Why can't black America let slavery go already?

Black Americans let it go years ago but the democrat party won't let go of the government plantation. Poverty pimps and former poverty pimps like Barry Hussein need to keep the racial pot boiling because democrats thrive on crisis and unrest.

Yes...tell black people more about what they should or should not feel about something. This is entertaining to say the least.

because no black person would ever lecture white people?

It would be just as illegitimate. Do you have some examples we can hammer?
Poor TN....never was taught the difference between the more common form of slavery...."situational slavery" vs the systematic kidnapping of a race, moving them 3000 miles away, taking away their religion, their language, their names, their culture, even the right to marry and keep their own children for over 200 years.

Your teachers failed you.

Post of the thread thus far...:clap2:

You are an idiot and part of the problem
My relatives were slaves more recently than theirs and nobody owes me anything. In fact, my great grandmother was a Jewish slave in Poland.......She died a wealthy woman.

The slavery/human rights issues the blacks and their leaders cling to is nothing but an excuse. If things are to improve for "African Americans", THEY need to move on and take responsibility for THEIR actions.

Why should blacks take responsibility for the way white racists treated them?

Wow, your reading comprehension is awful. Maybe you should reread his post, then respond to the things he said.
Poor TN....never was taught the difference between the more common form of slavery...."situational slavery" vs the systematic kidnapping of a race, moving them 3000 miles away, taking away their religion, their language, their names, their culture, even the right to marry and keep their own children for over 200 years.

Your teachers failed you.

Oh. You mean like what was done to native americans? Bet blacks owned a few injuns.

Indians were captives of war....AND the Early Europeans tried to use them...but they had a bad habit of dying of white man's diseases.....or just running away into the wilderness.

wtf?? Hello??? Anyone home, McFly? Captives of what war? The war to decimate every native american possible? You mean THAT war?

Really. I am surprised at you Bod. Not pleasantly, either.
Poor TN....never was taught the difference between the more common form of slavery...."situational slavery" vs the systematic kidnapping of a race, moving them 3000 miles away, taking away their religion, their language, their names, their culture, even the right to marry and keep their own children for over 200 years.

Your teachers failed you.

Post of the thread thus far...:clap2:

Wait. Whut? Did you forget that can be applied to native americans as well? Oh, and probably Ireland. Africa. England. Scotland. Israel.

Oh. Never mind. Only BLACKS can claim all that stuff. So sorry. My bad.

Hello? Please pay attention. That was situational slavery. Those who lost wars, were in debt, rebelled, criminals, etc. That almost always lasted only ONE generation...they kept their names, their culture, their marriages, their CHILDREN, their language. This is NOT what happened in the American South over 200 years.
Poor TN....never was taught the difference between the more common form of slavery...."situational slavery" vs the systematic kidnapping of a race, moving them 3000 miles away, taking away their religion, their language, their names, their culture, even the right to marry and keep their own children for over 200 years.

Your teachers failed you.

Post of the thread thus far...:clap2:

sounds more like double standards.

situational slavery?? lol

some how it's automatically worse when it happens to the most butt hurt demographic of all time
Poor TN....never was taught the difference between the more common form of slavery...."situational slavery" vs the systematic kidnapping of a race, moving them 3000 miles away, taking away their religion, their language, their names, their culture, even the right to marry and keep their own children for over 200 years.

Your teachers failed you.

Post of the thread thus far...:clap2:

Wait. Whut? Did you forget that can be applied to native americans as well? Oh, and probably Ireland. Africa. England. Scotland. Israel.

Oh. Never mind. Only BLACKS can claim all that stuff. So sorry. My bad.

Africa isn't a country. Is that you Sarah? If you don't think that Irish and Scottish people still don't bitch about the English occupation you are sadly mistaken.
Post of the thread thus far...:clap2:

Wait. Whut? Did you forget that can be applied to native americans as well? Oh, and probably Ireland. Africa. England. Scotland. Israel.

Oh. Never mind. Only BLACKS can claim all that stuff. So sorry. My bad.

Hello? Please pay attention. That was situational slavery. Those who lost wars, were in debt, rebelled, criminals, etc. That almost always lasted only ONE generation...they kept their names, their culture, their marriages, their CHILDREN, their language. This is NOT what happened in the American South over 200 years.

This is EXACTLY happened to native americans right here on THIS soil. EXACTLY. YOU pay attention. Or are you just focusing on the Plight Of Blacks? Should I get my fucking violin out?
Oh. You mean like what was done to native americans? Bet blacks owned a few injuns.

Indians were captives of war....AND the Early Europeans tried to use them...but they had a bad habit of dying of white man's diseases.....or just running away into the wilderness.

wtf?? Hello??? Anyone home, McFly? Captives of what war? The war to decimate every native american possible? You mean THAT war?

Really. I am surprised at you Bod. Not pleasantly, either.

You realize that the taking of America was a series of wars...not just one. Case in point...King Phillips War? Heard of that one?
Poor TN....never was taught the difference between the more common form of slavery...."situational slavery" vs the systematic kidnapping of a race, moving them 3000 miles away, taking away their religion, their language, their names, their culture, even the right to marry and keep their own children for over 200 years.

Your teachers failed you.

Post of the thread thus far...:clap2:

You are an idiot and part of the problem

Hear that Marc? You're "part of the problem".
Poor TN....never was taught the difference between the more common form of slavery...."situational slavery" vs the systematic kidnapping of a race, moving them 3000 miles away, taking away their religion, their language, their names, their culture, even the right to marry and keep their own children for over 200 years.

Your teachers failed you.

Post of the thread thus far...:clap2:

sounds more like double standards.

situational slavery?? lol

some how it's automatically worse when it happens to the most butt hurt demographic of all time
You must have had some awful teachers if you were never taught the difference.
Just a observation I have seen not only hear but in print and on tv that basically white people should not be commenting on how black people should deal with racism, crime, poverty whatever because they don't know what it's like to be black. Using that logic no one should comment on or offer opinions to anyone other than those who are the same race and gender as they are.
So...you agree that the OP was ridiculous?

answer my question first and you have never once explained how the two are the same. when you do, i will answer you. you made a claim about that i assert is false, back it up or apologize for lying or being mistaken.

Nice dodge. Do you or do you not think the OP was ridiculous?

wait a minute, you still have not answered my question and you're accusing me of dodging?

yeah...you are a liar. thanks for admitting it.
Post of the thread thus far...:clap2:

Wait. Whut? Did you forget that can be applied to native americans as well? Oh, and probably Ireland. Africa. England. Scotland. Israel.

Oh. Never mind. Only BLACKS can claim all that stuff. So sorry. My bad.

Africa isn't a country. Is that you Sarah? If you don't think that Irish and Scottish people still don't bitch about the English occupation you are sadly mistaken.

Who the fuck is sarah? Actually, who the fuck are you??? George? Harry? Jasper?
And yes, Irish and Scottish people still bitch about the English, just as Jews bitch about the Holocaust. I don't see Irish, Scottish or Jewish people whining and blaming Whitey if they have mama baby daddy bills IF they bother to acknowledge the kid(s) at all, being thugs, not bothering getting jobs, sucking up the welfare system then blaming whitey when called on their despicable behavior.
You are a liar AND an simple minded
You peasant

LOVE IT! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You racist ass libs are fuckin pathetic
I have punked out so many of you jokers in actual debate because all you can do is point fingers and damn whitey
You can talk shit but that is IT. Emotion can only go so far, ey? LOL

This is interesting.....someone earlier in the thread said that someone else would be called a "racist".....I guess he was referring to me being called one. And.......just for curiousities sake.....point out where I ever ever ever pointed fingers and "damn whitey".
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wow...you are truly not smart. genocide is the systematic and purposeful destruction (DEATH) of an entire people...slavery did not enslave all blacks and did not seek the death of an entire people. it was blacks who sold their fellow countrymen to make money.

absolutely amazing you would even compare the two. you make me sick.

Well, I expected pretty much this selective blindness from you. Pray continue telling black people how THEY should "feel" about something done to them systematically for over 250 years.

where did i tell them how they should feel?

how is pointing out the factual differences to you, blindness? your comparison as to how many died, still does not equate to genocide. i suggest you pick up dictionary and educate yourself and stop lying about what i said.

bodeca is whining about dodging when she won't answer my questions

Poor TN....never was taught the difference between the more common form of slavery...."situational slavery" vs the systematic kidnapping of a race, moving them 3000 miles away, taking away their religion, their language, their names, their culture, even the right to marry and keep their own children for over 200 years.

Your teachers failed you.

Post of the thread thus far...:clap2:

Wait. Whut? Did you forget that can be applied to native americans as well? Oh, and probably Ireland. Africa. England. Scotland. Israel.

Oh. Never mind. Only BLACKS can claim all that stuff. So sorry. My bad.

Don't forget the entire SLAVIC ethic culture of eastern Europe that the Romans exploited.

Perhaps it's time everyone with a "SKI" or "LAK" at the end of their name sued Italy for reparations...

I can't believe how stupid these bed wetters are.
Indians were captives of war....AND the Early Europeans tried to use them...but they had a bad habit of dying of white man's diseases.....or just running away into the wilderness.

wtf?? Hello??? Anyone home, McFly? Captives of what war? The war to decimate every native american possible? You mean THAT war?

Really. I am surprised at you Bod. Not pleasantly, either.

You realize that the taking of America was a series of wars...not just one. Case in point...King Phillips War? Heard of that one?

you dingbats think your are knowledgeable but are in actuality comically arrogant

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