Who’s Going to Be the First to Cut a Deal in Spygate?

Traditionally, the intelligence community leaked to WAPO, the DNI leaked to CNN, while the DOJ leaked to sources within The NY Times. This was a historical pattern that stood until this election under the former president's auspices. Although details remain complex, the structure underlying Spygate—the creation of the false narrative that candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russia, and the spying on his presidential campaign—remains surprisingly simple:
1. CIA Director John Brennan, with some assistance from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, gathered foreign intelligence and fed it throughout our domestic Intelligence Community.
2. The FBI became the handler of Brennan’s intelligence and engaged in the more practical elements of surveillance.
3. The Department of Justice facilitated investigations by the FBI and legal maneuverings, while providing a crucial shield of nondisclosure.
4. The Department of State became a mechanism of information dissemination and leaks.
5. The media was the most corrosive element in many respects. None of these events could have transpired without their willing participation. Stories were pushed, facts were ignored, and narratives were promoted.
Spygate: The True Story of Collusion [Infographic]
Another imaginary investigation in imaginary dupe world. Already investigated nothing there. Almost treasonous against our law enforcement.

So, in your view, you think its appropriate for the FBI to investigate and harass the other political party's candidates and campaigns?

Will you think the same if President Trump does the same thing next year and in 2024?

The problem in this whole case is that there were no real Russian agents involved. Just British and Australians and the FBI looking to sting various members of the Trump campaign into it. Maybe you think that's proper?

The Mule did everything a man could do to get Trump associates to lie and admit to collusion with Uncle Pooty. And not one of them did. Not Flynn, not Papadopoulos, not Manafort who was locked in solitary confinement for a year, not the elderly doctor Jerome Corsi, not even crooked lawyer Michael Cohen ever said word #1 implicating Trump or anyone in his campaign. All bullshit, all deep state, all fraud.
Traditionally, the intelligence community leaked to WAPO, the DNI leaked to CNN, while the DOJ leaked to sources within The NY Times. This was a historical pattern that stood until this election under the former president's auspices. Although details remain complex, the structure underlying Spygate—the creation of the false narrative that candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russia, and the spying on his presidential campaign—remains surprisingly simple:
1. CIA Director John Brennan, with some assistance from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, gathered foreign intelligence and fed it throughout our domestic Intelligence Community.
2. The FBI became the handler of Brennan’s intelligence and engaged in the more practical elements of surveillance.
3. The Department of Justice facilitated investigations by the FBI and legal maneuverings, while providing a crucial shield of nondisclosure.
4. The Department of State became a mechanism of information dissemination and leaks.
5. The media was the most corrosive element in many respects. None of these events could have transpired without their willing participation. Stories were pushed, facts were ignored, and narratives were promoted.
Spygate: The True Story of Collusion [Infographic]

Sounds about right.
Funny Chit watching the Trumpette trash Amercans that spent their life protecting them.

Military heroes - trashed

POWs Trashed

Gold Star families - Trashed

widoes of soldiers just killed in battle - Trashed

What the fuck happened to you people?

Bring on this investigation. Lets hear again from Flynn, Trump, Trump Jr, Manafort, Comey. Mitch McConnell,

Let's hear why Trump lied about Russian contacts & Russian businesses.
“The Comey vs Brennan vs Clapper vs Lynch vs Obama show is going to be awesome”

Who's going to cut a deal first in Spygate?

Lisa Paige. (and she is already co-operating)


She has a young child, and now realizes Brennan scammed the F-B-I! Jail time to her would mean losing custody, which if our courts were really fair, she should probably lose anyway.

Others are co-operating also, but Paige has the skinny on everything, from everybody, because she was the lawyer. Everything the FBI did, was run through her, and her department.

Listen, if she sings for a deal, the whole cabal is going to be implicated, and there will be no more guessing and pointing at evidence, it will be laid before America, chapter and verse.

Sing Lisa, SING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny Chit watching the Trumpette trash Amercans that spent their life protecting them.

Military heroes - trashed

POWs Trashed

Gold Star families - Trashed

widoes of soldiers just killed in battle - Trashed

What the fuck happened to you people?

Bring on this investigation. Lets hear again from Flynn, Trump, Trump Jr, Manafort, Comey. Mitch McConnell,

Let's hear why Trump lied about Russian contacts & Russian businesses.

SPIN Real Dumb, SPIN!

Your screwed, make a new sock quick-)
Traditionally, the intelligence community leaked to WAPO, the DNI leaked to CNN, while the DOJ leaked to sources within The NY Times. This was a historical pattern that stood until this election under the former president's auspices. Although details remain complex, the structure underlying Spygate—the creation of the false narrative that candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russia, and the spying on his presidential campaign—remains surprisingly simple:
1. CIA Director John Brennan, with some assistance from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, gathered foreign intelligence and fed it throughout our domestic Intelligence Community.
2. The FBI became the handler of Brennan’s intelligence and engaged in the more practical elements of surveillance.
3. The Department of Justice facilitated investigations by the FBI and legal maneuverings, while providing a crucial shield of nondisclosure.
4. The Department of State became a mechanism of information dissemination and leaks.
5. The media was the most corrosive element in many respects. None of these events could have transpired without their willing participation. Stories were pushed, facts were ignored, and narratives were promoted.
Spygate: The True Story of Collusion [Infographic]
Yep, nothing suspicious at all about meeting with the Russians dozens of times never reporting it to the CIA or FBI and lying about it. I suppose you don't know that the Russians recht the election. With help from Fox and CNN endlessly blowing emails out of all proportion.
Michael Flynn beat them all to it.
And whatshisname...Michael...Michael....last name starts with a C.....

The guy the Democrats paraded in front of Congress to testify twice, committing Perjury both times, and destroying the Dem's false narrative the 2nd time?

So....was your screw up of the quote function intentional or just stupidity? Inquiring minds want to know.
And whatshisname ... Michael ... Michael .... last name starts with a C.....

The guy the Democrats paraded in front of Congress to testify twice, committing Perjury both times, and destroying the Dem's false narrative the 2nd time?

So....was your screw up of the quote function intentional or just stupidity? Inquiring minds want to know.
Not as bad as you bringing up a 2-time perjurer who destroyed the democrats' false narrative while testifying FOR THEM....

Funny Chit watching the Trumpette trash Amercans that spent their life protecting them.

Military heroes - trashed

POWs Trashed

Gold Star families - Trashed

widoes of soldiers just killed in battle - Trashed

What the fuck happened to you people?

Bring on this investigation. Lets hear again from Flynn, Trump, Trump Jr, Manafort, Comey. Mitch McConnell,

Let's hear why Trump lied about Russian contacts & Russian businesses.

No one is trashing, as you put it, anyone who served our Country.
You confuse Democrat Party tantrums and overreach with serving our Country, willfully and purposefully in a false narrative in order to advance an unhinged left platform in an ultra partisan way.
If anyone deserves to be trashed, it is you and your ILK!
Funny Chit watching the Trumpette trash Amercans that spent their life protecting them.

Military heroes - trashed

POWs Trashed

Gold Star families - Trashed

widoes of soldiers just killed in battle - Trashed

What the fuck happened to you people?

Bring on this investigation. Lets hear again from Flynn, Trump, Trump Jr, Manafort, Comey. Mitch McConnell,

Let's hear why Trump lied about Russian contacts & Russian businesses.

No one is trashing, as you put it, anyone who served our Country.
You confuse Democrat Party tantrums and overreach with serving our Country, willfully and purposefully in a false narrative in order to advance an unhinged left platform in an ultra partisan way.
If anyone deserves to be trashed, it is you and your ILK!

See. The denial. The ignorance.

Dona;d Trump trashed the military service of John McCain. He said he did not like POWs. He trashed a Gold Star family & yes, he called a woman who had just met her husband's body at the airport a liar.

And you voted for him.

So shove your fake patriotism up your ass.
Funny Chit watching the Trumpette trash Amercans that spent their life protecting them.

Military heroes - trashed

POWs Trashed

Gold Star families - Trashed

widoes of soldiers just killed in battle - Trashed

What the fuck happened to you people?

Bring on this investigation. Lets hear again from Flynn, Trump, Trump Jr, Manafort, Comey. Mitch McConnell,

Let's hear why Trump lied about Russian contacts & Russian businesses.

No one is trashing, as you put it, anyone who served our Country.
You confuse Democrat Party tantrums and overreach with serving our Country, willfully and purposefully in a false narrative in order to advance an unhinged left platform in an ultra partisan way.
If anyone deserves to be trashed, it is you and your ILK!

See. The denial. The ignorance.

Dona;d Trump trashed the military service of John McCain. He said he did not like POWs. He trashed a Gold Star family & yes, he called a woman who had just met her husband's body at the airport a liar.

And you voted for him.

So shove your fake patriotism up your ass.

Why don't you try shoving anything up anyone's ass?
McCain was a traitor.

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