Who wants to rehabilitate joe paterno.....don't send your kids to that school....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
From honoring a sexual predator as the President, bill clinton, now they are trying to rehabilitate the vile sexual predator enabler joe paterno......why? This is just nuts....considering the college turned a blind eye to the abuse of children.........stop donating money to that school, stop sending your kids to that school......the man helped hide the sexual abuse of children.....


Fund-raising is also continuing for a statue of Mr. Paterno in downtown State College, Pa., in which he would appear seated and reading Virgil’s “Aeneid,” his favorite poem.

What exactly did he do....

Joe Paterno - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

An investigation conducted by former FBI director Louis Freeh concluded in July 2012 that Paterno concealed facts relating to Sandusky's sexual abuse of young boys.[4][5] The investigation also uncovered information that Paterno may have persuaded university officials not to report Sandusky to authorities in 2001

they are even talking about puttiing his statue back up.....I am not one to encourage law breaking or vandalism, but not one day should go by that that statue shouldn't be vandalized....if these assholes ever manage to put it back up.....

He allowed children to be sexually assaulted.....to win football games......what a fucking monster.......

Posthumous findings

Former FBI director Louis Freeh and his firm, including a team of former federal prosecutors and FBI agents, were hired by the Penn State Board of Trustees to conduct an independent investigation into the scandal.[84] The mission Freeh was given seemed to presuppose that Sandusky's crimes were not his alone and that people who had reason to suspect him had looked away.[85]
After interviewing over 400 people and reviewing over 3.5 million documents, the independent investigation team reported that Paterno, Spanier, Curley and Schultz had concealed Sandusky's actions in order to protect publicity surrounding Penn State's celebrated football program.
(This would have required examining an average of 15,000 items a day over the course of the investigation, which lasted nearly eight months. It seems likely that many of the documents were merely scanned electronically for keywords.)[85]Freeh's firm's investigation found that by their actions, the four men "failed to protect against a child sexual predator harming children for over a decade." The report concluded that Paterno, along with Schultz, Spanier and Curley "concealed Sandusky's activities from the Board of Trustees, the University community and authorities."[86]

Email uncovered by the independent investigators indicate that Paterno may have followed an investigation by state officials into a previous incident between Sandusky and a different child in 1998, despite Paterno's grand jury testimony that he was unaware of any possible child abuse by Sandusky prior to 2001.[87] When Paterno was asked, other than the incident that Mike McQueary reported to him, whether he knew of any other inappropriate sexual conduct by Sandusky with young boys, Paterno testified: "I do not know of anything else that Jerry would be involved in of that nature, no. I do not know of it. You did mention — I think you said something about a rumor. It may have been discussed in my presence, something else about somebody. I don't know. I don't remember, and I could not honestly say I heard a rumor."[88] A May 1998 email exchange between Tim Curley, the athletic director and Gary Shultz, a campus administrator, references Paterno's knowledge at the time of an ongoing investigation surrounding accusations that Sandusky had molested a young boy.[89][90] Freeh's team also discovered a 2001 email from Curley: after a meeting in which Curley, Schultz and Spanier had decided to have Curley report McQueary's information to the state Department of Public Welfare, Curley wrote in a subsequent email that, having discussed the plan with "Joe", he had now changed his mind about this plan of action. Since, the Freeh investigation reported, this was "the only known, intervening factor" with the apparent result that no report was made to the state Department of Public Welfare in 2001, this was widely inferred by the press to mean that Paterno had persuaded Curley (and Schultz and Spanier) not to report the incident to authorities outside the university.[8][9] The report also revealed that several staff members and football coaches had known Sandusky was showering with young boys in the locker room showers for some time prior to 1998, but none of the individuals notified their superiors of this behavior.[9][86][87][91]

In addition, the report said that even after Sandusky's retirement in 1999 Paterno, Schultz, Spanier and Curley "empowered Sandusky to attract potential victims to the campus and football events by allowing him to have continued, unrestricted and unsupervised access to the University's facilities and affiliation with the University's prominent football program."[86]

joe paterno is a monster....and those assholes supporting him need their moral compasses completely replaced......
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Is that the same Joe Paterno who gave a speech at the 1988 Republican convention? Now, what were you babbling about regarding Bill Clinton, a guy who liked sex with women....not men?
Is that the same Joe Paterno who gave a speech at the 1988 Republican convention? Now, what were you babbling about regarding Bill Clinton, a guy who liked sex with women....not men?

Wow....are you really that fucking stupid allen west.........the sandusky scandal broke in 2011.....when everyone finally found out.....and he spoke in 1988.....you are a fucking moron......

and are you actually defending accused serial rapist bill clinton......? Really.....with more than one woman accusing him of rape....and sexual assault, both here and overseas in Britain when he was in Oxford.......you libs sure do love your sexual predators........
The Penn State football stadium should be demolished and the earth salted......
Wow....are you really that fucking stupid allen west.........the sandusky scandal broke in 2011.....when everyone finally found out.....and he spoke in 1988.....you are a fucking moron......

and are you actually defending accused serial rapist bill clinton......? Really.....with more than one woman accusing him of rape....and sexual assault, both here and overseas in Britain when he was in Oxford.......you libs sure do love your sexual predators........

When was Bill Clinton arrested for rape? Convicted of Rape?

Oh, wait, no, he was accused of rape decades after the fact by women who didn't even give their real names, and the few who did were quickly discredited.
Paterno was kind of an asshole, and he deserved to be fired.

But claiming Penn State didn't win the games it won is kind of silly. It had nothing to do with what Paterno and Sandusky did.

Yes....and if the public had known they were allowing one of the coaches to sexually assault children....that of course wouldn't have effected their ability to win games....in the lack of support of the wider community...the arrest and firing of paterno.....so yeah.......their activity directly impacted their ability to win those games......and they chose to allow children to be molested than take the chance that they might damage their football program.........assholes.....

are there no sexual predators you guys won't make excuses for?
Yes....and if the public had known they were allowing one of the coaches to sexually assault children....that of course wouldn't have effected their ability to win games....in the lack of support of the wider community...the arrest and firing of paterno.....so yeah.......their activity directly impacted their ability to win those games......and they chose to allow children to be molested than take the chance that they might damage their football program.........assholes.....

are there no sexual predators you guys won't make excuses for?

The players who went out and won those games didn't abuse anyone.

Why should they be penalized?
Wow....are you really that fucking stupid allen west.........the sandusky scandal broke in 2011.....when everyone finally found out.....and he spoke in 1988.....you are a fucking moron......

and are you actually defending accused serial rapist bill clinton......? Really.....with more than one woman accusing him of rape....and sexual assault, both here and overseas in Britain when he was in Oxford.......you libs sure do love your sexual predators........

When was Bill Clinton arrested for rape? Convicted of Rape?

Oh, wait, no, he was accused of rape decades after the fact by women who didn't even give their real names, and the few who did were quickly discredited.

Women who told people at the time it happened that they were raped....but because of his positions in government were afraid to press charges....and in Britian.....the weight of Oxford probably helped make those allegations go away.....you libs sure love your rapists.....
Yes....and if the public had known they were allowing one of the coaches to sexually assault children....that of course wouldn't have effected their ability to win games....in the lack of support of the wider community...the arrest and firing of paterno.....so yeah.......their activity directly impacted their ability to win those games......and they chose to allow children to be molested than take the chance that they might damage their football program.........assholes.....

are there no sexual predators you guys won't make excuses for?

The players who went out and won those games didn't abuse anyone.

Why should they be penalized?

They are victims too.......but if you are given a stolen watch....you have to return it to the actual victim...even though you did nothing wrong.....
Is that the same Joe Paterno who gave a speech at the 1988 Republican convention? Now, what were you babbling about regarding Bill Clinton, a guy who liked sex with women....not men?
Clinton also hung out on an island with underage sex slaves.

You mean the ones who won't publically give their names?

You mean like Juanita Broderick and Elizabeth Gracen.....and of course, when the victims are told to stay quiet or they will be destroyed....and hilary is the one leading that team.....you would stay quiet too.....
Women who told people at the time it happened that they were raped....but because of his positions in government were afraid to press charges....and in Britian.....the weight of Oxford probably helped make those allegations go away.....you libs sure love your rapists.....

Uh, what position in government did he have as a College Student? I really don't see Oxford going to bat for an American.

Here's the thing. Juanita Brodderick swore in an affidavit she never had any kind of sex with Clinton. So was she lying then or is she lying now?
Uh, what position in government did he have as a College Student? I really don't see Oxford going to bat for an American.

It was the 70s joe.....these women made allegations against a Rhodes Scholar......going to prestigious Oxford.....you have Penn state covering up child rape to protect their football program.....and you don't think that a University like Oxford would want a rape scandal in the public......?
Is that the same Joe Paterno who gave a speech at the 1988 Republican convention? Now, what were you babbling about regarding Bill Clinton, a guy who liked sex with women....not men?
Clinton also hung out on an island with underage sex slaves.

You mean the ones who won't publically give their names?
so why do you want to defend a sexual predator?
They are victims too.......but if you are given a stolen watch....you have to return it to the actual victim...even though you did nothing wrong.....

Okay, so exactly how did the sex abuse effect the outcomes of those games again? I'm really trying to follow your fuzzy logic here.

Yes....the coaching staff is covering up for sexual assault......yeah, I want my kid to play for them.....oh, and I'll donate tons of money to their football program since their coaching staff is sooo dedicated they will sweep child rape under the rug to get that ball across the goal line.........and of course if they had informed authorities, these couches would have lost their jobs....before they won those games.....

Why do you think they covered up the child rape joe.....?
You mean like Juanita Broderick and Elizabeth Gracen.....and of course, when the victims are told to stay quiet or they will be destroyed....and hilary is the one leading that team.....you would stay quiet too....

Again, Broderick swore in an affadavit that she never had sex with Clinton in 1997. So was she lying then, or is she lying now? She also didn't remember the date it happened, she attended a fundraiser for clinton a few weeks later, and didn't tell her husband at the time.

Gracen said the sex with Clinton was consensual.
Yes....the coaching staff is covering up for sexual assault......yeah, I want my kid to play for them.....oh, and I'll donate tons of money to their football program since their coaching staff is sooo dedicated they will sweep child rape under the rug to get that ball across the goal line.........and of course if they had informed authorities, these couches would have lost their jobs....before they won those games.....

Why do you think they covered up the child rape joe.....?

Again, not seeing why the football players should be penalized, or why we need to erase games from the record like they are a Pharoah we don't want to talk about.

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