Who Will Be The First Dem Taken Down By The Independent Counsel?

Who Will Be The First Dem Taken Down By The Independent Council?

  • Susan Rice

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • Obama Bin Lying

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Evelyn Farkas

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Valerie Jarret

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Chuck Schummer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nancy Pelosi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maxine Watters

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Harry Reid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
The Dem's Bluff was finally called.

Now they are hunkering down.

They weren't satisfied with The IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, The Head of National Intelligence and The Treasury Department all telling them There was ZERO EVIDENCE of Russian Collusion.....!!!!

Nope....they had to keep pushing a false narrative they KNEW was FALSE and Were told REPEATEDLY WAS FALSE.

Now they will have their noses rubbed in it on their way to a 2018 landslide for the GOP, that they may not be able to recover from.

But question is, who is going to be the first Dem taken down by the web of deceit they, themselves have woven?

The Dems have more ties to Russia than anyone in the current administration, and the only crimes committed in this whole fake fiasco were committed by The Obama\Clinton Cabal and their Sycophant Loyalists\Seditionists.

Sedition & Treason has Consequences, and they will be heaped upon the Dems heads. Their bluff was called and it's going to cost them dearly in 2018.

Write Ins:

  • Podesta
  • Huma Abedein
  • Anthony Weiner
  • Donna Brazile
  • Debbie Schultz
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I hate typos....wish you could edit the title....

Counsel, not Council.

My apologies to the board and English Teachers, everywhere.
Either Mueller finds what he's told to find or he will be found dead in his bed. Or he will have a heart attack walking his dog. Or he will lose control of his car and die in a ball of flame.
Either Mueller finds what he's told to find or he will be found dead in his bed. Or he will have a heart attack walking his dog. Or he will lose control of his car and die in a ball of flame.
You forget that Hidabeast did not win the election. The Independent Counsel is the best thing to happen to Trump.

He was already exonerated by The FBI, NSA, CIA, The Treasury Department and The Head of National Intelligence. All concluded there was ZERO Evidence of Russian Collusion.

18 months of surveillance and ZERO Evidence. Exactly what NEW EVIDENCE do you think is going to 'turn up" to change this when you cannot get any more invasive than wiretapping an entire campaign team and found NOTHING?

The only thing found was The Obama\Clinton Crime family committing all kinds of felonies being swept under the rug by Jim Comey who made his millions at HSBC managing Clinton Foundation Funds.
Either Mueller finds what he's told to find or he will be found dead in his bed. Or he will have a heart attack walking his dog. Or he will lose control of his car and die in a ball of flame.

When they start to reveal what was said in the OP...I suspect this is true.

The three biggest threats to America...in order.....

1). The Left
2). The twisted elitist Communist run Media
2). The Intelligence Spy Community aka "Make America Communist Again Secret Society"

It is going to require a Constitutional Convention of States or a Civil War to straighten out this mess. There simply is no other way at this point.
We can see clearly now that even if We The People put in a President who could, they will tie him or her up in red tape for their full term.
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The Dem's Bluff was finally called.

Now they are hunkering down.

They weren't satisfied with The IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, The Head of National Intelligence and The Treasury Department all telling them There was ZERO EVIDENCE of Russian Collusion.....!!!!

Nope....they had to keep pushing a false narrative they KNEW was FALSE and Were told REPEATEDLY WAS FALSE.

Now they will have their noses rubbed in it on their way to a 2018 landslide for the GOP, that they may not be able to recover from.

But question is, who is going to be the first Dem taken down by the web of deceit they, themselves have woven?

The Dems have more ties to Russia than anyone in the current administration, and the only crimes committed in this whole fake fiasco were committed by The Obama\Clinton Cabal and their Sycophant Loyalists\Seditionists.

Sedition & Treason has Consequences, and they will be heaped upon the Dems heads. Their bluff was called and it's going to cost them dearly in 2018.

No one.
When I saw the title I thought I'd come in a click Podesta. But you didn't list him. So I will go back and click Hillary.
The Dem's Bluff was finally called.

Now they are hunkering down.

They weren't satisfied with The IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, The Head of National Intelligence and The Treasury Department all telling them There was ZERO EVIDENCE of Russian Collusion.....!!!!

Nope....they had to keep pushing a false narrative they KNEW was FALSE and Were told REPEATEDLY WAS FALSE.

Now they will have their noses rubbed in it on their way to a 2018 landslide for the GOP, that they may not be able to recover from.

But question is, who is going to be the first Dem taken down by the web of deceit they, themselves have woven?

The Dems have more ties to Russia than anyone in the current administration, and the only crimes committed in this whole fake fiasco were committed by The Obama\Clinton Cabal and their Sycophant Loyalists\Seditionists.

Sedition & Treason has Consequences, and they will be heaped upon the Dems heads. Their bluff was called and it's going to cost them dearly in 2018.
You can top of the post under thread tools.
The Dem's Bluff was finally called.

Now they are hunkering down.

They weren't satisfied with The IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, The Head of National Intelligence and The Treasury Department all telling them There was ZERO EVIDENCE of Russian Collusion.....!!!!

Nope....they had to keep pushing a false narrative they KNEW was FALSE and Were told REPEATEDLY WAS FALSE.

Now they will have their noses rubbed in it on their way to a 2018 landslide for the GOP, that they may not be able to recover from.

But question is, who is going to be the first Dem taken down by the web of deceit they, themselves have woven?

The Dems have more ties to Russia than anyone in the current administration, and the only crimes committed in this whole fake fiasco were committed by The Obama\Clinton Cabal and their Sycophant Loyalists\Seditionists.

Sedition & Treason has Consequences, and they will be heaped upon the Dems heads. Their bluff was called and it's going to cost them dearly in 2018.
You can top of the post under thread tools.
Thanks man. Did not know that.
When I saw the title I thought I'd come in a click Podesta. But you didn't list him. So I will go back and click Hillary.
I totally forgot about Podesta.

There are some many criminals on the DNC side, they are hard to list.

Heck, I could have also had Schultz, and Brazille.

So I left off

Huma Abedein
Anthony Weiner

Consider those Write In Options
When I saw the title I thought I'd come in a click Podesta. But you didn't list him. So I will go back and click Hillary.
I totally forgot about Podesta.

There are some many criminals on the DNC side, they are hard to list.

Heck, I could have also had Schultz, and Brazille.

So I left off

Huma Abedein
Anthony Weiner

Consider those Write In Options

Weiner thinks classified information is about showing his weener to underage girls.
When I saw the title I thought I'd come in a click Podesta. But you didn't list him. So I will go back and click Hillary.
I totally forgot about Podesta.

There are some many criminals on the DNC side, they are hard to list.

Heck, I could have also had Schultz, and Brazille.

So I left off

Huma Abedein
Anthony Weiner

Consider those Write In Options

Weiner thinks classified information is about showing his weener to underage girls.

Seriously, where did they hide Anthony Weiner?

Is he buried in the same cell with Guccifer?
Either Mueller finds what he's told to find or he will be found dead in his bed. Or he will have a heart attack walking his dog. Or he will lose control of his car and die in a ball of flame.

Well, he was in for a long time. All he has to do is hint that should something untoward happen to him, he's left instructions for all information that would rat out the lot of them be released.
In all honesty you have to break the traitor's down by groups.
Donna Brazil media
Podesta politics
Clinton candidate
Obama president

CNN news service
Rachel madcow reporter
When I saw the title I thought I'd come in a click Podesta. But you didn't list him. So I will go back and click Hillary.
I totally forgot about Podesta.

There are some many criminals on the DNC side, they are hard to list.

Heck, I could have also had Schultz, and Brazille.

So I left off

Huma Abedein
Anthony Weiner

Consider those Write In Options

Weiner thinks classified information is about showing his weener to underage girls.

Seriously, where did they hide Anthony Weiner?

Is he buried in the same cell with Guccifer?

That's right I haven't heard or read a damn thing about him for sometime. He may very well be dead.
When I saw the title I thought I'd come in a click Podesta. But you didn't list him. So I will go back and click Hillary.
I totally forgot about Podesta.

There are some many criminals on the DNC side, they are hard to list.

Heck, I could have also had Schultz, and Brazille.

So I left off

Huma Abedein
Anthony Weiner

Consider those Write In Options

Weiner thinks classified information is about showing his weener to underage girls.

Seriously, where did they hide Anthony Weiner?

Is he buried in the same cell with Guccifer?

That's right I haven't heard or read a damn thing about him for sometime. He may very well be dead.

It's kinda weird how both Guccifer who claimed he hacked Clinton's Illegal Secret Server, and Anthony Weiner who apparently had all kinds of Classified Data on his laptop which completely contradicted Huma Abedein and Hillary Clinton's statements just disappeared from Public View and have not been heard from, nor has there been any news on their cases.
Anybody who has done bad as shown by the investigation, take them down.

It will be good for Trump to have company in infamy.

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