Why are waves of refugees being dropped in Louisiana ?

You caught us

We trained all these immigrants to vote Democratic

What are you going to do about it except cry?

People who don't know any better and who get free citizenship.... without having to wait like other immigrants.. and who get benefits and health care that they will never get in the place they came from... will definately vote for the Democrat party who promised all this stuff. And they know that eventually their families can all come here as well.

No training required and YOU had nothing to do with it. Only the self serving pieces of S*** who call themselves leaders and take your votes, and then turn around and represent other people.
No crying involved either, I just observe reality.... is that too difficult??
This is too close to home man.
Time to take the safeties off.
Vague threats of violence from the right?

Whatever shall we do?

Maybe those Louisiana politicians shouldn't have let companies build for-profit prisons there, since that's what the immigrants are there for. Detention.
Vague threats of violence from the right?

Whatever shall we do?

Maybe those Louisiana politicians shouldn't have let companies build for-profit prisons there, since that's what the immigrants are there for. Detention.
I'm not right or left but you're damn right I'm going to protect myself, my family and my home.

And you have no idea where these refugees will end up, douchebone.

Probably to bring up the IQ of the state.
In Monroe LA, you can't even drink the water because of all the oil and gas companies that polluted the area over the past few decades..... and that's just the one city I know of....there are a lot more around the state and Texas and Oklahoma.

We like our clean water up here in Arkansas.
In my dreams actually ......every night I have a recurring dream that I'm jumping off the roof of the North Tower on 9/11. When I wake up it smells like thermite burning.
And for this reason you're prepared to shoot Mexicans?
That's why you never learned a sense of humor or how to be sarcastic.
C'mon, Angie, I spend half my posts being funny or sarcastic!

The United States military represents an empire, with 900 military bases around the planet.
You look at it however you want. I have seen your "dark enemy" from the other side and know exactly what it is. Our military's main purpose is to protect American interests around the globe and to support democracy wherever we can. I'm sorry if you have a problem believing otherwise.
C'mon, Angie, I spend half my posts being funny or sarcastic!

You look at it however you want. I have seen your "dark enemy" from the other side and know exactly what it is. Our military's main purpose is to protect American interests around the globe and to support democracy wherever we can. I'm sorry if you have a problem believing otherwise.
You know I'm not speaking of most military personnel .

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