Who should Trump pardon?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
For sure Flynn. Comey admitted the FBI fucked Flynn.

Not Manaforte if he legitimately is a tax cheat.

Not Avanatti...CNN’s next President.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

How about this? Trump pardons and gives a full record expungement for EVERYONE IN AMERICA THAT WENT TO PRISON FOR LESS THAN AN OUNCE OF WEED AS A RESULT OF Biden’s 1994 Crime Bill with no violent crimes on their record.

Also, pardon the sailor who went to prison for taking a selfie on a submarine.

Assange and Snowden. They are heros.

That couple who stood in their front yard with guns while a riot was moving down their street.

He should pardon Joe Biden in advance for finger raping Tara Reade.

Who else?

If you say HIMSELF, like a faggot...you lose the internet for an entire week.
It would be such a bauce move to pardon Hillary prophylactically. (SP?)
For sure Flynn. Comey admitted the FBI fucked Flynn.

Not Manaforte if he legitimately is a tax cheat.

Not Avanatti...CNN’s next President.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

How about this? Trump pardons and gives a full record expungement for EVERYONE IN AMERICA THAT WENT TO PRISON FOR LESS THAN AN OUNCE OF WEED AS A RESULT OF Biden’s 1994 Crime Bill with no violent crimes on their record.

Also, pardon the sailor who went to prison for taking a selfie on a submarine.

Assange and Snowden. They are heros.

That couple who stood in their front yard with guns while a riot was moving down their street.

He should pardon Joe Biden in advance for finger raping Tara Reade.

Who else?

If you say HIMSELF, like a faggot...you lose the internet for an entire week.

Manafort's sentence should definitely be commuted, even if he's guilty.

He wasn't prosecuted for his tax crimes,even if guilty of them. He would have never faced trial if he hadn't been affiliated with Trump.

Further, he was locked into solitary confinement for a year by Mueller trying to break him and get him to lie about his President. That was elder abuse.
For sure Flynn. Comey admitted the FBI fucked Flynn.

Not Manaforte if he legitimately is a tax cheat.

Not Avanatti...CNN’s next President.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

How about this? Trump pardons and gives a full record expungement for EVERYONE IN AMERICA THAT WENT TO PRISON FOR LESS THAN AN OUNCE OF WEED AS A RESULT OF Biden’s 1994 Crime Bill with no violent crimes on their record.

Also, pardon the sailor who went to prison for taking a selfie on a submarine.

Assange and Snowden. They are heros.

That couple who stood in their front yard with guns while a riot was moving down their street.

He should pardon Joe Biden in advance for finger raping Tara Reade.

Who else?

If you say HIMSELF, like a faggot...you lose the internet for an entire week.

Manafort's sentence should definitely be commuted, even if he's guilty.

He wasn't prosecuted for his tax crimes,even if guilty of them. He would have never faced trial if he hadn't been affiliated with Trump.

Further, he was locked into solitary confinement for a year by Mueller trying to break him and get him to lie about his President. That was elder abuse.

You are correct. He has done enough time. I agree. I forgot about all that. The Dems are soulless ghouls.
Kyle Rittenhouse. He's actually a real American hero.
Hello dufus...Trump cannot pardon State crimes. Thus Kyle's date with Bubba is still on!

Depends on the state, fuckstick. He could have received a pardon is federal charges were also brought up.

"A president can't pardon state crimes directly, but some states would observe the effect of pardon on a state crime where there is both state and federal jurisdiction.

New York is one of those states. New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood has asked the state legislature to change that provision, to allow the state to prosecute someone for a state crime even if Trump granted a pardon for a federal crime.

"Closing the loophole would ensure that individuals who broke New York law could not evade accountability for any state crimes as a result of a strategically-timed pardon by the president," she said."

Can Trump really do that? The presidential pardon power, explained
For sure Flynn. Comey admitted the FBI fucked Flynn.

Not Manaforte if he legitimately is a tax cheat.

Not Avanatti...CNN’s next President.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

How about this? Trump pardons and gives a full record expungement for EVERYONE IN AMERICA THAT WENT TO PRISON FOR LESS THAN AN OUNCE OF WEED AS A RESULT OF Biden’s 1994 Crime Bill with no violent crimes on their record.

Also, pardon the sailor who went to prison for taking a selfie on a submarine.

Assange and Snowden. They are heros.

That couple who stood in their front yard with guns while a riot was moving down their street.

He should pardon Joe Biden in advance for finger raping Tara Reade.

Who else?

If you say HIMSELF, like a faggot...you lose the internet for an entire week.

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