Who thinks Trump's Core Economic Policy will be more Massive Tax cus to the ultra wealthy??

it is a racket.
Republicans explode the deficit to hand out trillions of dollars to billionaires. These billionaires then donate some of that money to republicans campaign. Then they republicans give the billionaires more tax cuts, they blow up the deficit even more, and they get more campaign donations.
Now we know why republicans all oppose campaign finance reform.
Budgets are bipartisan dumbfuck
Budgets are bipartisan dumbfuck
not true dumb fuck
In 2017 Trump massive deficit exploding tax cut to billionaires passed with no dem votes retard as the republicans had the majority in everything. You are dumb as dirt a total joke.
In 2001 Bush had the majority and did the same thing, passed massive tax cuts for billionaires and blew up the deficit.

Republicans have failed miserably and their retard supporters are too stupid to even know what policies the republican vote for. You are a total joke, don't ever act like you have any knowledge of the facts because you clearly do not.
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not true dumb fuck
In 2017 Trump massive deficit exploding tax cut to billionaires passed with no dem votes retard as the republicans had the majority in everything. You are dumb as dirt a total joke.
In 2001 Bush had the majority and did the same thing, passed massive tax cuts for billionaires and blew up the deficit.

Republicans have failed mioserably and their retard supporters are too stupid to even know what policies the republican vote for. You are a total joke, don't ever act like you have any knowledge of the facts because you clearly do not.
I'm dumb as dirt but your thread the other day bragging about the booming economy was a joke. I cited 3 MAJOR factors showing it was still in decline and you ignored them.

I may or may not be smart but you're a hack and there is no doubt about that FACT.

You live in spreadsheets while 95% of Americans face the reality of inflation DAILY. Housing prices and rates make home ownership impossible for young people. New trucks are now selling for over 100k regularly when only a few years ago a fully loaded one was 50 to 70k. The commercial real-estate market is on the verge of collapse and foreclosures will soon skyrocket because of interest rates. And on and on and on.

But pencil neck book geeks like you are oblivious
it is a racket.
Republicans explode the deficit to hand out trillions of dollars to billionaires. These billionaires then donate some of that money to republicans campaign. Then they republicans give the billionaires more tax cuts, they blow up the deficit even more, and they get more campaign donations.
Now we know why republicans all oppose campaign finance reform.

These people have so much money they can just piss away 475 mill on futile political donations to loser candidates. but they need a tax cut at the expense of our countries fiscal health?? Republican policy is failed policy and the republicans are main reason why we have such massive debt.
Democrats pass all the spending, douchebag.
Democrats pass all the spending, douchebag.

Spending exploded under Trump.

Why does this not bother you?

Screen Shot 2023-10-28 at 6.33.08 PM.png

And BTW to finish this graph, government spending under Biden is waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy less than it was under Orange Jesus. But his cult followers have no idea about this because they live in an alternative reality media bubble that tells them what they want to hear because feelingz instead of facts.

Screen Shot 2023-10-28 at 6.34.11 PM.png
it is a racket.
Republicans explode the deficit to hand out trillions of dollars to billionaires. These billionaires then donate some of that money to republicans campaign. Then they republicans give the billionaires more tax cuts, they blow up the deficit even more, and they get more campaign donations.
Now we know why republicans all oppose campaign finance reform.

These people have so much money they can just piss away 475 mill on futile political donations to loser candidates. but they need a tax cut at the expense of our countries fiscal health?? Republican policy is failed policy and the republicans are main reason why we have such massive debt.
Do YOU really think that the democrats are any better? :auiqs.jpg:
If you do, you really are naïve.

You are are brainwashed, son.
Spending exploded under Trump.

Why does this not bother you?

View attachment 849960

Shutting down the economy may have had something to do with the explosion.
Don't get me wrong, republicans have the same spending problem as does the democrats.
Is that the biggest issue hypocrite lefties can come up with these days? Everyone needs a tax cut but almost nobody wants to see unregulated billions sent to corrupt Ukraine so that Hunter Biden can get his no show job back.
Democrats pass all the spending, douchebag.
yet the republicans are the ones that explode the deficit retard.
Bush inherited the Bill CLinton balanced budget and left office with trillion dollar deficits and the balanced budget destroyed. Bush passed massive spending bills
Trump started with a $600B/yr deficit and exploded the deficit to $1T pre-covid, and then $3+T/yr post covid.

Bush started with a Bill Clinton balanced budget and Trump left office with $3+T/yr deficits and they both signed off on every dollar.

Bush and Trump and the GOP have bankrupted America.
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And BTW to finish this graph, government spending under Biden is waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy less than it was under Orange Jesus. But his cult followers have no idea about this because they live in an alternative reality media bubble that tells them what they want to hear because feelingz instead of facts.

View attachment 849962
I'm dumb as dirt but your thread the other day bragging about the booming economy was a joke. I cited 3 MAJOR factors showing it was still in decline and you ignored them.

I may or may not be smart but you're a hack and there is no doubt about that FACT.

You live in spreadsheets while 95% of Americans face the reality of inflation DAILY. Housing prices and rates make home ownership impossible for young people. New trucks are now selling for over 100k regularly when only a few years ago a fully loaded one was 50 to 70k. The commercial real-estate market is on the verge of collapse and foreclosures will soon skyrocket because of interest rates. And on and on and on.

But pencil neck book geeks like you are oblivious
yet unemployment is at a 50 year low and the economy is booming and GDP is booming...

You are just a partisan hack who can't accept that Biden's economy is better than Trump's because the data proves it. You just tried to claim the dems passed Trump's massive spending bills and tax cut in 2017 and 2018... You are just a biased hack who blames all the republican's fuck ups on dems and are too jealous to admit the facts about how weak Trump's economy was and how much stronger Biden's is.

On top of that inflation was caused by Trump handing out trillions to everyone, and the FED printing record amounts of fake money under Trump. Trump was the one who handed out all the money and Trump was the one who exploded the deficit
And BTW to finish this graph, government spending under Biden is waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy less than it was under Orange Jesus. But his cult followers have no idea about this because they live in an alternative reality media bubble that tells them what they want to hear because feelingz instead of facts.
Trump's 2021 non-Covid Budget was $5T
Biden's 2022/2023 non-Covid Budget is ~$7T each

Johnson and the GOP House needs to cut $2T out of the Budget.

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