Why AQ Hit Egypt-For Gabby


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
to help with the reading problem, I found this that should be able to give you an explanation of why. Check the links to round out the story, since some of it is 'historical' in that it's more than 15 years old.

I doubt that you'll get it now, but perhaps one day:

AQ Kills Muslims In Egypt, Belies Iraq As Cause

Al-Qaeda took responsibility for the horrendous coordinated series of bombings in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh yesterday, killing 83 and wounding hundreds. The suicide car-bomb attacks targeted Egypt's tourist business, which hoped to recover from the Luxor bombings in 1997 and a series of attacks last year:

The attacks dealt a fresh blow to the tourism industry so crucial to Egypt's economy, which was still recovering from the fallout of last year's bombings.

There have also been several attacks in tourist areas in Cairo in recent months, as Egypt prepares for its first multi-candidate presidential election in September.

The Al-Qaeda Organisation in the Levant and Egypt said it carried out the multiple bombings as a "response against the global evil powers which are spilling the blood of Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Chechnya."

Where has Egypt stationed its soldiers in any of these areas? Nowhere. Why does AQ want to attack Muslims in Egypt if the country doesn't have any soldiers deployed to Iraq? Because Iraq has nothing to do with Al-Qaeda's overall war. This attack should make that obvious, finally.

Egypt has no patience with radical Islam; Hosni Mubarak sees it as a threat, and rightly so. Radicals killed his predecessor for signing a peace treaty with Israel and Mubarak has maintained that diplomatic contact. He has managed thus far to checkmate the radicals in Egypt, mostly through political oppression that has the deadly side effect of oppressing everybody, creating more radicalism. For example, Osama's number two man, Ayman al-Zawahiri, hails from Egypt and used to head the leading radical terrorist group there before it folded itself into AQ.

AQ antagonism towards Egypt has nothing to do with Iraq, Palestine, and Chechnya and everything to do with assuming control of the ummah in its entirety. It attacks the US and Britain because we oppose the radical takeover of Southwest Asia by the lunatic Islamofascists. Does that involve Iraq? Certainly; right now it's the hot front in the war on terror, along with Afghanistan. But to claim that these attacks spring from our presence in Iraq exclusively, or even our presence in Arab lands, flies in the face of all evidence. Where are the American troops in Egypt?

The media, especially the British media who keep haranguing Tony Blair about causing the London bombings as a price for liberating Iraq, need to start adding two plus two and quit getting three for an answer. AQ operations point to a long-term strategy of isolating and crippling Middle East governments that (a) oppose radical Wahhabism and (b) operate in a secular manner that maintains ties to the West, especially Israel. That is the scope of the war Islamists have fought for twenty years under different banners -- Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and now al-Qaeda. They want to seize power by force, cast a Taliban-style tyranny over the entirety of Southwest Asia and North Africa (to start), and bring the infidel world to its knees through the control of petroleum.

Why, four years after 9/11, does the media and the Left still fail to grasp this? Could it be because acknowledging this fact requires a stark choice to either fight or surrender, and they would prefer to create a fantasy through sophistry to allow them to simply go AWOL instead?
Posted by Captain Ed at 09:35 AM
I want to see proof that AQ is responsible. This seems like more Right Wing shizzle to me. The fact that your source is a militant conservative blog leads me in that direction.
Gabriella84 said:
I want to see proof that AQ is responsible. This seems like more Right Wing shizzle to me. The fact that your source is a militant conservative blog leads me in that direction.

Once again - it'd really help ALL OF US - and you - if you'd just remove foot from mouth and pull our head out:

Al Qaeda Group Claims Responsibility for Egypt Resort Terror Attacks
Gabriella84 said:
I want to see proof that AQ is responsible. This seems like more Right Wing shizzle to me. The fact that your source is a militant conservative blog leads me in that direction.

Well that might pull you to the middle of where you have been before. Follow the links, perhaps someone you know could read it for you?
Kathianne said:
Well that might pull you to the middle of where you have been before. Follow the links, perhaps someone you know could read it for you?

she is too busy tie dying t-shirts and making flower boquets...they don't teach multi sourcing at Berkley...what a shame it was a good school long ago!
Face it, she is not bright enough to understand the likes of Sadat and Rabin. She cannot understand the ramifications of such, because she has not learned to think.

My guess, her parents told her she's brilliant and she buys it. :rolleyes:

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