Why Aren't Democrats & Liberals More Angry About Their Confderate Heroes Being Taken Down??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A 12-ton statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee that sits on the historic Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia, is set to be taken down Wednesday, state officials said Monday. A group of Richmond residents sued, arguing that an 1890 deed joint resolution prohibits the governor from directing the removal of a state monument from state property. Last week, the Virginia Supreme Court rejected arguments, clearing the way for the statue's removal. "The statue was installed in 1890, a generation after the Civil War, during the historical movement that sought to undo the results of the war by other means," state officials said in a news release Monday."

These folks basically have a live stream going right now of the statue being removed; like it's something to celebrate.....I mean, have the Democrats have no sense of loyalty?? Why isn't BLM and ANTIFA there protesting this?? This is one of their liberal heroes being taken down -- this would be like taking down a statue of MLK or Rosa Parks....But the only ones fighting for our Confederate heroes are conservatives....

With all the many great things that Robert E. Lee has done for the Democrat party and their liberal cause; the fact they are not outraged and angry about these Confederate statues being removed is baffling. Why did it take conservative groups to take this to court?? Why weren't there any liberal legal groups fighting for one of their Democrat heroes?? Why didn't the NAACP file a lawsuit to stop this monument from being removed?? It seems like every time this subject comes up; the people most angry about it are Conservatives and Republicans -- even tho they are the ones who defeated the racist Democrats and Confederates...however, they still have enough respect to honor those Confederate heroes...We as a country should always have the tradition of honoring the warriors and heroes of the armies we FOUGHT against in battle -- as long as they fit a certain demographic of course.

"A 12-ton statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee that sits on the historic Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia, is set to be taken down Wednesday, state officials said Monday. A group of Richmond residents sued, arguing that an 1890 deed joint resolution prohibits the governor from directing the removal of a state monument from state property. Last week, the Virginia Supreme Court rejected arguments, clearing the way for the statue's removal. "The statue was installed in 1890, a generation after the Civil War, during the historical movement that sought to undo the results of the war by other means," state officials said in a news release Monday."

These folks basically have a live stream going right now of the statue being removed; like it's something to celebrate.....I mean, have the Democrats have no sense of loyalty?? Why isn't BLM and ANTIFA there protesting this?? This is one of their liberal heroes being taken down -- this would be like taking down a statue of MLK or Rosa Parks....But the only ones fighting for our Confederate heroes are conservatives....

With all the many great things that Robert E. Lee has done for the Democrat party and their liberal cause; the fact they are not outraged and angry about these Confederate statues being removed is baffling. Why did it take conservative groups to take this to court?? Why weren't there any liberal legal groups fighting for one of their Democrat heroes?? Why didn't the NAACP file a lawsuit to stop this monument from being removed?? It seems like every time this subject comes up; the people most angry about it are Conservatives and Republicans -- even tho they are the ones who defeated the racist Democrats and Confederates...however, they still have enough respect to honor those Confederate heroes...We as a country should always have the tradition of honoring the warriors and heroes of the armies we FOUGHT against in battle -- as long as they fit a certain demographic of course.

Because they are afraid of IM2 and Asslips?
Because they are afraid of IM2 and Asslips?
Why would they be afraid of 2 people on a message board?

I mean, obviously you may be afraid of them for you to have their balls on your chin enough to bring them up....but why would anyone else be afraid of them??

Sounds like a deflection to me
Why would they be afraid of 2 people on a message board?

I mean, obviously you may be afraid of them for you to have their balls on your chin enough to bring them up....but why would anyone else be afraid of them??

Sounds like a deflection to me

OOOOOO, stop, you're hurting my feelers!!!!!!
I get it though, sarcasm escapes you.

"A 12-ton statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee that sits on the historic Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia, is set to be taken down Wednesday, state officials said Monday. A group of Richmond residents sued, arguing that an 1890 deed joint resolution prohibits the governor from directing the removal of a state monument from state property. Last week, the Virginia Supreme Court rejected arguments, clearing the way for the statue's removal. "The statue was installed in 1890, a generation after the Civil War, during the historical movement that sought to undo the results of the war by other means," state officials said in a news release Monday."

These folks basically have a live stream going right now of the statue being removed; like it's something to celebrate.....I mean, have the Democrats have no sense of loyalty?? Why isn't BLM and ANTIFA there protesting this?? This is one of their liberal heroes being taken down -- this would be like taking down a statue of MLK or Rosa Parks....But the only ones fighting for our Confederate heroes are conservatives....

With all the many great things that Robert E. Lee has done for the Democrat party and their liberal cause; the fact they are not outraged and angry about these Confederate statues being removed is baffling. Why did it take conservative groups to take this to court?? Why weren't there any liberal legal groups fighting for one of their Democrat heroes?? Why didn't the NAACP file a lawsuit to stop this monument from being removed?? It seems like every time this subject comes up; the people most angry about it are Conservatives and Republicans -- even tho they are the ones who defeated the racist Democrats and Confederates...however, they still have enough respect to honor those Confederate heroes...We as a country should always have the tradition of honoring the warriors and heroes of the armies we FOUGHT against in battle -- as long as they fit a certain demographic of course.

They are not OUR heros.
The sarcasm is....

You still haven't answered the question...why is it only the fragile minded conservative cucks like you who are mad??

Too funny, I am not mad about anything Scooter but you tell yourself whatever you need to to sleep at night.

"A 12-ton statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee that sits on the historic Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia, is set to be taken down Wednesday, state officials said Monday. A group of Richmond residents sued, arguing that an 1890 deed joint resolution prohibits the governor from directing the removal of a state monument from state property. Last week, the Virginia Supreme Court rejected arguments, clearing the way for the statue's removal. "The statue was installed in 1890, a generation after the Civil War, during the historical movement that sought to undo the results of the war by other means," state officials said in a news release Monday."

These folks basically have a live stream going right now of the statue being removed; like it's something to celebrate.....I mean, have the Democrats have no sense of loyalty?? Why isn't BLM and ANTIFA there protesting this?? This is one of their liberal heroes being taken down -- this would be like taking down a statue of MLK or Rosa Parks....But the only ones fighting for our Confederate heroes are conservatives....

With all the many great things that Robert E. Lee has done for the Democrat party and their liberal cause; the fact they are not outraged and angry about these Confederate statues being removed is baffling. Why did it take conservative groups to take this to court?? Why weren't there any liberal legal groups fighting for one of their Democrat heroes?? Why didn't the NAACP file a lawsuit to stop this monument from being removed?? It seems like every time this subject comes up; the people most angry about it are Conservatives and Republicans -- even tho they are the ones who defeated the racist Democrats and Confederates...however, they still have enough respect to honor those Confederate heroes...We as a country should always have the tradition of honoring the warriors and heroes of the armies we FOUGHT against in battle -- as long as they fit a certain demographic of course.

Today is a good day. I dont know why the conservatives are upset about it. Even Lee said there should be no statues erected for the sorry cause of the loser confederates.
OOOOOO, stop, you're hurting my feelers!!!!!!
I get it though, sarcasm escapes you.
Sure bro.

I hope that this is the last of this confederate nonsense. I've never understood why any American worshipped this guy. They can park this thing in a museum or melt it down and use the metal for something useful, maybe some nice park benches.
Very sad to learn that Monument Avenue is being destroyed by removing all the statues.

Of course, times change.

So Richmond has changed, too.

Not necessarily for the better, of course.

But what American city has?!
Robert E. Lee represents all of America's generals in the last 70 years!
They haven't won a F'in war!!!

But Lee's land made a sterling cemetery.
These folks basically have a live stream going right now of the statue being removed; like it's something to celebrate.....I mean, have the Democrats have no sense of loyalty?? Why isn't BLM and ANTIFA there protesting this?? This is one of their liberal heroes being taken down -- this would be like taking down a statue of MLK or Rosa Parks....But the only ones fighting for our Confederate heroes are conservatives....

What I think is MOST interesting is that the party of Lincoln is now the party of hate... racism, xenophobia, misogyny, etc.

Abraham Lincoln would be ashamed of the GOP if he were alive today.

And if ole Abe was around today, he'd probably be known as a RINO now.
Nobody cares about a statue. 99.9999999999999 percent of peoe just don't care. It's a beautiful thing.

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