Zone1 Why Black Lives still Matter

You can try to redefine language and reframe what I say, but it won't work. I made up the term "trigger bait" and it perfectly describes what it IS and what it DOES. It is a tool to enrage and divide and demonize. Analyze more, react less.
Words have meaning, there is no need for me to attempt to redefine anything, only apply the correct term(s).

We have always known that certain whites hate it when we share knowledge among each other, after all it was unlawful at one time for Black people to be taught how to read and/or write it reportedly because white society knew it was in their best interest to keep us as ignorant as possible, for as long as possible. Members of my family rightfully ignored that particular law but they had to keep their knowledge hidden and could only pass it on in stealth.

Same for the craziness of it being forboden to attempt to escape bondage, thus escapes were plotted via the underground railroad, which some of our family members are reported to have been facilitators of, engineers, etc. in many of those escapes.

The only option you have in THIS conflict is to put me on Ignore, because you'll never shut me up. But the fact that you have issued the same lame and impotent command to "stop reacting" what is it, 5 or 6 times now has moved the needle from being insistent to just downright pathetic.
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Again, you change my words to make me appear racist - and then you have the nerve to threaten ME with a defamation suit.

And I have NO idea what a CR is.

Now go and target someone else.
You're not the boss of me, I don't take orders from you lol. And if I actually were targeting you, you wouldn't have a clue that I was doing so.

I don't have to "change" your words, all I have to do is let my Jewish friends and colleagues read what you've written yourself. Electronic evidence of this nature is some of the best evidence there is. Remember when you falsely accused me of antisemitism and having made some very specific comments which I had not? The moderators actually spent close to 40 hours if I recall correctly, combing through several years of postings looking for something that never even existed and I told them they wouldn't find anything.

That's a situation you created where a person is looking for something that doesn't exist in order to prove that they haven't done something - that's an almost impossible situation in which to prevail.
  • Brilliant
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Again, you change my words to make me appear racist - and then you have the nerve to threaten ME with a defamation suit.

And I have NO idea what a CR is.

Now go and target someone else.
Exactly! We know precisely what we are talking about. When 'victims' are on the wrong side of the argument, they have to play word games. The truth is simple, Liberals are complicated.
only apply the correct term(s).
Ah there's the rub! "apply the CORRECT TERMS". But who decides what is correct? You? Why would you be the authority on what is correct? There is no ambiguity in what I wrote, you just didn't like it. I don't try to tell you what you were trying to say. I just read what you write and comment on it.
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We have always known that certain whites hate it when we share knowledge among each other, after all it was unlawful at one time for Black people to be taught how to read and/or write it reportedly because white society knew it was in their best interest to keep us as ignorant as possible, for as long as possible. Members of my family rightfully ignored that particular law but they had to keep their knowledge hidden and could only pass it on in stealth.
This is interesting but I don't understand the relevance to the discussion.
Every single thing I said is true.
And you can watch the chain of events in the unedited body cam footage.
1) Floyd refused medical care 3 times - fact and every refusal is on video.
2) He complained about breathing while standing against a wall within 5 minutes of officers arrival.
He complained again to a 2nd officer, who let him sit in a back of a cruiser after, again, refusing medical attention. - Fact and on video.
3) He kicked at officers - on video
4) After pulled out of the cruiser he continued to resist and kick - on video.

Not one thing I said is untrue.
Not one.
Watch the WHOLE 1 hour long video.
It is all there

But it is NO different and ignorant to say Floyd is not responsible for himself.

Floyd was not responsible for the way his life ended. And he was killed by a cop on the suspicion he handed somebody a fake 20. Even if he did that intentionally, that was not a violent crime. It is ignorant to talk about Floyds responsibilty here and it's time these right wingers stopped this mess.
you want Black people to share our resources with white people who are abused and/or killed by the police,
Wait, woe, hold up. What?

And you just condemned me for not marching and working with blacks to end racism - and I asked if you’ve gone to protests and worked with Jews to end antisemitism. Why do you demand whites march with blacks to end racism? Why aren‘t you demanding blacks March with Jews to end antisemitism?

Blacks have marched with Jews against anti semitism. But you use anti semitism as a crutch so you can justify your opinion. You do nothing but make racist comments against blacks, then expect us to pity YOU as an individual person of Jewish faith because other Jews who don't have the problem you have suffer from anti semitism. How about you stop your racism?

And don't give me your poor persecuted Jew routine. You're in here posting the same trash as the neo nazi anti semites you complain about.
Words have meaning, there is no need for me to attempt to redefine anything, only apply the correct term(s).

We have always known that certain whites hate it when we share knowledge among each other, after all it was unlawful at one time for Black people to be taught how to read and/or write it reportedly because white society knew it was in their best interest to keep us as ignorant as possible, for as long as possible. Members of my family rightfully ignored that particular law but they had to keep their knowledge hidden and could only pass it on in stealth.

Same for the craziness of it being forboden to attempt to escape bondage, thus escapes were plotted via the underground railroad, which some of our family members are reported to have been facilitators of, engineers, etc. in many of those escapes.

The only option you have in THIS conflict is to put me on Ignore, because you'll never shut me up. But the fact that you have issued the same lame and impotent command to "stop reacting" what is it, 5 or 6 times now has moved the needle from being insistent to just downright pathetic.
You conveniently forget that most of the operators of the underground railway and almost all the operators of its way stations were white.
You're not the boss of me, I don't take orders from you lol. And if I actually were targeting you, you wouldn't have a clue that I was doing so.

I don't have to "change" your words, all I have to do is let my Jewish friends and colleagues read what you've written yourself. Electronic evidence of this nature is some of the best evidence there is. Remember when you falsely accused me of antisemitism and having made some very specific comments which I had not? The moderators actually spent close to 40 hours if I recall correctly, combing through several years of postings looking for something that never even existed and I told them they wouldn't find anything.

That's a situation you created where a person is looking for something that doesn't exist in order to prove that they haven't done something - that's an almost impossible situation in which to prevail.
And YOU falsely accused me of racism! So it’s fine doe you to lash out at me with lies, CHANGING my words, but I have to be so respectful to you? You, like all nasty liberals, change words that someone said (exactly what you accused me of doing) and then argue with them over something they never said.

I NEVER, for example, said “there are too many blacks on posters.” I said that out of 20 ad posters in a row, they were ALL OF BLACKS, without even one of a white. That is an example of white racism. There is NO way a dozen stores in a row would end up with a total of 20 models without even one being white unless they were discriminating against whites.

So IOW, you are allowed to go on about bondage, and all sorts of PAST racism, but white girl better STFU when she sees the discrimination against whites today?

And you had the mods spend 40 hours looking for something? Damn, girl! And when I realized I was mistaken, I issued a public apology, your response to was that I only pretended to apologize.

You are so full of yourself that you became enraged when I called you angry, yet you call me racist?

I never said anything racist. You need to issue me an apology for that, instead of yammering on about “defamation suits” and “evidence is forever.”

You are one angry woman.
Exactly! We know precisely what we are talking about. When 'victims' are on the wrong side of the argument, they have to play word games. The truth is simple, Liberals are complicated.
In addition to her calling me a racist repeatedly, she now called me a CR. I still have no clue what that is.
Wait, woe, hold up. What?

Blacks have marched with Jews against anti semitism. But you use anti semitism as a crutch so you can justify your opinion. You do nothing but make racist comments against blacks, then expect us to pity YOU as an individual person of Jewish faith because other Jews who don't have the problem you have suffer from anti semitism. How about you stop your racism?

And don't give me your poor persecuted Jew routine. You're in here posting the same trash as the neo nazi anti semites you complain about.
Jews have marched with blacks over racism.

And don’t give me your poor persecuted black routine, and comparing me to a Nazi.

How about you stop your racism? You’re the worst one on this forum.
Ah there's the rub! "apply the CORRECT TERMS". But who decides what is correct? You? Why would you be the authority on what is correct? There is no ambiguity in what I wrote, you just didn't like it. I don't try to tell you what you were trying to say. I just read what you write and comment on it.
Yup. She just haughtily told me that I’m not the boss of her, and yet she demands you use the “correct terms” as she defines them.
Wow, two responses. Two complete deflections. All while missing the main point. That's why no one wants to hear the response "All Lives Matter". It just means the Black Live Really Don't Matter.
The so-called leaders of BLM certainly didn’t care about any black lives but their own. They stole millions of dollars for personal use.
The so-called leaders of BLM certainly didn’t care about any black lives but their own. They stole millions of dollars for personal use.
If they really cared, they would have focused their efforts on where 99.% of black homicides occur - from other blacks, in Democrat cities.
Unlike the Conservatives retort, Black Lives Matter is not about black lives mattering and white lives do not.

BLM has always been about police abuse without consequence, Police coverups, abuse of unarmed black suspects who are not resisting.

In Mississippi we have another case of police terrorizing black suspects and covering it up.

“ Black Lives Matter “ should ALSO include the High Crime and Murders between Blacks or r u too STUPID to realize it ?
“ Black Lives Matter “ should ALSO include the High Crime and Murders between Blacks or r u too STUPID to realize it ?

Those crimes have always been prosecuted

BLM protests those killings and beatings by police on unarmed, not resisting suspects where the cops are not held responsible.

or r u too STUPID to realize it?
Unlike the Conservatives retort, Black Lives Matter is not about black lives mattering and white lives do not.

BLM has always been about police abuse without consequence, Police coverups, abuse of unarmed black suspects who are not resisting.

In Mississippi we have another case of police terrorizing black suspects and covering it up. if the two victims were white...

What would be the fundamental difference?

Do you think corrupt cops don't do this kind of thing to poor white ne'er-do-wells?

So we're right back to "why Black Lives and not All Lives"?

And doesn't the fact that we not only know this happened, but that the guilty are being punished prove that Black Lives no indeed already matter?
Thanks for demonstrating how important BLM is even today
Once upon a time in America we had a group that supported feeding children, education, calling out the police corruption and violence against blacks. They tried hard to bring leadership to black communities in the U.S.
In the end they were murdered, set up and locked up because they weren't willing to go along with how the judicial system and the police were victimizing black people. They were the Black Panther Party, and J. Edgar Hoover decided that he could not tolerate any blacks standing up for equal rights and fighting against police brutality. So he had the leaders targeted for death with Fred Hampton on the top of the list. Hoover also listed MLK as an enemy of the U.S. along with every other civil rights leader at the time.
This nation has always had a history of lying and falsely arresting many blacks who were innocent. Sure there were many black criminals, dope dealers, robbers, gangsters and so on, just as there were many, many whites doing the same things yet somehow America turned the gangsters and bank robbers who were white into anti-heroes, victims of the failure of society to care for and about those who were less fortunate and mired in poverty who turned to crime to provide what they couldn't and weren't legally allowed to provide.
How can we as Americans expect to move beyond the hatred and racism when our congress and senators with the US supreme court openly deciding that the good old days of rampant selling out to billionaires is not to be punished, so why should the average citizen be held to a higher standard than what these people hold themselves to?
Racists like the Governors of Florida and Texas continue to advocate the destruction of the communities of color, of a woman's right to make their own decisions about their bodies and their health while so many of them have paid for the abortions of young women who they coerced into a sexual relationship while they approved of their own relationships outside of their marriages.
I know I've touched on many topics here and also know that the backlash will be immense, but not one thing I pointed out is a lie or an untruth and we all know it.

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