why can't transgenderism be considered a mental disorder?

When the voices in your head tell you that your DNA is wrong it has to be a mental condition. In the freest Country in the world mental disorders are tolerated and people are allowed to act out whatever fantasy is in their minds as long as it doesn't injure anyone. The problem comes when an abusive federal government decides to pander to less than 1% of society to squeeze a couple of votes from their left wing base. The 1st Amendment gives troubled people the right to parade around in whatever outfits they feel comfortable in but it also gives us the right to laugh at them. It's part of the sissie left's war on women to force girls to accept confused boys in the locker room and women to tolerate fake women in the ladies room. The agenda seems to be backfiring big time and it will hurt democrats in the fall election.

Providing people don't find out that Donald Trump approves of men in women's bathrooms in the Trump Towers....as long as they don't find out Trump is all on board with the LGBT agenda, he should do just fine.. Between the two in all honesty, I'd say Hillary is more anti-LGBT than Trump. Maybe not by much, but enough to make the difference. Does anyone know if she's made a public statement on men using women's showers, bathrooms etc? Because Trump definitely has..

Which begs the question why anyone thinks Trump is conservative...

Yes. He isn't. And he won't appoint Justices who are either.

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