Why Did You Leave Christianity Behind?

Every person is a sinner. What you consider yourself is moot. The fact is we all have selfish, cruel, un Christian and yes, evil, impulses. That's what it means to be human.

I get so tired of the self-centered whining about "I'm a good person so I'm not going to be Christian, how dare they say we're all sinful!"

It's so juvenile and completely clueless about the nature of Christianity..and humanity.

The above is another reason why I left the Christian faith. Christians always telling me what I am and how I should think.
The judgemental aspect of the Christian religion always bothered me. You know that 'you are a bad person and must repent for your terrible sins'. I was too young to even have sins and I certainly didn't consider myself a bad person.

Also the creator god idea never made sense. The idea that because there's an order in the universe there must be an orderer. Makes no sense.

Every person is a sinner. What you consider yourself is moot. The fact is we all have selfish, cruel, un Christian and yes, evil, impulses. That's what it means to be human.

I get so tired of the self-centered whining about "I'm a good person so I'm not going to be Christian, how dare they say we're all sinful!"

It's so juvenile and completely clueless about the nature of Christianity..and humanity.
This post is a good example of what I was saying...
The judgemental aspect of the Christian religion always bothered me. You know that 'you are a bad person and must repent for your terrible sins'. I was too young to even have sins and I certainly didn't consider myself a bad person.
Yeah, I hear ya. The idea that you born "evil", or a "sinner" at birth; was one of many objections I had.

That a newborn infant is born a sinner because it was created through an act of sin, this is difficult as a parent for me to accept my children being automatic sinners.

Also I don't know if this still happens, I hope it doesn't, but stillborn babies used to be denied Baptism because Baptism is only for the living, I can think of nothing further traumatising than parents already grieving a stillborn baby then asking for it to be Baptised and that being refused, I hope that rule has been changed.
Every person is a sinner. What you consider yourself is moot. The fact is we all have selfish, cruel, un Christian and yes, evil, impulses. That's what it means to be human.

I battle my human nature right here on USMB everyday. Not always successfully. But, tomorrow I'll fight the battle again. It's human nature to feel anger at your enemy...it's God's will that you love your enemy. The Bible says...it's easy to love your friends and family, anyone can do that; love your enemies and pray for those that hate and mock you.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

From Matthew 5
Every person is a sinner. What you consider yourself is moot. The fact is we all have selfish, cruel, un Christian and yes, evil, impulses. That's what it means to be human.

I get so tired of the self-centered whining about "I'm a good person so I'm not going to be Christian, how dare they say we're all sinful!"

It's so juvenile and completely clueless about the nature of Christianity..and humanity.

The above is another reason why I left the Christian faith. Christians always telling me what I am and how I should think.

I think any situation where you find Dogma is going to be difficult for those who have an independent thought process, being a bit of a rebel I would ask questions that they possibly couldn't respond to.
Every person is a sinner. What you consider yourself is moot. The fact is we all have selfish, cruel, un Christian and yes, evil, impulses. That's what it means to be human.

I get so tired of the self-centered whining about "I'm a good person so I'm not going to be Christian, how dare they say we're all sinful!"

It's so juvenile and completely clueless about the nature of Christianity..and humanity.

The above is another reason why I left the Christian faith. Christians always telling me what I am and how I should think.

You misrepresent Christians, then whine when they set you straight and say "That's why I hate Christianity!"


Buddhism has an interesting take on that and it's that we're all born with a mere misunderstanding of how things exist. Very different.

The Buddhists think that we're dead now and that when we die we're born, yes or no? I'm sure I read that somewhere once. I have a great respect for Buddhism and also Hinduism.

No. Buddhism says we're merely mistaken and encourages us to awaken to the truth. And it's not judgmental.
Every person is a sinner. What you consider yourself is moot. The fact is we all have selfish, cruel, un Christian and yes, evil, impulses. That's what it means to be human.

I get so tired of the self-centered whining about "I'm a good person so I'm not going to be Christian, how dare they say we're all sinful!"

It's so juvenile and completely clueless about the nature of Christianity..and humanity.

The above is another reason why I left the Christian faith. Christians always telling me what I am and how I should think.

You misrepresent Christians, then whine when they set you straight and say "That's why I hate Christianity!"


I was raised Christian. I went to Sunday school every Sunday. I went to summer Christian camps. I know what they taught.

And I'm not whining. I doubt you even know the meaning of the word.
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The judgemental aspect of the Christian religion always bothered me. You know that 'you are a bad person and must repent for your terrible sins'. I was too young to even have sins and I certainly didn't consider myself a bad person.
Yeah, I hear ya. The idea that you born "evil", or a "sinner" at birth; was one of many objections I had.

There is no Christian church that says children are born evil, or with sin. So you object to Christianity based on a misconception.

Which is typical of most of the most adamant anti-Christians.

Ah but there is. I got that speech when I was five. "Original Sin" they called it. I objected to that immediately on the spot. After all I wasn't there. The concept was absurd. That was my first questioning. And two other posters cited the same thing already.

Part of the greater problem is the authoritarian nature and the emphasis on --- and you cited this term yourself already --- "obey". No one grows in any positive way when they're told to sit down and shut up.
The judgemental aspect of the Christian religion always bothered me. You know that 'you are a bad person and must repent for your terrible sins'. I was too young to even have sins and I certainly didn't consider myself a bad person.
Yeah, I hear ya. The idea that you born "evil", or a "sinner" at birth; was one of many objections I had.

There is no Christian church that says children are born evil, or with sin. So you object to Christianity based on a misconception.

Which is typical of most of the most adamant anti-Christians.
Every church denomination I'm aware of clearly state that all men are born in "sin". Even without this one fault; the others for me are legion. And for the record; I'm not anti Christian as it pertains to the people.

Being born into *sin* or having a sinful nature is not the same thing as "children are sinful and evil".

Sure it is.
Actually it's worse. You're being told you're already convicted of a crime somebody else did before you existed. That means you have nothing to say about it.

Well fuck that. :eusa_hand:
Every person is a sinner. What you consider yourself is moot. The fact is we all have selfish, cruel, un Christian and yes, evil, impulses. That's what it means to be human.

I get so tired of the self-centered whining about "I'm a good person so I'm not going to be Christian, how dare they say we're all sinful!"

It's so juvenile and completely clueless about the nature of Christianity..and humanity.

The above is another reason why I left the Christian faith. Christians always telling me what I am and how I should think.

You misrepresent Christians, then whine when they set you straight and say "That's why I hate Christianity!"


I think perhaps people have different experiences and if some of those experiences are negative they then paint everyone from a certain group with the same brush, this is the way I interpret it.
Every person is a sinner. What you consider yourself is moot. The fact is we all have selfish, cruel, un Christian and yes, evil, impulses. That's what it means to be human.

Ah yes, bingo. Indeed we do, and Nature has its destructive side as well. Was just pointing all this out to Jeri in dismissing the concept of anthropomorphizing all this scary intimidating stuff into an imaginary fairy called "Satan" so they can "cast him out". I pointed out that doing that is nothing more than escapism to avoid dealing with those forces.
the 4th century christian bible ...

But the bible does tell us to gather with others who are saved so it's not a matter of what you want and doing something for YOU..it's a matter of being obedient, and gathering to praise HIM (them).

christians ignore the religion prescribed by the Almighty that the final Judgement will be rendered the same for everyone still living at the moment of Triumph - The Triumph of Good vs Evil.
It probably comes down to what touches you. Even without the negativity I doubt Christianity would have stuck with me. I simply didn't connect to it. It had no spiritual resonance for me.

This makes perfect sense because we're such a diverse race. Why would we ever assume that one path fits everyone.

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