Who started WW II.

The IJA was no better. It was a first world war infantry army that was very short on logistics ability.
Still ,the Krauts and Russkies would have been so weakened that the untouched USA could have moved right in. If only McArthur or Patton had been President.
This is absolutely accurate. World War I ended with the triumph of the American Revolution. In all of Europe, the prosperity of the roaring 20s began, even in the USSR there was a NEP and the land was distributed to private property.

This did not suit the Eurocentrists, who lost power.

This is not only a continuation of 1WW, it is a continuation of the world revolution.
Try to start to study real history and not only weird ideas about history. Cities go hand in hand with a growing of freedom and not with slavery. Slavery is by the way an US-American theme - and not a German theme. Here never existed something what is comparable with your form of slavery. And what you call "dark age" and we call "late antiquity" and "middle ages" is a time where the city-lisation grew. Without this "dark age" the USA is not thinkable too. Your will to destroy all German cities - specially also the rormantic middle age cities which burned damned good - is somehow also a kind of "Freudian" problem where you tried to murder your own past and tried to castrate yourselve.
I Love the Smell of Kraut-Frying in the Morning
The IJA was no better. It was a first world war infantry army that was very short on logistics ability.
Without Beans, Bullets, and Bandages, There Is No Banzai

The Japanese officers all wanted to die in infantry glory, so only the most incompetent got put into Supply. It's like our high-rolling businessmen; accounting and other nitty-gritty processes bore them. That wheeler-deeler fantasy even affected the accountants at Enron.

If they don't sweat the small stuff, they get stuffed.
I don't recall FDR disrespecting the Japanese. He wanted them to put a stop to their invasion of China. He cut off their oil for that reason. The Japanese might have found that disrespectful, but I don't. Also the overly harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles is what led to Hitler coming to power. But even then, Hitler was never the biggest threat. Stalin was.
They sent high level delegates to meet with FDR, but he refused to see them. He sent a lower level Cabinet member to meet with them and it pissed them off!
If Patton was President ( Even 1 Term prior to Ike ) we would have been to the Moon 10-12 years earlier
Dig Deeper. The Sky Is Shallow.

How is that an achievement, except in the eyes of childish Trekkie moonbeams? We desperately need to go in the opposite direction, discovering and developing the Earth's bonanza of resources all the way down to the magma.

Those who own the present skimpy resources have stifled the competition that such a focus would inflict them with. Anti-growth pretends to be conservation, but it is nothing but a deceptive way of hoarding. "We got ours, and we're not going to let you get your own."
Airborne troops had nothing to do with the defeat of France. They weren't even used anywhere in France.

That's not my information. But who knows really what was going on in whatever war? Truth is always the first victim of a war. Or whyelse do you think are able to "crucify" human beigns other human beings in war? For example with such results:

They were used to defeat the Belgium fortress at Eban Emal. The Germans defeated France by a combination of better troops, far better leadership and good coordination between the Luftwaffe and Heer.

Why do you use "Luftwaffe" and "Heer" and not the English words "air force" and "army"?

The death knell

The what? "Totenglocke"? You are an idiot.

for the French was the Germans

For whom was for whomelse what what, abstrahot?

getting inside the French decision loop and staying there.

If you don't know: "France" comes from the name of a Germanic tribe.

The French high command was responding to moves the Germs

The what? It's enough now, super-idiot. What's your nationality?

had made two or even three steps before.
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Slavery has existed in Germany since the Neolithic, and was abolished in the 1860s.

Learn to read: I said slavery is a not German theme - it is an US-theme´because the form of the US-American slavery never existed in Germany. In 1860 the Prussians made perhaps again some idiotic "British" laws. No idea what you try to speak about.

But the state of von Bismarck is almost the same slavery of the bureaucratic state, instead of court servants.

Bismark? Little green Prussian from Aldebaran IV?
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In the US, slavery existed only in the British colonies.

But not in Britannia on her own.

That is why they drove out the British and defeated three empires to stay free.


But the British are the same German slaves.

The concrete Brits are Celts - but the abstract Brits are for a German like all other Germans (=Celtic, Germanic and Roman ancestors). The Prussian "emperor" over Germany William II for example had been a Brit and a Prussian. He was educated from his grandma Queen Victoria who he loved very much. The ideas which brought the Brits in conflict with Germany had been his British ideas.
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