Who started WW II.

FDR. That's who. It has been uncovered that there were a number of things suggested for FDR to do to goad the Japanese into attacking the U.S. All of them were done. Also, FDR knew that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor. But because that is what he wanted, he did nothing. Except make sure that our two most important ships there, our aircraft carriers, were out to sea when the attack happened.

They may have even been able to decode this message that admiral Yamamoto sent back to Japan. "The task force, keeping its movements strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow." Why was this and probably other messages sent? Probably because admiral Yamamoto himself didn't want to pull off a sneak attack. They no doubt knew that doing so is exactly what FDR would have wanted.

Though what FDR really wanted was to go to war with Germany. He saw to it that also happened. Sure, Germany may have declared war on the U.S. But we were basically already at war with them anyway. By supplying England with weapons and other supplies. No doubt a deal was also secretly made with Stalin to attack Germany. Knowing that the U.S. would support them too. A former Russian military intelligence officer named Vladmir Rezun wrote a book about it called, "Icebreaker: Who Started The Second World War." Supposedly, this book has been "debunked." But who would know better than a Russian military intelligence officer.

The whole reason reason that Germany attacked Russia was because they found out that the Russians were about to attack them! At the time, here is how the two opposing military forces stacked up against each other.

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There is absolutely no evidence to support the idea that Stalin was preparing for an attack on Germany. The Red Army was in no way organized or prepared for large scale offensive operations.

The idea that Japan didn’t want to pull off a surprise attack also flies in the fact of all available historical evidence, including the fact that they had carried out a very similar attack a few decades earlier against the Russians.
Yes. That's what most people in the U.S. are for thinking that Hitler was the bad guy.
Hitler murdering millions of innocent people makes it pretty clear that he was, in fact, the bad guy.

Even Stalin pales in comparison.
There is absolutely no evidence to support the idea that Stalin was preparing for an attack on Germany. The Red Army was in no way organized or prepared for large scale offensive operations.

The idea that Japan didn’t want to pull off a surprise attack also flies in the fact of all available historical evidence, including the fact that they had carried out a very similar attack a few decades earlier against the Russians.
Japan had been rampaging since 1934 long before the Nazis invaded Poland .
They weren't prepared for shit, because Stalin was a paranoid fucking idiot. Seems to be a trend among Russian leaders.

On the contrary, the lesson Russia learned from World War Two was that they hadn’t been paranoid enough. Hence the near pathological need for a buffer zone between their core territory and potentially hostile foreign powers. Psychologically they’ve never really recovered from what the Germans did.
There were skirmishes with Nearby Russia , The Dutch , The Koreans and even French and Portuguese and others during early years Imperial Japanese expansionism.

Yes, but those were not part of the larger global war; rather, they were their own separate incidents.

was called “ The War in the Pacific “

Which did not start until 1941

However, it is more widely accepted[e][2] that the Pacific War itself began on 7 December (8 December Japanese time) 1941, when the Japanese simultaneously invaded Thailand, and attacked the British colonies of Malaya, Singapore, and Hong Kong as well as United States military bases in Hawaii, Wake Island, Guam, and the Philippines.[39][40][41]

The Second Sino Japanese War was its own thing until then.
On the contrary, the lesson Russia learned from World War Two was that they hadn’t been paranoid enough. ....

Bullshit. They were reduced to throwing waves of poorly armed (when armed at all) farm boys at highly trained German forces because almost all mid-level field commanders had been executed by Stalin during the preceding years because he feared anyone rising to a position to challenge him. The Soviets weren't heroic in how many soldiers and civilians they lost during the war (as they try to tell themselves), they were just paying the price for Stalin's fucking stupidity.
Bullshit. They were reduced to throwing waves of poorly armed (when armed at all) farm boys at highly trained German forces because almost all mid-level field commanders had been executed by Stalin during the preceding years because he feared anyone rising to a position to challenge him. The Soviets weren't heroic in how many soldiers and civilians they lost during the war (as they try to tell themselves), they were just paying the price for Stalin's fucking stupidity.

Nope, reality. It’s why the Soviets kept such a tight leash on the Warsaw Pact states after the war. It’s why modern Russia is so desperate to keep Ukraine out of NATO. It all stems back to the trauma of Barbarossa.
FDR. That's who. It has been uncovered that there were a number of things suggested for FDR to do to goad the Japanese into attacking the U.S. All of them were done. Also, FDR knew that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor. But because that is what he wanted, he did nothing. Except make sure that our two most important ships there, our aircraft carriers, were out to sea when the attack happened.

They may have even been able to decode this message that admiral Yamamoto sent back to Japan. "The task force, keeping its movements strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow." Why was this and probably other messages sent? Probably because admiral Yamamoto himself didn't want to pull off a sneak attack. They no doubt knew that doing so is exactly what FDR would have wanted.

Though what FDR really wanted was to go to war with Germany. He saw to it that also happened. Sure, Germany may have declared war on the U.S. But we were basically already at war with them anyway. By supplying England with weapons and other supplies. No doubt a deal was also secretly made with Stalin to attack Germany. Knowing that the U.S. would support them too. A former Russian military intelligence officer named Vladmir Rezun wrote a book about it called, "Icebreaker: Who Started The Second World War." Supposedly, this book has been "debunked." But who would know better than a Russian military intelligence officer.

The whole reason reason that Germany attacked Russia was because they found out that the Russians were about to attack them! At the time, here is how the two opposing military forces stacked up against each other.

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Germany started the war, we did not enter the war for over two years. German aggression started the war. Was the rest of the world going to sit back and watch Germany conquer Europe?

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