Why are Progressives afraid to address MENTAL ILLNESS AND MASS MURDER?

Are Americans crazier than the rest of the industrialized world? We have more mass murders, therefore we must be crazier. Or so the specious logic goes.
The Democrats have already explained this to you: people don't commit mass murders, guns do.
Guns are the American madman's outil de choix as the French say. The tool of choice.

I ask again, are Americans crazier than other societies?
We are freer, and with freedom come risks.
Canada is free. As is the U.K., Germany, France, Belgium, Japan, Italy, Australia. Do they have as many crazy people per capita as we?
Clearly, they are not as free as we are. In Germany, France and Belgium you can go to prison for expressing certain political opinions whereas in the US these extremists can get permits to march through the city. Until recently, it was a crime to insult the French President. If we had suc restrictive laws, the entire Democratic Party would be in prison today.
Are Americans crazier than the rest of the industrialized world? We have more mass murders, therefore we must be crazier. Or so the specious logic goes.
The Democrats have already explained this to you: people don't commit mass murders, guns do.
Guns are the American madman's outil de choix as the French say. The tool of choice.

I ask again, are Americans crazier than other societies?
We are freer, and with freedom come risks.
Canada is free. As is the U.K., Germany, France, Belgium, Japan, Italy, Australia. Do they have as many crazy people per capita as we?
Precisely. The crux is that all of the nations you mention not only have more freedom than the U.S. but they also have more "rights". Combine those two (a superior Democracy, in a word) and you can see that:

1. Americans are no more crazy than any of the other countries
2. Americans are not as free as those countries
3. Americans have not as many rights as those countries
4. Hence, the frustration Americans experience (particularly as they are constantly being told they have more freedom) makes them feel inadequate and that causes most of them to express their frustration in several ways .............. one of them being a need for confrontation and another one - mass shootings.
Why are Progressives afraid to address MENTAL ILLNESS AND MASS MURDER?

Is the Mental Illness lobby preventing Progressives from addressing the REAL CAUSE OF MASS MURDER?

The left wants to discount the role of mental disturbance in mass shootings. By doing so, it can keep all of the focus on guns and “white supremacy.”

In addition, allowing mental disturbance to enter the conversation might lead to a discussion of family breakdown and loss of religious faith. The left wants to steer clear of that discussion at all costs.
In July 2019, the U.S. Secret Service released its report “Mass Attacks in Public Spaces—2018.” The report covered 27 attacks that resulted in 91 deaths and 107 injuries. The investigators found that 67% of the suspects displayed symptoms of mental illness or emotional disturbance. In 93% of the incidents, the authorities found that the suspects had a history of threats or other troubling communications.

The results were similar to those of another study published by the Secret Service on 28 such attacks in 2017.
Mental illness and mass murder

We have been begging for YEARS to get better funding and programs for mental illness in this country and red states are THE WORST. You nitwits suddenly jump on the bandwagon pretending you CARE about mental illness when it is the first funding you cut? Seriously? I wouldnt even go there if I were you because you only you give a fuck about is to distract from your precious right to assault style guns.

In the meantime, how many of those mass shooters were diagnosed with a mental illness?

Portland, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco have a homeless issue and which is also a good indicator of poor mental health. Solid blue cities in solid blue states that has no solutions other than to let these mental patients run the streets and takeover their downtown centers. No help, no answers, just let them sleep and live and strew trash, pee on sidewalks, defecate on sidewalks but don’t address the issue.
Portland, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco have a homeless issue and which is also a good indicator of poor mental health. Solid blue cities in solid blue states that has no solutions other than to let these mental patients run the streets and takeover their downtown centers. No help, no answers, just let them sleep and live and strew trash, pee on sidewalks, defecate on sidewalks but don’t address the issue.
Rubbish. Homelessness is not an indicator of poor mental health. People with mental disorders who do not receive treatment or shelter will almost certainly find themselves on the street but homelessness is an indicator of people without a place to live .... and to suggest that homelessness is made up of mentally ill people is an idiot's logic.
We have been begging for YEARS to get better funding and programs for mental illness in this country and red states are THE WORST. You nitwits suddenly jump on the bandwagon pretending you CARE about mental illness when it is the first funding you cut? Seriously? I wouldnt even go there if I were you because you only you give a fuck about is to distract from your precious right to assault style guns.

In the meantime, how many of those mass shooters were diagnosed with a mental illness?

Who is "We"?

You must have forgotten but I didn't notice where you supported your allegations? I provided FACTS, where are yours or are you just whining?
We is the those who genuinely care about mental health care and have been working hard to improve it while you lot just keep cutting funding and programs. Now, suddenly you rightists notice it? Really? Only when your gun rights are questioned? And then you blame it on the left who have generally been the ones lobbying for mental health? Can you be any more FAKE?
You are the ones who gutted mental health!
Liberals solution is to protect and coddle illegals and other criminals and try to disarm the public via blaming the public for illegals and other criminals.
Why are Progressives afraid to address MENTAL ILLNESS AND MASS MURDER?

Is the Mental Illness lobby preventing Progressives from addressing the REAL CAUSE OF MASS MURDER?

The left wants to discount the role of mental disturbance in mass shootings. By doing so, it can keep all of the focus on guns and “white supremacy.”

In addition, allowing mental disturbance to enter the conversation might lead to a discussion of family breakdown and loss of religious faith. The left wants to steer clear of that discussion at all costs.
In July 2019, the U.S. Secret Service released its report “Mass Attacks in Public Spaces—2018.” The report covered 27 attacks that resulted in 91 deaths and 107 injuries. The investigators found that 67% of the suspects displayed symptoms of mental illness or emotional disturbance. In 93% of the incidents, the authorities found that the suspects had a history of threats or other troubling communications.

The results were similar to those of another study published by the Secret Service on 28 such attacks in 2017.
Mental illness and mass murder
“Why are Progressives afraid to address MENTAL ILLNESS AND MASS MURDER?”

They’re not – this is a lie.

They correctly understand that the issue is far more complex than just addressing mental illness.

‘Progressives’ are also correct to point out the hypocrisy of conservatives with regard to mental illness and mass murder – where rightists oppose measures that would ensure all Americans have access to affordable healthcare, including mental health care.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.
Take their guns!
They can’t. TheRepublicansinsist that the mentally ill and incompetent have a right to guns.

They have a ducked up sense of priorities and this the first intimation they give a damn about mental illness,
The mentally ill have the right to due process with regard to being designated a prohibited person.

Once lawfully designate a prohibited person, denying that individual to possess a firearm is perfectly Constitutional and in no manner violates the Second Amendment.
We is the those who genuinely care about mental health care and have been working hard to improve it while you lot just keep cutting funding and programs. Now, suddenly you rightists notice it? Really? Only when your gun rights are questioned? And then you blame it on the left who have generally been the ones lobbying for mental health? Can you be any more FAKE?

I'm sure you just forgot to include the reliable source and working link supporting this false allegation. Go for it!
We is the those who genuinely care about mental health care and have been working hard to improve it while you lot just keep cutting funding and programs. Now, suddenly you rightists notice it? Really? Only when your gun rights are questioned? And then you blame it on the left who have generally been the ones lobbying for mental health? Can you be any more FAKE?

I'm sure you just forgot to include the reliable source and working link supporting this false allegation. Go for it!
Funny how he works like that
Guns are the American madman's outil de choix as the French say. The tool of choice.

I ask again, are Americans crazier than other societies?

We have far less violent crime than most European countries. Is that what you mean?
Rubbish. Homelessness is not an indicator of poor mental health. People with mental disorders who do not receive treatment or shelter will almost certainly find themselves on the street but homelessness is an indicator of people without a place to live .... and to suggest that homelessness is made up of mentally ill people is an idiot's logic.

Until you accept the problem, how do you expect to find solutions?

Mental Illness and Homelessness

Mental illness and homelessness can be interrelated. In "The Homeless Mentally Ill," an article appearing in the Harvard Mental Health Letter (2005), the author asserts that nearly a third of all homeless people in the U.S. have a serious mental illness like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression. This means that of the estimated 600,000 homeless people in the U.S. in 2005, approximately 200,000 were seriously mentally ill. The mentally ill homeless numbered nearly a quarter million people.
Mental Illness and Homelessness | HealthyPlace
Progressives know that the liberal controlled education system is what is causing this mental instability. Liberally bigoted teachers and professors are teaching our kids to rebel and fight the minute they see or hear anything they don't agree with. This is indoctrination, not education.
We is the those who genuinely care about mental health care and have been working hard to improve it while you lot just keep cutting funding and programs. Now, suddenly you rightists notice it? Really? Only when your gun rights are questioned? And then you blame it on the left who have generally been the ones lobbying for mental health? Can you be any more FAKE?

I'm sure you just forgot to include the reliable source and working link supporting this false allegation. Go for it!
We is the those who genuinely care about mental health care and have been working hard to improve it while you lot just keep cutting funding and programs. Now, suddenly you rightists notice it? Really? Only when your gun rights are questioned? And then you blame it on the left who have generally been the ones lobbying for mental health? Can you be any more FAKE?

I'm sure you just forgot to include the reliable source and working link supporting this false allegation. Go for it!
I posted a link early on in his thread showing how red states fare in mental health programs.
We is the those who genuinely care about mental health care and have been working hard to improve it while you lot just keep cutting funding and programs. Now, suddenly you rightists notice it? Really? Only when your gun rights are questioned? And then you blame it on the left who have generally been the ones lobbying for mental health? Can you be any more FAKE?

I'm sure you just forgot to include the reliable source and working link supporting this false allegation. Go for it!
Funny how he works like that
Funny how you lack reading skills. Link was given in one of my first posts.
Why are Progressives afraid to address MENTAL ILLNESS AND MASS MURDER?

Is the Mental Illness lobby preventing Progressives from addressing the REAL CAUSE OF MASS MURDER?

The left wants to discount the role of mental disturbance in mass shootings. By doing so, it can keep all of the focus on guns and “white supremacy.”

In addition, allowing mental disturbance to enter the conversation might lead to a discussion of family breakdown and loss of religious faith. The left wants to steer clear of that discussion at all costs.
In July 2019, the U.S. Secret Service released its report “Mass Attacks in Public Spaces—2018.” The report covered 27 attacks that resulted in 91 deaths and 107 injuries. The investigators found that 67% of the suspects displayed symptoms of mental illness or emotional disturbance. In 93% of the incidents, the authorities found that the suspects had a history of threats or other troubling communications.

The results were similar to those of another study published by the Secret Service on 28 such attacks in 2017.
Mental illness and mass murder
“Why are Progressives afraid to address MENTAL ILLNESS AND MASS MURDER?”

They’re not – this is a lie.

They correctly understand that the issue is far more complex than just addressing mental illness.

‘Progressives’ are also correct to point out the hypocrisy of conservatives with regard to mental illness and mass murder – where rightists oppose measures that would ensure all Americans have access to affordable healthcare, including mental health care.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.

Drank the Obama kool-aid I see.

Numbers are very similar from Obama to Trump and the premiums were skyrocketing long before Trump came into office, nice try.

AP FACT CHECK: Obama doesn't always tell the straight story
OBAMA: “Their sabotage of the Affordable Care Act has already cost more than 3 million Americans their health insurance. And if they’re still in power next fall, you better believe they’re coming at it again. They’ve said so.” -- Illinois rally.

THE FACTS: Obama is cherry-picking survey results, overlooking a recent estimate from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that found the number of uninsured Americans basically unchanged under Trump.

He’s also blaming Republicans for all the problems with health insurance, ignoring the fact that premiums started going up sharply under his watch.

Updated last month, CDC’s National Health Interview Survey finds the number of uninsured no worse so far under Trump. It estimated that 28.3 million Americans of all ages were uninsured during the first three months of 2018, or 8.8 percent of the population. That compares with 28.6 million uninsured people — or 9 percent of the population — during 2016, Obama’s last full year in office.

Obama’s office said his reference to 3 million more uninsured comes from a major private survey of U.S. adults, the Gallup-Sharecare Well-Being Index.

Early this year, Gallup-Sharecare estimated the uninsured rate among adults was 12.2 percent in the last three months of 2017, an increase of 1.3 percentage points from the same period in 2016, just before Obama left office. That would translate to an estimated 3.2 million more uninsured adults during Trump’s first year.

It was during that time that the new president and the GOP Congress were frantically trying to repeal “Obamacare,” which would have made 20 million people or more uninsured. But they failed.

The CDC and Gallup surveys are well-regarded by experts. One difference is that the CDC’s numbers include all Americans, not just adults. It’s not unheard of to have differences. Another estimate, from the Census Bureau, is expected this week.

Sign-ups for government-sponsored private insurance under Obama’s law show a drop under Trump, but not 3 million. Nearly 12.7 million people signed up during the 2016 open enrollment season, the last one fully under the Obama administration’s control.

For 2018, despite Trump’s continuing hostility toward the program, higher premiums and fewer insurers, the number was close to 11.8 million. That’s about 900,000 fewer.

Enrollment through expanded Medicaid —the other major source of Obamacare coverage — appears to be stable at about 12 million people

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