Why Are White People So Mean to Colored People?

They are not born to be, they are taught to be.

This is establishment propaganda I have heard many a times from left leaning news sources, and?

It is scientifically false. In fact, the exact opposite is true.

In both mammals and birds, implicit bias is born into organisms. It must be unlearned.

Only the highly educated are not prone to In-Group bias against Out-Groups. The very ignorant will search for theories and statistics to support their In-Group bias.

Take for example these crimes stats that the ignorant bigots keep posting.

If you recalculated these stats, but instead of controlling for race, you controlled for education and income? You would not see so much difference.

Folks see what they want to see to justify their IN-GROUP, implicit bias, which is biologically programmed.

Only through education, and empathy training is something all higher ordered animals that are born with, can folks overcome a very primitive survival mechanisms.
It is no different in any type of population dynamic; black, white, Asian, middle-eastern, straight, gay, young, old, folks gravitate to their own.

Face it Ben. . . You have been indoctrinated in some bullshit propaganda not based on sound biological, psychological, and social science. It is nothing but political B.S.
Ben Thomson we've been over this a million times--I've got a thread on it....the police kill blacks at a LOWER rate, because blacks commit crimes at a much HIGHER rate
...here's my thread on it---there is NO problem of police brutality against anyone
AND you fkd up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! police shoot about 300 blacks per year--most are JUSTIFIED....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year---and you people are afraid of the police!!!!!!!!! -yes, blacks graduate at lower levels--especially at math
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I confess!!! I poke fun of people who are yellow with polka dots.




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They are not born that way..they are taught to be. Kind of reminds me of that scene out of Django

They are not born to be, they are taught to be. Kind of reminds me of that scene in Django where Leonardo DiCaprio's character Calvin Candie is explaining the difference between the skulls of white men and black men. White men have three dimples near the top of the skull which denotes intelligence while black skulls have them in the very back which denotes subservience. You would be surprised how some white kids are brought up to believe that kind of BS.
Really? I was brought up in a town as far south as it's possible to BE in Alabama, in the 60s, and I never heard of such shit.
Try this
Blackness fatigue. Sounds like what's happening all over the country today.

A lot of people are sick and tired of the never-ending whining, disgusting self pity, and total lack of personal responsibility blacks engage in. It's time to grow up and stop acting like the world's whiniest victims.
Where ya at Don't Taz Me Bro?
Blackness fatigue. Sounds like what's happening all over the country today.

A lot of people are sick and tired of the never-ending whining, disgusting self pity, and total lack of personal responsibility blacks engage in. It's time to grow up and stop acting like the world's whiniest victims.
Try not citing bullshit from white suprremacists like Ron Unz.

Whites have been whining since this country started and more specificsall since the Civil Rights Act was passed.

When will whites grow up and face the personal responsibility for what they have done instead of whining about how you weren't alive while you do the same shit?
Blackness fatigue. Sounds like what's happening all over the country today.

A lot of people are sick and tired of the never-ending whining, disgusting self pity, and total lack of personal responsibility blacks engage in. It's time to grow up and stop acting like the world's whiniest victims.
I've has blackness fatigue for quite awhile. I am so sick and disgusted with their never ending demands that I just try not to see them. I do take some enjoyment in mocking and making fun of them.

I was in Pavillions in Beverly Hills. A few customers were trying to get a clerk to come to the seafood counter. This black worker, a yofung girl came by and some of the customers tried to get her to call a manager. Sure nuff, she copped a black "tude" and stalked off after telling us it wasn't her department. As she left I loudly said "you are a credit to the store. Any employer would be happy to have you." The bitch stopped cold, came back and said I has used a racial slur. She was getting the manager. I winked at the other customers. The manager asked everyone if they heard what I said. Yep. Loud and clear. You are a credit to the store. Any employer would be happy to have you. The girl perfectly understood that I was making a racial insult. The manager knew I had made a racial insult. All the customers waiting knew it was a racial insult. And there was nothing that any of them could do. The manager directed someone to man the seafood counter and that was the end of it.

As far as I am concerned they could all be fish food.

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