Who would be blamed for a debt default?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

This poll says most would blame Biden, but I disagree, the media is mostly controlled by the DNC as they win virtually every time when it comes to manipulating public opinion.

But then, does it matter? Both parties are doing a fine job destroying the country either way.

This poll says most would blame Biden, but I disagree, the media is mostly controlled by the DNC as they win virtually every time when it comes to manipulating public opinion.

But then, does it matter? Both parties are doing a fine job destroying the country either way.

The Dems will blame the Repubs, the Repubs will blame the Dems.

Those with a brain will blame both sides as that is the right answer.
We didn't seem to have any problem with Trump in office.

But as soon as the Nazicrats slithered in......................all of a sudden everything went to HELL!!!

Heil ME!!.jpg

This poll says most would blame Biden, but I disagree, the media is mostly controlled by the DNC as they win virtually every time when it comes to manipulating public opinion.

But then, does it matter? Both parties are doing a fine job destroying the country either way.
I agree with you. It's inevitable, that Republicans will get the blame, just like what happened under Obama.
The blame should go to the side that delayed compromising, doesn't have a deal of their own and has always been a tax and spend body. But since they control the media, many Americans will be misinformed. MAGA
The Dems will blame the Repubs, the Repubs will blame the Dems.

Those with a brain will blame both sides as that is the right answer.

IIRC, last credible numbers I saw had it something like 45-47% for both the GOP and Biden/Dems. This is a PR loss for Biden because back in 2011 (and I think in subsequent years as well), a solid majority blamed the GOP.

Biden and the Dem leadership misplayed this badly in terms of their PR war. They simply haven't waged one, or if they have, I've seen scant evidence of it. They assumed this would play out like previous default threats, which was a bad miscalculation on their part.

My sense now is that McCarthy's stringing Biden along until the last minute, at which point he serves Biden a giant shit sandwich involving onerous Medicaid work requirements to take back to the House/Senate Dems. They'll hate Biden for negotiating with McCarthy and hate the fact that the debt ceiling wasn't raised in the lame duck session, but I think the pressure will be too great not to vote for it.

The question then becomes, do MAGA wingnuts sign on or do they balk?

Blame for a default may come down to whichever party is responsible for not supporting the final deal in time.
IIRC, last credible numbers I saw had it something like 45-47% for both the GOP and Biden/Dems. This is a PR loss for Biden because back in 2011 (and I think in subsequent years as well), a solid majority blamed the GOP.

The country is far more divided now than it was in 2011.
The country is far more divided now than it was in 2011.

Indeed it is, and it is heavily gerrymandered and heavily funded by dark money, deep-pocketed special interests, which is something the optimists are not taking into account. There are people who want a default to happen, both at the executive suite and at the grassroots levels. There are people who are looking at this strictly through their political viewfinder and see a dead Biden presidency if we go past the x-date. Misguided for sure, but this is our reality nevertheless.
The rich, Wall st, big banks, those who print money and make money from printing it, China, those people will make sure we dont default. The rich will make sure they get paid for the debt they profit from.

You're assuming that rational thought will prevail. That's a safe assumption most of the time, but not always.

This poll says most would blame Biden, but I disagree, the media is mostly controlled by the DNC as they win virtually every time when it comes to manipulating public opinion.

But then, does it matter? Both parties are doing a fine job destroying the country either way.
I think it is close to a wash but Republicans hold an advantage because they have already passed a bill raising the debt ceiling while the Democrat controlled Senate has done nothing. And, most Americans have polled in wanting to negotiate spending cuts to go along with the debt ceiling increase.

This poll says most would blame Biden, but I disagree, the media is mostly controlled by the DNC as they win virtually every time when it comes to manipulating public opinion.

But then, does it matter? Both parties are doing a fine job destroying the country either way.

Fox News poll? That is a contradiction in terms.

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