Zone1 Who should receive reparations, and who should be excluded?

I’m not rich, and yet I did very well under Trump. His lowering of the corporate taxes to a globally competitive level, and elimination of some regulations, allowed companies to be more successful, meaning that stock i owned increased in value, and I was in comfortable shape for my retirement years.

But now, as the Democrats wage war on the “mean rich” corporations, combined with their unnecessary spending during high Inflation, has seen my portfolio drop by 20% in six months. Economists are warning that if the Democrats win the midterms, the market will be even more shaken.

In the meantime, the welfare recipients who refuse to work are getting a fortune in food stamps and eating better than they ever have. I know a family of seven, with four over the age of 18, and not a single one has a job - or is looking for one. They are getting rent subsidies and food stamps. If ONE of them stayed home with the kids, and the other three got jobs at target, they would have a HHI of $100,000.

Finally, I cannot consider voting for a Party whose leader calls 60 million Americans a threat to democracy. It’s shameful, and as the descendant of Holocaust victims, I see parallels to how the Democrats Re demonizing a subset - and a large one - of American citizens.
This is what Trump's tax cuts led to:


Lisa, I will say to you what I say to the anti Semites who flame on the internet: If I only voted for politicians who agree with me on everything, I would never vote.

My hatred for Trump is visceral.


I want that bounder to end his life in prison, in disgrace, and very badly in debt.

TrumpinPrison 2.jpg
Just for discussion purposes, let’s say reparations move forward. Who gets it, and who is exempt; and by the same token, which whites have to pay in and which are exempt?

Blacks to be excluded:

1) Since two out of three blacks were admitted to a college they would have been rejected from had they been white, they have already received reparations. Thus, blacks with a GPA and test score lower than ANY accepted white in their entering class clearly got in due to being black, and they will not get reparations.

2) Any black earning more than $75,000. This is about 50% more than the average earner, and thus they aren’t suffering because of past racism.

3) Any black whose family arrived here after 1965 If living in the South, or after 1865 if living in the North.

Whites who don’t have to pay reparations:

1) Any white student with a GPA above 3.4 who couldn’t get into medical school and had to give up their dream. Blacks got into med school with this GPA (some got in with a measly 3.2), and thus these whites have already paid the price.

2) Any white earning less than $50,000. They haven’t benefited from ”white privilege” and are most likely uneducated. They should not have to pay off blacks with a college degree.

3) Any white whose family arrived here after 1965 If living in the South, or 1865 if living in the North.
I feel strongly that the families of the 350 thousand union dead who died to end slavery should pay double reparations...they are the reason we have this issue today
This is what Trump's tax cuts led to:

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Lisa, I will say to you what I say to the anti Semites who flame on the internet: If I only voted for politicians who agree with me on everything, I would never vote.

My hatred for Trump is visceral.

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I want that bounder to end his life in prison, in disgrace, and very badly in debt.

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I never had sex with that woman...Ms Lewinsky...I just had a booboo on her dress
This is what Trump's tax cuts led to:

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Lisa, I will say to you what I say to the anti Semites who flame on the internet: If I only voted for politicians who agree with me on everything, I would never vote.

My hatred for Trump is visceral.

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I want that bounder to end his life in prison, in disgrace, and very badly in debt.

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He said that initially the tax cuts would result in debt increase but eventually the increased income overtakes it - as JFK proved.
I never had sex with that woman...Ms Lewinsky...I just had a booboo on her dress
The Starr Investigation was an open ended witch hunt costing forty million dollars. Ken Starr was told by the GOP to get something, anything on President Clinton. After four years of peeping into the Oval Office and rummaging through White House garbage cans, the only thing that sanctimonious bore had on Clinton was a lie Clinton told in response to a question Starr asked him, hoping Clinton would lie. The lie was not about a crime. It was about a consensual affair with a woman past the age of consent who took the initiative.

When Starr read his report to Congress I felt as though I was listening to a prim, prissy school headmaster explain with detail after boring detail why he was not impressed by my artfully composed excuse for being late to study hall.

Most Americans thought the only scandal was committed by Starr. That is why Clinton's approval rating rose following Starr's exposure. Most Americans thought that Starr should grow up and stop acting like a twelve year old boy giggling and snickering over a copy of Playboy.
He said that initially the tax cuts would result in debt increase but eventually the increased income overtakes it - as JFK proved.
What President Kennedy promised has never happened. From 1963 to 1964 President Johnson reduced the top tax rate from 91.0% to 70.0%. The top tax rate remained at 70% until 1981. From 1964 to 1879 the national debt grew from $312 billion in 1964 to $908 billion in 1980.

Ronald Reagan cut the top tax rate to 28%. During his last year in office the national debt had grown to $2,602 billion. After tax cuts for the rich by Bush II and Trump, the national debt grew to $27,748 billion during Trump's last year in office. That was 129% of America's gross domestic debt. That was higher than the 114% it was in 1945, when the Second World War ended.

The only time tax cuts for the rich resulted in declines in the national debt was during the Republican administrations from 1921 to 1928. During this time the military budget was sharply reduced. Presidents Johnson, Reagan, Bush II and Trump raised military spending. Republicans used to value balanced budgets. What happened to that?

Prosperity bought with tax cuts for the rich is credit card prosperity. It is not real. The results are not evenly distributed, as you can see from these graphs.

This is what Trump's tax cuts led to:

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Lisa, I will say to you what I say to the anti Semites who flame on the internet: If I only voted for politicians who agree with me on everything, I would never vote.

My hatred for Trump is visceral.

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I want that bounder to end his life in prison, in disgrace, and very badly in debt.

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If you look at the numbers, that's all the money the democrats in congress insisted on giving away. If Trump and the republicans hadn't fought them the numbers would be double that or more. I'm sure you don't remember all the fighting trying to get the "stimulus" amounts down.
If you look at the numbers, that's all the money the democrats in congress insisted on giving away. If Trump and the republicans hadn't fought them the numbers would be double that or more. I'm sure you don't remember all the fighting trying to get the "stimulus" amounts down.
Most Americans, including at least a large minority of Republican voters and probably a slight majority, want the government to help them get through life. Republican politicians discover this as soon as they move beyond vague generalities of "less government" and become specific about which programs they want to cut or eliminate.
It was a great decade. Taxes were slashed and the economic engine went into overdrive.
Indeed, that is when our economy was getting out of balance. Investment capital was increasing while consumer income was stagnant. This bubble lasted through the '90s. Nothing was done to correct this problem. They just tried to re-bubble the economy by adding debt to consumer income.
Most Americans, including at least a large minority of Republican voters and probably a slight majority, want the government to help them get through life. Republican politicians discover this as soon as they move beyond vague generalities of "less government" and become specific about which programs they want to cut or eliminate.
By helping people “get through life,” Republicans mean the government should maintain infrastructure, make certain civil rights are protected, investigate medicine and food for safety, fund police and firefighters, and of course defend this nation from enemies.

They do NOT mean have taxpayers pay off others’ college student loans, provide so much in food stamps and rental assistance that young adults don’t have to work, create onerous restrictions that impede small businesses, pay for illegals’ baby formula and in-hospital maternity care, and build state-of-the-art homeless shelters with gyms.
Those were people who suffered DIRECTLY from being placed in camps. The blacks clamoring for more money from whites were not slaves, nor were they victims of Jim Crow laws.

I saw an advertisement on facebook today for children of Holocaust and how they can collect money. Not to mention our perpetual payments to prop up the Zionist Entity.

Again, the blacks clamoring for more of whitey’s money were not alive from 1655 to 1865, and anyone under 60 or not living in a Jim Crowe state did not deal with that either.

You really need to stop living in the past, thank the whites who lost out in educational opportunities for the past two generations to give blacks with lower grades and scores their seats (under force of course), and correct the bad behavior among the black subclass that leads to their problems.

Uh, while I've taken IM to task for his perpetual victimhood, let's get real. You can't erase generations of systematic and institutional racism in a couple of generations.

I don't think reparations are the answer, but some things need to change.
By helping people “get through life,” Republicans mean the government should maintain infrastructure, make certain civil rights are protected, investigate medicine and food for safety, fund police and firefighters, and of course defend this nation from enemies.

They do NOT mean have taxpayers pay off others’ college student loans, provide so much in food stamps and rental assistance that young adults don’t have to work, create onerous restrictions that impede small businesses, pay for illegals’ baby formula and in-hospital maternity care, and build state-of-the-art homeless shelters with gyms.

Frankly, I'd rather the government did all that stuff than fight wars on the other side of the planet we have no stake in.

But the biggest ticket item on our Federal Budget is Social Security (1.2 Trillion) and Medicare (900 Billion), programs that benefit the middle class.

While I know the thought of Mexican babies being able to eat horrifies you, I doubt spending for that really comes to that much.

It seems like all the things that bother you are things that go to the less fortunate. Why is that?
By helping people “get through life,” Republicans mean the government should maintain infrastructure, make certain civil rights are protected, investigate medicine and food for safety, fund police and firefighters, and of course defend this nation from enemies.

They do NOT mean have taxpayers pay off others’ college student loans, provide so much in food stamps and rental assistance that young adults don’t have to work, create onerous restrictions that impede small businesses, pay for illegals’ baby formula and in-hospital maternity care, and build state-of-the-art homeless shelters with gyms.
They do mean middle class entitlements. These have been popular since the Roosevelt administration.
They do mean middle class entitlements. These have been popular since the Roosevelt administration.
You mean stuff like Medicare and Social Security, into which responsible, hard-working people paid for 40 years? i agree.

That’s a far cry from the expanded welfare state which began under Obama. He got rid of the work requirements, and now with liberals redistributing taxpayers’ earnings to people who won’t get jobs, we are in a country where people feel entitled to get other people to subsidize their rent and give them $1000 worth of food a month for their families.

Once people lose a sense of pride in working for a living, and are content to take government charity, productivity drops, as we‘ve seen, fewer goods make for higher inflation, as we’ve seen, and the country is a mess.

I’d be for an announcement stating that all welfare benefits for able- bodied adults with no children under six will stop in 30 days unless they get a job, and then the welfare amount will be adjusted down.
You mean stuff like Medicare and Social Security, into which responsible, hard-working people paid for 40 years? i agree.

That’s a far cry from the expanded welfare state which began under Obama. He got rid of the work requirements, and now with liberals redistributing taxpayers’ earnings to people who won’t get jobs, we are in a country where people feel entitled to get other people to subsidize their rent and give them $1000 worth of food a month for their families.
In a conversation with Jared Taylor Professor Arthur Jensen said that one fourth of Negroes have IQ's below 75, and at that level they cannot be educated, and it is difficult for them to learn minimum wage jobs. I would like to make sterilization a condition for accepting welfare benefits. At the very least, single mothers should not get welfare checks for their illegitimate children.

When Aid for Families with Dependent Children began during the New Deal it was specifically restricted to widows, deserted wives, and their legitimate children. We need to get back to those restrictions.

Have you ever looked at your birth certificate? I have. I like the way the box for "legitimate" had a check sign in it. My parents waited for five years after getting married before they could afford to raise a child. When Dad got his PhD. and Mom got her Masters' Degree I was born.

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