Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills

Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills
Americans should applaud the new abortion legislation proposed in states like Virginia and New York. That’s because, in bowing to a progressive agenda, these bills are exposing abortion for what it is: death.
Several states already support abortion up until birth. But only now are Americans causing an uproar over them. That’s because certain politicians appear to not only support and celebrate unrestricted abortion, but also expand it to include newborns. Infanticide. That isn’t something that just concerns the pro-life movement and Republicans. It’s detached from Democrats. It’s out of touch with Americans. It’s atrocious to human beings.... Or it should be.
Americans expressed horror Jan. 28 when Democratic delegate Kathy Tran introduced a Virginia bill she said would allow abortion even while a woman is in labor. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat, made more waves two days later during a WTOP interview where he defended the bill – and suggested leaving babies to die after birth.
“It’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that’s nonviable. If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
His comments came days after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) on Jan. 22. Among other things, the New York law allows late-term abortion “at any time” to “protect a patient’s life or health.” The RHA also repealed protections for born babies that survive failed abortions.
Then there are other states, like Rhode Island, that are making headlines for bills that would repeal bans on partial-birth abortion.
A Jan. 15 Marist poll showed 75% of Americans want abortion restricted to the first three months of pregnancy. Americans cherish a culture of life, and their outcry for the unborn human person is a cause for hope – hope that life might one day champion death.

The Democrat Party of America - proudly enslaving and murdering Americans since 1840. Just another case of Democrats being Democrats.
Lest we forget, the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are already bought and paid for by the Mexican Cartels funneling Marijuana, Heroin, Cocaine and now Fentanyl to the heartland to do post natal genocidal abortion on voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, upstate New York, and other places
We the Deplorables have to remember what the aims of Democrats are all about especially when the presidential election is at the forefront.
Why OP should take a long walk off a short plank into shark-infested waters in 3...2..1..

Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills

Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills
Americans should applaud the new abortion legislation proposed in states like Virginia and New York. That’s because, in bowing to a progressive agenda, these bills are exposing abortion for what it is: death.
Several states already support abortion up until birth. But only now are Americans causing an uproar over them. That’s because certain politicians appear to not only support and celebrate unrestricted abortion, but also expand it to include newborns. Infanticide. That isn’t something that just concerns the pro-life movement and Republicans. It’s detached from Democrats. It’s out of touch with Americans. It’s atrocious to human beings.... Or it should be.
Americans expressed horror Jan. 28 when Democratic delegate Kathy Tran introduced a Virginia bill she said would allow abortion even while a woman is in labor. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat, made more waves two days later during a WTOP interview where he defended the bill – and suggested leaving babies to die after birth.
“It’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that’s nonviable. If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
His comments came days after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) on Jan. 22. Among other things, the New York law allows late-term abortion “at any time” to “protect a patient’s life or health.” The RHA also repealed protections for born babies that survive failed abortions.
Then there are other states, like Rhode Island, that are making headlines for bills that would repeal bans on partial-birth abortion.
A Jan. 15 Marist poll showed 75% of Americans want abortion restricted to the first three months of pregnancy. Americans cherish a culture of life, and their outcry for the unborn human person is a cause for hope – hope that life might one day champion death.

The Democrat Party of America - proudly enslaving and murdering Americans since 1840. Just another case of Democrats being Democrats.
Lest we forget, the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are already bought and paid for by the Mexican Cartels funneling Marijuana, Heroin, Cocaine and now Fentanyl to the heartland to do post natal genocidal abortion on voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, upstate New York, and other places
We the Deplorables have to remember what the aims of Democrats are all about especially when the presidential election is at the forefront.

Hey, states rights gone amuck. Personally I'm not real excited about abortion but I'm a small government guy and if there is any doubt I error conservatively against big government. If you want big government to outlaw it though, whatever, I can see your point.

I'm a small government type guy. On the real political orientation tests my lack of concern if you stand for a song or kneel or what you do with your holes and sticks gets me a libertarian score.
Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills

Why Americans Should Applaud the Virginia, New York Abortion Bills
Americans should applaud the new abortion legislation proposed in states like Virginia and New York. That’s because, in bowing to a progressive agenda, these bills are exposing abortion for what it is: death.
Several states already support abortion up until birth. But only now are Americans causing an uproar over them. That’s because certain politicians appear to not only support and celebrate unrestricted abortion, but also expand it to include newborns. Infanticide. That isn’t something that just concerns the pro-life movement and Republicans. It’s detached from Democrats. It’s out of touch with Americans. It’s atrocious to human beings.... Or it should be.
Americans expressed horror Jan. 28 when Democratic delegate Kathy Tran introduced a Virginia bill she said would allow abortion even while a woman is in labor. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat, made more waves two days later during a WTOP interview where he defended the bill – and suggested leaving babies to die after birth.
“It’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that’s nonviable. If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
His comments came days after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) on Jan. 22. Among other things, the New York law allows late-term abortion “at any time” to “protect a patient’s life or health.” The RHA also repealed protections for born babies that survive failed abortions.
Then there are other states, like Rhode Island, that are making headlines for bills that would repeal bans on partial-birth abortion.
A Jan. 15 Marist poll showed 75% of Americans want abortion restricted to the first three months of pregnancy. Americans cherish a culture of life, and their outcry for the unborn human person is a cause for hope – hope that life might one day champion death.

The Democrat Party of America - proudly enslaving and murdering Americans since 1840. Just another case of Democrats being Democrats.
Lest we forget, the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are already bought and paid for by the Mexican Cartels funneling Marijuana, Heroin, Cocaine and now Fentanyl to the heartland to do post natal genocidal abortion on voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, upstate New York, and other places
We the Deplorables have to remember what the aims of Democrats are all about especially when the presidential election is at the forefront.

Hey, states rights gone amuck. Personally I'm not real excited about abortion but I'm a small government guy and if there is any doubt I error conservatively against big government. If you want big government to outlaw it though, whatever, I can see your point.

I'm a small government type guy. On the real political orientation tests my lack of concern if you stand for a song or kneel or what you do with your holes and sticks gets me a libertarian score.

Fucking fail. Only leftists call human body orifices "holes", k?
Why OP should take a long walk off a short plank into shark-infested waters in 3...2..1..

The piece points out that we should be somewhat relieved that the dems are finally out in the open about their being the party of death, not that he approves of what they've done.

OP could have put it in there, no? Gah! He did, but it was TL ;DR
No one really wants to ban abortion, not really. The truth of that is in how even the most ardent anti abortion advocates have never thought about what happens next.
No one really wants to ban abortion, not really. The truth of that is in how even the most ardent anti abortion advocates have never thought about what happens next.

Maybe that is because we are not afraid. Or, maybe we do not lack the confidence in our ability to handle what happens next.

Did you ever think about that?

When Supreme Court justice Potter Stewart contemplated that a State could establish that an unborn fetus is a person. . . Neither did he go on to freak out about the downsides of doing so.

Neither did the pro-abortion attorney (Sarah Weddington) express any of concern of her own.

Maybe that's because when "Roe" was being decided, they were already living in a world where abortions WERE banned and the sky was NOT falling.

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No one really wants to ban abortion, not really. The truth of that is in how even the most ardent anti abortion advocates have never thought about what happens next.

Maybe we are not afraid or maybe we not not lack the confidence in our ability to handle what happens next.

Did you ever think about that?

When Supreme Court justice Potter Stewart contemplated that a State could establish that an unborn fetus is a person. . . Neither did he go on to freak out about the downsides of doing.

Neither did the pro-abortion attorney (Sarah Weddington) express any of concern of her own.

Maybe that's because when "Roe" was being decided, they were already living in a world where abortions WERE banned and the sky was NOT falling.
So how long do you want send a woman to jail for having an abortion? Trump was asked this question and he had no answer.
No one really wants to ban abortion, not really. The truth of that is in how even the most ardent anti abortion advocates have never thought about what happens next.

Maybe we are not afraid or maybe we not not lack the confidence in our ability to handle what happens next.

Did you ever think about that?

When Supreme Court justice Potter Stewart contemplated that a State could establish that an unborn fetus is a person. . . Neither did he go on to freak out about the downsides of doing.

Neither did the pro-abortion attorney (Sarah Weddington) express any of concern of her own.

Maybe that's because when "Roe" was being decided, they were already living in a world where abortions WERE banned and the sky was NOT falling.
So how long do you want send a woman to jail for having an abortion? Trump was asked this question and he had no answer.

Possibly because the premise is absurd, asshat?
No one really wants to ban abortion, not really. The truth of that is in how even the most ardent anti abortion advocates have never thought about what happens next.

Maybe we are not afraid or maybe we not not lack the confidence in our ability to handle what happens next.

Did you ever think about that?

When Supreme Court justice Potter Stewart contemplated that a State could establish that an unborn fetus is a person. . . Neither did he go on to freak out about the downsides of doing.

Neither did the pro-abortion attorney (Sarah Weddington) express any of concern of her own.

Maybe that's because when "Roe" was being decided, they were already living in a world where abortions WERE banned and the sky was NOT falling.
So how long do you want send a woman to jail for having an abortion? Trump was asked this question and he had no answer.

Possibly because the premise is absurd, asshat?
How so? If something is banned there must be a legal penalty, so what is it? 1 year? 5 years? Life? Death?
I am a big states rights guy, and I am not sure any federal court should be deciding if and at what point a fetus becomes human enough to protect it's right to life prior to birth. Beyond the cases of rape, incest, and health of the mother I mean, maybe that decision ought to rest within each state; their voters can make that call or change their position if circumstances change.

Personally, I don't like it after the 1st trimester. That's enough time IMHO to decide what to do, and once viable the fetus can be removed from the womb and given to those who would provide for him/her. Certainly I'd rather see the money spent on aborting the baby to keeping him/her alive.
No one really wants to ban abortion, not really. The truth of that is in how even the most ardent anti abortion advocates have never thought about what happens next.

Maybe we are not afraid or maybe we not not lack the confidence in our ability to handle what happens next.

Did you ever think about that?

When Supreme Court justice Potter Stewart contemplated that a State could establish that an unborn fetus is a person. . . Neither did he go on to freak out about the downsides of doing.

Neither did the pro-abortion attorney (Sarah Weddington) express any of concern of her own.

Maybe that's because when "Roe" was being decided, they were already living in a world where abortions WERE banned and the sky was NOT falling.
So how long do you want send a woman to jail for having an abortion? Trump was asked this question and he had no answer.

I have no trouble answering this question because I am consistent with my views no matter how much it costs me politically among my friends.

We have many fetal HOMICIDE laws on the books today, where a person can be (and have been) charged with MURDER for killing a child in the womb, even accidentally, during the committing of a criminal act.

I have a hard time seeing why a woman who kills that same child INTENTIONALLY (figuratively speaking) should be charged with anything less.
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Government should never, ever interfere with medical care. I read a piece the other day that was the review of the materials that some states legally require doctors to give to abortion patients. The reviews were done by medical professionals. The level of false information in these materials was shocking, and most crafted by people in state governments who seemingly had no medical background.The materials did not contain any references to the sources of the assertions made in them. So much for letting Big Government into doctors' offices.

It is the ultimate in absurdity to think that a person would carry a fetus to term and then decide on the operating table that it should be killed for no reason.
I am a big states rights guy, and I am not sure any federal court should be deciding if and at what point a fetus becomes human enough to protect it's right to life prior to birth. Beyond the cases of rape, incest, and health of the mother I mean, maybe that decision ought to rest within each state; their voters can make that call or change their position if circumstances change.

Personally, I don't like it after the 1st trimester. That's enough time IMHO to decide what to do, and once viable the fetus can be removed from the womb and given to those who would provide for him/her. Certainly I'd rather see the money spent on aborting the baby to keeping him/her alive.

I disagree with the idea that personhood is something that (constitutionally) can be decided and vary State to State.

Certainly if marriage can't, then neither can personhood.
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