Why are American Democrats not calling out the Antisemites??

Sure it did. We were feared when we used our military more often.
Our military has been used a lot since 9/11. Are you unaware of this?

We are a dying empire thanks to non-stop war, which has bankrupted us and resulted in tyranny at home.

If you read history or the words of the Founders, you’d know this.
Bullshit! EVERY Arab scumbag wants Israel gone and the Jews exterminated!
A victim of propaganda.
So sad.


Take it up with your Buddy Hitler and the Pope about the Crusades

For the 25000 innocent woman and children murdered by Israel in the last 7 months?

Murdered? They weren’t murdered, that is what Hamas did on Oct. 7. Innocent woman and children killed by the IDF are unfortunate casualties, not intentional targets. To answer your question, yes, I feel empathy for them.
Murdered? They weren’t murdered, that is what Hamas did on Oct. 7. Innocent woman and children killed by the IDF are unfortunate casualties, not intentional targets. To answer your question, yes, I feel empathy for them.
Yes, murdered.
Defenseless civilians.

But hey! They're just MOOSLUM scum so fuck-em, right?
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Yes, murdered.
Defenseless civilians.

But hey! They're just MOOSLUM scum so fuck-em, right?

Using your definition, did GB and the US murder a lot of innocent women and children during WWII? Did any nation that has ever been to war NOT murder innocent people?
Using your definition, did GB and the US murder a lot of innocent women and children during WWII? Did any nation that has ever been to war NOT murder innocent people?
Germany was not defenseless
There is no effective military resistance in GAZA

apples and ford explorers.
Germany was not defenseless
There is no effective military resistance in GAZA

apples and ford explorers.

Ergo, states run by terrorists get a free pass? Sorry, that is not now it works.
Murdered? They weren’t murdered, that is what Hamas did on Oct. 7. Innocent woman and children killed by the IDF are unfortunate casualties, not intentional targets. To answer your question, yes, I feel empathy for them.
What e idiot. I have to ask, is the problem, that the Arabs are darker skinned then the Jews. So would you be on the Arabs side if they were fighting a African country.
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Using your definition, did GB and the US murder a lot of innocent women and children during WWII? Did any nation that has ever been to war NOT murder innocent people?
War makes it OK, we have been in over 200 wars and all but a couple have been us massacring people , total lies, killing Americans and having Americans killed for some corporate or money reason. The main reason soldiers come home and spending the rest of their lives feeling like murderers/ Their life destroyed. so some fat old white man can put money in their pockets.
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What e idiot. I have to ask, is the problem, that the Arabs are darker skinned then the Jews. So would you be on the Arabs side if they were fighting a African country.

So now it is about race? I never mentioned race. I don’t care what color the people were that attacked Israel on Oct. 7th.
some fat old white man

I see you have bought into the lefties narrative. Old, rich white guys are the scourge of the earth. In the land of lefties, it is somehow ok to racially and economically stereotype.
There are no real communists of ANY kind in the USA, and there never have been. That's just a scary story Republicans tell the gullible and weak minded to keep the voting against their own best interests.
Our best interests are to never vote for Socialists nor Communists. And that includes the entire DemocRAT party. So go fuck yourself, Canuck whore.
The members of the white nationalist anti semitic dogwhistle (globalist, Soros) using Republican party should just shut up.
There you have it folks….The utter stupidity of this sort of argument is not just highlighted by the ever so racist IM2, it’s encapsulated in nearly every leftist, and yes, there are no liberals on this board anymore, they are leftist fascists, who want you to “shut up” if you don’t agree with them …

They are nasty little bullies, who never grew out of their grade school days of taunting, and bullying others.

The left radicals wanted division? Well they get it.
Given their horrific history, you would think Israel would be more sensitive to the plight of the civilian population

Obviously they are. Amidst a war initiated by islamic terrorists, Israel has agreed to cease fires allowing safe corridors for civilians to evacuate. It was your Islamic terrorist heroes who prevented civilians from evacuating.
Obviously they are. Amidst a war initiated by islamic terrorists, Israel has agreed to cease fires allowing safe corridors for civilians to evacuate. It was your Islamic terrorist heroes who prevented civilians from evacuating.
Who ever, in their wildest dreams, would ever imagine that Israel would be accused of genocide?
Who ever, in their wildest dreams, would ever imagine that Israel would be accused of genocide?

Who ever, in their wildest dreams would believe your silly 'genocide' slogan is something other than a slogan you cut and pasted.

A pretty obvious side step on the fact that Israel has agreed to cease fires and safe corridor passages. Any thoughts on why your heroes in Hamas prevented civilians from leaving a war zone?

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