Who’s Going to Be the First to Cut a Deal in Spygate?

“The Comey vs Brennan vs Clapper vs Lynch vs Obama show is going to be awesome”

Who's going to cut a deal first in Spygate?

Lisa Paige. (and she is already co-operating)


She has a young child, and now realizes Brennan scammed the F-B-I! Jail time to her would mean losing custody, which if our courts were really fair, she should probably lose anyway.

Others are co-operating also, but Paige has the skinny on everything, from everybody, because she was the lawyer. Everything the FBI did, was run through her, and her department.

Listen, if she sings for a deal, the whole cabal is going to be implicated, and there will be no more guessing and pointing at evidence, it will be laid before America, chapter and verse.

Sing Lisa, SING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm pretty sure that there's a security team protecting her. She's too important to lose. I'd keep her away from Ft. Marcy Park, late night walks from parties, etc. Lisa Page, is definitely in danger just as the rest of those that have decided to cooperate in exposing the corruption of the former administration and the individuals involved in the weaponization of agencies against the people of America and a duly elected president.
Funny Chit watching the Trumpette trash Amercans that spent their life protecting them.

Military heroes - trashed

POWs Trashed

Gold Star families - Trashed

widoes of soldiers just killed in battle - Trashed

What the fuck happened to you people?

Bring on this investigation. Lets hear again from Flynn, Trump, Trump Jr, Manafort, Comey. Mitch McConnell,

Let's hear why Trump lied about Russian contacts & Russian businesses.

And whatshisname ... Michael ... Michael .... last name starts with a C.....

The guy the Democrats paraded in front of Congress to testify twice, committing Perjury both times, and destroying the Dem's false narrative the 2nd time?


Funny Chit watching the Trumpette trash Amercans that spent their life protecting them.

Military heroes - trashed

POWs Trashed

Gold Star families - Trashed

widoes of soldiers just killed in battle - Trashed

What the fuck happened to you people?

Bring on this investigation. Lets hear again from Flynn, Trump, Trump Jr, Manafort, Comey. Mitch McConnell,

Let's hear why Trump lied about Russian contacts & Russian businesses.

No one is trashing, as you put it, anyone who served our Country.
You confuse Democrat Party tantrums and overreach with serving our Country, willfully and purposefully in a false narrative in order to advance an unhinged left platform in an ultra partisan way.
If anyone deserves to be trashed, it is you and your ILK!

Real DUMB is spinning so hard, he has made himself dizzy.

We all need to realize that he/they know they are SCREWED, so they will lash out with everything/anything, to try and change the narrative that is coming.

We all know how Trump, and we stand with our heroes and 1st responders. REAL DUMB is grasping, because he is gasping, as he and his ilk go down.

IF there was real JUSTICE in life, REAL DUMB and a few others on here, would be DRAFTED, and our military would use them as human shields. They deserve it!

Our police and firefighters in this country, DESPISE people LIKE REAL DUMB! Sooooooo, congrats REAL DUMB, the protection our country affords you through civil servants, HATE YOUR GUTS! If your house lights on fire and burns down, don't be REAL DUMB and ask why it wasn't put out-)

I spoke the truth. Trump did trash those people & he did it during the campaign. So you knew it & yet you still voted for him.

I was of age during the last draft we had. I had a deferment one year & then drew a high number in the draft lottery.

I didn't have daddy pay of a doctor to write up bone spurs to dodge the draft. That would be the very same man who said he didn't like POWs. Evidently, POWS were poor soldiers because they got captured .

And you voted for Trump.

You love Trump.

I support our firemen & police people.

I support our troops. I don't support those who trash them.

So fuck
Need a tissue?

Barry drug this country into 2 UN-Constitutional in-approved wars. 1 was to use our military to help Al Qaeda - the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - murder a sovereign leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in northern Africa then gave them their own country - Libya.

Barry also illegally invaded the sovereign nation of Syria without permission or being asked to do so in the middle of their civil war...that is a international War Crime according to the UN.

Barry didn't give a shit about our troops. It took Trump going into office before any of these troops started getting pulled out and brought home. Barry didn't do it. He invaded Syria the left the troops there...

Barry did all of this because he was and still is a terrorist supporter and facilitator. During his 8 years he financed, supplied, armed, trained, used our military to help, defended, protected, and supported terrorists...
-- He protected Hamas drug running ops because he was afraid if he would have acted on it Iran would have walked away from his personal treaty...

You are blinded by indoctrination, liberal lies, and your own personal hatred for the man...

And McShitstain aided and abetted Obama in financing and supplying terrorists.
What a hero....
Funny Chit watching the Trumpette trash Amercans that spent their life protecting them.

Military heroes - trashed

POWs Trashed

Gold Star families - Trashed

widoes of soldiers just killed in battle - Trashed

What the fuck happened to you people?

Bring on this investigation. Lets hear again from Flynn, Trump, Trump Jr, Manafort, Comey. Mitch McConnell,

Let's hear why Trump lied about Russian contacts & Russian businesses.

No one is trashing, as you put it, anyone who served our Country.
You confuse Democrat Party tantrums and overreach with serving our Country, willfully and purposefully in a false narrative in order to advance an unhinged left platform in an ultra partisan way.
If anyone deserves to be trashed, it is you and your ILK!

See. The denial. The ignorance.

Dona;d Trump trashed the military service of John McCain. He said he did not like POWs. He trashed a Gold Star family & yes, he called a woman who had just met her husband's body at the airport a liar.

And you voted for him.

So shove your fake patriotism up your ass.

Actually, I just shoved politicized patriotism, up your arse!
Need K-Y?
What IS it with CRCs and sticking things up people's butts?????

You leave your butts exposed.
He was a shit pilot and the Forrestal event was real. Daddy covered his ass.
Being a shitty pilot doesn't make you a 'traitor', just as getting the crap beaten out of you doesn't make you a 'hero'.

Daddy covered his ass.

Being a young hot-shot stupid pilot who conducted a 'wet-start' of his A-4E causing a fire that kills fellow sailors does not make you a 'traitor' either.

It may make you guilty of involuntary manslaughter, a stupid criminal who should have faced courts martial and booted from service, but not. 'traitor'.
He was a shit pilot and the Forrestal event was real. Daddy covered his ass.
Being a shitty pilot doesn't make you a 'traitor', just as getting the crap beaten out of you doesn't make you a 'hero'.

Daddy covered his ass.

Being a young hot-shot stupid pilot who conducted a 'wet-start' of his A-4E causing a fire that kills fellow sailors does not make you a 'traitor' either.

It may make you guilty of involuntary manslaughter, a stupid criminal who should have faced courts martial and booted from service, but not. 'traitor'.

It helps to have Daddy as an Admiral.
its beginning

Italy has flipped on Brennan, turning over Joseph Mifsud…
Posted by Kane on May 16, 2019 7:36 pm
Categories: Breaking

George Papadopoulos@GeorgePapa19


The Italian prime minister has suddenly requested resignations from 6 deputy directors of Italian intelligence agencies: DIS, AISI and AISE. This was all after I outed Mifsud in Rome and the president called the Italian prime minister. Italy has flipped and are giving up Brennan.


3:03 PM - May 16, 2019
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7,912 people are talking about this

The Italian prime minister has suddenly requested resignations from 6 deputy directors of Italian intelligence agencies: DIS, AISI and AISE. This was all after I outed Mifsud in Rome and the president called the Italian prime minister. Italy has flipped and are giving up Brennan.

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conté Requests Resignation of Intelligence Officials…

Giulio Occhionero@g_occhionero


PM @GiuseppeConteIT has suddenly requested resignations from 6 deputy directors of Italian intelligence agencies: DIS, AISI and AISE.

Partito Democratico replies: "it's a regime", but in Rome, everybody knows its' all about SpyGate and Trump sabotage.https://www.repubblica.it/politica/2019/05/15/news/servizi_segreti_interrogazione_zanda_a_conte_governo_revochi_richiesta_dimissioni_-226361041/?ref=search …


1:58 AM - May 16, 2019
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Servizi segreti, Pd a Conte: "Governo revochi richiesta dimissioni"
Interrogazione al premier dei senatori dem Zanda e Pinotti: "Spoil system precedente grave". La notizia svelata oggi da Repubblica


1,020 people are talking about this

Italian media are reporting that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conté has requested the resignations of several top Italian intelligence officials. The move is being interpreted as the Conte’ government responding to the previous governments’ coordinated activity with U.S. intelligence officials during the 2016 U.S. election surrounding spygate.

George Papadopoulos@GeorgePapa19


Remember the text messages between Strzok and Page on March 14th, 2016, where they are discussing “their guy now talking”? That was the same day I met Mifsud in Rome. Conspiracy is a hell of a charge. It’s coming down on a lot of these freaks.


4:28 PM - May 16, 2019
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2,512 people are talking about this

Funny Chit watching the Trumpette trash Amercans that spent their life protecting them.

Military heroes - trashed

POWs Trashed

Gold Star families - Trashed

widoes of soldiers just killed in battle - Trashed

What the fuck happened to you people?

Bring on this investigation. Lets hear again from Flynn, Trump, Trump Jr, Manafort, Comey. Mitch McConnell,

Let's hear why Trump lied about Russian contacts & Russian businesses.

And whatshisname ... Michael ... Michael .... last name starts with a C.....

The guy the Democrats paraded in front of Congress to testify twice, committing Perjury both times, and destroying the Dem's false narrative the 2nd time?


Funny Chit watching the Trumpette trash Amercans that spent their life protecting them.

Military heroes - trashed

POWs Trashed

Gold Star families - Trashed

widoes of soldiers just killed in battle - Trashed

What the fuck happened to you people?

Bring on this investigation. Lets hear again from Flynn, Trump, Trump Jr, Manafort, Comey. Mitch McConnell,

Let's hear why Trump lied about Russian contacts & Russian businesses.

No one is trashing, as you put it, anyone who served our Country.
You confuse Democrat Party tantrums and overreach with serving our Country, willfully and purposefully in a false narrative in order to advance an unhinged left platform in an ultra partisan way.
If anyone deserves to be trashed, it is you and your ILK!

Real DUMB is spinning so hard, he has made himself dizzy.

We all need to realize that he/they know they are SCREWED, so they will lash out with everything/anything, to try and change the narrative that is coming.

We all know how Trump, and we stand with our heroes and 1st responders. REAL DUMB is grasping, because he is gasping, as he and his ilk go down.

IF there was real JUSTICE in life, REAL DUMB and a few others on here, would be DRAFTED, and our military would use them as human shields. They deserve it!

Our police and firefighters in this country, DESPISE people LIKE REAL DUMB! Sooooooo, congrats REAL DUMB, the protection our country affords you through civil servants, HATE YOUR GUTS! If your house lights on fire and burns down, don't be REAL DUMB and ask why it wasn't put out-)

I spoke the truth. Trump did trash those people & he did it during the campaign. So you knew it & yet you still voted for him.

I was of age during the last draft we had. I had a deferment one year & then drew a high number in the draft lottery.

I didn't have daddy pay of a doctor to write up bone spurs to dodge the draft. That would be the very same man who said he didn't like POWs. Evidently, POWS were poor soldiers because they got captured .

And you voted for Trump.

You love Trump.

I support our firemen & police people.

I support our troops. I don't support those who trash them.

So fuck
Need a tissue?

Barry drug this country into 2 UN-Constitutional in-approved wars. 1 was to use our military to help Al Qaeda - the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - murder a sovereign leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in northern Africa then gave them their own country - Libya.

Barry also illegally invaded the sovereign nation of Syria without permission or being asked to do so in the middle of their civil war...that is a international War Crime according to the UN.

Barry didn't give a shit about our troops. It took Trump going into office before any of these troops started getting pulled out and brought home. Barry didn't do it. He invaded Syria the left the troops there...

Barry did all of this because he was and still is a terrorist supporter and facilitator. During his 8 years he financed, supplied, armed, trained, used our military to help, defended, protected, and supported terrorists...
-- He protected Hamas drug running ops because he was afraid if he would have acted on it Iran would have walked away from his personal treaty...

You are blinded by indoctrination, liberal lies, and your own personal hatred for the man...

And McShitstain aided and abetted Obama in financing and supplying terrorists.
What a hero....

His hate for Trump overcame his logic, love and adherence to America and the Constitution of the U.S. Perhaps the glioblastoma had a lot to do with it. At least that's what I attribute to John's hatred and going to the Left side of politics.
He was a shit pilot and the Forrestal event was real. Daddy covered his ass.
Being a shitty pilot doesn't make you a 'traitor', just as getting the crap beaten out of you doesn't make you a 'hero'.

Daddy covered his ass.

Being a young hot-shot stupid pilot who conducted a 'wet-start' of his A-4E causing a fire that kills fellow sailors does not make you a 'traitor' either.

It may make you guilty of involuntary manslaughter, a stupid criminal who should have faced courts martial and booted from service, but not. 'traitor'.

(smile) Go ahead and defend him, it makes you look like an ass. He thought his shit didn't stink and killed americans. They called him songbird. Of course you'd have collaborated too.
He was a shit pilot and the Forrestal event was real. Daddy covered his ass.
Being a shitty pilot doesn't make you a 'traitor', just as getting the crap beaten out of you doesn't make you a 'hero'.

Daddy covered his ass.

Being a young hot-shot stupid pilot who conducted a 'wet-start' of his A-4E causing a fire that kills fellow sailors does not make you a 'traitor' either.

It may make you guilty of involuntary manslaughter, a stupid criminal who should have faced courts martial and booted from service, but not. 'traitor'.

(smile) Go ahead and defend him, it makes you look like an ass. He thought his shit didn't stink and killed americans. They called him songbird. Of course you'd have collaborated too.
That's called screwing up, making a serious mistake...his real treason came later as a politician...imo.
Funny Chit watching the Trumpette trash Amercans that spent their life protecting them.

Military heroes - trashed

POWs Trashed

Gold Star families - Trashed

widoes of soldiers just killed in battle - Trashed

What the fuck happened to you people?

Bring on this investigation. Lets hear again from Flynn, Trump, Trump Jr, Manafort, Comey. Mitch McConnell,

Let's hear why Trump lied about Russian contacts & Russian businesses.

No one is trashing, as you put it, anyone who served our Country.
You confuse Democrat Party tantrums and overreach with serving our Country, willfully and purposefully in a false narrative in order to advance an unhinged left platform in an ultra partisan way.
If anyone deserves to be trashed, it is you and your ILK!

See. The denial. The ignorance.

Dona;d Trump trashed the military service of John McCain. He said he did not like POWs. He trashed a Gold Star family & yes, he called a woman who had just met her husband's body at the airport a liar.

And you voted for him.

So shove your fake patriotism up your ass.

Actually, I just shoved politicized patriotism, up your arse!
Need K-Y?
What IS it with CRCs and sticking things up people's butts?????

You leave your butts exposed.
And so it continues, this CRC obsession.....very odd.

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