WHOA! Political Honesty on an American College Campus!


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
It isn't often that an American college newspaper runs an article that exposes the hateful nature of the left but ... well ... here it is:

If Israel were an Arab country, it would receive near-universal praise as a paragon of justice. Its robust protections of freedom of speech, along with frequent and open elections, would make it the only Arab state in which people have a real say in the operation of their government. Israel would be celebrated as the only gay-friendly state in a region of rampant anti-gay persecution. Its strict prohibition of the traditional practice of honor killings — where women accused of disgracing the family name are murdered by their male relatives — would be lauded as proof of its progressive and egalitarian values. And its modern capitalist economy, driven by a dynamic high-tech sector, would be the model for other Arab nations seeking to lift their people from the depths of poverty.

Of course, Israel isn’t an Arab nation, and it is treated according to this double-standard. It is the world’s only majority-Jewish state, and it is surrounded by Arab theocracies, dictatorships and monarchies, each of which have gone to war in a failed bid to end its existence. And yet, Israel’s remarkable history of repeated triumph in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity receives little sympathy among some “left-wing” segments of communities across the nation...

Israel’s third “flaw” is that it is economically and politically successful. To far-left academics, students and activists, success must necessarily come at the expense of others. They adhere to the discredited, primitive notion that development is a zero-sum game. If someone becomes rich, someone else must have been made poor as a result. To them, accomplishment is synonymous with an oppressor status.

Cornell Daily Sun
Funny how pro-Israel people always gloss over their human rights abuses. They are held to a higher standard because they claim to be a westernized nation and have the unique place among all our allies that they run a high risk to start a war we would have to fight. If any of the Western nations did what they do they would face the same criticism.
Funny how pro-Israel people always gloss over their human rights abuses. They are held to a higher standard because they claim to be a westernized nation and have the unique place among all our allies that they run a high risk to start a war we would have to fight. If any of the Western nations did what they do they would face the same criticism.
Human rights abuses like returning fire when Hamas fires unguided missiles into populated areas, or Hamas hides missiles in schools and UN areas, or Hamas uses children to protect their missiles?

Those human rights abuses?
It isn't often that an American college newspaper runs an article that exposes the hateful nature of the left but ... well ... here it is:

If Israel were an Arab country, it would receive near-universal praise as a paragon of justice. n

Mr Dingle Berry, Sir

I am certain that Bibi directed here you to come here and spread disinformation

1- The zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 determined to create a Jewish State and disappear its native population by any means necessary;

2- Since 1949 US taxpayers have given the Talmudist Entity over 105 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars a year; War Crimianl Bush II increased the aid to 12 BBBBBBBBBBBBillion per year

3- Every 2-3 years the Zionuts start a war with Lebanon - it has been looking for a pretext to steal the lands up to and including the Litani River. Hezbollah Patriots have easily prevented the scumbags from perpetrating another crime.

So shut the fuck up.


Funny how pro-Israel people always gloss over their human rights abuses. They are held to a higher standard because they claim to be a westernized nation and have the unique place among all our allies that they run a high risk to start a war we would have to fight. If any of the Western nations did what they do they would face the same criticism.
Human rights abuses like returning fire when Hamas fires unguided missiles into populated areas, or Hamas hides missiles in schools and UN areas, or Hamas uses children to protect their missiles?

Those human rights abuses?
If those people were anything other than Arab You would say they have the right to protect themselves from invasion and occupation.
Funny how pro-Israel people always gloss over their human rights abuses. They are held to a higher standard because they claim to be a westernized nation and have the unique place among all our allies that they run a high risk to start a war we would have to fight. If any of the Western nations did what they do they would face the same criticism.
Human rights abuses like returning fire when Hamas fires unguided missiles into populated areas, or Hamas hides missiles in schools and UN areas, or Hamas uses children to protect their missiles?

Those human rights abuses?
If those people were anything other than Arab You would say they have the right to protect themselves from invasion and occupation.

3- Every 2-3 years the Zionuts start a war with Lebanon - it has been looking for a pretext to steal the lands up to and including the Litani River. Hezbollah Patriots have easily prevented the scumbags from perpetrating another crime.
If I were the leader of Israel and I had ultimate and total power (something Bibi doesn't have) the Palestinian problem would have been over a long time ago. People or haters like you would scream bloody murder after I solved the problem but what else is new. Then I would increase the temperature in Iran to 26,000 degrees and watch you terrorist lovers squirm.
3- Every 2-3 years the Zionuts start a war with Lebanon - it has been looking for a pretext to steal the lands up to and including the Litani River. Hezbollah Patriots have easily prevented the scumbags from perpetrating another crime.
If I were the leader of Israel and I had ultimate and total power (something Bibi doesn't have) the Palestinian problem would have been over a long time ago. People or haters like you would scream bloody murder after I solved the problem but what else is new. Then I would increase the temperature in Iran to 26,000 degrees and watch you terrorist lovers squirm.

You do realize that if the US ceases supporting your scam you guys are screwed. TelAviv will be to Iran as Alamogordo was to the US.

As if to validate the points made in that article, loony leftists come to express their hate which, as that article exposes, isn't about Israel at all but rather their mindless hate for Jews. Thanks guys ... you never disappoint.
Funny how pro-Israel people always gloss over their human rights abuses. They are held to a higher standard because they claim to be a westernized nation and have the unique place among all our allies that they run a high risk to start a war we would have to fight. If any of the Western nations did what they do they would face the same criticism.
Human rights abuses like returning fire when Hamas fires unguided missiles into populated areas, or Hamas hides missiles in schools and UN areas, or Hamas uses children to protect their missiles?

Those human rights abuses?
If those people were anything other than Arab You would say they have the right to protect themselves from invasion and occupation.
I don't care what race they are. Nobody has the right to commit murder.
Funny how pro-Israel people always gloss over their human rights abuses. They are held to a higher standard because they claim to be a westernized nation and have the unique place among all our allies that they run a high risk to start a war we would have to fight. If any of the Western nations did what they do they would face the same criticism.
Human rights abuses like returning fire when Hamas fires unguided missiles into populated areas, or Hamas hides missiles in schools and UN areas, or Hamas uses children to protect their missiles?

Those human rights abuses?
If those people were anything other than Arab You would say they have the right to protect themselves from invasion and occupation.
I don't care what race they are. Nobody has the right to commit murder.
If Sweden (for the sake of argument) just invaded your state with the cooperation of the rest of world and threw you off your land, started using police state tactics to pacify the population, denied you basic civil rights, made it practically impossible to make an honest living and killed innocents out of revenge you would be a Swede fighting and killing motherfucker as would most people.
As if to validate the points made in that article, loony leftists come to express their hate which, as that article exposes, isn't about Israel at all but rather their mindless hate for Jews. Thanks guys ... you never disappoint.

So the majority of Jews in the US being liberal, what's that? Self-hatred?
So the RWnuts will momentarily praise gay rights for the sake of praising Israel?

Goddam, that's a good one.

The Loony Lefties predictably ignore what a remarkable little Mideast country Israel is (especially when compared to her neighbors) for her one glaring and unforgivable "sin" of being Jewish. As proven by the article (and the LL responses here), there is no other explanation for their unrelenting hatred. None.
As if to validate the points made in that article, loony leftists come to express their hate which, as that article exposes, isn't about Israel at all but rather their mindless hate for Jews. Thanks guys ... you never disappoint.

So the majority of Jews in the US being liberal, what's that? Self-hatred?

Self-serving (Allison Weir) and not all leftists hate Jews or Israel (but Loony Leftists certainly do). Hell, Israel even has its own 5th Column of LLs who hate Israel. If one accepts the premise of Kairey's article - that any Mideast Arab country with Israel's characteristics would be lauded by the left as a beacon of justice, tolerance, opportunity and freedom - then the only conclusion that can be drawn is that they hate Israel because it is not Arab/Muslim but rather is majority Jewish. Case closed.
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Not only is Israel a haven for Jews escaping anti Semitism, but it is also a haven for Arab Christians and other minorities who are getting killed throughout the Middle East, isn't it?
Not only is Israel a haven for Jews escaping anti Semitism, but it is also a haven for Arab Christians and other minorities who are getting killed throughout the Middle East, isn't it?

Indeed, and that very much seems the thrust of the article ... that all about Israel which is in step with professed liberal aspirations must be ignored by the left in order to fully express their hatred of the region's only liberal democracy.

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