Who Started This Forum?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Why isn't there a Liberal, Conservative, Republican, Democratic, Green, Black Panther or Libertarian forum? Is it because someone was afraid of the Tea Party and created a platform to discredit it? Just wondering...
There are forums like you suggested..They just have different urls than this one...
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They realized they were outing themselves when they were dropping every sane discussion about the tea party (you know, where nobody used the term "tea baggers") into conspiracy theories or the badlands, so they made you this thread.
It was not created by a liberal mod or admin, it was created because there were a ton of tea party threads at the time....many years ago, and this was a way to keep threads organized and easier for all of those users that were discussing the Tea Party. Only admins can create a new forum, mods can not.....and this place has only had conservatives as the head admin.
Why isn't there a Liberal, Conservative, Republican, Democratic, Green, Black Panther or Libertarian forum? Is it because someone was afraid of the Tea Party and created a platform to discredit it? Just wondering...
That's not it – members of the TPM are perfectly capable of discrediting themselves without any outside help.
There are forums like you suggested..They just have different urls than this one...

Obviously, I was referring to forums within this site. If the original rationale for this forum no longer exists, it should be discontinued. Otherwise, why not have a corresponding Libtard forum?

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