Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?

This is what happened when Carter ran for reelection.


And this is what happened when Reagan ran for reelection.


Which one looks like the failure? LOL
This is what happened when Carter ran for reelection.


And this is what happened when Reagan ran for reelection.


Which one looks like the failure? LOL
And Reagan still had nothing to do with the release of the hostages. :eusa_naughty:
Carter was a far better diplomat than he ever was a President...
Jimmy Carter did a number of good things. I'm certainly glad that Reagan beat him in 1980, but I'm not one who says Carter was a terrible president. In some ways he was good, but in other ways he was not. Part of his problem was that America needed inspiration and vision, and he just didn't have it, whereas Reagan did.

Carter was one of the more fiscally responsible presidents of the modern era. He allowed modest spending increases and raised the national debt by a smaller percentage than Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr., and Obama. He initiated some major DEregulation that greatly helped the economy--after he left office.

Carter deserves great credit for the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt. Also, Carter realized that he had badly misjudged the Soviets after the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, and he consequently ordered a huge increase in the defense budget. In fact, Reagan slightly reduced the defense increases that Carter had requested (this still resulted in a large net increase in defense spending, of course).

I would not say I'm a "fan" of Jimmy Carter, but I have a lot respect for him, and I would take him over Obama any day of the week.
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This is what happened when Carter ran for reelection.


And this is what happened when Reagan ran for reelection.


Which one looks like the failure? LOL
And Reagan still had nothing to do with the release of the hostages. :eusa_naughty:
His presence was all it took, shitforbrains.
Thanks! I'm glad you find Carter's crushing defeat as funny as we do.

If you think that's what I'm laughing at, you're even dumber than I said.
This is what happened when Carter ran for reelection.


And this is what happened when Reagan ran for reelection.


Which one looks like the failure? LOL
And Reagan still had nothing to do with the release of the hostages. :eusa_naughty:
His presence was all it took, shitforbrains.
Thanks! I'm glad you find Carter's crushing defeat as funny as we do.

If you think that's what I'm laughing at, you're even dumber than I said.
Oh, I'm sure you're not, but the rest of us are. :rofl:
And Reagan still had nothing to do with the release of the hostages. :eusa_naughty:
His presence was all it took, shitforbrains.
Thanks! I'm glad you find Carter's crushing defeat as funny as we do.

If you think that's what I'm laughing at, you're even dumber than I said.
Oh, I'm sure you're not, but the rest of us are. :rofl:
Who's "us," rightie? You got a gerbil up your ass? And who cares what you think? You think Reagan's mere presence scared Iran into giving up American hostages when Iran went on to sponsor the worst single attack against Americans in the Middle East in our history.

You really are that stupid. :cuckoo:
I always assumed he had to deal with a congress of the other party but i just checked and that is false. Democrats had huge majorities in both houses!

During his first two years dems held the senate 61-38 ( 1 indy} and the House 292-143

His next two years it was 58-41 ( 1 indy) and 277-158.

He prolly could have made a lot of changes if he wanted to, but chose not to. I like that. In particular, he didn't start any wars though the bankers and news media tried to push him into a war with the staged Iran hostage crisis of 1979. He was NOT a weak president. He stood up to the war profiteers.

He deregulated transportation and communications, and was extremely business friendly.

He refused to play ball with terrorists, whereas Reagan sold Iran weapons, increased our funding to the Saudis and removed Hussein's Iraq from the official list of terrorist nations (so he could pour weapons into Hussein's regime).

Carter got oil right. He predicted that dependency on the middle east would cause terrible problems. He wanted us to reduce our petroleum usage so that we didn't have to make terrorist petrol-nations stronger. Reagan convinced the nation that the Middle East was not a problem. He called the Mujahideen "Freedom Fighters".

The counterpoint to the OP's silly question is this:

Why is Reagan revered for tripling Carter's debt?

Why is Reagan revered for getting the energy problem wrong (and doubling down on mideast petroleum, thereby foreclosing a pivot toward alternative energy when there was still time for a smooth transition)?

Why is Reagan revered for ushering in the deindustrialization of American - a time when manufacturing jobs starting shifting to China so that capitalists could benefit from cheap Chinese labor costs?

Why is Reagan revered for taking the U.S. from a creditor nation to a debtor nation?

Bush 43 was one of the worst presidents in American history, but the Left is not allowed to mention his name.

However, when it comes to Jimmy Carter, who has been out of the White House for 26 years, the Right is a broken record:

Still Carter's fault.
His presence was all it took, shitforbrains.
Thanks! I'm glad you find Carter's crushing defeat as funny as we do.

If you think that's what I'm laughing at, you're even dumber than I said.
Oh, I'm sure you're not, but the rest of us are. :rofl:
Who's "us," rightie? You got a gerbil up your ass? And who cares what you think? You think Reagan's mere presence scared Iran into giving up American hostages when Iran went on to sponsor the worst single attack against Americans in the Middle East in our history.

You really are that stupid. :cuckoo:
The rest of America, dumbfuck. America has been laughing at Jimmy Carter since he was first elected. He was a joke while he was president and he's been an even bigger joke since he was crushed by Ronald Reagan in 1980. The man is a LOSER, just like YOU, scumbag.
Thanks! I'm glad you find Carter's crushing defeat as funny as we do.

If you think that's what I'm laughing at, you're even dumber than I said.
Oh, I'm sure you're not, but the rest of us are. :rofl:
Who's "us," rightie? You got a gerbil up your ass? And who cares what you think? You think Reagan's mere presence scared Iran into giving up American hostages when Iran went on to sponsor the worst single attack against Americans in the Middle East in our history.

You really are that stupid. :cuckoo:
The rest of America, dumbfuck. America has been laughing at Jimmy Carter since he was first elected. He was a joke while he was president and he's been an even bigger joke since he was crushed by Ronald Reagan in 1980. The man is a LOSER, just like YOU, scumbag.
Wow, you're even more delusional than I thought. Now you think you speak for "the rest of America."


Are ya sure that isn't just a whole family of gerbils? :ack-1:
Let's do another thought experiment.

Jimmy Carter runs against Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Democrat Party primaries.

Who will you vote for?


Mickey Mouse

Additional thought experiments:

Shrillary runs against Bubba in WHATEVER year.

what does she say about him?

what does he say about her?

what does she NOT say about him?

what does he NOT say about her?

does the name MONICA come up?

does she suggest that men sometimes rape women?

does she vociferously contend that WOMEN owe it to other women to note misogynistic behavior?

does Bubba make any comments about cackling?

about cankles?

about shrillness of voice?
10 million jobs over four years is actually quite an accomplishment.
Sorry, but Carter was one of the weakest and most ineffective presidents in U.S. history. Obama, however, will go down as the worst.

Bullshit ! he stood up to the Iranians(didn't give them weapons for hostages),stood up to the Soviets(didn't ignore their human right abuses), stood up to OPEC(preached Energy independence, not climbing in bed with the Saudis), he stood up to the Federal Reserve bankers( didn't let Federal bankers rob American taxpayers blind)

None of which can be said about Reagan or Bush.
Bullshit! He got bitch slapped by the Ayatollah, and when The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, Carter tried to call Breznev and Breznev wouldn't even come to the phone (the "red phone"). Opec screwed him over too. Carter's answer to that was to put price freezes on gas at the retail level. Idiot! He drove all the little independents out of business, leaving only the big companies like Shell, Exxon, Mobil.
And he tol us to wear cardigan sweater vests and turn the thermostat down.....

The era of malaise was a fucking disaster for America....I hated that stupid motherfucker.......
Thanks! I'm glad you find Carter's crushing defeat as funny as we do.

If you think that's what I'm laughing at, you're even dumber than I said.
Oh, I'm sure you're not, but the rest of us are. :rofl:
Who's "us," rightie? You got a gerbil up your ass? And who cares what you think? You think Reagan's mere presence scared Iran into giving up American hostages when Iran went on to sponsor the worst single attack against Americans in the Middle East in our history.

You really are that stupid. :cuckoo:
The rest of America, dumbfuck. America has been laughing at Jimmy Carter since he was first elected. He was a joke while he was president and he's been an even bigger joke since he was crushed by Ronald Reagan in 1980. The man is a LOSER, just like YOU, scumbag.

Too bad you're completely wrong about the Algiers Accords then Cinderella, and actually believe that Iran scrambled to release hostages ---- with no plan at all ---- just because they saw Reagan taking the Oath on TV and it had nothing to do with the Algiers Accords that had been worked on for weeks by Warren Christopher.

What's that Pookie? You don't know what the Algiers Accords were?

Like you don't know how the Electoral College works?

We prolly already did this but some cretin bumped the thread.

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