Why are Tea Partiers opposed to having a safety net?

So much for the the notion that 'people will voluntarily help others'.

First, why would people be inclined to help others who are currently robbing them through government? That's a major problem with government programs. They rob people not only of money but of the desire to care for others. Ebeneezer Scrooge is a perfect example of that.

Second, How can someone else help you develop skills you wont do anything to learn?

Yup. Charity is to be given because someone WANTS to give it. Not because some Govt DEMANDS that it be given.

We are the most generous country in the world because we CHOOSE to be. Unlike Welfare where we have no say. Some beurocrat decided that those that have should assume the responsibilities of those that can't or won't take care of themselves.

I'm not interested in assuming the burden of the poor and downtrodden. However, if others are they are free to have at it.
Sure I do. I take care of me and mine... and if more people would do so, it would be a much nicer planet. Problem is, too many have bought into the whole "it isn't my fault" thing.

You build and maintain the road that leads to your house? You rely on businesses that do not require an educated workforce?

WE pay STATE taxes for that...

Yup. In a way we DID build and maintained that road and we also built and maintain the schools with our taxes--taxes that we VOTED to pay via letting of bonds as our share of the social contract so that we could have the sort of community and society we wished to have. Nothing is more American at the core or promoting of the general welfare than that.

The Constitution is specific on what the federal government shall PROVIDE. Some of our friends here need to relearn that 'promote' and 'provide' are two very different things.
In a world of hermits maybe.

Good.. pay my electric bill bitch...

If you don't have the money to pay it and you have medical equipment that requires electricity and that you require to stay alive - then I've no trouble with my tax dollars subsidizing your expense, or with the law requiring the electric monopoly do so (at ultimate expense to paying customers).

because if everyone is responsible for everyone else's responsibilities, you're well overdue for paying my bills, asshole

Well its gotta be eithe all or nothing, right? Either we're all 100% responsible for everyone else - or we're 0% responsible for everyone else. Its gotta be that way because anyway in between would just be way to complex and it would blow your tiny little brain to bits.

And that is what is known as your PERSONAL CHOICE to be that generous to someone or some cause or some situation....

it is NOT a responsibility of citizen X to pay for the responsibilities, debts, wants, needs, loans, or whatever of citizen Y... it is inherently against the concept of personal freedom, private property, and liberty...

You are just too brainwashed and idiotic (or quite frankly just one of the lazy) to accept that with freedoms come positives and negatives... and with your freedom to succeed comes the freedom to fail.. and it is ALL on you.... not everyone else and not a nanny state
In his case, I think he started believing that he had the Midas touch. His intial success was relatively easy, he figured the gravy train would keep rolling for him in one way or another. When he saw that the video business was starting to go to the big guys, he bought a hair cutting franchise which he was clearly not cut out for.

So it sounds like his pride did more than the "big corporations" did in hurtng his business.

Yes, probably. But I see his attitude in many (most?) conservatives. If they're not doing well at the moment, they soon will be. If they are doing well at the moment, it'll last forever.
Good.. pay my electric bill bitch...

If you don't have the money to pay it and you have medical equipment that requires electricity and that you require to stay alive - then I've no trouble with my tax dollars subsidizing your expense, or with the law requiring the electric monopoly do so (at ultimate expense to paying customers).

because if everyone is responsible for everyone else's responsibilities, you're well overdue for paying my bills, asshole

Well its gotta be eithe all or nothing, right? Either we're all 100% responsible for everyone else - or we're 0% responsible for everyone else. Its gotta be that way because anyway in between would just be way to complex and it would blow your tiny little brain to bits.

And that is what is known as your PERSONAL CHOICE to be that generous to someone or some cause or some situation....

it is NOT a responsibility of citizen X to pay for the responsibilities, debts, wants, needs, loans, or whatever of citizen Y... it is inherently against the concept of personal freedom, private property, and liberty...

You are just too brainwashed and idiotic (or quite frankly just one of the lazy) to accept that with freedoms come positives and negatives... and with your freedom to succeed comes the freedom to fail.. and it is ALL on you.... not everyone else and not a nanny state

Can you make a policy based argument at all or does EVERYTHING come down to pure idealogy for you people? It gets old after a while.

Let me make it a bit clearer to your limited understanding. If those in need can not get the help they need, their children are more likely to grow up to become criminals who can't hold down a job. When someone with no resources is facing death by starvation, they will steal food to live. If they steal it from your house, they will either be successful and you will have your home broken into - or you will shoot them dead and blood leaves a very, very nasty stain and the cops will be all up in your business

Have you ever been out of the country?
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If you don't have the money to pay it and you have medical equipment that requires electricity and that you require to stay alive - then I've no trouble with my tax dollars subsidizing your expense, or with the law requiring the electric monopoly do so (at ultimate expense to paying customers).

Well its gotta be eithe all or nothing, right? Either we're all 100% responsible for everyone else - or we're 0% responsible for everyone else. Its gotta be that way because anyway in between would just be way to complex and it would blow your tiny little brain to bits.

And that is what is known as your PERSONAL CHOICE to be that generous to someone or some cause or some situation....

it is NOT a responsibility of citizen X to pay for the responsibilities, debts, wants, needs, loans, or whatever of citizen Y... it is inherently against the concept of personal freedom, private property, and liberty...

You are just too brainwashed and idiotic (or quite frankly just one of the lazy) to accept that with freedoms come positives and negatives... and with your freedom to succeed comes the freedom to fail.. and it is ALL on you.... not everyone else and not a nanny state

Can you make a policy based argument at all or does EVERYTHING come down to pure idealogy for you people? It gets old after a while.

Let me make it a bit clearer to your limited understanding. If those in need can not get the help they need, their children are more likely to grow up to become criminals who can't hold down a job. When someone with no resources is facing death by starvation, they will steal food to live. If they steal it from your house, they will either be successful and you will have your home broken into - or you will shoot them dead and blood leaves a very, very nasty stain and the cops will be all up in your business

Have you ever been out of the country?
Are you capable of making a policy argument? So far, I only see that you are incapable of comprehending the arguments put before you.
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In other words, why do you think you'll never need to be supported through rough times? Our economy is rapidly changing - moving towards a knowledge based system. Outsourcing to third world countries is killing our manufacturing base and thanks to trade agreements, no one profits from that except the multinational corporations. Illegal immigrants fill the niche for unskilled labor. Few people have enough land or have sufficient water rights to produce their own food. And most middle class Americans are drowning in a sea of mortgage and credit card debt.

Does the constitution afford you a safety net?

I'll answer that one.

No, not specifically. However, it did contain the General Welfare clause. The Founding Fathers did believe in welfare, but only very limited welfare. Not this back breaking monster that we have today.

Above all, they believed in strong families where parents took care of their children and in later years, the children took care of their parents. Only in extreme cases where there was no one to provide that care would the state step in and only then with very limited assistance.

The problem with the welfare state that we have today is that it has destroyed strong families. Parents don't have to care for their children or the other way around. You can be a Baby Daddy or a Baby Momma and the welfare state will put you on board the gravy train. When you get old, your kids don't have to look after you. They can expect Medicare to do it.

The welfare state has destroyed strong families.
Its goofy to suggest you take personal responsibility and not rely on big government? Why?

Funny how righties support all the government programs that directly benefit THEM.

wtf? you're being a idiot..have at it

Please explain why MY tax dollars should fund a road and highway for you?
the disucssion is not about highways, roads, or other services.

No one here has even suggested that there are no uses for state governments.

Do try and focus and comprehend what is being discussed.
Please explain why MY tax dollars should fund a road and highway for you?
the disucssion is not about highways, roads, or other services.

No one here has even suggested that there are no uses for state governments.

Do try and focus and comprehend what is being discussed.

impossible I believe
Yep. But I have an idea. Lets discuss how county level assistance programs should be dechartered because I have a storm sewer in front of My house that only gets a tar patch when it starts to sink!

That'll show them I know about safety net policies!!

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