Why are we talking about "documents"? Doesn't the White House use computers?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Why the search for paper documents? Aren't these documents stored electronically? Did Trump BleachBit the White House servers?

Even in the 70's they must have used carbon paper to make copies, right?
Why the search for paper documents? Aren't these documents stored electronically? Did Trump BleachBit the White House servers?

Even in the 70's they must have used carbon paper to make copies, right?
There are paper and electronic documents, emails, tweets, doodles, etc having to do with the time in office which are archived properly after the President leaves office at the National Archives.
There are paper and electronic documents, emails, tweets, doodles, etc having to do with the time in office which are archived properly after the President leaves office at the National Archives.
Depending on who it is it is bullshit and lies. Let's put it this way. We can be living on half the prices of everything with little difference of others not privileged without the middleman in the false currency and politics.
See, Trump is an amateur. Hardcopies are so difficult to wipe with a cloth.
Why the search for paper documents? Aren't these documents stored electronically? Did Trump BleachBit the White House servers?

Even in the 70's they must have used carbon paper to make copies, right?

Mike Rogers, GOP Intel Committee was on CNN earlier this morning and he has to sit through an excruciating interview in which he was constantly interrupted whenever he brought up Garlands name, or compared the raid Trump experienced to Hillarys treatment.

This prosecutor, I mean interviewer, couldn't see the stark difference between Hillary having current (at the time), actionable top secret intelligence on a transmittable and retrievable (by hackers) format as Secretary of State compared to a president having access to old, static, primarily declassified information in a box.

He even brought up specific examples of classified information that CNN had shown in the past.
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Why the search for paper documents? Aren't these documents stored electronically? Did Trump BleachBit the White House servers?

Even in the 70's they must have used carbon paper to make copies, right?
Regardless of why, do you understand why we have these rules and laws in place to protect highly classified secrets?

It isn't out of the question to think Trump sold that information to the Saudi's or Russia, or was going to. Or use it to go after political rivals. Who knows. But Trump broke the law, again.
Why the search for paper documents? Aren't these documents stored electronically? Did Trump BleachBit the White House servers?

Even in the 70's they must have used carbon paper to make copies, right?
Maybe they were not on Trump's computer, so he could not tweet them without figuring out how to scan and upload them. You do not have to put much of a stumbling block in front of some people.
I suspect that yes, everything is on computer, but there are also hard copies. That's why the National Archives trucked 30 million pages of hard copies to Chicago when Obama left office. Obama had full authority to digitalize and put those hard copies on line which was the original plan. It hasn't happened but that was the story at the time.

And of interest, according to the NY Post, it was also the GSA that boxed up and shipped those documents to Mar-a-lago. Far fewer than 30 million pages. And it is of interest to me that the National Archives are part of the GSA. The dishonest media, the dishonest on social media etc. continue to say Trump took the documents illegally.

It is of further interest that when the FBI visited two months earlier they were given access to all those documents and went through them ALL and, in a cordial encounter, just asked the staff to put an extra lock on the door to the basement storage room which was done.

The more the details come out--the details the leftwing Trump hating media won't report--the more and more the raid is looking malicious and politically motivated and based on zero other than a made up excuse. Even the NY Times now admits the Steele Dossier and Russian collusion story was totally fabricated and totally made up. A hoax.

I would bet a very expensive steak dinner that this raid is based on a total hoax. And the FBI knows it.

Why the search for paper documents? Aren't these documents stored electronically? Did Trump BleachBit the White House servers?

Even in the 70's they must have used carbon paper to make copies, right?
Trump doesn't use Email... Actually he doesn't use computers really...
Not since Hillary bleached 30,000 from her private computer, phones and handheld devices.
So did Trump. Or so would anyone who worked for trump if they came after their servers. In washington this is like going 4 over the speed limit in the car. Illegal but everyone does it.
Why the search for paper documents? Aren't these documents stored electronically? Did Trump BleachBit the White House servers?

Even in the 70's they must have used carbon paper to make copies, right?
Trump doesn’t use computers. He doesn’t like anything that keeps any kind of record on his activities.

Not that it matters, his cronies just wiped their records anyway.


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