Why Bill O'Reilly won't be fired


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

If you read the article, you will understand that occasional lies and fabrications are actually good for FOX ratings. The piece clearly shows that FOX is not a news station, held to the same standards as NBC, CBS, or ABC....not even CNN. FOX is an entertainment station that can count on good rating by challenging the MSM, who are bound by journalistic ethics while striving for the facts.

FOX is bound by nothing, other than the need for better rating. The lying Bill story is what they like. Their success can be attributed to the same factors that make a soccer mom pick up an Enquirer or Starr or other media item that relies on sensationalism

FOX needs to bring their viewers to their feet and keep them up in arms, positive that the MSM media cannot be trusted. Bill is helping FOX ratings every time he fabricates or goes ballistic on air. Bill is going nowhere and FOX will not investigate him because they have no ethics to apply. Simple as that....

If you read the article, you will understand that occasional lies and fabrications are actually good for FOX ratings. The piece clearly shows that FOX is not a news station, held to the same standards as NBC, CBS, or ABC....not even CNN. FOX is an entertainment station that can count on good rating by challenging the MSM, who are bound by journalistic ethics while striving for the facts.

FOX is bound by nothing, other than the need for better rating. The lying Bill story is what they like. Their success can be attributed to the same factors that make a soccer mom pick up an Enquirer or Starr or other media item that relies on sensationalism

FOX needs to bring their viewers to their feet and keep them up in arms, positive that the MSM media cannot be trusted. Bill is helping FOX ratings every time he fabricates or goes ballistic on air. Bill is going nowhere and FOX will not investigate him because they have no ethics to apply. Simple as that....
Fox would never fire their #1 ratings and money earner.

Bill O Reilly Net Worth 2015 Factor Salary Income Book Earnings

If you read the article, you will understand that occasional lies and fabrications are actually good for FOX ratings. The piece clearly shows that FOX is not a news station, held to the same standards as NBC, CBS, or ABC....not even CNN. FOX is an entertainment station that can count on good rating by challenging the MSM, who are bound by journalistic ethics while striving for the facts.

FOX is bound by nothing, other than the need for better rating. The lying Bill story is what they like. Their success can be attributed to the same factors that make a soccer mom pick up an Enquirer or Starr or other media item that relies on sensationalism

FOX needs to bring their viewers to their feet and keep them up in arms, positive that the MSM media cannot be trusted. Bill is helping FOX ratings every time he fabricates or goes ballistic on air. Bill is going nowhere and FOX will not investigate him because they have no ethics to apply. Simple as that....

The reason O'Reilly won't be fired is because David Corn is a lying sack of dog squeeze.

Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O’Reilly’s Account of Falklands War Riot

Don Browne was the NBC News Miami bureau chief at the time, and he oversaw the network’s Falklands coverage. And Browne told O’Reilly his account was accurate. As opposed to some of the other accounts, which have to some extent downplayed the danger, Browne said the situation “got progressively more intense” and there were demonstrations in Buenos Aires every day.

Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O Reilly s Account of Falklands War Riot Mediaite

Dan Rather in 1982 CBS Report: TV Crew Members ‘Knocked to the Ground’ in Riots Where O’Reilly Was

In the video, anchor Dan Rather describes and shows footage of demonstrations in that Argentina city that followed the British victory.

“As word of the Argentine defeat leaked out in Buenos Aires, thousands of demonstrators began to gather outside the presidential palace,” Rather reported on June 15, 1982. He said the president planned to make a speech, but instead was drowned out by as many as 5,000 protesters who chanted, “Traitor, traitor.”

“Police moved in with clubs and tear gas, they dispersed the crowd,” he continued. “Some television crew members were knocked to the ground.”

Dan Rather in 1982 CBS Report TV Crew Members Knocked to the Ground in Riots Where O Reilly Was Mediaite
The Times should stop portraying and writing about Fox News as a legitimate news organization. They aren't and won't ever be. In fact, what would be helpful would be less articles like this one and more on how Fox News distorts the truth.
The Times should stop portraying and writing about Fox News as a legitimate news organization. They aren't and won't ever be. In fact, what would be helpful would be less articles like this one and more on how Fox News distorts the truth.
Why then does Obama require a staff just to watch Fox News? It's the top rated news channel on TV.
The Times should stop portraying and writing about Fox News as a legitimate news organization. They aren't and won't ever be. In fact, what would be helpful would be less articles like this one and more on how Fox News distorts the truth.
Why then does Obama require a staff just to watch Fox News? It's the top rated news channel on TV.

"Why then does Obama require a staff just to watch Fox News?"

Link or admit you're as big a liar as Fox/O'Reilly.


If you read the article, you will understand that occasional lies and fabrications are actually good for FOX ratings. The piece clearly shows that FOX is not a news station, held to the same standards as NBC, CBS, or ABC....not even CNN. FOX is an entertainment station that can count on good rating by challenging the MSM, who are bound by journalistic ethics while striving for the facts.

FOX is bound by nothing, other than the need for better rating. The lying Bill story is what they like. Their success can be attributed to the same factors that make a soccer mom pick up an Enquirer or Starr or other media item that relies on sensationalism

FOX needs to bring their viewers to their feet and keep them up in arms, positive that the MSM media cannot be trusted. Bill is helping FOX ratings every time he fabricates or goes ballistic on air. Bill is going nowhere and FOX will not investigate him because they have no ethics to apply. Simple as that....

Exactly true.

Its FOX and Bill O'Reilly. Funny that the Ford Theater won't even carry his book on Lincoln because its so chocked full of LIES.

We're expecting Fox to tell the truth but they make their money from lying. They have been shown to tell the truth in only 18% of their stories. Gullible RWs know this and embrace the lies because they're terrified of having to use their brains.
The Times should stop portraying and writing about Fox News as a legitimate news organization. They aren't and won't ever be. In fact, what would be helpful would be less articles like this one and more on how Fox News distorts the truth.
Why then does Obama require a staff just to watch Fox News? It's the top rated news channel on TV.
Um....only on cable.
The Times should stop portraying and writing about Fox News as a legitimate news organization. They aren't and won't ever be. In fact, what would be helpful would be less articles like this one and more on how Fox News distorts the truth.
Why then does Obama require a staff just to watch Fox News? It's the top rated news channel on TV.

"Why then does Obama require a staff just to watch Fox News?"

Link or admit you're as big a liar as Fox/O'Reilly.

I saw and heard it on Fox. Is your Googler broke?
"Why Bill O'Reilly won't be fired"

Because Fox isn't 'news,' it's entertainment for conservatives.
Libs get their news from comedy shows and cartoons. FOX covers a lot of politics the MSM doesn't, which isn't favorable to the left. And it prevents them from sweeping it under the rug. If you don't see a bias from the MSM, you are either dense or lying.

If you read the article, you will understand that occasional lies and fabrications are actually good for FOX ratings. The piece clearly shows that FOX is not a news station, held to the same standards as NBC, CBS, or ABC....not even CNN. FOX is an entertainment station that can count on good rating by challenging the MSM, who are bound by journalistic ethics while striving for the facts.

FOX is bound by nothing, other than the need for better rating. The lying Bill story is what they like. Their success can be attributed to the same factors that make a soccer mom pick up an Enquirer or Starr or other media item that relies on sensationalism

FOX needs to bring their viewers to their feet and keep them up in arms, positive that the MSM media cannot be trusted. Bill is helping FOX ratings every time he fabricates or goes ballistic on air. Bill is going nowhere and FOX will not investigate him because they have no ethics to apply. Simple as that....

Fox isn't real news. Why would they fire him?
Even if Billo admits he has lied about his stories and even if he says he will do it again, FOX will not blink. They don't care about truth in journalism. The Australian wants big ratings, even if only 18% of their stuff is true.
This is obvious retaliation for Brian Williams, but now the shit will really hit the fan. Conservative reporters are going to comb through the mainstream media's stories and find every lie ever told by liberal news commentators and reporters.

This is a war your side can't win, because (1) your side lies a lot more and (2) you have a lot more people to take down.
This is obvious retaliation for Brian Williams, but now the shit will really hit the fan. Conservative reporters are going to comb through the mainstream media's stories and find every lie ever told by liberal news commentators and reporters.

This is a war your side can't win, because (1) your side lies a lot more and (2) you have a lot more people to take down.

You think so?

Fact-checking Fox MSNBC and CNN PunditFact s network scorecards PunditFact

Right now, you can look at theMSNBC file, which also includes NBC, and see how that network’s pundits and on-air talent stand. For instance, currently 45 percent of the claims we’ve checked fromNBC and MSNBCpundits and on-air personalities have been rated Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire.

AtFox and Fox News Channel, that same number is now 58 percent. At CNN, it’s 22 percent

I think the 58 percent is actually low...

If you read the article, you will understand that occasional lies and fabrications are actually good for FOX ratings. The piece clearly shows that FOX is not a news station, held to the same standards as NBC, CBS, or ABC....not even CNN. FOX is an entertainment station that can count on good rating by challenging the MSM, who are bound by journalistic ethics while striving for the facts.

FOX is bound by nothing, other than the need for better rating. The lying Bill story is what they like. Their success can be attributed to the same factors that make a soccer mom pick up an Enquirer or Starr or other media item that relies on sensationalism

FOX needs to bring their viewers to their feet and keep them up in arms, positive that the MSM media cannot be trusted. Bill is helping FOX ratings every time he fabricates or goes ballistic on air. Bill is going nowhere and FOX will not investigate him because they have no ethics to apply. Simple as that....

Exactly true.

Its FOX and Bill O'Reilly. Funny that the Ford Theater won't even carry his book on Lincoln because its so chocked full of LIES.

We're expecting Fox to tell the truth but they make their money from lying. They have been shown to tell the truth in only 18% of their stories. Gullible RWs know this and embrace the lies because they're terrified of having to use their brains.

As opposed to screaming faggots like Gore Vidal who suggest Lincoln was queer? You can probably find his bio of Lincoln in the Ford's Theater gift shop. Give it a rest Duddly. The staff at Ford's Theater are under the same US government thumb as any other US Park Service federal historical institution. The history they offer up is the same counterfactual bullshit our government & academic Marxists have been dreaming up for 50 years. Don't look for historical empiricism from the left.

And of course your criticism of O'Reilly's work is complete bullshit...like 98% of the rest your posts.
You guys on the left sure as hell love to obsess over people you claim are irrelevant and a news network you claim is not news. Oh fyi the reason O'Reilly won't be fired is because the claims are B.S. and have been debunked repeadtely.

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