Why Did Biden’s Justice Department Send a Russian Cybercriminal Back to Moscow?


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Further evidence that Biden is a tool of both Putin and Xi.

The U.S. released a high-profile Russian cybercriminal from its custody this week, at least a year before his prison sentence was expected to finish, handing him over to Russian authorities despite long resisting Moscow’s efforts to retrieve him.
Current and former officials said they were surprised by Mr. Burkov’s release by U.S. authorities, especially given how aggressively the Justice Department had sought his extradition from Israel. Senior Justice Department officials have said that Russia relies on bad-faith requests to extradite its citizens arrested abroad on hacking charges and then either releases them or prosecutes them with light sentences.​
…Mr. Burkov was widely seen as a valuable asset to Moscow, according to U.S. and Israeli officials. Many Russian hackers have ties either to the Kremlin or to Russian oligarchs and can be forced into working for an intelligence service if they are brought home to Russia, which was likely a factor in Russia’s interest Mr. Burkov, former officials have said. Mr. Burkov also was believed to possess detailed knowledge of the Russian cybercriminal world that would be valuable both to U.S. and Russian authorities, former officials said.​

Hey, remember when President Biden promised to get tough with Russian hackers? Remember when Biden boasted, “I made it very clear to [Vladimir Putin] that — that the United States expects, when a ransomware operation is coming from his soil, even though it’s not — not sponsored by the state, we expect them to act if we give them enough information to act on who that is”?
When the U.S. has a Russian cybercriminal with time left on his sentence, and chooses to ship him back to the Russian government, does that qualify as getting tough? Or is this a concession that is part of some sort of behind-the-scenes deal between the administration and the Russian government?
The Wall Street Journal notes that FBI deputy director Paul Abbate said at an intelligence conference earlier this month, “there is no indication that the Russian government has taken action to crack down on ransomware actors that are operating in the permissive environment they have created there.”

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Further evidence that Boden is a tool of both Putin and Xi.

Hey, remember when President Biden promised to get tough with Russian hackers? Remember when Biden boasted, “I made it very clear to [Vladimir Putin] that — that the United States expects, when a ransomware operation is coming from his soil, even though it’s not — not sponsored by the state, we expect them to act if we give them enough information to act on who that is”?
When the U.S. has a Russian cybercriminal with time left on his sentence, and chooses to ship him back to the Russian government, does that qualify as getting tough? Or is this a concession that is part of some sort of behind-the-scenes deal between the administration and the Russian government?
The Wall Street Journal notes that FBI deputy director Paul Abbate said at an intelligence conference earlier this month, “there is no indication that the Russian government has taken action to crack down on ransomware actors that are operating in the permissive environment they have created there.”

New book says Trump told Putin: I’ll act tough with you – for the cameras​

Donald Trump told Vladimir Putin he had to act tough next to the Russian president for the cameras, according to the former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham

“OK, I’m going to act a little tougher with you for a few minutes,” Grisham says she heard Trump tell his Russian counterpart in Osaka in 2019. “But it’s for the cameras, and after they leave, we’ll talk. You understand.”

In front of the media at the G20 summit in Osaka in 2019, with Grisham sitting nearby, Trump joked with Putin that they should both “get rid” of journalists who published “fake news”, saying: “You don’t have this problem in Russia.”


New book says Trump told Putin: I’ll act tough with you – for the cameras​

Who gave the okay for the Russian NG pipeline Nordstrom 2? Biden.

Who opposed it and tied it up? Trump.

Then we have the OP of this thread.

And so much more.

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