Who should I complain to?

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Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Falcaten was the only one I trusted but he is gone.

I posted in the discussion forum a article pointing out how so many of our jobs have been shipped overseas and it was moved to the humor forum...never had a post moved there before.

Is that the new place to hide posts some moderator does not like? What is funny about Americans being out of work and jobs being shipped overseas?

I dont see anything funny about it at all and I am sure some father trying to find a job to support his family would definitely not think it was funny in any way shape or form.
Hang out in the Rubber Room more often. One of the staff seems to think he is a dictator.

I never had a prob with staff before. ALL of them were excellent..except the one that likes to close threads or move them, just to be a fucking bully. He needs removed because he is no longer a moderator. He is obnoxious and a bully. Not a good combo for being on staff.

Who am I speaking of? No secrets here. DTMB. And if he is feeling especially obnoxious with my post...ban me. Whatever floats his fucking boat.
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And there is nobody to complain to because most of the complaints go to all of them..with DTMB thinking he is head honcho with flacal gone. However, flacal is not really gone. Just not here as much.
Bring back Westwall. He was a great mod. Flacal is not here most of the time. What good is he as head moderator when he is not here? Put kat in that position, get Westwall, dump DTMB.

Just my two cents. Which I can take elsewhere if what I said ruffles some feathers.
DTMB has no patience period. He's rude. Mean. Obnoxious. Which means he has been at this too long. Nothing is worse than being at a volunteer job and it begins to be someplace you don't want to be, lost patience, and in general turn into a bitter volunteer. Which he is.
Meanwhile, on topic, there was no reason to move the OPs thread to humor. As he said..what is so humorous about people losing their jobs? If it was in the wrong forum, it could have been moved to a correct one, or into badlands. But HUMOR? that was pure meanness.
good to see so many speak up....I think everyone wants a good or better board yet the voices of dissent are usually ignored or punished....I can sympathize with the mods to an extent ...a tough job and they do not get paid.

Yet that should not cause them to be deaf to serious suggestions on improving things or on legitimate protests.

Bottom line I think we should all try to work together to make this board a better place...and with the freedom of speech issues that the biden administration is going to pursue....makes this board vital in the struggle for truth in our current political clime.
You can complain to me...but I wouldn't get your hopes up....

You think shipping our jobs overseas was funny?
I didn't vote for Joe...I warned people that they will lose their jobs overnight if Joe was elected and was laughed at by Biden voters....so yes seeing how I'm comfortably retired I think its funny as hell...stupid is what stupid does....
First of all, you can not post a thread in Announcements complaining about moderation. But you know this, you are not a newbie. There are a bunch of mods. Pick one. Pick us all and send us a group email. Flacaltenn is still around and a mod.
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