Who say this regime hasn't learned anything from Iran?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2012
Near Magnolia, TX
This regime has definitely learned quite a bit form it's failed dealings with Iran. Give us everything we want and then we'll talk about talking This is the exact attitude the regime is taking with congress on his illegal executive actions. He is demanding everything he wants and then he says he'll talk about them.

Now it seems that congress is acting just like the dear leader is with Iran, they are surrendering by degrees. They were elected to put a stop to this crap and it's way past time they do exactly that, what ever it takes. If the dear leader is satisfied to refuse funding to DHS to preserve his lawlessness congress should accommodate him and force him to live with that decision. We know the propaganda the MSM will engage in but that should not alter the course of congress.

What do you think?
Silence from the commiecrats is deafening. What's wrong folks, no rebuttal?
I will let the former Mossad chief do my talking
Former Mossad head urges Israeli voters to oust Binyamin Netanyahu World news The Guardian
A former head of Israel’s foreign intelligence service Mossad is urging voters to oustBinyamin Netanyahu in the next general election, accusing the prime minister of endangering the country’s security with his stance on the Iranian nuclear programme.

Meir Dagan, a vocal critic of Netanyahu’s Iran policy since stepping down as Mossad chief four years ago, is to be a keynote speaker at a rally in Tel Aviv next weekend, calling on the public to turf the prime minister out of office on 17 March.

Netanyahu was due to fly to Washington on Friday.

In a trenchant critique of Netanyahu’s leadership, delivered in a long interview in Israel’s biggest-selling newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, Dagan said the prime minister’s policies were “destructive to the future and security of Israel”.

Netanyahu’s planned speech has brought the already uncomfortable state of relations with the Obama administration to a new low amid suspicion that the speech – at the invitation of Republican house speaker John Boehner – was designed to enhance the Israeli prime minister’s electoral prospects.

Netanyahu has said he believes that his speech is necessary to strengthen opposition to a potential nuclear deal with Iran being negotiated by the US and key allies.

The intervention by Dagan – who ended his tenure as the head of Mossad in 2011 – is doubly significant because he shares the prime minister’s view over the risk posed by a nuclear Iran and is regarded as generally hawkish on defence and security matters.

Netanyahu has made security and the Iranian nuclear programme – and the US-led negotiations to contain it – his key election issue.

Recent days have also seen anonymous criticism of Netanyahu’s speech from serving intelligence officers as well as from former diplomats and political figures inIsrael, including Isaac Herzog, the leader of the opposition.

Saying that he was aware that Israel was already “paying a high price” over the confrontation with the Obama administration – albeit in ways he could not disclose – Dagan said: “The person causing the most strategic harm to Israel on the Iranian issue is the prime minister.

“As someone who has served Israel in various security capacities for 45 years, including during the country’s most difficult hours, I feel that we are now at a critical point regarding our existence and our security.

“Our standing in the world is not brilliant right now. The question of Israel’s legitimacy is up for debate. We should not erode our relations with our most important friend. Certainly not in public, certainly not by becoming involved in its domestic politics. This is not proper behaviour for a prime minister.”

Insisting he held no personal animus towards Netanyahu, who had helped him get a liver transplant, he said: “I have no personal issue with the prime minister, his wife, his spending and the way he conducts himself. I’m talking about the country he leads.

“An Israeli prime minister who clashes with the US administration has to ask himself what the risks are. On the matter of settlements, there is no difference between the two [US] parties. And even so, they provide us with a veto umbrella. In a situation of a confrontation, this umbrella is liable to vanish, and within a short time, Israel could find itself facing international sanctions.

“The risks of such a clash are intolerable. We are already today paying a high price. Some of them I know and cannot elaborate.

“I would not have confronted the United States and its president. Netanyahu may get applause in Congress, but all the power is in the White House. What will Netanyahu gain by addressing Congress? I just don’t understand it. Is his goal to get a standing ovation? This trip to Washington is doomed to failure.”

Dagan’s intervention follows that of fellow former Mossad head Shabtai Shavit and the former head of the elite Sayeret Matkal commando unit who are among scores of former commanders involved in a video published on Facebook calling for Israel to replace Netanyahu.

Netanyahu’s determination to push on with his speech has seen unusually critical remarks from senior US administration officials in the last week who have gone out of their way to express their displeasure.

Among them was John Kerry, the secretary of state, who openly questioned Netanyahu’s judgment on the issue, and Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice who warned that it was “destructive to the fabric” of US-Israeli relations.

Netanyahu’s plans to speak to Congress have also irritated many Democratic party members who view the speech as a partisan intervention in US politics on the side of the Republican party, prompting a number of Democrats to say they would not attend the speech.

The speech is also being snubbed by Obama and Joe Biden, his vice president.

After leaving Mossad, Dagan went public with his criticism of Netanyahu’s Iran policy, saying a military attack on Iran was “the stupidest thing I have ever heard
Iran has every right to build the bomb there Tex. That's one thing that nations do, build weapons.

NO, it doesn't! When they threaten to BOMB our ALLY they DO NOT have a right!
Ah, yes, they do, and since we are the only nation to ever use the bloody things we have no right to tell them what to do. We can sure try of course, and are, but we have no right to. They don't have the right to tell us what to build either. See how that works now?

Oh but that can't be true, all Jews hate Iran and love Israel, except for the Jews that hate Israel and don't hate the Persians and Arabs. Those damn Jews, and their antisemitism.

Dagan’s intervention follows that of fellow former Mossad head Shabtai Shavit and the former head of the elite Sayeret Matkal commando unit who are among scores of former commanders involved in a video published on Facebook calling for Israel to replace Netanyahu.

Where is Texarse?
This regime has definitely learned quite a bit form it's failed dealings with Iran. Give us everything we want and then we'll talk about talking This is the exact attitude the regime is taking with congress on his illegal executive actions. He is demanding everything he wants and then he says he'll talk about them.

Now it seems that congress is acting just like the dear leader is with Iran, they are surrendering by degrees. They were elected to put a stop to this crap and it's way past time they do exactly that, what ever it takes. If the dear leader is satisfied to refuse funding to DHS to preserve his lawlessness congress should accommodate him and force him to live with that decision. We know the propaganda the MSM will engage in but that should not alter the course of congress.

What do you think?

1) our security should not be a political football.
2) the Prez, unlike most in congress, will not have to run for reelection on the consequences of what a DHS shutdown may bring.
3) Obama may believe he was elected, in large part, to find a peaceful solution (at any cost) to the Iran problem. He wants his legacy.
This regime has definitely learned quite a bit form it's failed dealings with Iran. Give us everything we want and then we'll talk about talking This is the exact attitude the regime is taking with congress on his illegal executive actions. He is demanding everything he wants and then he says he'll talk about them.

Now it seems that congress is acting just like the dear leader is with Iran, they are surrendering by degrees. They were elected to put a stop to this crap and it's way past time they do exactly that, what ever it takes. If the dear leader is satisfied to refuse funding to DHS to preserve his lawlessness congress should accommodate him and force him to live with that decision. We know the propaganda the MSM will engage in but that should not alter the course of congress.

What do you think?

1) our security should not be a political football.
2) the Prez, unlike most in congress, will not have to run for reelection on the consequences of what a DHS shutdown may bring.
3) Obama may believe he was elected, in large part, to find a peaceful solution (at any cost) to the Iran problem. He wants his legacy.
What are those "any costs" pule? upsetting Rudy and the rest of you christonazi's
Iran has every right to build the bomb there Tex. That's one thing that nations do, build weapons.

Maybe you should actually read the OP, the only thing mentioned in it that concerns Iran are the tactics they are using negotiating with this regime. The primary point is your dear leader is using the same tactics in negotiating with congress over his lawless executive actions and DHS.
Silence from the commiecrats is deafening. What's wrong folks, no rebuttal?
I will let the former Mossad chief do my talking
Former Mossad head urges Israeli voters to oust Binyamin Netanyahu World news The Guardian
A former head of Israel’s foreign intelligence service Mossad is urging voters to oustBinyamin Netanyahu in the next general election, accusing the prime minister of endangering the country’s security with his stance on the Iranian nuclear programme.

Meir Dagan, a vocal critic of Netanyahu’s Iran policy since stepping down as Mossad chief four years ago, is to be a keynote speaker at a rally in Tel Aviv next weekend, calling on the public to turf the prime minister out of office on 17 March.

Netanyahu was due to fly to Washington on Friday.

In a trenchant critique of Netanyahu’s leadership, delivered in a long interview in Israel’s biggest-selling newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, Dagan said the prime minister’s policies were “destructive to the future and security of Israel”.

Netanyahu’s planned speech has brought the already uncomfortable state of relations with the Obama administration to a new low amid suspicion that the speech – at the invitation of Republican house speaker John Boehner – was designed to enhance the Israeli prime minister’s electoral prospects.

Netanyahu has said he believes that his speech is necessary to strengthen opposition to a potential nuclear deal with Iran being negotiated by the US and key allies.

The intervention by Dagan – who ended his tenure as the head of Mossad in 2011 – is doubly significant because he shares the prime minister’s view over the risk posed by a nuclear Iran and is regarded as generally hawkish on defence and security matters.

Netanyahu has made security and the Iranian nuclear programme – and the US-led negotiations to contain it – his key election issue.

Recent days have also seen anonymous criticism of Netanyahu’s speech from serving intelligence officers as well as from former diplomats and political figures inIsrael, including Isaac Herzog, the leader of the opposition.

Saying that he was aware that Israel was already “paying a high price” over the confrontation with the Obama administration – albeit in ways he could not disclose – Dagan said: “The person causing the most strategic harm to Israel on the Iranian issue is the prime minister.

“As someone who has served Israel in various security capacities for 45 years, including during the country’s most difficult hours, I feel that we are now at a critical point regarding our existence and our security.

“Our standing in the world is not brilliant right now. The question of Israel’s legitimacy is up for debate. We should not erode our relations with our most important friend. Certainly not in public, certainly not by becoming involved in its domestic politics. This is not proper behaviour for a prime minister.”

Insisting he held no personal animus towards Netanyahu, who had helped him get a liver transplant, he said: “I have no personal issue with the prime minister, his wife, his spending and the way he conducts himself. I’m talking about the country he leads.

“An Israeli prime minister who clashes with the US administration has to ask himself what the risks are. On the matter of settlements, there is no difference between the two [US] parties. And even so, they provide us with a veto umbrella. In a situation of a confrontation, this umbrella is liable to vanish, and within a short time, Israel could find itself facing international sanctions.

“The risks of such a clash are intolerable. We are already today paying a high price. Some of them I know and cannot elaborate.

“I would not have confronted the United States and its president. Netanyahu may get applause in Congress, but all the power is in the White House. What will Netanyahu gain by addressing Congress? I just don’t understand it. Is his goal to get a standing ovation? This trip to Washington is doomed to failure.”

Dagan’s intervention follows that of fellow former Mossad head Shabtai Shavit and the former head of the elite Sayeret Matkal commando unit who are among scores of former commanders involved in a video published on Facebook calling for Israel to replace Netanyahu.

Netanyahu’s determination to push on with his speech has seen unusually critical remarks from senior US administration officials in the last week who have gone out of their way to express their displeasure.

Among them was John Kerry, the secretary of state, who openly questioned Netanyahu’s judgment on the issue, and Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice who warned that it was “destructive to the fabric” of US-Israeli relations.

Netanyahu’s plans to speak to Congress have also irritated many Democratic party members who view the speech as a partisan intervention in US politics on the side of the Republican party, prompting a number of Democrats to say they would not attend the speech.

The speech is also being snubbed by Obama and Joe Biden, his vice president.

After leaving Mossad, Dagan went public with his criticism of Netanyahu’s Iran policy, saying a military attack on Iran was “the stupidest thing I have ever heard

See post 16.
Iran has every right to build the bomb there Tex. That's one thing that nations do, build weapons.

Maybe you should actually read the OP, the only thing mentioned in it that concerns Iran are the tactics they are using negotiating with this regime. The primary point is your dear leader is using the same tactics in negotiating with congress over his lawless executive actions and DHS.
drivel texarse

Oh but that can't be true, all Jews hate Iran and love Israel, except for the Jews that hate Israel and don't hate the Persians and Arabs. Those damn Jews, and their antisemitism.

Persians are not Semites and only Nazi scum play semantics with the term "anti-Semite." Your mindless hate has once again been duly noted, Princess.

1. discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews.
After leaving Mossad, Dagan went public with his criticism of Netanyahu’s Iran policy, saying a military attack on Iran was “the stupidest thing I have ever heard

It only takes a nanosecond for the Loony Left cabal to turn any thread into an Israel or Jooo hate-fest. Soooo predictable.

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