Why are Left & Right so hard to reconcile?

See? This republican agrees that republicans do nothing AND determined that helping people is actually harming them and they will leave people at the bottom of the hole for their own good? :lol: When really they need an excuse to why doing is good and doing something is bad.

Any good deed thats done they just say its bad and ignoring people in need is what is really the solution.

LOL, I'm not a Republican, you say I'm a Republican, then prove I'm not. Which I said I wasn't to start with.

Unwind yourself from that pretzel you twisted yourself into slowly, it's going to hurt...
See? This republican agrees that republicans do nothing AND determined that helping people is actually harming them and they will leave people at the bottom of the hole for their own good? :lol: When really they need an excuse to why doing is good and doing something is bad.

Any good deed thats done they just say its bad and ignoring people in need is what is really the solution.

LOL, I'm not a Republican, you say I'm a Republican, then prove I'm not. Which I said I wasn't to start with.

Unwind yourself from that pretzel you twisted yourself into slowly, it's going to hurt...

I know I know, you're not a republican you're a libertarian, or tea party or something else.

But since this is not about you...I'll decline.
There is no point on which reconciliation can be reached. There are no more points of compromise.

Compromise is always possible. Don't be so negative.

Why are people who rob banks, so hard to reconcile with people who do normal withdrawls and deposits?

Surely they can find a middle ground. Compromise is always possible. Right?

Liberals believe they have the right to take from others and "redistribute" it, or "spread the wealth around" as one famous liberal put it recently. Somebody's need, makes theft OK.

Conservatives believe they don't.

When liberals say "Compromise is always possible", what they really mean is, "Yes, we want to KEEP taking your stuff."
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The differences in this country go all the way down to bedrock, or below, to magma. They can never be reconciled. There really is no point on which compromise or agreement can occur. One side wants to kill babies, the other won't accept murder of infants. One side wants to impose homosexual practices on the entire population. The other side won't accept it. One side wants to prevent individuals from accumulating property through their own efforts. The other side wants to eliminate the concept of private property. One side wants to create a master race based on skin color, immune from criticism. The other side won't be silenced.

You don't fix these things with compromise. What held the nation together was a set of shared values and principles. Those are gone, never to return.

To hang your hat on only those things is fucking sad.

Great dont kill babies, dont be gay and dont steal but that doesnt have anything to do with the political parties.

TRANSLATION: Aw, you caught us. Time to deny, deny, deny, and hope you don't call me on my lies.
Do you not understand that Republicans are not and will not reduce the size of govt? If you know that republicans wont do it, why do you think Dems are bad for doing the SAME THING the republicans are doing which is increasing its size.

Somehow dems are Marxist and Republicans are freedom patriots or some shit for the same things?
I'm libertarian conservative. I gave up on the republican party a long time ago.

that still doesnt explain how two parties can do the same thing and you say they are on different spectrums

You want to argue that democrats and republicans are the heads of one snake.. yeah so? Everyone with an IQ over 120 knows that.
The differences in this country go all the way down to bedrock, or below, to magma. They can never be reconciled. There really is no point on which compromise or agreement can occur. One side wants to kill babies, the other won't accept murder of infants. One side wants to impose homosexual practices on the entire population. The other side won't accept it. One side wants to prevent individuals from accumulating property through their own efforts. The other side wants to eliminate the concept of private property. One side wants to create a master race based on skin color, immune from criticism. The other side won't be silenced.

You don't fix these things with compromise. What held the nation together was a set of shared values and principles. Those are gone, never to return.

To hang your hat on only those things is fucking sad.

Great dont kill babies, dont be gay and dont steal but that doesnt have anything to do with the political parties.

TRANSLATION: Aw, you caught us. Time to deny, deny, deny, and hope you don't call me on my lies.

Well since you dont like my answer. Go kill babies and be a fag then. Your choice
This thread is wonderful evidence as to why we have this issue. Blame, blame, insult, insult and zero listening.
See? This republican agrees that republicans do nothing AND determined that helping people is actually harming them and they will leave people at the bottom of the hole for their own good? :lol: When really they need an excuse to why doing is good and doing something is bad.

Any good deed thats done they just say its bad and ignoring people in need is what is really the solution.

LOL, I'm not a Republican, you say I'm a Republican, then prove I'm not. Which I said I wasn't to start with.

Unwind yourself from that pretzel you twisted yourself into slowly, it's going to hurt...

I know I know, you're not a republican you're a libertarian, or tea party or something else.

But since this is not about you...I'll decline.

You don't know the difference between a Republican, a libertarian and a tea partier. I knew that, I just didn't expect you to admit it. In your fog of Democratic Party Marxism indoctrination, you just hear, "not Democrat." LOL, at least you're happy in your ignorance.
LOL, I'm not a Republican, you say I'm a Republican, then prove I'm not. Which I said I wasn't to start with.

Unwind yourself from that pretzel you twisted yourself into slowly, it's going to hurt...

I know I know, you're not a republican you're a libertarian, or tea party or something else.

But since this is not about you...I'll decline.

You don't know the difference between a Republican, a libertarian and a tea partier. I knew that, I just didn't expect you to admit it. In your fog of Democratic Party Marxism indoctrination, you just hear, "not Democrat." LOL, at least you're happy in your ignorance.

Well since you are trying to make this a dick measuring contest I'll go back to my orginal point

See? This republican agrees that republicans do nothing AND determined that helping people is actually harming them and they will leave people at the bottom of the hole for their own good? When really they need an excuse to why doing is good and doing something is bad.

Any good deed thats done they just say its bad and ignoring people in need is what is really the solution.
The differences in this country go all the way down to bedrock, or below, to magma. They can never be reconciled. There really is no point on which compromise or agreement can occur. One side wants to kill babies, the other won't accept murder of infants. One side wants to impose homosexual practices on the entire population. The other side won't accept it. One side wants to prevent individuals from accumulating property through their own efforts. The other side wants to eliminate the concept of private property. One side wants to create a master race based on skin color, immune from criticism. The other side won't be silenced.

You don't fix these things with compromise. What held the nation together was a set of shared values and principles. Those are gone, never to return.

you nailed it when you said our set of shared values held us together and those are now gone--------excellent synopsis of the entire debate. :eusa_clap:
This thread is wonderful evidence as to why we have this issue. Blame, blame, insult, insult and zero listening.

ironic post ^^^^ from one who does those things on a daily basis.

The real problem is that the two sides have opposite views on almost everything from the role of government to abortion to deficit spending.

The country is so divided it may be time to split the blanket and let each side form its own country and try to make it work using the principles it believes in. Then we will truly know which system works and which always fails-----------can you say, Greece?

The lack of enquiring minds here is amazing!

Did NOBODY watch the presentation? Did no one see anything useful in it?

You guys are so polarised you should all freeze to popcicles.

The Obama-Wing of the Democrats didn't follow through on their promises of transparency, just the opposite. Lots of Corp Cronies, all as thickly spun in deceptive fog as bad as the worst of Nixon.

They didn't follow through on their promises to Unite Americans, instead we got Obama-Care loaded full of 26 new expansions of divisive Racial Preferences including the mind-boggling return to racial segregation in Obama-Care Race-Concordance!

When things started to turn bad for the Administration, rather than correct their ways, we got the abuses of power of the IRS, EPA, DOJ, DOH....

I won't Ally myself with Racists and Fascists, and the Obama-Democrats have proven themselves over and over again to be BOTH.

Can left and right be reconciled?

I think that's the wrong question because it implies an equivalency that simply doesn't exist.

The left is made up of a rather diverse group of people with varied interests. They appear to value co-operation over constant conflict the way the right does nowadays.

When Democrats aren't in control of the White House, they have a track record of working with Republican Presidents. They may not agree with their agendas, but they give and take and negotiate things like adults and make compromises.

Republicans no longer compromise on anything. And they undermine our democratic institutions when a Democrat is President, because it's part of a cynical ploy to undermine that President. It's a neat trick: Just don't do anything and hold up everything the Democratic President wants to do, even if it's something you are for, so that when the public starts to get a whiff that nothing they voted for is being done, the hope is that the Democratic Presidents voters will get angry with him.

We see that it works to a certain degree, but mostly the public sees through what Republicans are doing.

The OP's question should really be, "Will Republicans ever reconcile themselves to behaving within a manor that exemplifies their democratic institutions, or will they continue to only try to set the entire house on fire?".
The partisan divide is 100% manufactured fearmongering, it does not have to be that way except that some very smart sociopaths have discovered that fear is a surprisingly simple path to power. I tell people all of the time to quit voting their fears and they apparently have no idea what I am talking about. The attitude of clinging to fear tells me that conservatives are really incapable of injecting optimism into their politics, the second they try the whole thing just starts falling apart.
The partisan divide is 100% manufactured fearmongering, it does not have to be that way except that some very smart sociopaths have discovered that fear is a surprisingly simple path to power. I tell people all of the time to quit voting their fears and they apparently have no idea what I am talking about. The attitude of clinging to fear tells me that conservatives are really incapable of injecting optimism into their politics, the second they try the whole thing just starts falling apart.

hmmm, fear mongering, eh? like the global warming hoax? like the healthcare hoax? like the immigration hoax? the truth is that the fear mongering is mostly coming from the left--------------"the sky is falling we are all going to boil in seawater if we don't stop using oil" "half of america cannot get medical care" "enforceing immigration laws will hurt people's feelings"

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