Why are some many anti-religious and...

Scoff at and dismiss religious values and morals as intolerance? It seems like being against homosexual marriage, premarital sex, pornography, foul language, and dressing distastefully on religious grounds makes one an intolerant, ignorant bigot, but being against these sinful things actually will improve and help society.

Bass you have said so many hateful and racist things I find it hard to imagine you are a religious man. What is your religion?

The Bass hasn't stated one racist and or hateful thing at all. Expressing one's religious beliefs is not hate talk, if the anti-religious idiots feel judged thats their problem, the Word of God stands on its own, attacking the Bass doesn't invalid It.
Scoff at and dismiss religious values and morals as intolerance? It seems like being against homosexual marriage, premarital sex, pornography, foul language, and dressing distastefully on religious grounds makes one an intolerant, ignorant bigot, but being against these sinful things actually will improve and help society.

Bass you have said so many hateful and racist things I find it hard to imagine you are a religious man. What is your religion?

The Bass hasn't stated one racist and or hateful thing at all. Expressing one's religious beliefs is not hate talk, if the anti-religious idiots feel judged thats their problem, the Word of God stands on its own, attacking the Bass doesn't invalid It.

Hmm ... takes Juan to know Juan ...

Those in need of attention, or better yet crave it to the point of absurdity are trolls.The Bass' original point in this thread stands.

bAss Master ... seriously ... if you believe even half what you post you are in serious need of a education.

And your point is? Half of what you post is incoherent babble that even you don't understand your damn self, you just troll people for the hell of it
Scoff at and dismiss religious values and morals as intolerance? It seems like being against homosexual marriage, premarital sex, pornography, foul language, and dressing distastefully on religious grounds makes one an intolerant, ignorant bigot, but being against these sinful things actually will improve and help society.

I don't know...ask the Romans, or the Greeks...

Oh wait..those civilizations fell apart once the abandoned MORALITY and openly rejected God.

Oh well, you'll have to wait until the end of this civilization for your answer.
Scoff at and dismiss religious values and morals as intolerance? It seems like being against homosexual marriage, premarital sex, pornography, foul language, and dressing distastefully on religious grounds makes one an intolerant, ignorant bigot, but being against these sinful things actually will improve and help society.

I don't know...ask the Romans, or the Greeks...

Oh wait..those civilizations fell apart once the abandoned MORALITY and openly rejected God.

Oh well, you'll have to wait until the end of this civilization for your answer.

Of course, let's pretend for a moment that all history is how you think it is and ignore all the true reasons those empires fell:

If that was true then why are all those countries who hate christianity as a majority still powerful enough to be a threat to even us? Much more, now that our majority is shifting why are we still here?
See, you post crap like this without backing it up.

So why did the empires fall?

It's the concensus they fell when they were eaten by corruption, when the ruling class became depraved and indifferent to life.

But if you have something else, feel free to post it. Because your posts lack substance, so far. You deny without proposing any alternative or proof that what you are denying is not true.

I guess it's just so because you say it.
Scoff at and dismiss religious values and morals as intolerance? It seems like being against homosexual marriage, premarital sex, pornography, foul language, and dressing distastefully on religious grounds makes one an intolerant, ignorant bigot, but being against these sinful things actually will improve and help society.

Well for starters"

1) Not everyone view those things as "sins"
2) Yes, being against homosexual marriage, pornography, and dressing in a way that you don't approve of makes you a bigot, certainly close minded individual.
Scoff at and dismiss religious values and morals as intolerance? It seems like being against homosexual marriage, premarital sex, pornography, foul language, and dressing distastefully on religious grounds makes one an intolerant, ignorant bigot, but being against these sinful things actually will improve and help society.

Well for starters"

1) Not everyone view those things as "sins"
2) Yes, being against homosexual marriage, pornography, and dressing in a way that you don't approve of makes you a bigot, certainly close minded individual.

It does not make one a bigot unless one discriminates against those persons (or porn).

Discriminating against those that ARE against homosexual marriage, pornography and dressing in a way they don't approve of makes YOU a bigot, and certainly a closed-minded individual.
Am I a bigot for "discriminating" against racists as well?

I think so---you are suppose to embrace Bigots and support them in all their endeavors. At least that is what a bigot would say.

But back to this concept about "Anti-religious people"

You are considered anti-religious if you are out to destroy a religion. The disagreeing with a religion or being skeptical of some its teachings is not anti-religious per se. Usually(but obviously not always), disagreements is suppose to lead to new understanding of differing parties. Not virulent conflicts with out prospects of resolution.

On homosexuality---OK, you can find doctrines that suggest It is a sin in your religion. So what. That's right, so what? Are the rest of us now suppose to follow your religious practice because it was called a sin. Find out why it is a sin before trying to convince others on its disallowment first.

By the way, please do not use the "I do not have to find out because my GOD ordered it not to be" arguement. Relgious texts may have alot of commandments and orders, but these same texts explain why it was for/against a certain practice directly or indirectly(like by story/parable etc)
Scoff at and dismiss religious values and morals as intolerance? It seems like being against homosexual marriage, premarital sex, pornography, foul language, and dressing distastefully on religious grounds makes one an intolerant, ignorant bigot, but being against these sinful things actually will improve and help society.

I don't care if you publically hate gays, and secretly fantasize about gay sex which you evidently do.

Just don't force public policies that discriminate against gays, and treat them like second class citizens.
Scoff at and dismiss religious values and morals as intolerance? It seems like being against homosexual marriage, premarital sex, pornography, foul language, and dressing distastefully on religious grounds makes one an intolerant, ignorant bigot, but being against these sinful things actually will improve and help society.

Charlie, you are an idiot. There is no god. Others sexuality is non of your business.
Except when it comes to our children. I could care less what your sexuality is...until you decide to teach it to my kids.

Then it's my business. So if you want to be a homosexual, have at. But when you start having homo parades, and teaching homo practices in schools, and talking about homosexuality on prime time, we have a problem.
One thing is pretty sure: no true atheist is visiting these bulletin boards. They don't have the time. True atheists are desperately aware that they are on a limited timeline and, therefore, must do all they can in that short amount of time.

True atheists have no problem with murder, incest, rape, robbery, etc, because to them there is no eternal consequence of such actions.

A true atheist can kill a newborn with his bare hands and enjoy a restful sleep because he knows that, unless found by the police, that nothing bad will happen as a result.

So, of course, true atheists don't exist. I should know, because I used to think I was one. I thought there was no God, but my moral compass was based on thousands of years of GOD-directed morality.

The Truth is that God made a covenant with Abraham that He kept with Isaac and Jacob, and eventually formed a New Covenant when He came to earth as a man named Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus Christ is our Lord.

When I changed from atheist to Christian, I felt (with my physical body and soul) the Holy Spirit enter me. It was like nothing I ever felt before. I literally felt the Holy Spirit of the Lord fill me. What a rush that was.

And I'm still the same guy I was before. I didn't turn into a freak. I still drink beer, watch football, hang out at the beach, and listen to loud rock and roll.

The difference is that now I love everyone, I love the Lord, and I appreciate life in a different way. I try to avoid sin (although it's impossible for me to be perfect), and I am so much better toward others.

I have been saved, literally, and it was only through my acceptance of, and submission to, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Scoff at and dismiss religious values and morals as intolerance? It seems like being against homosexual marriage, premarital sex, pornography, foul language, and dressing distastefully on religious grounds makes one an intolerant, ignorant bigot, but being against these sinful things actually will improve and help society.

Yes, it is indeed strange how "intolerance" has centered it's gun sights on ethics/morality, and more specifically certain religious faiths.

Back in the O.T., these command that were numerous from God to Moses, and then to the people through Aaron, seemed to make common sense, and often paralleled hygienic rules of practice with foods, control of the spread of disease, picking up STD's, etc....

Just read Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, and every time the Israelites strayed away from these stringent commands involving dealing with plague, familial bonds, and even legal contracts, all kinds of things went wrong in their society.

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