Whoopi has her butt handed to her but


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Whoopi fired back.

Michele Tafoya says skin color shouldn't matter, which whipped up Woopi who came back with.....

“Yes, but you know. You live in the United States, you know that color of skin has been mattering to people for years,” she said in response. Neat, some people are racist, blacks as well. With no exceptions there are racists and such everywhere, always has been, always will be yadda yadda. No reason entertain the fewest among us.

When Tafoya questioned why that can’t be changed,

Whoopi noted that the onus of change is not on people of color.
Fuck off Whoopi

“Well, we need white people to step up and do that!” Whoopi said. To that,

Tafoya argued that white people have in fact been doing that “since the Civil War,” prompting Whoopi to get even more heated.

“No! No, no, no they haven’t,” Goldberg exclaimed.
Whoopi is correct here, this was a process triggered long before the civil war, way to go Whoopi.

“Listen, when you have a country, or let’s talk about a state — where somebody can be hung from a tree and it’s OK? Well, it was OK. It was OK in the South, people did it all the time, people would run you down. Not that long ago.” Last "lynching" occurred 40 years ago, which was by the hands of the KKK. How many KKK do you know? Perhaps Whoopi should concern herself with current events instead, such as black on black crime in areas like Chicago she probably adores.

That being said, Whoopi argued that those terrible events do need to be taught to children. Ah no shit, I learned about these things in grade school, 1960s.

America has had her reckoning. Reckoning defined "the time when your actions are judged as good or bad and you are rewarded or punished". Fucking A seems Whoopi is late for the party. What are we missing yet, rewards for victims of slavery & false executions and/or are white people doomed to be punished?

It continues to happen because unless we can say ‘This is what the country was like. What continues to happen, her only example was lynching. And since when are white people responsible for a very few nutcase KKK? If that's how it works then all black people are responsible for the crimes of a few blacks.

This is what we don’t want to be anymore,’ we have to teach the little ones to respect people, because you’ll be around people, you’ll see people, you’ll hear people say things that won’t make sense to you,” Whoopi argued. “This is what happens in the country because we’re not past that.” Nah Whoopi, we're just regressing and less respectable than once were, how's that progressivism going? Fuck, all this time I thought consideration was taught. Whoopi must have missed it and figures everyone did.

Woopie should put her money where her mouth is and stop honoring white men like Harvey Weinstein whom everyone knew was abusing women.

But Harvey was good at giving the DNC lots of money and support, so it's Ok.

Yea, Woopie has a lot of integrity here so we should all respect her opinion?

Whoopi fired back.

Michele Tafoya says skin color shouldn't matter, which whipped up Woopi who came back with.....

“Yes, but you know. You live in the United States, you know that color of skin has been mattering to people for years,” she said in response. Neat, some people are racist, blacks as well. With no exceptions there are racists and such everywhere, always has been, always will be yadda yadda. No reason entertain the fewest among us.

When Tafoya questioned why that can’t be changed,

Whoopi noted that the onus of change is not on people of color.
Fuck off Whoopi

“Well, we need white people to step up and do that!” Whoopi said. To that,

Tafoya argued that white people have in fact been doing that “since the Civil War,” prompting Whoopi to get even more heated.

“No! No, no, no they haven’t,” Goldberg exclaimed.
Whoopi is correct here, this was a process triggered long before the civil war, way to go Whoopi.

“Listen, when you have a country, or let’s talk about a state — where somebody can be hung from a tree and it’s OK? Well, it was OK. It was OK in the South, people did it all the time, people would run you down. Not that long ago.” Last "lynching" occurred 40 years ago, which was by the hands of the KKK. How many KKK do you know? Perhaps Whoopi should concern herself with current events instead, such as black on black crime in areas like Chicago she probably adores.

That being said, Whoopi argued that those terrible events do need to be taught to children. Ah no shit, I learned about these things in grade school, 1960s.

America has had her reckoning. Reckoning defined "the time when your actions are judged as good or bad and you are rewarded or punished". Fucking A seems Whoopi is late for the party. What are we missing yet, rewards for victims of slavery & false executions and/or are white people doomed to be punished?

It continues to happen because unless we can say ‘This is what the country was like. What continues to happen, her only example was lynching. And since when are white people responsible for a very few nutcase KKK? If that's how it works then all black people are responsible for the crimes of a few blacks.

This is what we don’t want to be anymore,’ we have to teach the little ones to respect people, because you’ll be around people, you’ll see people, you’ll hear people say things that won’t make sense to you,” Whoopi argued. “This is what happens in the country because we’re not past that.” Nah Whoopi, we're just regressing and less respectable than once were, how's that progressivism going? Fuck, all this time I thought consideration was taught. Whoopi must have missed it and figures everyone did.

White people are a color too! Crayola even says so . . . fuck Whoopi . . .
Whoopi fired back.

Michele Tafoya says skin color shouldn't matter, which whipped up Woopi who came back with.....

“Yes, but you know. You live in the United States, you know that color of skin has been mattering to people for years,” she said in response. Neat, some people are racist, blacks as well. With no exceptions there are racists and such everywhere, always has been, always will be yadda yadda. No reason entertain the fewest among us.

When Tafoya questioned why that can’t be changed,

Whoopi noted that the onus of change is not on people of color.
Fuck off Whoopi

“Well, we need white people to step up and do that!” Whoopi said. To that,

Tafoya argued that white people have in fact been doing that “since the Civil War,” prompting Whoopi to get even more heated.

“No! No, no, no they haven’t,” Goldberg exclaimed.
Whoopi is correct here, this was a process triggered long before the civil war, way to go Whoopi.

“Listen, when you have a country, or let’s talk about a state — where somebody can be hung from a tree and it’s OK? Well, it was OK. It was OK in the South, people did it all the time, people would run you down. Not that long ago.” Last "lynching" occurred 40 years ago, which was by the hands of the KKK. How many KKK do you know? Perhaps Whoopi should concern herself with current events instead, such as black on black crime in areas like Chicago she probably adores.

That being said, Whoopi argued that those terrible events do need to be taught to children. Ah no shit, I learned about these things in grade school, 1960s.

America has had her reckoning. Reckoning defined "the time when your actions are judged as good or bad and you are rewarded or punished". Fucking A seems Whoopi is late for the party. What are we missing yet, rewards for victims of slavery & false executions and/or are white people doomed to be punished?

It continues to happen because unless we can say ‘This is what the country was like. What continues to happen, her only example was lynching. And since when are white people responsible for a very few nutcase KKK? If that's how it works then all black people are responsible for the crimes of a few blacks.

This is what we don’t want to be anymore,’ we have to teach the little ones to respect people, because you’ll be around people, you’ll see people, you’ll hear people say things that won’t make sense to you,” Whoopi argued. “This is what happens in the country because we’re not past that.” Nah Whoopi, we're just regressing and less respectable than once were, how's that progressivism going? Fuck, all this time I thought consideration was taught. Whoopi must have missed it and figures everyone did.

Whoppi is right that racism was and is about whites trying to abuse and take advantage of Blacks.
The KKK as no just a few nutcases, but the vast majority in both the north and south.
Sure there have been improvements in the last 40 years, but no where near enough.
For example, there is still redlining that prevents Blacks from being able to buy their own homes in many areas,
And obviously Blacks are being illegally pulled over, ticketed, searched, shot, etc. more than whites.

And this Black on Black crime stuff is nonsense.
It is the white illegal War on Drugs that causes all the inner city violence.
They keep saying CRT isn't being taught, but then go on to say kids need to be taught the true history of slavery. Okay so who's writing the "true" history.

The true history of slavery is every race and culture had it and can't point fingers at the other.

Blacks sold their own people into slavery and had slavery in every tribe and nation in Africa.
Arabs had slavery for thousands of years
Asians had slavery for thousands of years
Whites had slavery for thousands of years

Blame isn't solving anything.
Whoppi is right that racism was and is about whites trying to abuse and take advantage of Blacks.
The KKK as no just a few nutcases, but the vast majority in both the north and south.
Sure there have been improvements in the last 40 years, but no where near enough.
For example, there is still redlining that prevents Blacks from being able to buy their own homes in many areas,
And obviously Blacks are being illegally pulled over, ticketed, searched, shot, etc. more than whites.

And this Black on Black crime stuff is nonsense.
It is the white illegal War on Drugs that causes all the inner city violence.
I’m assuming you’re being sarcastic.
Whoppi is right that racism was and is about whites trying to abuse and take advantage of Blacks.
The KKK as no just a few nutcases, but the vast majority in both the north and south.
Sure there have been improvements in the last 40 years, but no where near enough.
For example, there is still redlining that prevents Blacks from being able to buy their own homes in many areas,
And obviously Blacks are being illegally pulled over, ticketed, searched, shot, etc. more than whites.

And this Black on Black crime stuff is nonsense.
It is the white illegal War on Drugs that causes all the inner city violence.
Wow. Clueless could take lessons from you.
The true history of slavery is every race and culture had it and can't point fingers at the other.

Blacks sold their own people into slavery and had slavery in every tribe and nation in Africa.
Arabs had slavery for thousands of years
Asians had slavery for thousands of years
Whites had slavery for thousands of years

Blame isn't solving anything.

Actually, you will find that corruption is not normal and does not exist in primitive tribes due to economics.
Primitive tribes do not attempt to acquire material gain, so have no use or need for slavery.
They still did have some slavery, but it was a way to deal with criminals, prisoners of war, etc.
Corruption only comes to a society when they develop agriculture, become sedentary, and develop currency.

So the claim that Africa has slavery is only partially true.
Most of it did not.

And no one did slavery any where near to the level of the US south, due to cotton.
And that sort of scale made it the worst slavery that ever existed.
There were about 4 million Black slaves in the south before the Civil War.
No other country had any slavery on any scale near to that.

Nor does blame have anything to do with it.
The fact is there is still segregation, bigotry, economic abuse, etc.
Every time Whoopi opens her yapper, I think of her being proud of playing the part of a black girl, "sold" to a black man who abused her; thinking her own father was the father of her children then finding out he was not; etc etc etc. (Color Purple).

Blacks had slaves too. If not for cotton or other produce, it was for breeding babies for more labor in fetching a horse, working the field, cleaning the house, etc.
She never speaks of black on black crime, black children being killed by stray bullets, violence in da ghetto, etc. No. She sits in her mansion whining about whites and probably has whites as staff as well as body guards. Hypocrite.

But Whoopi can't see past her own racist nose, so....
The true history of slavery is every race and culture had it and can't point fingers at the other.

Blacks sold their own people into slavery and had slavery in every tribe and nation in Africa.
Arabs had slavery for thousands of years
Asians had slavery for thousands of years
Whites had slavery for thousands of years

Blame isn't solving anything.

The commies aren't looking for solutions, they need the issue to have any chance of winning elections, so they'll invent anything to keep the issue alive.

It is the white illegal War on Drugs that causes all the inner city violence.

lol tard doesn't know it was the Congressional Black Caucus and black radicals who begged Johnson and Nixon to 'clean up the black neighborhoods and stop the heroin and drugs epidemic destroying our communities'. Like faggots with NAMBLA, they now pretend to have never heard of such a thing from black pols.

Seems they were all shocked to learn that mostly blacks were involved in selling drugs to blacks, and now they're whining about the numbers of black thugs in prison for .... drugs. lol they're retarded and clearly can't handle their own problems, so they blame Whitey and cry for white people to bail them out, then complain about the results of the bail out they cried for.

This idea — that strict drug laws have done more harm than good in black America — is common these days. But early on, many African-American leaders championed those same tough-on-crime policies.

The Rev. George McMurray was lead pastor at the Mother A.M.E. Zion Church in Harlem in the 1970s, when the city faced a major heroin epidemic. He called for drug dealers to spend the rest of their lives behind bars.

"When you send a few men to prison for life, someone's going to pass the word down, 'It's not too good over here.' ... Instead of [robbing] and selling dope, 'I want to go to school and live a good life.' "

Black support for the drug war didn't just grow in New York alone. At the federal level, members of the newly formed Congressional Black Caucus met with President Richard Nixon, urging him to ramp up the drug war as quickly as possible.

Michael Javen Fortner, a political scientist and historian at Rutgers University, says that "the silent black majority of Harlem and New York City felt constantly accosted by drug addicts, by pushers, by crime."


But Fortner is not the only historian who has documented the push by black leaders for strict sentencing laws. Still, he admits his account is deeply controversial.

"If you think that everything can be explained by white backlash, if you think the white racial order is somehow omnipresent and all-powerful, and is always trying to... re-establish its power and legitimacy, then you hate what I do," says Fortner.

Voting records show that many black lawmakers supported some of the most punitive drug-war-era laws in America. But even some people who have long opposed harsh sentencing laws understand where supporters were coming from. The Rev. Herbert Daughtry, a longtime pastor in New York, once was addicted to heroin and served time. He's convinced that black leaders who embraced the drug war did serious harm to the community, but says a lot of African-Americans were desperate for ways to make their neighborhoods safe again. "If you're the victim, then you don't want to hear anything about treatment, just, 'Get this guy off the street.' "

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Whoppi is right that racism was and is about whites trying to abuse and take advantage of Blacks.
The KKK as no just a few nutcases, but the vast majority in both the north and south.
Sure there have been improvements in the last 40 years, but no where near enough.
For example, there is still redlining that prevents Blacks from being able to buy their own homes in many areas,
And obviously Blacks are being illegally pulled over, ticketed, searched, shot, etc. more than whites.

And this Black on Black crime stuff is nonsense.
It is the white illegal War on Drugs that causes all the inner city violence.

Are you really that fucking stupid? You and Whoopi should hang out, cry each other a river and compete who is the dumbest mother fucker I mean most victimized.

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