventually get what they want thru political channels thru a sympathetic libercRAT congress critter who will introduce a bill, it may not pass the first up, but you can bet your ass they will keep at it until that very tiny minority of a few hundred people over rule the wishes and common sense of 300,000,000 citizens.......,

take our Second Amendment Vs Gun Control.., need i say more ?


I can see a national security reason to keep a cross (and all other religious symbols) off the site: if you make the site religious, especially Christian, those who hate CHristians will use it as a rallying cry, "We hit them hard and were justified doing so because it's Christian!"
Well, I wish that cross section was still in the building. While using a piece of one of the buildings that was destroyed, and where so many people died a horrible death, as a religious artifact or symbol, is somewhat unsettling to me, it doesn't bother me or surprise one bit that some supernaturalist want it in the museum.
For people who claim there is no God, atheists sure do talk about God a lot.

We're on a fucking message board cock sucker. Where else are we going to talk about it. If you try to talk about it to people in person they freak out so we are forced to come here to try to wake up an entire society that is brainwashed to think an invisible man is watching them 24/7. Fuckin weirdo's. :cuckoo:

Why there is no god

i presume you are a libernut ??

Yes, and I assume all you extremely retarded christians who take the bible literally are all repuglicans. I don't even argue politics hardly anymore as I have realized if those people can't be convinced that there is no invisible man watching them 24/7 how am I going to convince them about fair taxation, why government is or should not be the enemy, etc.

Great example. Why try to convince a fool that thinks Jesus is coming back in our lifetime that we are destroying this planet with co2 and plastic? They think it's gay butt sex and abortion that are destroying the planet.

Need more proof you are all brainwashed? George Bush said he was a christian and you went along with every bad decision he made. Now that the rich got all the tax breaks and they and corporations pay virtually no taxes, they are now coming after you now that our roads need fixing. They say, "we have to, because we just don't have the money". No shit because corporations and rich people aren't paying their proper share anymore. So they shifted the burden on you, which is what I told you would happen. So the whole time they told you LESS TAXES they didn't mean for you sucker. They meant for the job creators.

So anyways, religion makes people stupid. I'm sure of it now. Illogical, irrational, wishful thinking. Yes, I'm a proud liberal progressive Democrat. Obama rules, Hillary 2016. Have fun winning this midterm. We'll take it all back in 2016.
For people who claim there is no God, atheists sure do talk about God a lot.

We're on a fucking message board cock sucker. Where else are we going to talk about it. If you try to talk about it to people in person they freak out so we are forced to come here to try to wake up an entire society that is brainwashed to think an invisible man is watching them 24/7. Fuckin weirdo's. :cuckoo:

Why there is no god

i presume you are a libernut ??

PERFECT EXAMPLE: GISMYS WROTE "This world cannot last much longer,the last days are here!"

How do you argue with a person like this? You don't. And just know, she's one of yours buddy. Certainly not a libernut.

So religion is telling her to ignore pollution and fear butt sex. Are you a fool like her? Close enough I'll assume. Maybe you aren't a complete fool like her but you are still a fool. Know how I know? Jesus told me. I prayed and prayed and he told me :eusa_pray:
We're on a fucking message board cock sucker. Where else are we going to talk about it. If you try to talk about it to people in person they freak out so we are forced to come here to try to wake up an entire society that is brainwashed to think an invisible man is watching them 24/7. Fuckin weirdo's. :cuckoo:

Why there is no god

i presume you are a libernut ??

PERFECT EXAMPLE: GISMYS WROTE "This world cannot last much longer,the last days are here!"

How do you argue with a person like this? You don't. And just know, she's one of yours buddy. Certainly not a libernut.

So religion is telling her to ignore pollution and fear butt sex. Are you a fool like her? Close enough I'll assume. Maybe you aren't a complete fool like her but you are still a fool. Know how I know? Jesus told me. I prayed and prayed and he told me :eusa_pray:

Have you ever seen your brain?
I see the far left will stop at nothing to squash the rights of others that they disagree with.

After all Clinton had 5 years to get Bin Laden...

I lost 5 former classmates on 9-11 at the WTC 3 of them non Christians. The people who died in that Islamic faith base murder that day were from all and no religions. But true to form the rightwing christer vermin tried to Christianize the event. I remember the months after 9-11 near ground zero when hoards of christer fundys descended on the area from out of state trying to proselytize to people in lower Manhattan, some of who lost their relatives. That didn't last long as they were told get the fuck out.
Rightwing Christer vermin?

Fuck you, you little wanker.

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I see the far left will stop at nothing to squash the rights of others that they disagree with.

After all Clinton had 5 years to get Bin Laden...

And he didn't have to look hard. Remember when bin laden was offered up on a silver platter and Clinton was too busy to worry about it?

One poster asked what the big deal is about a couple beams in the shape of a cross. I would ask the idiots behind the law suit what the big deal is about a couple beams in the shape of a cross. They are the ones making a big deal out of it just because they can't stand anything even remotely religious. They don't bother suing Muslims even when streets in NYC are closed down so they can pray in the streets. Funny that some things are fine with them and other things send them into a fury.

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