Why Did Rosenstein Want A Special Counsel Based on Debunked Dossier But Only IG For FBI EVIDENCE?

no president in our History deserves impeaching for his illegal abuse of power, more than Crooked Dirty Don. He's an abomination to mankind and the presidency.... he's a man of total lawlessness....he spits on it, daily....he deserves the Lake of Fire that ALL liars are thrown in to! :eek:
Wrongo, dingbat. Obama was far more deserving of being impeached than Trump. Obama used the IRS to persecute his political opposition. He did the same thing with the FBI and the CIA. He conspired with Comey to prevent Hillary from going to prison where she belongs.

No, he didn’t.
Yes he did. Newsweek is fake news.
Sweet baby Jesus, what planet have you been living on for the last year. Trump is under investigation for firing James Comey which is Obstruction of Justice.
And what Liberal toad stool have YOU been living under?

The President of the United States has the Constitutional Authority to fire the Director of the FBI at any time. So once again the butt-hurt Liberals have been wasting America's time investigating a NON-crime.

'Collusion' is NOT a crime.
The President of the United States firing a proven criminal Director of the FBI is NOT a 'crime'.

James Comey has been proven to have:
- Committed Perjury

- Leaked Classified Information

- Illegally and intentionally used a known false document to acquire warrants to spy on a Presidential candidate during an election

- Planted a mole inside a Presidential candidate's campaign

- Obstructed Justice by collaborating with the DOJ / US Attorney General to protect Hillary Clinton from her thousands of proven crimes

- Committed Sedition

- Committed Conspiracy and TREASON by being a collaborator in an organized attempt to oust a United States President (a political 'coup')

Although not as 'dirty' / criminal as Hillary Clinton, Comey has earned his place in a prison cell somewhere with enough time to ensure he never sees the light of day again.

Seeing as how high this treason / Conspiracy goes and the extremely prominent people involved the Co-Conspirators will be protected from any REAL punishment, as no one who could take action wants to expose this amount of corruption and crime within the US Govt, especially involving the 1st Black President, to the world, embarrassing the United States further.

I see the kook farm is in full swing. A swing and a miss every time. You have not gotten 1 thing right.
It looks to me like his post is dead-on. The deep state is crumbling before our eyes. It won't be long until the whole sorry lot are wearing orange jump suits.

This is the head of the deep state.


Call James Bond.

Considering how pathetic and clueless they are, you could be right.
Democrats deny that there was a spy in the Trump campaign but Obama lap dog James Clapper is defending spying on Trump. If national security was at stake why wasn't there a spy in the Hillary campaign where all the Russian interference was alleged to have taken place? Rosenstein , Mueller and top honchos in the FBI and possibly other "intel" agencies have engaged in a political coup. They wouldn't get away with it except for the fact that the MSM has become the propaganda arm of the democrat party.

democrats deny that
Did Trump have a right as POTUS to fireComey?

Yes he does...unless it was to obstruct justice, then it can be a crime.
Justice for what crime?

There doesn't have to be an underlying crime for there to be an obstruction charge. The obstruction is the crime.
You haven’t stated what the obstruction is

Sweet baby Jesus, what planet have you been living on for the last year. Trump is under investigation for firing James Comey which is Obstruction of Justice.

Page 2 post # 17 explains it all.
how, Rosenstein gave him the recommendation. he would have known if that would have been obstruction. stop trying to find something that ain't there and let's move our country along ok?
Nothing in the dossier has been debunked. The FISA warrants were not illegal.


Steel himself admitted much of the report was written by RUSSIANS and consisted of 2nd and 3rd-hand accounts. Steele admitted he never sought to verify any of the information.

A Hillary supporter gave a 2nd report to Steele and arranged for him to deliver it to the FBI to make it seem as if it came from Steele and his 'informants', which the FBI has confirmed. The FBI said that 2nd report was SO unbelievable that they rejected it.

Every time someone posts facts and evidence exposing / hammering the Leftists Traitors you snowflakes come back with 'uh-uh!'

Your lips moved / you hit 'post', and all that came up was 'Baaaaaaaa'.

Faced with the truth all you can do is call people names....sad.
right? not like he said, here let me show you where you're wrong, and provide information that might be debatable. instead, liar. :auiqs.jpg:
no president in our History deserves impeaching for his illegal abuse of power, more than Crooked Dirty Don. He's an abomination to mankind and the presidency.... he's a man of total lawlessness....he spits on it, daily....he deserves the Lake of Fire that ALL liars are thrown in to! :eek:
Wrongo, dingbat. Obama was far more deserving of being impeached than Trump. Obama used the IRS to persecute his political opposition. He did the same thing with the FBI and the CIA. He conspired with Comey to prevent Hillary from going to prison where she belongs.

No, he didn’t.
Yes he did. Newsweek is fake news.

What a convenient cop out...facts contrary to the voices in your head are "fake news". It's like watching a caricature of Trump.
no president in our History deserves impeaching for his illegal abuse of power, more than Crooked Dirty Don. He's an abomination to mankind and the presidency.... he's a man of total lawlessness....he spits on it, daily....he deserves the Lake of Fire that ALL liars are thrown in to! :eek:
Wrongo, dingbat. Obama was far more deserving of being impeached than Trump. Obama used the IRS to persecute his political opposition. He did the same thing with the FBI and the CIA. He conspired with Comey to prevent Hillary from going to prison where she belongs.

No, he didn’t.
Yes he did. Newsweek is fake news.

What a convenient cop out...facts contrary to the voices in your head are "fake news". It's like watching a caricature of Trump.
Newsweek is a propaganda organ. It doesn't do facts.
Sweet baby Jesus, what planet have you been living on for the last year. Trump is under investigation for firing James Comey which is Obstruction of Justice.
And what Liberal toad stool have YOU been living under?

The President of the United States has the Constitutional Authority to fire the Director of the FBI at any time. So once again the butt-hurt Liberals have been wasting America's time investigating a NON-crime.

'Collusion' is NOT a crime.
The President of the United States firing a proven criminal Director of the FBI is NOT a 'crime'.

James Comey has been proven to have:
- Committed Perjury

- Leaked Classified Information

- Illegally and intentionally used a known false document to acquire warrants to spy on a Presidential candidate during an election

- Planted a mole inside a Presidential candidate's campaign

- Obstructed Justice by collaborating with the DOJ / US Attorney General to protect Hillary Clinton from her thousands of proven crimes

- Committed Sedition

- Committed Conspiracy and TREASON by being a collaborator in an organized attempt to oust a United States President (a political 'coup')

Although not as 'dirty' / criminal as Hillary Clinton, Comey has earned his place in a prison cell somewhere with enough time to ensure he never sees the light of day again.

Seeing as how high this treason / Conspiracy goes and the extremely prominent people involved the Co-Conspirators will be protected from any REAL punishment, as no one who could take action wants to expose this amount of corruption and crime within the US Govt, especially involving the 1st Black President, to the world, embarrassing the United States further.

The President has the right to fire the FBI director, but NO President has the right to Obstruct Justice. That is a crime and an impeachable offense.

Collusion with a foreign adversary to commit a felony by hacking into public or personal computer to interfere into an American election is TREASON. As we consider cyber attacks to be the 21st century Act of War.

Something you apparently didn't learn from Richard Nixon (Watergate)

Scroll back to page 2 Post 17 on this thread & watch a video of Trump admitting to Obstruction Of Justice on National T.V.
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Prove it, liar.

List what has been "debunked".

Didn't they debunk that part about Papadapouus meeting the professor in London? ;)

Nope. In fact the dossier comments about Carter Page have all been proved to be correct.

Scroll back to page 2 Post 17 and follow the links. There is usmb link post at the bottom of the post that will tell you all about Carter Page.

Also on post 17 you can redirect to another usmb link Russia, Russia, Russia and you can watch 2 FOX NEWS videos that are strong evidence of collusion. Shep Smith states in the 1st video that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Watch it yourself.
Yes he does...unless it was to obstruct justice, then it can be a crime.
Justice for what crime?

There doesn't have to be an underlying crime for there to be an obstruction charge. The obstruction is the crime.
You haven’t stated what the obstruction is

Sweet baby Jesus, what planet have you been living on for the last year. Trump is under investigation for firing James Comey which is Obstruction of Justice.

Page 2 post # 17 explains it all.
how, Rosenstein gave him the recommendation. he would have known if that would have been obstruction. stop trying to find something that ain't there and let's move our country along ok?

No doubt I am certain Trump supporters would love to see it stop. But 19 Federal Grand Jury indictments, and another 90+ Federal Grand jury criminal charges that are certain to produce more says otherwise.

Mueller is moving at the speed of light in comparison to Watergate which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign or face impeachment proceedings.

Scroll back to page 2 Post 17 and follow the links there. You might learn something today.
Justice for what crime?

There doesn't have to be an underlying crime for there to be an obstruction charge. The obstruction is the crime.
You haven’t stated what the obstruction is

Sweet baby Jesus, what planet have you been living on for the last year. Trump is under investigation for firing James Comey which is Obstruction of Justice.

Page 2 post # 17 explains it all.
how, Rosenstein gave him the recommendation. he would have known if that would have been obstruction. stop trying to find something that ain't there and let's move our country along ok?

No doubt I am certain Trump supporters would love to see it stop. But 19 Federal Grand Jury indictments, and another 90+ Federal Grand jury criminal charges that are certain to produce more says otherwise.

Mueller is moving at the speed of light in comparison to Watergate which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign or face impeachment proceedings.

Scroll back to page 2 Post 17 and follow the links there. You might learn something today.
19 what? What about them. Tell me their relevance? BTW, you got nadda
There doesn't have to be an underlying crime for there to be an obstruction charge. The obstruction is the crime.
You haven’t stated what the obstruction is

Sweet baby Jesus, what planet have you been living on for the last year. Trump is under investigation for firing James Comey which is Obstruction of Justice.

Page 2 post # 17 explains it all.
how, Rosenstein gave him the recommendation. he would have known if that would have been obstruction. stop trying to find something that ain't there and let's move our country along ok?

No doubt I am certain Trump supporters would love to see it stop. But 19 Federal Grand Jury indictments, and another 90+ Federal Grand jury criminal charges that are certain to produce more says otherwise.

Mueller is moving at the speed of light in comparison to Watergate which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign or face impeachment proceedings.

Scroll back to page 2 Post 17 and follow the links there. You might learn something today.
19 what? What about them. Tell me their relevance? BTW, you got nadda

Look it up yourself, no one is on this board to babysit you. Your ignorance and denial is not going to save Trump.
Nothing in the dossier has been debunked. The FISA warrants were not illegal.


Steel himself admitted much of the report was written by RUSSIANS and consisted of 2nd and 3rd-hand accounts. Steele admitted he never sought to verify any of the information.

A Hillary supporter gave a 2nd report to Steele and arranged for him to deliver it to the FBI to make it seem as if it came from Steele and his 'informants', which the FBI has confirmed. The FBI said that 2nd report was SO unbelievable that they rejected it.

Every time someone posts facts and evidence exposing / hammering the Leftists Traitors you snowflakes come back with 'uh-uh!'

Your lips moved / you hit 'post', and all that came up was 'Baaaaaaaa'.

Faced with the truth all you can do is call people names....sad.
right? not like he said, here let me show you where you're wrong, and provide information that might be debatable. instead, liar. :auiqs.jpg:

It's his assertion, dumbass. The burden is his.
Nothing in the dossier has been debunked. The FISA warrants were not illegal.


Steel himself admitted much of the report was written by RUSSIANS and consisted of 2nd and 3rd-hand accounts. Steele admitted he never sought to verify any of the information.

A Hillary supporter gave a 2nd report to Steele and arranged for him to deliver it to the FBI to make it seem as if it came from Steele and his 'informants', which the FBI has confirmed. The FBI said that 2nd report was SO unbelievable that they rejected it.

Every time someone posts facts and evidence exposing / hammering the Leftists Traitors you snowflakes come back with 'uh-uh!'

Your lips moved / you hit 'post', and all that came up was 'Baaaaaaaa'.

Faced with the truth all you can do is call people names....sad.
right? not like he said, here let me show you where you're wrong, and provide information that might be debatable. instead, liar. :auiqs.jpg:

It's his assertion, dumbass. The burden is his.

It was the traitorous Liberals' / Obama administration co-conspirators' assertion that a crime involving the President was perpetrated, based on a known propaganda-filled document bought / obtained from foreign spies and Russians, and they have not only FAILED at providing any evidence to support their assertion, they also exposed the evidence proving this was a traitorous 'coup' attempt and the biggest scandal in US history.

Steel himself admitted much of the report was written by RUSSIANS and consisted of 2nd and 3rd-hand accounts. Steele admitted he never sought to verify any of the information.

A Hillary supporter gave a 2nd report to Steele and arranged for him to deliver it to the FBI to make it seem as if it came from Steele and his 'informants', which the FBI has confirmed. The FBI said that 2nd report was SO unbelievable that they rejected it.

Every time someone posts facts and evidence exposing / hammering the Leftists Traitors you snowflakes come back with 'uh-uh!'

Your lips moved / you hit 'post', and all that came up was 'Baaaaaaaa'.

Faced with the truth all you can do is call people names....sad.
right? not like he said, here let me show you where you're wrong, and provide information that might be debatable. instead, liar. :auiqs.jpg:

It's his assertion, dumbass. The burden is his.

It was the traitorous Liberals' / Obama administration co-conspirators' assertion that a crime involving the President was perpetrated, based on a known propaganda-filled document bought / obtained from foreign spies and Russians, and they have not only FAILED at providing any evidence to support their assertion, they also exposed the evidence proving this was a traitorous 'coup' attempt and the biggest scandal in US history.
No one has asserted that Trump was invovled with a crime and the investigation was not based on the Steele dossier.

Post your proof, liar.
No one has asserted that Trump was invovled with a crime and the investigation was not based on the Steele dossier. Post your proof, liar.
Why must you constantly play this GAME, acting stupid and asking the same questions over and over, demanding the same links be posted over an over again?

You THINK it is a smart tactic, but it only continue to make you look foolish.

The FISA Warrants, ILLEGALLY acquired through the use of the KNOWN de-bunked Dossier, would not have been obtained without the Dossier, thus NO SURVEILLANCE of Trump and his team:

"a surveillance warrant for former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page would not have ever been authorized without the existence of the controversial "Steele dossier."
--- Gowdy says surveillance warrant would not have been authorized without dossier

The same EVIDENCE that proved CIA Director Brennan PERJURED himself by claiming he had never seen / read the Dossier showed Brennan briefed Congress on it and strongly urged an investigation begin based off of its contents. It was exposed not long ago that Brennan hired exposed Trump-Hater, Obstructionist, and co-conspirator Strzok to help the Intel Report, based off the dossier that Brennan brifed to Congress :

Two Colleagues Contradict Brennan's Denial of Reliance on Dossier

"Former CIA Director John Brennan’s insistence that the salacious and unverified Steele dossier was not part of the official Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian interference in the 2016 election is being contradicted by two top former officials."

Here's How Comey and Brennan Used Peter Strzok To Set Up Trump and Flynn - Big League Politics

"More and more details are pouring out about the underhanded conspiracy to damage and impeach President Donald Trump by Obama operatives John Brennan, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates and a few others. The effort even has a special code name: Operation Crossfire Hurricane.

They used Peter Strzok as their go-to guy, which is why their operation is now falling apart. Strzok’s massive illegal activities and incompetence could open up the entire Crossfire Hurricane team to numerous federal charges.

Both John Brennan and James Comey used Peter Strzok to damage President Donald Trump."

Nothing in the dossier has been debunked. The FISA warrants were not illegal.


Steel himself admitted much of the report was written by RUSSIANS and consisted of 2nd and 3rd-hand accounts. Steele admitted he never sought to verify any of the information.

A Hillary supporter gave a 2nd report to Steele and arranged for him to deliver it to the FBI to make it seem as if it came from Steele and his 'informants', which the FBI has confirmed. The FBI said that 2nd report was SO unbelievable that they rejected it.

The US IG slammed Comey and the FBI in a report declaring they illegally acquired FISA warrants by using FALSE information, passing it off as if it were verified / true.

Every time someone posts facts and evidence exposing / hammering the Leftists Traitors you snowflakes come back with 'uh-uh!'

Dossier - The Moscow Project

Nothing you wrote debunks the facts within the dossier. The U.S. inspector general did not say the FISA warrants were illegal. Some partisan republicans make this claim. They and You are full of shit.
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