Why Can't The USA Be Invaded By Red China Or Anyother Nation?

Why Can't The USA Be Invaded By Red China Or Anyother Nation?

Winger, You keep saying that "US can't be invaded". I tend to lean more towards that assumption, but let's discuss it anyway because it's an interesting subject.

We all know the resistance anyone who invaded America would face just by the armed citizens alone would be a force to rekon with. After all, It was our former enemy Isoruko Yamamato who once said "If we were to attempt to invade The United States, There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.".

However, As far as the success of an initial invasion, why is that not possible if other Nations assisted China? Like say Russia? Or maybe Mexico assisting and allowing them to invade from the South? After all, We took our Navy all the way to an Island of the coast of Europe, and managed to land and conquer Nazi Germany even though we were 3156 miles away? Any opinions? ~BH

One word:

To lift sufficient force to invade the US is just the tip of the iceberg - you must then supply those forces.
2,000 hydrogen bombs?

rd, That's a possibility, but unlikely if they were planning an invasion. I am talking straight up invasion. The land would be useless to them because of the radiation if they nuked us, and their troops would be exposed to it. Even though I wouldn't put it past those red bastards to send them in afterwards anyway. ~BH
I think he means to use them agianst mainland China (et al), not on the battlefield.
I agree that our geography would make an invasion extremely difficult. Though even with all of the privately owned weapons, I'm not sure China doesn't have a large enough population to overcome the resistance. We should thank God for putting the Pacific where he did :)


An EMP attack.....

and sit back and wait for us to die and kill ourselves off, then walk across I-10 and plant their flag as they go.
A similar attack on CHina, et al, serves the same purpose - and halts the invasion.
2,000 hydrogen bombs?

rd, That's a possibility, but unlikely if they were planning an invasion. I am talking straight up invasion. The land would be useless to them because of the radiation if they nuked us, and their troops would be exposed to it. Even though I wouldn't put it past those red bastards to send them in afterwards anyway. ~BH

Why? - We set off 100+ nukes on our own soil & still use it just fine.

A third of the USA has already been hit by worse nuclear fallout than Japan from 1951 to 1958 when the U.S. government conducted 90 nuclear bomb tests in the Nevada desert, sending particles contaminated with radioactive iodine-131 across much of the country.
We set off more nuclear bombs between 1958 & 1963

My grandmother was pregnant & living in North East Missouri at that time. She went outside to get the clothes of of the clothe line because it was starting to rain. She said the rain drops were making dirty water spots on the white sheets that she was pulling off the line. She immediately fell ill, was taken to the nearest hospital had my aunt, could not stop hemorrhaging & had to have a hysterectomy. She lived until 2006 & died at 81 years of age. My aunt is still living.

There where a bunch of others that arrived at the same time with similar sudden illness. The majority of them came from the drive-in theater where a muddy rain fell on them during the movie.

Nuking a country does not make it so radioactive that it can't be utilized.
Granny says, "But we's already bein' invaded - by dem Hispexicans!...
Hunters of America UNITE!!!!
The world's largest army
Added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion:

There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of TEXAS alone.

Allow me to restate that number. Over the last several months, Texas hunters became the sixth largest army in the world. More men under arms than in Iran . More than in France and Germany combined. These men deployed to the woods of a single American state to hunt with firearms, and no one was killed. That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania, and Michigan 's 700,000 hunters, all of whom have now returned home.

Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world. Hey, got to throw in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and LA., or just add any other state you want to.

The point? America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower.

Hunting -- it's not just a way to fill the freezer. It's a matter of national security.


And, that's why all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC, want to see us disarmed.

Think about it
I suppose by some miracle of a blunder by the US government, a foreign power such as China could invade the US. The force that would be 'invading' however wouldn't possibly something more than what would equate to a slight bloody nose.

An 'effective' invasion of the US that would pose an actual danger--leaving out nukes and just thinking of conventional warfare--has been impossible by anyone in the world since practically Civil War times if not before. Even the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War would have a hard time getting to the tip of Siberia with a formidable force to pose a territorial threat to us.
There are also guys like me that own some nice guns, hit the ranges often, ski shoot a few times a year and hit the paint ball fields a few times a year.

I got a Saiga 12 (2, 5, 12 mag and 12 and recently purchased 30 round barrel), 9mm XDM and a Kimber .45!

This would be the last country you would want to invade. First, we have the largest (well one of the largest), best equiped, most technological, best trained, highly experienced, best lead militaries in the world! Second, we have few well equip state militias. These militias are better than many countries. Third, we have an army citizenry. Don't underestimate that. It would cause extreme headaches to any invading country. Fourth, we have the 2nd large nuke stockpile in the world. Fifth, we have such a large country that occuping it would be a ginourmous task. Sixth, we are he most industrialize country in the world. As we did in WW II, we could mass produce weapons of war quicker and more efficient than any other country out there including China.

Granny says, "But we's already bein' invaded - by dem Hispexicans!...
Hunters of America UNITE!!!!
The world's largest army
Added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion:

There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of TEXAS alone.

Allow me to restate that number. Over the last several months, Texas hunters became the sixth largest army in the world. More men under arms than in Iran . More than in France and Germany combined. These men deployed to the woods of a single American state to hunt with firearms, and no one was killed. That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania, and Michigan 's 700,000 hunters, all of whom have now returned home.

Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world. Hey, got to throw in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and LA., or just add any other state you want to.

The point? America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower.

Hunting -- it's not just a way to fill the freezer. It's a matter of national security.


And, that's why all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC, want to see us disarmed.

Think about it
(1) They could nuke similuteously about 25 of our largest cities.
(2) Neutralize our Airforce and nuclear bomb stockpiles
(3) Cripple our army
(4) Knock our our communicatons
(5) Kill our leaders
(6) And invade before the Americans could regroup

You are so wrong I had to laugh:

1. we have nukes and wouldnt wait for bases to be hit to use them. Not to mention the SSBN subs that are still always on patrol at non disclosed location with 24 nuclear missles onboard.

2. we have the best airforce in the world not to mention stockpiled planes from f16's to f4's

3. America has the highest per capita gun ownership in the world with sonething like 350 million high quality guns.

4. We have manys means of communication besides your iphone. CB, radio, short and long wave.

5. That is why we have chain of command.

6. no need to regroup as previously mentioned americans are armed and not afraid to defend the country.

You really dont know anything about history or the US military
They only have 1397 warplanes as of 2009. Man to Man combat they have 4-1 advantage but not everyone would have a gun. I'll have to add the poor materials and workmanship China is historically known for. Not to mention how many duds I get on the 4th of July in my firework collection. Still it would be a battle to end all battles and I believe the American People will prevail. I don't think lives could be saved with nukes anymore. Once the initial attack was repelled, I don't think the USSR would allow US Warplanes to use their airspace to attack China.

I think the best option is to close the border and reduce immigration. Always have, always will.
There is no way they could take us by surprise. It would take bit of transportation that Russia has to get enough troops to force a landing, And we would take out at least half before they even got here. This isn't 1945. We have eyes everywhere.

And China's Navy couldn't take Hawaii.

They were able to do it in that movie Red Dawn....
The Russians and Cubans of all people kicked our ass...
It was up to Patrick Swayze and a group of High School kids to conquer
the invaders...

Now that would not be possible because all our HS kids are wearing their
pants hip hop style...way down below their ass...They can barely walk now.
You want them to run???? :eusa_whistle:
Why Can't The USA Be Invaded By Red China Or Anyother Nation?

Winger, You keep saying that "US can't be invaded". I tend to lean more towards that assumption, but let's discuss it anyway because it's an interesting subject.

We all know the resistance anyone who invaded America would face just by the armed citizens alone would be a force to rekon with. After all, It was our former enemy Isoruko Yamamato who once said "If we were to attempt to invade The United States, There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.".

However, As far as the success of an initial invasion, why is that not possible if other Nations assisted China? Like say Russia? Or maybe Mexico assisting and allowing them to invade from the South? After all, We took our Navy all the way to an Island of the coast of Europe, and managed to land and conquer Nazi Germany even though we were 3156 miles away? Any opinions? ~BH

Only a Bolshevik hunter would try to make a case that the world's last super power needs to worry about being invaded by 3rd world nut cases like Russia and Mexico or maybe Cuba. The Bolshevik left wing is well aware that the only way to conquer the greatest Country on the globe is from within while we spend taxpayer funds buying toys for fat assed Pentagon generals.
Only a Bolshevik hunter would try to make a case that the world's last super power needs to worry about being invaded by 3rd world nut cases like Russia and Mexico or maybe Cuba. The Bolshevik left wing is well aware that the only way to conquer the greatest Country on the globe is from within while we spend taxpayer funds buying toys for fat assed Pentagon generals.

1. "the most aggressive" does not mean "the greatest". It takes more than a big stick to be great.

2. The reason no one is attempting to invade US is simple: THERE IS NO REASON to do so. And if the last decade taught us anything, -- thanks to its own foreign and home policies, the US will disappear up its own arrse.
The U.S. can be invaded, for many years other troops from foreign countries have been training on our terrain. Not to mention the fact that they are trying to get rid of the NRA. But we are our own undoing, going in and making war on false assumptions of weapons of mass destruction which by the way we sold to the other countries. Due to our greed on oil instead of opening our oil rigs back up we are fighting countries to take theirs. So one quote my father always told me "Is it begins when the head reaches the tail " well ladies and gents we are the tail. We should be standing up and taking care of our own people instead of playing mother hen to other countries. Who in which were making it long before we decide Ah we can help you .............
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playing mother hen to other countries.

... democratic world can deal with dictatorships in sovereign nations quickly, without without violence and within international laws. (J. Timoshenko former Ukrainian PM)

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What's "invading"? If you mean hostile army marching in, the nation is far too large for that. Buying it, block by block and slowly replacing the political and judicial processes is far more likely. The city I used to live in has been almost entirely bought up by Chinese interests. My husband once said to me that one day we would wake up to find LA harbor filled with Chinese warships. I said "By then, no one will care".
There is no need or advantage in an invasion of the US but loads of disadvantages.

The US government needs to be told it can't continue with its murderous foreign policy but not in that way.
I did form what I believe would be a viable plan to change that policy. Perhaps I'll submit it to the Iranian government.
As long as there are foreign idiots who believe they can dictate what we can/cannot say in our own country our foreign policy is probably not murderous enough.

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