Who's The Fascist?

Liberals and Nazis stand for the very same things.

The left is ignorant and foolish and simply cannot bring themselves to the realization that their ideology on governance and economics mirrors that of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

The bible said, long ago...

The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.
Ecclesiastes 10:2
So you're saying that you don't grasp the aim of the three-fifths compromise?

To give the slave states more political power.

Just like the electoral college.

It seems that everything conservatives love is in some way supportive of slavery.

Are you telling us that you're a brainwashed product of the state schools?

We get it. You can't debate, and you know it, so you deflect with dishonest questions.
The left is ignorant and foolish and simply cannot bring themselves to the realization that their ideology on governance and economics mirrors that of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

It's not the liberals who depend entirely on vote suppression, vote fraud and gerrymandering now. You're part of the immoral minority that's tyrannizing the moral majority.

What does it say about you, that you seek to rule absolutely as the minority, and oppress the majority? It says you're part of a fascist/stalinist political cult.

Remember, we stand for liberty, so we have to oppose you. You won't be able to understand that, as the concept is too foreign to you.
The left is ignorant and foolish and simply cannot bring themselves to the realization that their ideology on governance and economics mirrors that of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

It's not the liberals who depend entirely on vote suppression, vote fraud and gerrymandering now. You're part of the immoral minority that's tyrannizing the moral majority.

What does it say about you, that you seek to rule absolutely as the minority, and oppress the majority? It says you're part of a fascist/stalinist political cult.

Remember, we stand for liberty, so we have to oppose you. You won't be able to understand that, as the concept is too foreign to you.

Bullshit. Did you complain when Obama used the IRS to prevent conservative from participating in the 2012 election? Nope, you supported his efforts. You oppose voter ID laws because you want ineligible voters to vote because you think they'll vote Democrat. You support open borders and unlimited immigration so that America will implement a fascist form of governance and economics that will ultimately lead to a significantly diminished standard of living for poor and middle-class Americans.

Let me ask you a question. Do you support free-market capitalism?

Here's another. Do you believe it's a function of government to manage every facet of society, including controlling the economy?
Bullshit. Did you complain when Obama used the IRS to prevent conservative from participating in the 2012 election?

Actually, we pointed out you faked that story. And I'm pointing out you're still pushing that fraud. That fraud was rancid the last time you tried peddling it. Why did you think it would get less rancid with age?

But then, what else can you do? All the facts contradict your loopy cult dogma, so pushing fraud is the only option you see open to you. It's not like honesty is an option for you.

You oppose voter ID laws because you want ineligible voters to vote because you think they'll vote Democrat.

The data says you're lying there. There's no evidence of any illegal voters voting in any significant numbers.

And why are you lying? You're running interference for vote fraud, most of which is done by republicans. You know you can't win unless you cheat, so you're cheating.

You support open borders and unlimited immigration so that America will implement a fascist form of governance and economics that will ultimately lead to a significantly diminished standard of living for poor and middle-class Americans.

That's just stupid. Even if your "open borders" dumb lie was true, it has zilch to do with fascism.
Actually, we pointed out you faked that story. And I'm pointing out you're still pushing that fraud. That fraud was rancid the last time you tried peddling it. Why did you think it would get less rancid with age?

More bullshit from you. The IRS publicly admitted to targeting conservatives, apologized and paid damages. And, by the way, the IRS continues to harass conservatives.
Let me ask you a question. Do you support free-market capitalism?

Yes. Liberals are the true heirs of Adam Smith, the father of capitalism. Adam Smith correctly pointed out how unregulated capitalism devolved into croneyism and monopolies, and that a progressive income tax was necessary.

Conservatives, they reject Adam Smith, becaise they see croneyism and monopolies as a feature. They are the socialists. If corporations run the government, then the corporations are the state, meaning the government controls all means of production under conservatism.

Here's another. Do you believe it's a function of government to manage every facet of society, including controlling the economy?

No. And that's why I reject Republican statism. They want to make sure corporations and religions can control every aspect of my life, along with the economy.
Let me ask you a question. Do you support free-market capitalism?

Yes. Liberals are the true heirs of Adam Smith, the father of capitalism. Adam Smith correctly pointed out how unregulated capitalism devolved into croneyism and monopolies, and that a progressive income tax was necessary.

Conservatives, they reject Adam Smith, becaise they see croneyism and monopolies as a feature. They are the socialists. If corporations run the government, then the corporations are the state, meaning the government controls all means of production under conservatism.

Here's another. Do you believe it's a function of government to manage every facet of society, including controlling the economy?

No. And that's why I reject Republican statism. They want to make sure corporations and religions can control every aspect of my life, along with the economy.

So you favor a free-market system, as long as the government tells business owners how they can run their business, right?

Do you support rent control?
More bullshit from you. The IRS publicly admitted to targeting conservatives, apologized and paid damages.

So you're admitting it wasn't Obama, and that you lied about that. And you['re also lying about conservatives being damaged. They were ... gasped ... asked to fill out another form. And you claim that's harassment. That's taking snowflakism and historical revisionism to a whole new level.

And, by the way, the IRS continues to harass conservatives.

You're just making that up, because you want an excuse to allow conservatives to cheat more on taxes.

What, you thought that wasn't obvious?

Don't cry at us about how awful it is that you can't freeload. That's not going to fly with working people.
So you favor a free-market system, as long as the government tells business owners how they can run their business, right?

I'm not playing your "so you think ..." games. That's a tactic of intellectual cowards, and it seems to be your only tactic.

If you have a point, have the guts to state it directly. If you can't, you clearly don't have a point.
So you favor a free-market system, as long as the government tells business owners how they can run their business, right?

I'm not playing your "so you think ..." games. That's a tactic of intellectual cowards, and it seems to be your only tactic.

If you have a point, have the guts to state it directly. If you can't, you clearly don't have a point.

Do you support rent control?
So you favor a free-market system, as long as the government tells business owners how they can run their business, right?

I'm not playing your "so you think ..." games. That's a tactic of intellectual cowards, and it seems to be your only tactic.

If you have a point, have the guts to state it directly. If you can't, you clearly don't have a point.

Do you support rent control?

What is it with you and rent control? ...are you a slum lord? :D
Can you give an example of such a thing?

Here's a few.

Abortion restrictions
Abortion gag rules
Vote suppression as policy
Claiming TheParty can't be prosecuted.
Gag rules for climate scientists
Allowing corporate polluters to trample my rights.
Allowing monopolies to trample my rights
Allowing the internet to be censored
Can you give an example of such a thing?

Here's a few.

Abortion restrictions
Abortion gag rules
Vote suppression as policy
Claiming TheParty can't be prosecuted.
Gag rules for climate scientists
Allowing corporate polluters to trample my rights.
Allowing monopolies to trample my rights
Allowing the internet to be censored

So you believe in protecting life, but only after they're born, right? And what is an "abortion gag rule"?

The rest are all talking points and not EXAMPLES.
Again, if you have a point, have the guts to state it directly. Don't keep asking others to make your point for you. That makes it look as you don't have any actual point.

It's a simple question, which you obviously don't want to answer. So be it.

My guess is that you SUPPORT rent control and anyone who supports rent control does NOT support free-market capitalism.

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