Who Says Democrats Hate Black People?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
Only 94% of black Americans vote democrat.. congrats for finding one of the 6% on camera. Itā€™s as rare as catching a Bigfoot on video.

Let's wait for the exit polls in November before you pat your pets on the head.

Here's your homework:




Unless, of course, you're a Liberal,.....

"Liberals don't read books ā€“ they don't read anything ā€¦ That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."
The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

"Who Says Democrats Hate Black People?"

conservatives who think blacks are all criminals say it.

conservatives who want WHITE safe zones say it.

conservatives who say blacks should all be sent back to Africa say it

conservatives who call blacks n-----s say it

conservatives who HATE POLICE for trying to serve a warrant on cliven bundy but have NO problem with shooting black joggers say it


so...deranged lunatics and human garbage say it.....
From the Washington Post:

ā€œNo longer is a person embarrassed because theyā€™re pregnant without a husband,ā€ disgraced comedian and alleged rapist Bill Cosby said in 2004. ā€œNo longer is a boy considered an embarrassment if he tries to run away from being the father of the unmarried child.ā€ When a police officer was killed in Jersey City, in July 2014, a local television news reporter said on air that ā€œthe underlying causeā€ of the ā€œanti-cop mentality that has so contaminated Americaā€™s inner citiesā€ was ā€œyoung black men growing up without fathers.ā€ A Reuters headline from 2007 proclaimed, ā€œFather absence ā€˜decimatesā€™ black community in U.S.ā€

President Obama has been one of the biggest advocates of this idea. In a 2008 speech delivered on Fatherā€™s Day at a church on Chicagoā€™s South Side, the first viable black candidate for president of the United States chastised black fathers. Too many black fathers, he said, are missing from too many lives and too many homes. ā€œThey have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men. We know the statistics ā€” that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more likely to end up in prison,ā€ Obama said. ā€œThey are more likely to have behavioral problems, or run away from home or become teenage parents themselves. And the foundations of our community are weaker because of it.ā€

Which party made certain that this happened?

Democrat Party.

....particularly Democrat Lyndon Johnson.

1966 LBJ expanded the Aid to Families with Dependent Children programā€¦under FDR, AFDC had been limited to widows, those who had lost their husbands and now lacked a breadwinner at home to help support the children.

Then began to loosen and expand the rules of AFDC eligibility, eventually getting to the point where any woman living alone with children could take advantage of this program. In doing so, they not only bought a large number of new votes, they also incentivized out of wedlock births and single motherhood.

As Charles Murray described in ā€œLosing Ground,ā€ the Great Society incentivized the same negative behaviors that cause poverty in the first place.

Millions of women discovered that they could be better off financially by not marrying.

Prior to 1957, LBJ ā€œhad never supported civil rights legislation- any civil rights legislation. In the Senate and House alike, his record was an unbroken one of votes against every civil rights bill that had ever come to a vote: against voting rights bills; against bills that would have struck at job discrimination and at segregation in other areas of American life; even against bills that would have protected blacks from lynching.ā€
Robert Caro, ā€œMaster of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, vol.3,ā€ p. xv.

So, what happened? An epiphany? The cynic in me says it was something elseā€¦In 1964, he received 96% of the black vote, a record in presidential elections until 2008.

That lady in the OP understands the Democrats.
Who would have thought that a subversive fifth columnist would try to point a finger at others for being racist when she herself is racist?

From what I understand the help the govt. gives is voluntary and is not mandatory. As far as not having a Dad I too did not have one as my parents were divorced before I was two...Yet it didn't ruin my life nor did it make me anti-cop, the cops did a great job at that themselves.
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The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

"Who Says Democrats Hate Black People?"

conservatives who think blacks are all criminals say it.

conservatives who want WHITE safe zones say it.

conservatives who say blacks should all be sent back to Africa say it

conservatives who call blacks n-----s say it

conservatives who HATE POLICE for trying to serve a warrant on cliven bundy but have NO problem with shooting black joggers say it


so...deranged lunatics and human garbage say it.....

That is there only attack points to counter their dislike of anyone rocking the boat they steer.
Who would have thought that a subversive fifth columnist would try to point a finger at others for being racist when she herself is racist?

From what I understand the help the govt. gives is voluntary and is not mandatory. As far as not having a Dad I too did not have one as my parents were divorced before I was two...Yet it didn't ruin my life nor did it make me anti-cop, the cops did a great job at that themselves.
Oh shut up!. You filth cry racism 24 hours a day.
Who would have thought that a subversive fifth columnist would try to point a finger at others for being racist when she herself is racist?

From what I understand the help the govt. gives is voluntary and is not mandatory. As far as not having a Dad I too did not have one as my parents were divorced before I was two...Yet it didn't ruin my life nor did it make me anti-cop, the cops did a great job at that themselves.
Oh shut up!. You filth cry racism 24 hours a day.
She has proven herself to be racist and so have you...I am sure you are both proud. Yet not having a dad doesn't make a human a criminal considering that criminality comes from single and two parent homes.
Here's Biden accidentally speaking the truth:

"When Biden was asked by The Washington Post about the discrepancy in school performance in Iowa compared to schools in Washington, D.C., the Democrat cited the high population of African-Americans and other minorities in the D.C. area.
Biden said, ā€œThereā€™s less than one percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than four of five percent that are minorities. What is in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what youā€™re dealing with.ā€

He added, ā€œWhen you have children coming from dysfunctional homes, when you have children coming from homes where thereā€™s no books, where the mother from the time theyā€™re born doesnā€™t talk to them ā€” as opposed to the mother in Iowa whoā€™s sitting out there and talks to them, the kid starts out with a 300-word larger vocabulary at age three. Half this education gap exists before the kid steps foot in the classroom.ā€
"Actor Denzel Washington stressed the prison system was not to blame for crime in black communities, stressing the importance of properly raising children at home, ...

ā€œIt starts in the home,ā€ the two-time Oscar-winner told The Grio. ā€œIf the father is not in the home, the boy will find a father in the streets. I saw it in my generation and every generation before me, and every one since.ā€

ā€œIf the streets raise you, then the judge becomes your mother and prison becomes your home,ā€ 62-year-old Washington added.

...Washington said that positive changes for the black community begins with how children are raised.

ā€œIt starts with how you raise your children. If a young man doesnā€™t have a father figure, heā€™ll go find a father figure,ā€ the actor said.

ā€œSo you know I canā€™t blame the system,ā€ he continued. ā€œItā€™s unfortunate that we make such easy work for them.ā€

You can trace the problem directly to Democrat policies.
The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

"Who Says Democrats Hate Black People?"

conservatives who think blacks are all criminals say it.

conservatives who want WHITE safe zones say it.

conservatives who say blacks should all be sent back to Africa say it

conservatives who call blacks n-----s say it

conservatives who HATE POLICE for trying to serve a warrant on cliven bundy but have NO problem with shooting black joggers say it


so...deranged lunatics and human garbage say it.....

Yeah....since none of those people exist in conservative mainstream, or even the fringe, you post is really, really stupid.

Do you always mix your meds with your booze?
The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

That lady got a foundation or GoFundMe I can support her at?
The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

"Who Says Democrats Hate Black People?"

conservatives who think blacks are all criminals say it.

conservatives who want WHITE safe zones say it.

conservatives who say blacks should all be sent back to Africa say it

conservatives who call blacks n-----s say it

conservatives who HATE POLICE for trying to serve a warrant on cliven bundy but have NO problem with shooting black joggers say it


so...deranged lunatics and human garbage say it.....

Oh, that's rich. "Conservatives are the ones who think blacks are all criminals, and that's why THEY say Democrats hate black people." No, shitheel, conservatives say Democrats hate black people because DEMOCRATS think all blacks are criminals. You don't see conservatives on TV prattling about how black criminals represent the entire black community. Conservatives condemn black criminals the same as we do any other race because we know they AREN'T the black community.

Who are these "conservatives who want white safe zones"? I for one am sick and almighty tired of you leftists and your fucking straw men. "I'm afraid to talk to real conservatives, so I'm going to invent one to pretend to fight."

I hate to break it to you, Sparky, but the people saying that Democrats hate black people are those who've listened to Democrats talk.

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