Why Can’t A Daca Bill Sail Through Congress?

It doesn't exactly work that easily. Beyond immediate family (spouse and minor children) - it can take years to get a visa for other family members, so the impression you are giving that they bring in dozens and hundreds of remote relatives as soon as they get their green card is false.

This is what it should look like:
Reduce the proportion of visa's that are given by lottery
Increase the proportion that are merit based
Increase funding for border security and if they want to use that for some wall building they can.
Permanent legal residency for dreamers
That is another nonstarter. You get everything you want, immigration stays the same, and no republican issues ar addressed. That is no compromise
Ok, lets clear out all the noise and partisanship. The Daca bill has been easily described as four pillars.

End to chain migration
End to lottery
The wall
Pathway to citizenship for dreamers

So fund the 20 billion for wall and security and pass the thing. I would vote for this in a heartbeat. It is a reasonable compromise. I would wager a hundred dollars that if this deal was presented to Americans for a vote it would pass by a super majority. Bring this bill in this simple form to the floor and vote on it. This is not rocket science. I can’t believe that even some of our libs would not support this. Get er done!

The thing of it is, the far left wants open boarders and chain migration and has taken a hard line stand on it.
That is exactly why they can't get it passed.

The far right has taken a hard line stand on DACA and insist on ending family reunification and the lottery. What's with that? That might be another reason it can't get passed.
Why should you get a visa because your nephew got a green card through amnesty?

Not going to happen.

It doesn't exactly work that easily. Beyond immediate family (spouse and minor children) - it can take years to get a visa for other family members, so the impression you are giving that they bring in dozens and hundreds of remote relatives as soon as they get their green card is false.
No matter what DACA is all diminishing return. Americans can not afford it...
Ok, lets clear out all the noise and partisanship. The Daca bill has been easily described as four pillars.

End to chain migration
End to lottery
The wall
Pathway to citizenship for dreamers

So fund the 20 billion for wall and security and pass the thing. I would vote for this in a heartbeat. It is a reasonable compromise. I would wager a hundred dollars that if this deal was presented to Americans for a vote it would pass by a super majority. Bring this bill in this simple form to the floor and vote on it. This is not rocket science. I can’t believe that even some of our libs would not support this. Get er done!

That would end the Dim's supply of new Democrat voters, so they will never go for it.

I don't in the long run think it will matter what they will or will not go for. I'm convinced the defeat of Clinton set them back decades. What "fundamental changes" Obama had set up will be destroyed by summer, and the benefits of Trump's economic policies will by then be keenly felt.

The world has turned. It may yet get ugly, but the madmen to the Left are fast losing steam.
I'm sure president Trump will give some on DACA, he's already said he will.

But if dems think that a bill that doesn't fund the wall, end chain migration and the visa lottery is going to get signed, they're out of their minds. They've shit on this president so hard and so long, he's not going to be giving them cherries. He's ultimately the man that decides what becomes law and what doesn't.

It doesn't exactly work that easily. Beyond immediate family (spouse and minor children) - it can take years to get a visa for other family members, so the impression you are giving that they bring in dozens and hundreds of remote relatives as soon as they get their green card is false.

If there are a million of them and they each average one person and those people invite a person, it adds up pretty fast.
The stated goal is to protect innocent children from depotation to a country they don’t know.

We don’t need to do ANYTHING more than keep them from being deported. NOTHING MORE!!!
Ok, lets clear out all the noise and partisanship. The Daca bill has been easily described as four pillars.

End to chain migration
End to lottery
The wall
Pathway to citizenship for dreamers

So fund the 20 billion for wall and security and pass the thing. I would vote for this in a heartbeat. It is a reasonable compromise. I would wager a hundred dollars that if this deal was presented to Americans for a vote it would pass by a super majority. Bring this bill in this simple form to the floor and vote on it. This is not rocket science. I can’t believe that even some of our libs would not support this. Get er done!

The thing of it is, the far left wants open boarders and chain migration and has taken a hard line stand on it.
That is exactly why they can't get it passed.

The far right has taken a hard line stand on DACA and insist on ending family reunification and the lottery. What's with that? That might be another reason it can't get passed.

So I and a girlfriend of mine have a whole bunch of Irish relatives We would want to bring in. But we can't because we all came in the right way legally under the laws.
All of my relatives came in legally not by chain immigration.
How about all of my German family?
Where does it end?
Special treatment for those in South American and Mexicans who can.
That's not right to all who came in here legally.
Trump should not cave on anything....demand a unconditional surrender from democrats.
He should... he'd have the support of every single person that voted him. He might even pick up support if he did that.

He should CRUSH the dems and put them out of business for good.
Did you know...?
A vote on the bill that funds the federal government was pushed back to February 8, 2018, and made dependent on a congressional debate on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. If the government isn't funded the IRS will not process tax refunds. So, your tax refund is now dependent on someone else's immigration status.
Also, the federal fiscal year this bill funds started October 1, 2017.

(Please, correct me if I'm wrong.)
I'm actually torn on this subject, after having thought about it. I know the right thing to do is to follow the law, as we have to make the law mean something. If we don't, then people will trample it all day every day.

However, how do you tell a 12 year old kid, who has only ever known america, "sorry kid, you're here illegally, were sending you to mexico".

Imagine The horror that child will experience when he arrives at his new school, not speaking any Spanish, not knowing any of the customs and traditions, and not knowing a single person.

I have to agree that, for the child, it would not be fair.

Herein lies the crux of the dilemma. How do you enforce our laws without severely damaging a child?

There has to be consequence, otherwise there is nothing to deter future illegal crossings.

One thing is for sure, the border needs to secured...yesterday.
Trump should not cave on anything....demand a unconditional surrender from democrats.
He should... he'd have the support of every single person that voted him. He might even pick up support if he did that.

He should CRUSH the dems and put them out of business for good.

I agree 100% destroy them while they are weak. Trump should demand what he wants and if they refuse start the deportations...guaranteed they will surrender
No citizenship. Ever. They are permanently banned from citizenship, by any means.

The bad behavior of their shithole parents CANNOT be rewarded.

Ah. So punish the kids for the actions of their parents. The rightwing mantra.

So punish the kids for the actions of their parents.

The kids, some as old as 36, aren't citizens.
They aren't here legally.
They should return to their country of origin.

It doesn't exactly work that easily. Beyond immediate family (spouse and minor children) - it can take years to get a visa for other family members, so the impression you are giving that they bring in dozens and hundreds of remote relatives as soon as they get their green card is false.

If there are a million of them and they each average one person and those people invite a person, it adds up pretty fast.

If it takes 20 years to bring in someone beyond immediate family (spouse and minor children) - that's not adding anything up very fast.
I'm actually torn on this subject, after having thought about it. I know the right thing to do is to follow the law, as we have to make the law mean something. If we don't, then people will trample it all day every day.

However, how do you tell a 12 year old kid, who has only ever known america, "sorry kid, you're here illegally, were sending you to mexico".

Imagine The horror that child will experience when he arrives at his new school, not speaking any Spanish, not knowing any of the customs and traditions, and not knowing a single person.

I have to agree that, for the child, it would not be fair.

Herein lies the crux of the dilemma. How do you enforce our laws without severely damaging a child?

There has to be consequence, otherwise there is nothing to deter future illegal crossings.

One thing is for sure, the border needs to secured...yesterday.

You don't punish innocent people to act as a deterence.
I am not convinced on the pathway to citizenship issue. Why is it necessary?

I'm not convinced on the end to chain migration. Families are stabilizing elements in a society and having family members there to support an immigrant through the transition to American life is a good thing.

I'm not convinced we need to end the lottery. How about we quit talking about END to something and readjust proportions - increase merit based, decrease lottery.

Wall schmall - I support increasing border security.

Do you have a whole bunch of family members that you want to bring in from another country?

No, and even if I did - I couldn't. It simply doesn't work that way.

It is that way for the dreamers if DACA passes without that part taken out.
The Dems are standing on hard line for it.

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