Why Didn’t Intel Agencies Know???


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Answer: they are no longer intelligence gathering agencies.

1.Did you see this highly significant story?

China tests new space capability with hypersonic missile

https://www.ft.com › content

China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in August that circled the globe before speeding towards its target, demonstrating an ...

China's reported hypersonic missile test "an important surprise"

https://www.cbsnews.com › news › china-hypersonic-m...

Hong Kong — China is shooting down a report claiming it successfully tested an advanced weapon known as a hypersonic missile.

“US admits Pentagon doesn’t know how to defend against China’s hypersonic missiles”
US admits Pentagon doesn’t know how to defend against China’s hypersonic missiles

2. Here is the most important part of the story:

China Tested Hypersonic Missile, Caught US Intel By ...

https://www.ndtv.com › world-news › china-space-mission-china-space-china-tested-new-space-capability-with-hypersonic-missile-report-2578051

Beijing: China has tested a new space capability with a hypersonic missile, the Financial Times reported on Saturday. The report, citing multiple sources familiar with the test, said Beijing in ...

The report added that China's progress on hypersonic weapons "caught US intelligence by surprise."

3. There is one reason and one reason alone why our vaunted intelligence agencies were caught with their pants down…..and, this is far from the first time….


I’ll prove it in this thread.
Answer: they are no longer intelligence gathering agencies.

1.Did you see this highly significant story?

China tests new space capability with hypersonic missile

https://www.ft.com › content

China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in August that circled the globe before speeding towards its target, demonstrating an ...

China's reported hypersonic missile test "an important surprise"

https://www.cbsnews.com › news › china-hypersonic-m...

Hong Kong — China is shooting down a report claiming it successfully tested an advanced weapon known as a hypersonic missile.

“US admits Pentagon doesn’t know how to defend against China’s hypersonic missiles”
US admits Pentagon doesn’t know how to defend against China’s hypersonic missiles

2. Here is the most important part of the story:

China Tested Hypersonic Missile, Caught US Intel By ...

https://www.ndtv.com › world-news › china-space-mission-china-space-china-tested-new-space-capability-with-hypersonic-missile-report-2578051

Beijing: China has tested a new space capability with a hypersonic missile, the Financial Times reported on Saturday. The report, citing multiple sources familiar with the test, said Beijing in ...

The report added that China's progress on hypersonic weapons "caught US intelligence by surprise."

3. There is one reason and one reason alone why our vaunted intelligence agencies were caught with their pants down…..and, this is far from the first time….


I’ll prove it in this thread.
.....we don't know if they knew or not
that's all MSM crap
Answer: they are no longer intelligence gathering agencies.

1.Did you see this highly significant story?

China tests new space capability with hypersonic missile

https://www.ft.com › content

China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in August that circled the globe before speeding towards its target, demonstrating an ...

China's reported hypersonic missile test "an important surprise"

https://www.cbsnews.com › news › china-hypersonic-m...

Hong Kong — China is shooting down a report claiming it successfully tested an advanced weapon known as a hypersonic missile.

“US admits Pentagon doesn’t know how to defend against China’s hypersonic missiles”
US admits Pentagon doesn’t know how to defend against China’s hypersonic missiles

2. Here is the most important part of the story:

China Tested Hypersonic Missile, Caught US Intel By ...

https://www.ndtv.com › world-news › china-space-mission-china-space-china-tested-new-space-capability-with-hypersonic-missile-report-2578051

Beijing: China has tested a new space capability with a hypersonic missile, the Financial Times reported on Saturday. The report, citing multiple sources familiar with the test, said Beijing in ...

The report added that China's progress on hypersonic weapons "caught US intelligence by surprise."

3. There is one reason and one reason alone why our vaunted intelligence agencies were caught with their pants down…..and, this is far from the first time….


I’ll prove it in this thread.
Too busy investigating moms complaining at school boards, covering up laptops, protecting mushbrain, ignoring Portland, etc. Oh. Wait. Thems dems. Yeah, yer correct.
Answer: they are no longer intelligence gathering agencies.

1.Did you see this highly significant story?

China tests new space capability with hypersonic missile

https://www.ft.com › content

China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in August that circled the globe before speeding towards its target, demonstrating an ...

China's reported hypersonic missile test "an important surprise"

https://www.cbsnews.com › news › china-hypersonic-m...

Hong Kong — China is shooting down a report claiming it successfully tested an advanced weapon known as a hypersonic missile.

“US admits Pentagon doesn’t know how to defend against China’s hypersonic missiles”
US admits Pentagon doesn’t know how to defend against China’s hypersonic missiles

2. Here is the most important part of the story:

China Tested Hypersonic Missile, Caught US Intel By ...

https://www.ndtv.com › world-news › china-space-mission-china-space-china-tested-new-space-capability-with-hypersonic-missile-report-2578051

Beijing: China has tested a new space capability with a hypersonic missile, the Financial Times reported on Saturday. The report, citing multiple sources familiar with the test, said Beijing in ...

The report added that China's progress on hypersonic weapons "caught US intelligence by surprise."

3. There is one reason and one reason alone why our vaunted intelligence agencies were caught with their pants down…..and, this is far from the first time….


I’ll prove it in this thread.



I'm gonna' be more specific, and document same, in this thread.

What will be evident is that Democrats are like the scorpion in this tale:

"A scorpion wants to cross a river but cannot swim, so it asks a frog to carry it across. The frog hesitates, afraid that the scorpion might sting it, but the scorpion promises not to, pointing out that they would both drown if the scorpion killed the frog in the middle of the river. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. The frog lets the scorpion climb on its back and begins to swim. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both.

The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature."


Normal folks, Americans.....we're the frog.
Answer: they are no longer intelligence gathering agencies.

1.Did you see this highly significant story?

China tests new space capability with hypersonic missile

https://www.ft.com › content

China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in August that circled the globe before speeding towards its target, demonstrating an ...

China's reported hypersonic missile test "an important surprise"

https://www.cbsnews.com › news › china-hypersonic-m...

Hong Kong — China is shooting down a report claiming it successfully tested an advanced weapon known as a hypersonic missile.

“US admits Pentagon doesn’t know how to defend against China’s hypersonic missiles”
US admits Pentagon doesn’t know how to defend against China’s hypersonic missiles

2. Here is the most important part of the story:

China Tested Hypersonic Missile, Caught US Intel By ...

https://www.ndtv.com › world-news › china-space-mission-china-space-china-tested-new-space-capability-with-hypersonic-missile-report-2578051

Beijing: China has tested a new space capability with a hypersonic missile, the Financial Times reported on Saturday. The report, citing multiple sources familiar with the test, said Beijing in ...

The report added that China's progress on hypersonic weapons "caught US intelligence by surprise."

3. There is one reason and one reason alone why our vaunted intelligence agencies were caught with their pants down…..and, this is far from the first time….


I’ll prove it in this thread.
Probably because they spent the last decade spying on trump, his family and conservative american citizens. China paid democrats, so.
Seriously? Does anyone expect the US intelligence community to discuss tightly held intelligence on Internet chat boards? China is a closed society, as opposed to the US & the West in general.

TMK, intel agencies are compartmentalized, to avoid messy & dangerous leaks from a single penetration. & so it's hard to tell if friendly or unfriendly intel agencies had any indications of the new China weapons platform.
Seriously? Does anyone expect the US intelligence community to discuss tightly held intelligence on Internet chat boards? China is a closed society, as opposed to the US & the West in general.

TMK, intel agencies are compartmentalized, to avoid messy & dangerous leaks from a single penetration. & so it's hard to tell if friendly or unfriendly intel agencies had any indications of the new China weapons platform.

They are no longer intelligence gathering agencies.
They are tools of the totalitarians....the Democrat Party.

Read the rest of this thread.
4. Advancing…..even sustaining….America and the Constitution are not in the plans for the Democrat Party, the local franchise of one-world government, globalism.

If it were, the function of the intelligence agencies would have been enhanced, rather than curtailed. During the 1970’s, as a result of Vietnam, Watergate and domestic spying, the Congress decided to gain control over the intelligence community.“…Congress moved in the mid-1970s to “reassert” its role in shaping American foreign policy, including the most controversial tool of that policy, covert action. Secrecy was seen as antithetical to the American way, and there was widespread agreement that “rogue” agencies such as the CIA were a threat to liberty.

a. [Democrat] Senator Frank Church and his allies claimed that an assertive legislative role would bring the United States “back to the genius of the Founding Fathers.” This assertion was made despite the fact that American presidents from 1789 to 1974 were given wide latitude to conduct clandestine operations they believed were in the national interest.

b. The damage done to the CIA by this congressional oversight regime (Democrat-controlled Pike and Church Committees) is quite extensive.

c. [A]s Henry Kissinger once observed about the Church Committee, that it is an illusion that “tranquility can be achieved by an abstract purity of motive for which history offers no example.” It is precisely this illusion which has prevailed in congressional circles since the heyday of Frank Church and Otis Pike. As Church himself once argued, the United States should not “fight fire with fire . . . evil with evil.”

d. [C]hairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Joseph Biden,…[t]he Delaware Democrat was one of seventeen Senators who voted in 1974 to ban all covert operations, and proudly noted during his 1988 campaign for president that he had threatened to “go public” with covert action plans by the Reagan administration, causing them to cancel the operations.
Congressional Oversight and the Crippling of the CIA Congressional Oversight and the Crippling of the CIA | History News Network

Today, the intelligence agencies act as a political SS aimed at Republicans and other Americans, any that don’t toe the socialist global operation.
Answer: they are no longer intelligence gathering agencies.

1.Did you see this highly significant story?

China tests new space capability with hypersonic missile

https://www.ft.com › content

China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in August that circled the globe before speeding towards its target, demonstrating an ...

China's reported hypersonic missile test "an important surprise"

https://www.cbsnews.com › news › china-hypersonic-m...

Hong Kong — China is shooting down a report claiming it successfully tested an advanced weapon known as a hypersonic missile.

“US admits Pentagon doesn’t know how to defend against China’s hypersonic missiles”
US admits Pentagon doesn’t know how to defend against China’s hypersonic missiles

2. Here is the most important part of the story:

China Tested Hypersonic Missile, Caught US Intel By ...

https://www.ndtv.com › world-news › china-space-mission-china-space-china-tested-new-space-capability-with-hypersonic-missile-report-2578051

Beijing: China has tested a new space capability with a hypersonic missile, the Financial Times reported on Saturday. The report, citing multiple sources familiar with the test, said Beijing in ...

The report added that China's progress on hypersonic weapons "caught US intelligence by surprise."

3. There is one reason and one reason alone why our vaunted intelligence agencies were caught with their pants down…..and, this is far from the first time….


I’ll prove it in this thread.
With China going into hard times because of the woman shortage and housing market troubles(because single men dont want to buy a house), i think it was intentional of China to rattle the sabre in the attempt to prove that China isnt playing any games. Every time a Socialist nation starts having trouble they do shit like this.
They are no longer intelligence gathering agencies.
They are tools of the totalitarians....the Democrat Party.

Read the rest of this thread.
Yep, I glanced through. Once upon a time, US intel was bipartisan - politics stopped @ the ocean's edge. That understanding has suffered considerably - but our competitors & enemies are still out there, waiting for opportunities to turn & recruit the unwary.

Without civic cohesion, the US will be in lots of trouble, as we adjust to a multi-polar world.
Answer: they are no longer intelligence gathering agencies.

1.Did you see this highly significant story?

China tests new space capability with hypersonic missile

https://www.ft.com › content

China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in August that circled the globe before speeding towards its target, demonstrating an ...

China's reported hypersonic missile test "an important surprise"

https://www.cbsnews.com › news › china-hypersonic-m...

Hong Kong — China is shooting down a report claiming it successfully tested an advanced weapon known as a hypersonic missile.

“US admits Pentagon doesn’t know how to defend against China’s hypersonic missiles”
US admits Pentagon doesn’t know how to defend against China’s hypersonic missiles

2. Here is the most important part of the story:

China Tested Hypersonic Missile, Caught US Intel By ...

https://www.ndtv.com › world-news › china-space-mission-china-space-china-tested-new-space-capability-with-hypersonic-missile-report-2578051

Beijing: China has tested a new space capability with a hypersonic missile, the Financial Times reported on Saturday. The report, citing multiple sources familiar with the test, said Beijing in ...

The report added that China's progress on hypersonic weapons "caught US intelligence by surprise."

3. There is one reason and one reason alone why our vaunted intelligence agencies were caught with their pants down…..and, this is far from the first time….


I’ll prove it in this thread.
They knew....They allowed the technology to be sold.

The "caught us by surprise" narrative is for rubes.
Yep, I glanced through. Once upon a time, US intel was bipartisan - politics stopped @ the ocean's edge. That understanding has suffered considerably - but our competitors & enemies are still out there, waiting for opportunities to turn & recruit the unwary.

Without civic cohesion, the US will be in lots of trouble, as we adjust to a multi-polar world.

How can that be accomplished....

"They hate conservatives. They hate our country. They hate the American flag. They hate police. They hate traditional values. They hate rural voters. They hate rural America. They hate working class people. They hate those without college degrees. They hate anything not situated in urban America."
Intolerance: Oh, So This Is Why Around Half Of Liberals Can't Stand Being Around Trump Supporters

Where are the shared values????
They knew....They allowed the technology to be sold.

The "caught us by surprise" narrative is for rubes.

I don't believe they knew....but there sure is evidence of your premise, the Democrats selling us out:
Obama guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism...


Flashback: Bill Clinton gave China missile technology​

As president, Bill Clinton essentially wiped out any strategic advantage the U.S. had by selling advanced U.S. missile technology to our enemy, the People’s Republic of China.

That “administration’s voluntary release of all the secrets of America’s nuclear tests, combined with the systematic theft of the secrets that were left as a result of its lax security controls, effectively wiped out America’s technological edge,” David Horowitz writes in the recently published, The Black Book of the American Left Volume 7: The Left in Power: Clinton to Obama.

“One of the key technological breaks China received, without having to spy to get it, was the deliverance of supercomputers once banned from export for security reasons,” writes Horowitz.

“Supercomputers underpin the technology of nuclear and missile warfare, and not only for firing and controlling the missiles. A supercomputer can simulate a nuclear test and is thus crucial to the development of nuclear warheads. But, according to a Washington Post editorial: ‘In the first three quarters of 1998 nine times as many [supercomputers] were exported [to China] as during the previous seven years.’”

.... helped a company called Loral Space get seats on official trade missions. He reportedly convinced the Clinton administration to overrule national security officials in order win approval for a Loral deal that gave Red China critical missile technology. Loral’s chief executive officer became the Democratic National Committee’s largest donor ...."

"Attempts were made by Communist China to funnel money to the Clinton campaign and influence elections in 1996. Charlie Trie, one of Bills trusted DNC fundraisers, attempted to funnel this money. When faced with indictment he fled to China for refuge. Another money funneler for the communists and Clinton campaign, Johnny Chung, is now in jail. The funds came from divisions of the Chinese army, one of which had been caught only months earlier while attempting to smuggle AK-47's to LA street gangs. This is the government of RED CHINA - definitely a serious matter. If any scandals do catch up with him, which probably will happen, this is by far the worst.

Amidst the sex scandals another DNC fundraiser scandal, Johnny Chung, openly admitted to knowingly taking funds from the Chinese government. Chung also testified that the DNC knew the source of this money was communist China. They accepted it anyway. The money is said to have been funneled through Chinese government official Liu Chao-ying then Chung and then to the DNC. Even more revealing was that Liu Chao-ying, daughter of Liu Hauqing (recent head of the Chinese military and top official of the Chinese communist party) and a Peoples Liberation Army and Chinese space agency official, attended a DNC fundraiser. Here she was photographed with Clinton. Chung also visited the White House over 45 times. Chung took several thousand dollars from commies and contributed them to a partisan candidate for President of the United States and leader of the free world. Chung was only a powerful campaign contributer/supporter with ties to the DNC and White House.

Johnny Chung testified under oath to Congress on his admitted relations with the Chinese Commies and the ties to the President. Ironically Chung is one of a very small number of people who had greater White House access than Monica Lewinsky! Chung is said to have made over 50 visits compared to Monica's 39! Even better, only a week later Charlie Trie entered a guilty plea for his fundraising crimes and agreed to talk with investigators! Who next? Well it happened to be John Huang! Huang, another Clinton cronie, pled guilty to funneling Chinese funds less than a week after Trie! Well, at least we know the commies endorse Bill Clinton for president."
The Clintongate Administration

1. Hughes Electronics and Loral Space & Communications Ltd. are both under investigation by the Justice Department and two Congressional committees for their role in transferring sensitive U.S. space technology to the Chinese after Hughes and Loral satellites were destroyed in two Chinese rocket explosions.
A House-Senate conference has agreed to transfer export licensing authority, reversing a 1996 decision by President Clinton that came under fire this year amid allegations of unauthorized technology transfers to China and favoritism to a big campaign contributor.
Washingtonpost.com: Key Stories on Chinese Missile Allegations

2. China Resources Holding Company of Hong Kong is said to be the commercial arm of China's Ministry of Foreign Trade, and according to western intelligence sources, this international bank serves as a front for Chinese intelligence. China Resources owns half interest in Hong Kong Chinese Bank. The other half is owned by the Lippo Group, an Indonesian banking and real estate conglomerate which had close ties to President Clinton before all hell broke loose over illegal campaign contributions.

The so called campaign contribution scandal, as labeled by the national media, is actually a classical foreign intelligence operation which exploited corruptible politicians and lax security for strategic financial gain. China's intelligence interest and investments in Clinton is now bearing fruit in a windfall of one sided trade deals with the United States
Red Chinese Threat

3.Chung gave $10,000 to Kerry's campaign -- most of it illegally -- hosted a fund-raising party in Beverly Hills, and threw in an extra $10,000 to honor Kerry at a Democratic Senate Campaign Committee event. Kerry eventually returned all the Chung money.
More than anything else, the saga of John Kerry, Johnny Chung and Liu Chao Ying, as laid out in a series of interviews, court records, campaign finance disclosure forms and bank documents obtained by NBC News, is a story of what can happen when the pursuit of campaign cash gets out of hand. Kerry's Chinese campaign connections - Nightly News - msnbc.com

I don't believe they knew....but there sure is evidence of your premise, the Democrats selling us out:
Obama guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism...


Flashback: Bill Clinton gave China missile technology​

As president, Bill Clinton essentially wiped out any strategic advantage the U.S. had by selling advanced U.S. missile technology to our enemy, the People’s Republic of China.

That “administration’s voluntary release of all the secrets of America’s nuclear tests, combined with the systematic theft of the secrets that were left as a result of its lax security controls, effectively wiped out America’s technological edge,” David Horowitz writes in the recently published, The Black Book of the American Left Volume 7: The Left in Power: Clinton to Obama.

“One of the key technological breaks China received, without having to spy to get it, was the deliverance of supercomputers once banned from export for security reasons,” writes Horowitz.

“Supercomputers underpin the technology of nuclear and missile warfare, and not only for firing and controlling the missiles. A supercomputer can simulate a nuclear test and is thus crucial to the development of nuclear warheads. But, according to a Washington Post editorial: ‘In the first three quarters of 1998 nine times as many [supercomputers] were exported [to China] as during the previous seven years.’”

.... helped a company called Loral Space get seats on official trade missions. He reportedly convinced the Clinton administration to overrule national security officials in order win approval for a Loral deal that gave Red China critical missile technology. Loral’s chief executive officer became the Democratic National Committee’s largest donor ...."

"Attempts were made by Communist China to funnel money to the Clinton campaign and influence elections in 1996. Charlie Trie, one of Bills trusted DNC fundraisers, attempted to funnel this money. When faced with indictment he fled to China for refuge. Another money funneler for the communists and Clinton campaign, Johnny Chung, is now in jail. The funds came from divisions of the Chinese army, one of which had been caught only months earlier while attempting to smuggle AK-47's to LA street gangs. This is the government of RED CHINA - definitely a serious matter. If any scandals do catch up with him, which probably will happen, this is by far the worst.

Amidst the sex scandals another DNC fundraiser scandal, Johnny Chung, openly admitted to knowingly taking funds from the Chinese government. Chung also testified that the DNC knew the source of this money was communist China. They accepted it anyway. The money is said to have been funneled through Chinese government official Liu Chao-ying then Chung and then to the DNC. Even more revealing was that Liu Chao-ying, daughter of Liu Hauqing (recent head of the Chinese military and top official of the Chinese communist party) and a Peoples Liberation Army and Chinese space agency official, attended a DNC fundraiser. Here she was photographed with Clinton. Chung also visited the White House over 45 times. Chung took several thousand dollars from commies and contributed them to a partisan candidate for President of the United States and leader of the free world. Chung was only a powerful campaign contributer/supporter with ties to the DNC and White House.

Johnny Chung testified under oath to Congress on his admitted relations with the Chinese Commies and the ties to the President. Ironically Chung is one of a very small number of people who had greater White House access than Monica Lewinsky! Chung is said to have made over 50 visits compared to Monica's 39! Even better, only a week later Charlie Trie entered a guilty plea for his fundraising crimes and agreed to talk with investigators! Who next? Well it happened to be John Huang! Huang, another Clinton cronie, pled guilty to funneling Chinese funds less than a week after Trie! Well, at least we know the commies endorse Bill Clinton for president."
The Clintongate Administration

1. Hughes Electronics and Loral Space & Communications Ltd. are both under investigation by the Justice Department and two Congressional committees for their role in transferring sensitive U.S. space technology to the Chinese after Hughes and Loral satellites were destroyed in two Chinese rocket explosions.
A House-Senate conference has agreed to transfer export licensing authority, reversing a 1996 decision by President Clinton that came under fire this year amid allegations of unauthorized technology transfers to China and favoritism to a big campaign contributor.
Washingtonpost.com: Key Stories on Chinese Missile Allegations

2. China Resources Holding Company of Hong Kong is said to be the commercial arm of China's Ministry of Foreign Trade, and according to western intelligence sources, this international bank serves as a front for Chinese intelligence. China Resources owns half interest in Hong Kong Chinese Bank. The other half is owned by the Lippo Group, an Indonesian banking and real estate conglomerate which had close ties to President Clinton before all hell broke loose over illegal campaign contributions.

The so called campaign contribution scandal, as labeled by the national media, is actually a classical foreign intelligence operation which exploited corruptible politicians and lax security for strategic financial gain. China's intelligence interest and investments in Clinton is now bearing fruit in a windfall of one sided trade deals with the United States
Red Chinese Threat

3.Chung gave $10,000 to Kerry's campaign -- most of it illegally -- hosted a fund-raising party in Beverly Hills, and threw in an extra $10,000 to honor Kerry at a Democratic Senate Campaign Committee event. Kerry eventually returned all the Chung money.
More than anything else, the saga of John Kerry, Johnny Chung and Liu Chao Ying, as laid out in a series of interviews, court records, campaign finance disclosure forms and bank documents obtained by NBC News, is a story of what can happen when the pursuit of campaign cash gets out of hand. Kerry's Chinese campaign connections - Nightly News - msnbc.com

So missile technology was sold to the ChiComs right out in everyone's faces, yet the "intelligence community" was "caught by surprise" that a supersonic missile was tested.

You gonna be saving up to buy that bridge?
So missile technology was sold to the ChiComs right out in everyone's faces, yet the "intelligence community" was "caught by surprise" that a supersonic missile was tested.

You gonna be saving up to buy that bridge?

Don't be silly.

They have no such interest, nor would they waste any time 'knowing.'

Don't believe it?

Why were there no inspections in the Democrat deal to get nuclear weapons to Iran?

Damage to America or Western Civilization is of no concern to Marx's spawn, the Democrat Party.
Last edited:

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