Who was not public educated here?

I was educated in a violent, abusive public school system and the streets (not by choice). Thank God for the civilized university I was accepted into, it helped make me a man
I have yet to see anyone coming from private schools be any smarter than those from public schools.

We who graduated from non-public schools aren't any "smarter" than government school kids.

Its just that we learn a different curriculum.

We graduate knowing math, Latin, literature, history, theology.

Government school kids learn hand to hand combat, gender studies and how to keister a shiv so they can protect their lunch money.
I was working at 15 so I learned to do both.
I first worked at age 10 with my first paper route. Built it from 1 to 3 across two competing papers and then outsourced the collections. We going to have a pissing contest to address the OPs question?
I received a public-school education, and in California, no less.

This was decades before Woke, though, and during a time when schools had some ethical standards regarding the profession of teaching. I certainly ran into political bias at the University level, but in grade school it was non-existent, and in high school, only marginal. We actually had teachers encouraging us to examine BOTH sides of an issue rather than insisting we only see one.
Public schools were fine . Not much trouble except in Jr. High we had one wild incident we now call Black Friday. It was the last day of school and the students emptied out their locker on to the floor .Hall ways were full of trash. Only had one bully incident after about three confrontations he left me alone. Had one short fight in highschool that wasn't much over all public school was a good experience. Most of my trouble came from teachers who didn't like having me in their class.
As far as work as a child everything from picking beans ,stripping copper cleaning and selling soda bottles and oncea week greasing heavy construction equipment and other odd jobs. At 12years old working on residential construction sites off and on when needed. It was a learning experience working like that and learned alot that helped me years later as an adult. I believe it is a good thing for a child to learn work skills. I gave half my pay to my parents and that made me fell like a big shot.
If you were running a drill press you'd have a Trump bumper sticker on your truck.
I run all sorts of tools for a living, but I don't put political stickers on my car as I don't want it vandalized by the libs.

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